utils.rsuse crate::kinematic_traits::{Joints, Solutions};
use nalgebra::{Isometry3, UnitQuaternion, Vector6};
pub(crate) mod opw_kinematics {
use crate::kinematic_traits::Joints;
pub fn is_valid(qs: &Joints) -> bool {
qs.iter().all(|&q| q.is_finite())
pub fn joints(angles: &[f32; 6]) -> Joints {
(angles[0] as f64).to_radians(),
(angles[1] as f64).to_radians(),
(angles[2] as f64).to_radians(),
(angles[3] as f64).to_radians(),
(angles[4] as f64).to_radians(),
(angles[5] as f64).to_radians(),
pub fn to_degrees(angles: &Joints) -> [f32; 6] {
angles[0].to_degrees() as f32,
angles[1].to_degrees() as f32,
angles[2].to_degrees() as f32,
angles[3].to_degrees() as f32,
angles[4].to_degrees() as f32,
angles[5].to_degrees() as f32,
pub fn dump_solutions(solutions: &Solutions) {
if solutions.is_empty() {
println!("No solutions");
for sol_idx in {
let mut row_str = String::new();
for joint_idx in 0..6 {
let computed = solutions[sol_idx][joint_idx];
row_str.push_str(&format!("{:5.2} ", computed.to_degrees()));
println!("[{}]", row_str.trim_end());
pub fn dump_solutions_degrees(solutions: &Solutions) {
if solutions.is_empty() {
println!("No solutions");
for sol_idx in {
let mut row_str = String::new();
for joint_idx in 0..6 {
let computed = solutions[sol_idx][joint_idx];
row_str.push_str(&format!("{:5.2} ", computed));
println!("[{}]", row_str.trim_end());
pub fn dump_joints(joints: &Joints) {
let mut row_str = String::new();
for joint_idx in 0..6 {
let computed = joints[joint_idx];
row_str.push_str(&format!("{:5.2} ", computed.to_degrees()));
println!("[{}]", row_str.trim_end());
pub fn dump_pose(isometry: &Isometry3<f64>) {
let translation = isometry.translation.vector;
let rotation: UnitQuaternion<f64> = isometry.rotation;
"x: {:.5}, y: {:.5}, z: {:.5}, quat: {:.5},{:.5},{:.5},{:.5}",
translation.x, translation.y, translation.z, rotation.i, rotation.j, rotation.k, rotation.w
pub fn as_radians(degrees: [i32; 6]) -> Joints {
std::array::from_fn(|i| (degrees[i] as f64).to_radians())
pub(crate) fn deg(x: &f64) -> String {
if *x == 0.0 {
return "0".to_string();
format!("deg({:.4})", x.to_degrees())
pub fn vector6_to_joints(v: Vector6<f64>) -> Joints {
[v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]]
pub fn joints_to_vector6(j: Joints) -> nalgebra::Vector6<f64> {
Vector6::new(j[0], j[1], j[2], j[3], j[4], j[5])
pub fn transition_costs(from: &Joints, to: &Joints, coefficients: &Joints) -> f64 {
[(from[0] - to[0]).abs() * coefficients[0]
+ (from[1] - to[1]).abs() * coefficients[1]
+ (from[2] - to[2]).abs() * coefficients[2]
+ (from[3] - to[3]).abs() * coefficients[3]
+ (from[4] - to[4]).abs() * coefficients[4]
+ (from[5] - to[5]).abs() * coefficients[5]]
.fold(f64::NEG_INFINITY, |a, &b| a.max(b))
pub fn assert_pose_eq(ta: &Isometry3<f64>, tb: &Isometry3<f64>,
distance_tolerance: f64, angular_tolerance: f64) -> bool {
fn bad(ta: &Isometry3<f64>, tb: &Isometry3<f64>) {
let translation_distance = (ta.translation.vector - tb.translation.vector).norm();
let angular_distance = ta.rotation.angle_to(&tb.rotation);
if translation_distance.abs() > distance_tolerance {
bad(ta, tb);
panic!("Poses have too different translations");
if angular_distance.abs() > angular_tolerance {
bad(ta, tb);
panic!("Poses have too different angles");
mod tests {
use super::opw_kinematics::*;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
fn test_is_valid_with_all_finite() {
let qs = [0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.5, -0.5, PI];
fn test_is_valid_with_nan() {
let qs = [0.0, f64::NAN, 1.0, -1.0, 0.5, -0.5];
fn test_is_valid_with_infinity() {
let qs = [0.0, f64::INFINITY, 1.0, -1.0, 0.5, -0.5];