pub fn cbc_encryptor<X: PaddingProcessor + Send + 'static>(
key_size: KeySize,
key: &[u8],
iv: &[u8],
padding: X,
) -> Box<dyn Encryptor + 'static>
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Get the best implementation of a CbcEncryptor
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fn encrypt(data: &[u8], key: &[u8], iv: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, symmetriccipher::SymmetricCipherError> {
// Create an encryptor instance of the best performing
// type available for the platform.
let mut encryptor = aes::cbc_encryptor(
// Each encryption operation encrypts some data from
// an input buffer into an output buffer. Those buffers
// must be instances of RefReaderBuffer and RefWriteBuffer
// (respectively) which keep track of how much data has been
// read from or written to them.
let mut final_result = Vec::<u8>::new();
let mut read_buffer = buffer::RefReadBuffer::new(data);
let mut buffer = [0; 4096];
let mut write_buffer = buffer::RefWriteBuffer::new(&mut buffer);
// Each encryption operation will "make progress". "Making progress"
// is a bit loosely defined, but basically, at the end of each operation
// either BufferUnderflow or BufferOverflow will be returned (unless
// there was an error). If the return value is BufferUnderflow, it means
// that the operation ended while wanting more input data. If the return
// value is BufferOverflow, it means that the operation ended because it
// needed more space to output data. As long as the next call to the encryption
// operation provides the space that was requested (either more input data
// or more output space), the operation is guaranteed to get closer to
// completing the full operation - ie: "make progress".
// Here, we pass the data to encrypt to the enryptor along with a fixed-size
// output buffer. The 'true' flag indicates that the end of the data that
// is to be encrypted is included in the input buffer (which is true, since
// the input data includes all the data to encrypt). After each call, we copy
// any output data to our result Vec. If we get a BufferOverflow, we keep
// going in the loop since it means that there is more work to do. We can
// complete as soon as we get a BufferUnderflow since the encryptor is telling
// us that it stopped processing data due to not having any more data in the
// input buffer.
loop {
let result = try!(encryptor.encrypt(&mut read_buffer, &mut write_buffer, true));
// "write_buffer.take_read_buffer().take_remaining()" means:
// from the writable buffer, create a new readable buffer which
// contains all data that has been written, and then access all
// of that data as a slice.
final_result.extend(write_buffer.take_read_buffer().take_remaining().iter().map(|&i| i));
match result {
BufferResult::BufferUnderflow => break,
BufferResult::BufferOverflow => { }