Expand description
Module for working with VCF or BCF headers.
From the header of a VCF file we can
- Output sample count of a VCF file
- Output sample names of a VCF file
- Output sample index given a sample name of a VCF file.
use crate::rust_htslib::bcf::{Reader, Read};
use std::io::Read as IoRead;
let path = &"test/test_string.vcf";
let mut bcf = Reader::from_path(path).expect("Error opening file.");
let header = bcf.header();
assert_eq!(header.sample_count(), 2); // Sample count
let mut s = String::new();
for (i, mut x) in header.samples().into_iter().enumerate() {
x.read_to_string(&mut s); // Read sample name in to `s`
println!("{}", s); // output sample name
assert_eq!(header.sample_id(b"one").unwrap(), 0); // Sample index wrapped in Option<usize>
assert_eq!(header.sample_id(b"two").unwrap(), 1); // Sample index wrapped in Option<usize>
assert!(header.sample_id(b"non existent sample").is_none()); // Return none if not found
assert_eq!(header.contig_count(), 1); // Number of contig in header.
// obtain the data type of an INFO field
let (tag_type, tag_length) = header.info_type(b"S1").unwrap();
let (fmt_type, fmt_length) = header.format_type(b"GT").unwrap();
- Header
- A BCF header.
- Header
View - Id
- A newtype for IDs from BCF headers.
- Header
Record - A header record.
- TagLength
- TagType