//! Allows access to the Rayon's thread local value
//! which is preserved when moving jobs across threads
use std::{cell::Cell, ptr};
thread_local!(pub static TLV: Cell<*const ()> = const { Cell::new(ptr::null()) });
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Tlv(pub(crate) *const ());
impl Tlv {
pub(crate) fn null() -> Self {
unsafe impl Sync for Tlv {}
unsafe impl Send for Tlv {}
/// Sets the current thread-local value
pub(crate) fn set(value: Tlv) {
TLV.with(|tlv| tlv.set(value.0));
/// Returns the current thread-local value
pub(crate) fn get() -> Tlv {
TLV.with(|tlv| Tlv(tlv.get()))