use serde::Serialize;
macro_rules! create_config {
($($i:ident: $ty:ty, $def:expr, $stb:expr, $( $dstring:expr ),+ );+ $(;)*) => {
#[derive(Serialize, Default)]
pub struct Config {
#[doc = $dstring]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub $i: Option<$ty>,
impl Config {
pub(crate) fn unstable(&self) -> bool {
|| (!$stb && self.$i.is_some())
pub(crate) fn list_unstable(&self) -> String {
let mut list = Vec::new();
if !$stb && self.$i.is_some() {
list.join(", ")
create_config! {
max_width: usize, 100, true, "Maximum width of each line";
hard_tabs: bool, false, true, "Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment";
tab_spaces: usize, 4, true, "Number of spaces per tab";
newline_style: NewlineStyle, NewlineStyle::Auto, true, "Unix or Windows line endings";
indent_style: IndentStyle, IndentStyle::Block, false, "How do we indent expressions or items";
use_small_heuristics: Heuristics, Heuristics::Default, true, "Whether to use different \
formatting for items and expressions if they satisfy a heuristic notion of 'small'";
fn_call_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum width of the args of a function call before \
falling back to vertical formatting.";
attr_fn_like_width: usize, 70, true, "Maximum width of the args of a function-like \
attributes before falling back to vertical formatting.";
struct_lit_width: usize, 18, true, "Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before \
falling back to vertical formatting.";
struct_variant_width: usize, 35, true, "Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before \
falling back to vertical formatting.";
array_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum width of an array literal before falling \
back to vertical formatting.";
chain_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum length of a chain to fit on a single line.";
single_line_if_else_max_width: usize, 50, true, "Maximum line length for single line if-else \
expressions. A value of zero means always break if-else expressions.";
wrap_comments: bool, false, false, "Break comments to fit on the line";
format_code_in_doc_comments: bool, false, false, "Format the code snippet in doc comments.";
doc_comment_code_block_width: usize, 100, false, "Maximum width for code snippets in doc \
comments. No effect unless format_code_in_doc_comments = true";
comment_width: usize, 80, false,
"Maximum length of comments. No effect unless wrap_comments = true";
normalize_comments: bool, false, false, "Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible";
normalize_doc_attributes: bool, false, false, "Normalize doc attributes as doc comments";
format_strings: bool, false, false, "Format string literals where necessary";
format_macro_matchers: bool, false, false,
"Format the metavariable matching patterns in macros";
format_macro_bodies: bool, true, false, "Format the bodies of macros";
hex_literal_case: HexLiteralCase, HexLiteralCase::Preserve, false,
"Format hexadecimal integer literals";
empty_item_single_line: bool, true, false,
"Put empty-body functions and impls on a single line";
struct_lit_single_line: bool, true, false,
"Put small struct literals on a single line";
fn_single_line: bool, false, false, "Put single-expression functions on a single line";
where_single_line: bool, false, false, "Force where-clauses to be on a single line";
imports_indent: IndentStyle, IndentStyle::Block, false, "Indent of imports";
imports_layout: ListTactic, ListTactic::Mixed, false, "Item layout inside a import block";
imports_granularity: ImportGranularity, ImportGranularity::Preserve, false,
"Merge or split imports to the provided granularity";
group_imports: GroupImportsTactic, GroupImportsTactic::Preserve, false,
"Controls the strategy for how imports are grouped together";
merge_imports: bool, false, false, "(deprecated: use imports_granularity instead)";
reorder_imports: bool, true, true, "Reorder import and extern crate statements alphabetically";
reorder_modules: bool, true, true, "Reorder module statements alphabetically in group";
reorder_impl_items: bool, false, false, "Reorder impl items";
type_punctuation_density: TypeDensity, TypeDensity::Wide, false,
"Determines if '+' or '=' are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types";
space_before_colon: bool, false, false, "Leave a space before the colon";
space_after_colon: bool, true, false, "Leave a space after the colon";
spaces_around_ranges: bool, false, false, "Put spaces around the .. and ..= range operators";
binop_separator: SeparatorPlace, SeparatorPlace::Front, false,
"Where to put a binary operator when a binary expression goes multiline";
remove_nested_parens: bool, true, true, "Remove nested parens";
combine_control_expr: bool, true, false, "Combine control expressions with function calls";
short_array_element_width_threshold: usize, 10, true,
"Width threshold for an array element to be considered short";
overflow_delimited_expr: bool, false, false,
"Allow trailing bracket/brace delimited expressions to overflow";
struct_field_align_threshold: usize, 0, false,
"Align struct fields if their diffs fits within threshold";
enum_discrim_align_threshold: usize, 0, false,
"Align enum variants discrims, if their diffs fit within threshold";
match_arm_blocks: bool, true, false, "Wrap the body of arms in blocks when it does not fit on \
the same line with the pattern of arms";
match_arm_leading_pipes: MatchArmLeadingPipe, MatchArmLeadingPipe::Never, true,
"Determines whether leading pipes are emitted on match arms";
force_multiline_blocks: bool, false, false,
"Force multiline closure bodies and match arms to be wrapped in a block";
fn_args_layout: Density, Density::Tall, true,
"Control the layout of arguments in a function";
brace_style: BraceStyle, BraceStyle::SameLineWhere, false, "Brace style for items";
control_brace_style: ControlBraceStyle, ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysSameLine, false,
"Brace style for control flow constructs";
trailing_semicolon: bool, true, false,
"Add trailing semicolon after break, continue and return";
trailing_comma: SeparatorTactic, SeparatorTactic::Vertical, false,
"How to handle trailing commas for lists";
match_block_trailing_comma: bool, false, true,
"Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)";
blank_lines_upper_bound: usize, 1, false,
"Maximum number of blank lines which can be put between items";
blank_lines_lower_bound: usize, 0, false,
"Minimum number of blank lines which must be put between items";
edition: Edition, Edition::Edition2015, true, "The edition of the parser (RFC 2052)";
version: Version, Version::One, false, "Version of formatting rules";
inline_attribute_width: usize, 0, false,
"Write an item and its attribute on the same line \
if their combined width is below a threshold";
format_generated_files: bool, true, false, "Format generated files";
merge_derives: bool, true, true, "Merge multiple `#[derive(...)]` into a single one";
use_try_shorthand: bool, false, true, "Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand";
use_field_init_shorthand: bool, false, true, "Use field initialization shorthand if possible";
force_explicit_abi: bool, true, true, "Always print the abi for extern items";
condense_wildcard_suffixes: bool, false, false, "Replace strings of _ wildcards by a single .. \
in tuple patterns";
macro_rules! make_enum {
($name:ident $(, $v:ident)+) => {
pub enum $name {
$( $v, )*
make_enum!(NewlineStyle, Auto, Windows, Unix, Native);
make_enum!(IndentStyle, Visual, Block);
make_enum!(Heuristics, Off, Max, Default);
make_enum!(HexLiteralCase, Preserve, Upper, Lower);
make_enum!(ListTactic, Vertical, Horizontal, HorizontalVertical, Mixed);
make_enum!(ImportGranularity, Preserve, Crate, Module, Item, One);
make_enum!(GroupImportsTactic, Preserve, StdExternalCrate, One);
make_enum!(TypeDensity, Compressed, Wide);
make_enum!(SeparatorPlace, Front, Back);
make_enum!(MatchArmLeadingPipe, Always, Never, Preserve);
make_enum!(Density, Compressed, Tall, Vertical);
make_enum!(BraceStyle, AlwaysNextLine, PreferSameLine, SameLineWhere);
make_enum!(SeparatorTactic, Always, Never, Vertical);
make_enum!(Version, One, Two);
pub enum Edition {
#[serde(rename = "2015")]
#[serde(rename = "2018")]
#[serde(rename = "2021")]
#[serde(rename = "2024")]