pub extern "C" fn rustls_server_connection_get_server_name(
    conn: *const rustls_connection,
    buf: *mut u8,
    count: size_t,
    out_n: *mut size_t,
) -> rustls_result
Expand description

Copy the server name from the server name indication (SNI) extension to buf.

buf can hold up to count bytes, and the length of that server name in out_n.

The string is stored in UTF-8 with no terminating NUL byte.

Returns RUSTLS_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE if the SNI hostname is longer than count.

Returns Ok with *out_n == 0 if there is no SNI hostname available on this connection because it hasn’t been processed yet, or because the client did not send SNI. https://docs.rs/rustls/latest/rustls/server/struct.ServerConnection.html#method.server_name