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//! ECMAScript compliant pure Rust implementation of Ryū, an algorithm to quickly
//! convert floating point numbers to decimal strings.
//! The PLDI'18 paper [*Ryū: fast float-to-string conversion*][paper] by Ulf
//! Adams includes a complete correctness proof of the algorithm. The paper is
//! available under the creative commons CC-BY-SA license.
//! This Rust implementation is a line-by-line port of Ulf Adams' implementation
//! in C, [https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu][upstream].
//! [paper]: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3192369
//! [upstream]: https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu
//! # Example
//! ```
//! let mut buffer = ryu_js::Buffer::new();
//! let printed = buffer.format(1.234);
//! assert_eq!(printed, "1.234");
//! ```
//! ## Performance (lower is better)
//! The benchmarks measure the average time to print a 32-bit float and average
//! time to print a 64-bit float, where the inputs are distributed as uniform random
//! bit patterns 32 and 64 bits wide.
//! The upstream C code, the unsafe direct Rust port, and the safe pretty Rust API
//! all perform the same, taking around 21 nanoseconds to format a 32-bit float and
//! 31 nanoseconds to format a 64-bit float.
//! There is also a Rust-specific benchmark comparing this implementation to the
//! standard library which you can run with:
//! ```console
//! $ cargo bench
//! ```
//! The benchmark shows Ryū approximately 2-5x faster than the standard library
//! across a range of f32 and f64 inputs. Measurements are in nanoseconds per
//! iteration; smaller is better.
//! ## Formatting
//! This library tends to produce more human-readable output than the standard
//! library's to\_string, which never uses scientific notation. Here are two
//! examples:
//! - *ryu:* 1.23e40, *std:* 12300000000000000000000000000000000000000
//! - *ryu:* 1.23e-40, *std:* 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000123
//! Both libraries print short decimals such as 0.0000123 without scientific
//! notation.
mod buffer;
mod common;
mod d2s;
#[cfg(not(feature = "small"))]
mod d2s_full_table;
mod d2s_intrinsics;
#[cfg(feature = "small")]
mod d2s_small_table;
mod digit_table;
mod f2s;
mod f2s_intrinsics;
mod pretty;
pub use crate::buffer::{Buffer, Float, FloatToFixed};
/// Unsafe functions that mirror the API of the C implementation of Ryū.
pub mod raw {
pub use crate::pretty::format64_to_fixed;
pub use crate::pretty::{format32, format64};