use {
crate::abi_digester::{AbiDigester, DigestError, DigestResult},
pub trait AbiExample: Sized {
fn example() -> Self;
macro_rules! tuple_example_impls {
$Tuple:ident {
$(($idx:tt) -> $T:ident)+
)+) => {
impl<$($T:AbiExample),+> AbiExample for ($($T,)+) {
fn example() -> Self {
($({ let x: $T = AbiExample::example(); x},)+)
tuple_example_impls! {
Tuple1 {
(0) -> A
Tuple2 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
Tuple3 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
Tuple4 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
Tuple5 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
Tuple6 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
Tuple7 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
(6) -> G
Tuple8 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
(6) -> G
(7) -> H
Tuple9 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
(6) -> G
(7) -> H
(8) -> I
Tuple10 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
(6) -> G
(7) -> H
(8) -> I
(9) -> J
Tuple11 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
(6) -> G
(7) -> H
(8) -> I
(9) -> J
(10) -> K
Tuple12 {
(0) -> A
(1) -> B
(2) -> C
(3) -> D
(4) -> E
(5) -> F
(6) -> G
(7) -> H
(8) -> I
(9) -> J
(10) -> K
(11) -> L
macro_rules! array_example_impls {
{$n:expr, $t:ident $($ts:ident)*} => {
impl<T> AbiExample for [T; $n] where T: AbiExample {
fn example() -> Self {
[$t::example(), $($ts::example()),*]
array_example_impls!{($n - 1), $($ts)*}
{$n:expr,} => {
impl<T> AbiExample for [T; $n] {
fn example() -> Self { [] }
array_example_impls! {32, T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T}
macro_rules! example_impls {
($t:ty, $v:expr) => {
impl AbiExample for $t {
fn example() -> Self {
example_impls! { (), () }
example_impls! { bool, false }
example_impls! { char, '\x00' }
example_impls! { usize, 0 }
example_impls! { u8, 0 }
example_impls! { u16, 0 }
example_impls! { u32, 0 }
example_impls! { u64, 0 }
example_impls! { u128, 0 }
example_impls! { isize, 0 }
example_impls! { i8, 0 }
example_impls! { i16, 0 }
example_impls! { i32, 0 }
example_impls! { i64, 0 }
example_impls! { i128, 0 }
example_impls! { f32, 0.0f32 }
example_impls! { f64, 0.0f64 }
example_impls! { String, String::new() }
example_impls! { std::time::Duration, std::time::Duration::from_secs(0) }
example_impls! { std::sync::Once, std::sync::Once::new() }
use std::sync::atomic::*;
macro_rules! atomic_example_impls {
($atomic_type: ident) => {
impl AbiExample for $atomic_type {
fn example() -> Self {
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU8 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU16 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU32 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU64 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicUsize }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI8 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI16 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI32 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI64 }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicIsize }
atomic_example_impls! { AtomicBool }
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
use generic_array::{ArrayLength, GenericArray};
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl<T: Default, U: ArrayLength<T>> AbiExample for GenericArray<T, U> {
fn example() -> Self {
use bv::{BitVec, BlockType};
impl<T: BlockType> AbiExample for BitVec<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
impl<T: BlockType> IgnoreAsHelper for BitVec<T> {}
impl<T: BlockType> EvenAsOpaque for BitVec<T> {}
pub(crate) fn normalize_type_name(type_name: &str) -> String {
type_name.chars().filter(|c| *c != '&').collect()
type Placeholder = ();
impl<T: Sized> AbiExample for T {
default fn example() -> Self {
trait TypeErasedExample<T> {
fn type_erased_example() -> T;
impl<T: Sized> TypeErasedExample<T> for Placeholder {
default fn type_erased_example() -> T {
"derive or implement AbiExample/AbiEnumVisitor for {}",
impl<T: Default + Serialize> TypeErasedExample<T> for Placeholder {
default fn type_erased_example() -> T {
let original_type_name = type_name::<T>();
let normalized_type_name = normalize_type_name(original_type_name);
if normalized_type_name.starts_with("solana") {
"derive or implement AbiExample/AbiEnumVisitor for {}",
} else {
"new unrecognized type for ABI digest!: {}",
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for Option<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Option<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<O: AbiExample, E: AbiExample> AbiExample for Result<O, E> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Result<O, E>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for Box<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Box<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T> AbiExample for Box<dyn Fn(&mut T) + Sync + Send> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Box<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
Box::new(move |_t: &mut T| {})
impl<T, U> AbiExample for Box<dyn Fn(&mut T, U) + Sync + Send> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Box<T, U>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
Box::new(move |_t: &mut T, _u: U| {})
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for Box<[T]> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Box<[T]>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::marker::PhantomData<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (PhantomData<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::sync::Arc<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Arc<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::rc::Rc<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Rc<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::sync::Mutex<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Mutex<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::sync::RwLock<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (RwLock<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
T: std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash + AbiExample,
S: AbiExample,
H: std::hash::BuildHasher + Default,
> AbiExample for HashMap<T, S, H>
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (HashMap<T, S, H>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
let mut map = HashMap::default();
map.insert(T::example(), S::example());
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
T: Clone + std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash + AbiExample,
S: Clone + AbiExample,
H: std::hash::BuildHasher + Default,
> AbiExample for im::HashMap<T, S, H>
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (HashMap<T, S, H>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
let mut map = im::HashMap::default();
map.insert(T::example(), S::example());
impl<T: std::cmp::Ord + AbiExample, S: AbiExample> AbiExample for BTreeMap<T, S> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (BTreeMap<T, S>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
let mut map = BTreeMap::default();
map.insert(T::example(), S::example());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for Vec<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Vec<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
lazy_static! {
static ref VEC_U8: Vec<u8> = vec![u8::default()];
impl AbiExample for &Vec<u8> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (&Vec<u8>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl AbiExample for &[u8] {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (&[u8]): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for VecDeque<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Vec<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
impl<T: std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash + AbiExample, H: std::hash::BuildHasher + Default> AbiExample
for HashSet<T, H>
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (HashSet<T, H>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
let mut set: HashSet<T, H> = HashSet::default();
impl<T: std::cmp::Ord + AbiExample> AbiExample for BTreeSet<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (BTreeSet<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
let mut set: BTreeSet<T> = BTreeSet::default();
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl AbiExample for memmap2::MmapMut {
fn example() -> Self {
memmap2::MmapMut::map_anon(1).expect("failed to map the data file")
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl AbiExample for std::path::PathBuf {
fn example() -> Self {
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
impl AbiExample for SocketAddr {
fn example() -> Self {
SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)), 0)
pub trait AbiEnumVisitor: Serialize {
fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult;
pub trait IgnoreAsHelper {}
pub trait EvenAsOpaque {}
impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized> AbiEnumVisitor for T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, _digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
"AbiEnumVisitor must be implemented for {}",
impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized + AbiExample> AbiEnumVisitor for T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (default): {}", type_name::<T>());
impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized + AbiEnumVisitor> AbiEnumVisitor for &T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (&default): {}", type_name::<T>());
T::visit_for_abi(self, digester)
impl<T: Serialize + IgnoreAsHelper> AbiEnumVisitor for &T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (IgnoreAsHelper): {}", type_name::<T>());
impl<T: Serialize + IgnoreAsHelper + EvenAsOpaque> AbiEnumVisitor for &T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (IgnoreAsOpaque): {}", type_name::<T>());
let top_scope = type_name::<T>().split("::").next().unwrap();
impl<T: AbiEnumVisitor> AbiEnumVisitor for Option<T> {
fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (Option<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
let variant: Self = Option::Some(T::example());
impl<O: AbiEnumVisitor, E: AbiEnumVisitor> AbiEnumVisitor for Result<O, E> {
fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (Result<O, E>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
digester.update(&["enum Result (variants = 2)"]);
let variant: Self = Result::Ok(O::example());
let variant: Self = Result::Err(E::example());
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for once_cell::sync::OnceCell<T> {
fn example() -> Self {