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An Upgradeable Safecoin BPF loader.

The upgradeable BPF loader is responsible for deploying, upgrading, and executing BPF programs. The upgradeable loader allows a program’s authority to update the program at any time. This ability break’s the “code is law” contract the usually enforces the policy that once a program is on-chain it becomes immutable. Because of this, care should be taken before executing upgradeable programs which still have a functioning authority. For more information refer to loader_upgradeable_instruction.rs


Upgradeable loader account states


The static program ID


Confirms that a given pubkey is equivalent to the program ID

Returns the instructions required to close a buffer account

Returns the instructions required to close program, buffer, or uninitialized account

Returns the instructions required to initialize a Buffer account.

Returns the instructions required to deploy a program with a specified maximum program length. The maximum length must be large enough to accommodate any future upgrades.

Returns the program ID

Returns the instructions required to set a buffers’s authority.

Returns the instructions required to set a program’s authority.

Returns the instructions required to upgrade a program.

Returns the instructions required to write a chunk of program data to a buffer account.