1//! Implementation of B tree pages for Sized types, i.e. types whose
2//! representation has a size known at compile time (and the same as
3//! [`core::mem::size_of()`]).
5//! The details of the implementation are as follows:
7//! - The page starts with a 16 bytes header of the following form
8//! (where all the fields are encoded in Little-Endian):
10//! ```
11//! #[repr(C)]
12//! pub struct Header {
14//! /// Offset to the first entry in the page, shifted 3 bits
15//! /// to the right to allow for the dirty bit (plus two
16//! /// extra bits, zero for now), as explained in the
17//! /// documentation of CowPage, at the root of this
18//! /// crate. This is 4096 for empty pages, and it is unused
19//! /// for leaves. Moreover, this field can't be increased:
20//! /// when it reaches the bottom, the page must be cloned.
21//! data: u16,
22//! /// Number of entries on the page.
23//! n: u16,
24//! /// CRC (if used).
25//! crc: u32,
27//! /// The 52 most significant bits are the left child of
28//! /// this page (0 for leaves), while the 12 LSBs represent
29//! /// the space this page would take when cloned from scratch,
30//! /// minus the header. The reason for this is that entries
31//! /// in internal nodes aren't really removed when deleted,
32//! /// they're only "unlinked" from the array of offsets (see
33//! /// below). Therefore, we must have a way to tell when a
34//! /// page can be "compacted" to reclaim space.
36//! left_page: u64,
37//! }
38//! ```
40//! - For leaves, the rest of the page has the same representation as
41//! an array of length `n`, of elements of type `Tuple<K, V>`:
42//! ```
43//! #[repr(C)]
44//! struct Tuple<K, V> {
45//! k: K,
46//! v: V,
47//! }
48//! ```
49//! If the alignment of that structure is more than 16 bytes, we
50//! need to add some padding between the header and that array.
52//! - For internal nodes, the rest of the page starts with an array of
53//! length `n` of Little-Endian-encoded [`u64`], where the 12 least
54//! significant bits of each [`u64`] are an offset to a `Tuple<K, V>` in
55//! the page, and the 52 other bits are an offset in the file to the
56//! right child of the entry.
58//! Moreover, the offset represented by the 12 LSBs is after (or at)
59//! ``.
61//! We say we can "allocate" in the page if the `data` of the header
62//! is greater than or equal to the position of the last "offset",
63//! plus the size we want to allocate (note that since we allocate
64//! from the end of the page, `data` is always a multiple of the
65//! alignment of `Tuple<K, V>`).
67use super::*;
68use crate::btree::del::*;
69use crate::btree::put::*;
70use core::cmp::Ordering;
72mod alloc; // The "alloc" trait, to provide common methods for leaves and internal nodes.
74mod put; // Inserting a new value onto a page (possibly splitting the page).
76mod rebalance; // Rebalance two sibling pages to the left or to the right.
78use super::page_unsized::{cursor::PageCursor, header};
79use alloc::*;
80use header::*;
81use rebalance::*;
83/// This struct is used to allocate a pair `(K, V)` on the stack, and
84/// copy it from a C pointer from a page.
86/// This is also used to form slices of pairs in order to use
87/// functions from the core library.
88#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
90struct Tuple<K, V> {
91 k: K,
92 v: V,
95/// Empty type implementing `BTreePage` and `BTreeMutPage`.
97pub struct Page<K, V> {
98 k: core::marker::PhantomData<K>,
99 v: core::marker::PhantomData<V>,
102impl<K: Storable, V: Storable> super::BTreePage<K, V> for Page<K, V> {
103 // Cursors are quite straightforward. One non-trivial thing is
104 // that they represent both a position on a page and the interval
105 // from that position to the end of the page, as is apparent in
106 // their `split_at` method.
107 //
108 // Another thing to note is that -1 and `` are valid
109 // positions for a cursor `c`. The reason for this is that
110 // position `-1` has a right child (which is the first element's
111 // left child).
113 type Cursor = PageCursor;
115 fn is_empty(c: &Self::Cursor) -> bool {
116 c.cur >= as isize
117 }
119 fn is_init(c: &Self::Cursor) -> bool {
120 c.cur < 0
121 }
123 fn cursor_before(p: &crate::CowPage) -> Self::Cursor {
124 PageCursor::new(p, -1)
125 }
127 fn cursor_after(p: &crate::CowPage) -> Self::Cursor {
128 PageCursor::after(p)
129 }
131 fn split_at(c: &Self::Cursor) -> (Self::Cursor, Self::Cursor) {
132 (
133 PageCursor {
134 cur: 0,
135 total: c.cur.max(0) as usize,
136 is_leaf: c.is_leaf,
137 },
138 *c,
139 )
140 }
141 fn move_next(c: &mut Self::Cursor) -> bool {
142 if c.cur >= as isize {
143 return false;
144 }
145 c.cur += 1;
146 true
147 }
148 fn move_prev(c: &mut Self::Cursor) -> bool {
149 if c.cur < 0 {
150 return false;
151 }
152 c.cur -= 1;
153 true
154 }
156 fn current<'a, T: LoadPage>(
157 _txn: &T,
158 page: crate::Page<'a>,
159 c: &Self::Cursor,
160 ) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a V, u64)> {
161 // First, there's no current entry if the cursor is outside
162 // the range of entries.
163 if c.cur < 0 || c.cur >= as isize {
164 None
165 } else if c.is_leaf {
166 // Else, if this is a leaf, the elements are packed
167 // together in a contiguous array.
168 //
169 // This means that the header may be followed by padding
170 // (in order to align the entries). These are constants
171 // known at compile-time, so `al` and `hdr` are optimised
172 // away by the compiler.
173 let al = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
175 // The following is a way to compute the first multiple of
176 // `al` after `HDR`, assuming `al` is a power of 2 (which
177 // is always the case since we get it from `align_of`).
178 let hdr = (HDR + al - 1) & !(al - 1);
180 // The position of the `Tuple<K, V>` we're looking for is
181 // `f * cur` bytes after the padded header (because
182 // `size_of` includes alignment padding).
183 let f = core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
184 let kv = unsafe {
185 &*( + c.cur as usize * f) as *const Tuple<K, V>)
186 };
187 Some((&kv.k, &kv.v, 0))
188 } else {
189 // Internal nodes have an extra level of indirection: we
190 // first need to find `off`, the offset in the page, in
191 // the initial array of offsets. Since these offsets are
192 // `u64`, and the header is of size 16 bytes, the array is
193 // already aligned.
194 unsafe {
195 let off =
196 u64::from_le(*( + 8 * c.cur as usize) as *const u64));
197 // Check that we aren't reading outside of the page
198 // (for example because of a malformed offset).
199 assert!((off as usize & 0xfff) + core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>() <= 4096);
201 // Once we have the offset, cast its 12 LSBs to a
202 // position in the page, and read the `Tuple<K, V>` at
203 // that position.
204 let kv = &*( as usize) & 0xfff) as *const Tuple<K, V>);
205 Some((&kv.k, &kv.v, off & !0xfff))
206 }
207 }
208 }
210 // The left and right child methods aren't really surprising. One
211 // thing to note is that cursors are always in positions between
212 // `-1` and `` (bounds included), so we only have to check
213 // one side of the bound in the assertions.
214 //
215 // We also check, before entering the `unsafe` sections, that
216 // we're only reading data that is on a page.
217 fn left_child(page: crate::Page, c: &Self::Cursor) -> u64 {
218 if c.is_leaf {
219 0
220 } else {
221 assert!(c.cur >= 0 && HDR as isize + c.cur * 8 - 8 <= 4088);
222 let off = unsafe {
223 *( as isize + c.cur * 8) - 8) as *const u64)
224 };
225 u64::from_le(off) & !0xfff
226 }
227 }
228 fn right_child(page: crate::Page, c: &Self::Cursor) -> u64 {
229 if c.is_leaf {
230 0
231 } else {
232 assert!(c.cur < as isize && HDR as isize + c.cur * 8 <= 4088);
233 let off =
234 unsafe { *( as isize + c.cur * 8) as *const u64) };
235 u64::from_le(off) & !0xfff
236 }
237 }
239 fn set_cursor<'a, T: LoadPage>(
240 txn: &'a T,
241 page: crate::Page,
242 c: &mut PageCursor,
243 k0: &K,
244 v0: Option<&V>,
245 ) -> Result<(&'a K, &'a V, u64), usize> {
246 unsafe {
247 // `lookup` has the same semantic as
248 // `core::slice::binary_search`, i.e. it returns either
249 // `Ok(n)`, where `n` is the position where `(k0, v0)` was
250 // found, or `Err(n)` where `n` is the position where
251 // `(k0, v0)` can be inserted to preserve the order.
252 match lookup(txn, page, c, k0, v0) {
253 Ok(n) => {
254 c.cur = n as isize;
255 // Just read the tuple and return it.
256 if c.is_leaf {
257 let f = core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
258 let al = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
259 let hdr_size = (HDR + al - 1) & !(al - 1);
260 let tup =
261 &*( + f * n) as *const Tuple<K, V>);
262 Ok((&tup.k, &tup.v, 0))
263 } else {
264 let off =
265 u64::from_le(*( + n * 8) as *const u64));
266 let tup =
267 &*( as usize & 0xfff) as *const Tuple<K, V>);
268 Ok((&tup.k, &tup.v, off & !0xfff))
269 }
270 }
271 Err(n) => {
272 c.cur = n as isize;
273 Err(n)
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 }
280impl<K: Storable + core::fmt::Debug, V: Storable + core::fmt::Debug> super::BTreeMutPage<K, V>
281 for Page<K, V>
283 // Once again, this is quite straightforward.
284 fn init(page: &mut MutPage) {
285 let h = header_mut(page);
286 h.init();
287 }
289 // When deleting from internal nodes, we take a replacement from
290 // one of the leaves (in our current implementation, the leftmost
291 // entry of the right subtree). This method copies an entry from
292 // the leaf onto the program stack, which is necessary since
293 // deletions in leaves overwrites entries.
294 //
295 // Another design choice would have been to do the same as for the
296 // unsized implementation, but in this case this would have meant
297 // copying the saved value to the end of the leaf, potentially
298 // preventing merges, and not even saving a memory copy.
299 type Saved = (K, V);
301 fn save_deleted_leaf_entry(k: &K, v: &V) -> Self::Saved {
302 unsafe {
303 let mut k0 = core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
304 let mut v0 = core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
305 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(k, k0.as_mut_ptr(), 1);
306 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v, v0.as_mut_ptr(), 1);
307 (k0.assume_init(), v0.assume_init())
308 }
309 }
311 unsafe fn from_saved<'a>(s: &Self::Saved) -> (&'a K, &'a V) {
312 (core::mem::transmute(&s.0), core::mem::transmute(&s.1))
313 }
315 // `put` inserts one or two entries onto a node (internal or
316 // leaf). This is implemented in the `put` module.
317 unsafe fn put<'a, T: AllocPage>(
318 txn: &mut T,
319 page: CowPage,
320 mutable: bool,
321 replace: bool,
322 c: &PageCursor,
323 k0: &'a K,
324 v0: &'a V,
325 k1v1: Option<(&'a K, &'a V)>,
326 l: u64,
327 r: u64,
328 ) -> Result<super::put::Put<'a, K, V>, T::Error> {
329 assert!(c.cur >= 0);
330 // In the sized case, deletions can never cause a split, so we
331 // never have to insert two elements at the same position.
332 assert!(k1v1.is_none());
333 if r == 0 {
334 put::put::<_, _, _, Leaf>(txn, page, mutable, replace, c.cur as usize, k0, v0, 0, 0)
335 } else {
336 put::put::<_, _, _, Internal>(txn, page, mutable, replace, c.cur as usize, k0, v0, l, r)
337 }
338 }
340 unsafe fn put_mut<T: AllocPage>(
341 txn: &mut T,
342 page: &mut MutPage,
343 c: &mut Self::Cursor,
344 k0: &K,
345 v0: &V,
346 r: u64,
347 ) {
348 use super::page_unsized::AllocWrite;
349 let mut n = c.cur;
350 if r == 0 {
351 Leaf::alloc_write(txn, page, k0, v0, 0, r, &mut n);
352 } else {
353 Internal::alloc_write(txn, page, k0, v0, 0, r, &mut n);
354 }
355 += 1;
356 }
358 unsafe fn set_left_child(page: &mut MutPage, c: &Self::Cursor, l: u64) {
359 let off = ( as *mut u64).offset(c.cur - 1);
360 *off = (l | (u64::from_le(*off) & 0xfff)).to_le();
361 }
363 // This function updates an internal node, setting the left child
364 // of the cursor to `l`.
365 unsafe fn update_left_child<T: AllocPage>(
366 txn: &mut T,
367 page: CowPage,
368 mutable: bool,
369 c: &Self::Cursor,
370 l: u64,
371 ) -> Result<crate::btree::put::Ok, T::Error> {
372 assert!(!c.is_leaf && c.cur >= 0 && (c.cur as usize) <=;
373 let freed;
374 let page = if mutable && page.is_dirty() {
375 // If the page is mutable (dirty), just convert it to a
376 // mutable page, and update.
377 freed = 0;
378 MutPage(page)
379 } else {
380 // Else, clone the page.
381 let mut new = unsafe { txn.alloc_page()? };
382 <Page<K, V> as BTreeMutPage<K, V>>::init(&mut new);
383 // First clone the left child of the page.
384 let l = header(page.as_page()).left_page() & !0xfff;
385 let hdr = header_mut(&mut new);
386 hdr.set_left_page(l);
387 // And then the rest of the page.
388 let s = Internal::offset_slice::<T, K, V>(page.as_page());
389 clone::<K, V, Internal>(page.as_page(), &mut new, s, &mut 0);
390 // Mark the former version of the page as free.
391 freed = page.offset | if page.is_dirty() { 1 } else { 0 };
392 new
393 };
394 // Finally, update the left child of the cursor.
395 unsafe {
396 let off = ( as *mut u64).offset(c.cur - 1);
397 *off = (l | (u64::from_le(*off) & 0xfff)).to_le();
398 }
399 Ok(Ok { page, freed })
400 }
402 unsafe fn del<T: AllocPage>(
403 txn: &mut T,
404 page: crate::CowPage,
405 mutable: bool,
406 c: &PageCursor,
407 l: u64,
408 ) -> Result<(MutPage, u64), T::Error> {
409 assert!(c.cur >= 0 && (c.cur as usize) <;
410 if mutable && page.is_dirty() {
411 // In the mutable case, we just need to move some memory
412 // around.
413 let p =;
414 let mut page = MutPage(page);
415 let hdr = header_mut(&mut page);
416 let f = core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
417 if c.is_leaf {
418 // In leaves, we need to move the n - c - 1 elements
419 // that are strictly after the cursor, by `f` (the
420 // size of an entry).
421 //
422 // Here's the reasoning to avoid off-by-one errors: if
423 // `c` is 0 (i.e. we're deleting the first element on
424 // the page), we remove one entry, so there are n - 1
425 // remaining entries.
426 let n = hdr.n() as usize;
427 let hdr_size = {
428 // As usual, header + padding
429 let al = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
430 (HDR + al - 1) & !(al - 1)
431 };
432 let off = hdr_size + c.cur as usize * f;
433 core::ptr::copy(p.add(off + f), p.add(off), f * (n - c.cur as usize - 1));
434 // Removing `f` bytes from the page.
435 hdr.decr(f);
436 } else {
437 // Internal nodes are easier to deal with, as we just
438 // have to move the offsets.
439 unsafe {
440 let ptr = p.add(HDR + c.cur as usize * 8) as *mut u64;
441 core::ptr::copy(ptr.offset(1), ptr, hdr.n() as usize - c.cur as usize - 1);
442 }
443 // Removing `f` bytes from the page (the tuple), plus
444 // one 8-bytes offset.
445 hdr.decr(f + 8);
447 // Updating the left page if necessary.
448 if l > 0 {
449 unsafe {
450 let off = (p.add(HDR) as *mut u64).offset(c.cur as isize - 1);
451 *off = (l | (u64::from_le(*off) & 0xfff)).to_le();
452 }
453 }
454 }
455 hdr.set_n(hdr.n() - 1);
456 // Returning the mutable page itself, and 0 (for "no page freed")
457 Ok((page, 0))
458 } else {
459 // Immutable pages need to be cloned. The strategy is the
460 // same in both cases: get an "offset slice", split it at
461 // the cursor, remove the first entry of the second half,
462 // and clone.
463 let mut new = txn.alloc_page()?;
464 <Page<K, V> as BTreeMutPage<K, V>>::init(&mut new);
465 if c.is_leaf {
466 let s = Leaf::offset_slice::<T, K, V>(page.as_page());
467 let (s0, s1) = s.split_at(c.cur as usize);
468 let (_, s1) = s1.split_at(1);
469 let mut n = 0;
470 clone::<K, V, Leaf>(page.as_page(), &mut new, s0, &mut n);
471 clone::<K, V, Leaf>(page.as_page(), &mut new, s1, &mut n);
472 } else {
473 // Internal nodes a bit trickier, since the left child
474 // is not counted in the "offset slice", so we need to
475 // clone it separately. Also, the `l` argument to this
476 // function might be non-zero in this case.
477 let s = Internal::offset_slice::<T, K, V>(page.as_page());
478 let (s0, s1) = s.split_at(c.cur as usize);
479 let (_, s1) = s1.split_at(1);
481 // First, clone the left child of the page.
482 let hdr = header(page.as_page());
483 let left = hdr.left_page() & !0xfff;
484 unsafe { *( - 8) as *mut u64) = left.to_le() };
486 // Then, clone the entries strictly before the cursor
487 // (i.e. clone `s0`).
488 let mut n = 0;
489 clone::<K, V, Internal>(page.as_page(), &mut new, s0, &mut n);
491 // If we need to update the left child of the deleted
492 // item, do it.
493 if l > 0 {
494 unsafe {
495 let off = as isize + (n - 1) * 8) as *mut u64;
496 *off = (l | (u64::from_le(*off) & 0xfff)).to_le();
497 }
498 }
500 // Finally, clone the right half of the page (`s1`).
501 clone::<K, V, Internal>(page.as_page(), &mut new, s1, &mut n);
502 }
503 Ok((new, page.offset))
504 }
505 }
507 // Decide what to do with the concatenation of two neighbouring
508 // pages, with a middle element.
509 unsafe fn merge_or_rebalance<'a, T: AllocPage>(
510 txn: &mut T,
511 m: Concat<'a, K, V, Self>,
512 ) -> Result<Op<'a, T, K, V>, T::Error> {
513 // First evaluate the size of the middle element on a page.
514 let (hdr_size, mid_size) = if m.modified.c0.is_leaf {
515 let al = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
516 (
517 (HDR + al - 1) & !(al - 1),
518 core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>(),
519 )
520 } else {
521 (HDR, 8 + core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>())
522 };
524 // Evaluate the size of the modified half of the concatenation
525 // (which includes the header).
526 let mod_size = size::<K, V>(&m.modified);
527 // Add the "occupied" size (which excludes the header).
528 let occupied = {
529 let hdr = header(m.other.as_page());
530 (hdr.left_page() & 0xfff) as usize
531 };
533 // One surprising observation here is that adding the sizes
534 // works. This is surprising because of alignment and
535 // padding. It works because we can split the sizes into an
536 // offset part (always 8 bytes) and a data part (of a constant
537 // alignment), and thus we never need any padding anywhere on
538 // the page.
539 if mod_size + mid_size + occupied <= PAGE_SIZE {
540 // If the concatenation fits on a page, merge.
541 return if m.modified.c0.is_leaf {
542 super::page_unsized::merge::<_, _, _, _, Leaf>(txn, m)
543 } else {
544 super::page_unsized::merge::<_, _, _, _, Internal>(txn, m)
545 };
546 }
547 // If the modified page is large enough, or if the other page
548 // has only just barely the minimum number of elements to be
549 // at least half-full, return.
550 //
551 // The situation where the other page isn't full enough might
552 // happen for example if elements occupy exactly 1/5th of a
553 // page + 1 byte, and the modified page has 2 of them after
554 // the deletion, while the other page has 3.
555 if mod_size >= PAGE_SIZE / 2 || hdr_size + occupied - mid_size < PAGE_SIZE / 2 {
556 if let Some((k, v)) = m.modified.ins {
557 // Perform the required modification and return.
558 return Ok(Op::Put(unsafe {
559 Self::put(
560 txn,
562 m.modified.mutable,
563 m.modified.skip_first,
564 &m.modified.c1,
565 k,
566 v,
567 m.modified.ins2,
568 m.modified.l,
569 m.modified.r,
570 )?
571 }));
572 } else if m.modified.skip_first {
573 // `ins2` is only ever used when the page immediately
574 // below a deletion inside an internal node has split,
575 // and we need to replace the deleted value, *and*
576 // insert the middle entry of the split.
577 debug_assert!(m.modified.ins2.is_none());
578 let (page, freed) = Self::del(
579 txn,
581 m.modified.mutable,
582 &m.modified.c1,
583 m.modified.l,
584 )?;
585 return Ok(Op::Put(Put::Ok(Ok { page, freed })));
586 } else {
587 let mut c1 = m.modified.c1.clone();
588 let mut l = m.modified.l;
589 if l == 0 {
590 Self::move_next(&mut c1);
591 l = m.modified.r;
592 }
593 return Ok(Op::Put(Put::Ok(Self::update_left_child(
594 txn,
596 m.modified.mutable,
597 &c1,
598 l,
599 )?)));
600 }
601 }
603 // Finally, if we're here, we can rebalance. There are four
604 // (relatively explicit) cases, see the `rebalance` submodule
605 // to see how this is done.
606 if m.mod_is_left {
607 if m.modified.c0.is_leaf {
608 rebalance_left::<_, _, _, Leaf>(txn, m)
609 } else {
610 rebalance_left::<_, _, _, Internal>(txn, m)
611 }
612 } else {
613 super::page_unsized::rebalance::rebalance_right::<_, _, _, Self>(txn, m)
614 }
615 }
618/// Size of a modified page (including the header).
619fn size<K: Storable, V: Storable>(m: &ModifiedPage<K, V, Page<K, V>>) -> usize {
620 let mut total = {
621 let hdr = header(;
622 (hdr.left_page() & 0xfff) as usize
623 };
624 if m.c1.is_leaf {
625 let al = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
626 total += (HDR + al - 1) & (!al - 1);
627 } else {
628 total += HDR
629 };
631 // Extra size for the offsets.
632 let extra = if m.c1.is_leaf { 0 } else { 8 };
634 if m.ins.is_some() {
635 total += extra + core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
636 if m.ins2.is_some() {
637 total += extra + core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>()
638 }
639 }
640 // If we skip the first entry of `m.c1`, remove its size.
641 if m.skip_first {
642 total -= extra + core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>()
643 }
644 total
647/// Linear search, leaf version. This is relatively straightforward.
648fn leaf_linear_search<T: LoadPage, K: Storable, V: Storable>(
649 txn: &T,
650 k0: &K,
651 v0: Option<&V>,
652 s: &[Tuple<K, V>],
653) -> Result<usize, usize> {
654 let mut n = 0;
655 for sm in s.iter() {
656 match, k0) {
657 Ordering::Less => n += 1,
658 Ordering::Greater => return Err(n),
659 Ordering::Equal => {
660 if let Some(v0) = v0 {
661 match, v0) {
662 Ordering::Less => n += 1,
663 Ordering::Greater => return Err(n),
664 Ordering::Equal => return Ok(n),
665 }
666 } else {
667 return Ok(n);
668 }
669 }
670 }
671 }
672 Err(n)
675/// An equivalent of `Ord::cmp` on `Tuple<K, V>` but using
676/// `Storable::compare` instead of `Ord::cmp` on `K` and `V`.
677fn cmp<T: LoadPage, K: Storable, V: Storable>(
678 txn: &T,
679 k0: &K,
680 v0: Option<&V>,
681 p: &[u8; 4096],
682 off: u64,
683) -> Ordering {
684 let off = u64::from_le(off) & 0xfff;
685 if off as usize + core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>() > PAGE_SIZE {
686 panic!(
687 "off = {:?}, size = {:?}",
688 off,
689 core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>()
690 );
691 }
692 let tup = unsafe { &*(p.as_ptr().offset(off as isize & 0xfff) as *const Tuple<K, V>) };
693 match, k0) {
694 Ordering::Equal => {
695 if let Some(v0) = v0 {
696, v0)
697 } else {
698 Ordering::Equal
699 }
700 }
701 o => o,
702 }
705/// Linear search for internal nodes. Does what it says.
706unsafe fn internal_search<T: LoadPage, K: Storable, V: Storable>(
707 txn: &T,
708 k0: &K,
709 v0: Option<&V>,
710 s: &[u64],
711 p: &[u8; 4096],
712) -> Result<usize, usize> {
713 for (n, off) in s.iter().enumerate() {
714 match cmp(txn, k0, v0, p, *off) {
715 Ordering::Less => {}
716 Ordering::Greater => return Err(n),
717 Ordering::Equal => return Ok(n),
718 }
719 }
720 Err(s.len())
723/// Lookup just forms slices of offsets (for internal nodes) or values
724/// (for leaves), and runs an internal search on them.
725unsafe fn lookup<T: LoadPage, K: Storable, V: Storable>(
726 txn: &T,
727 page: crate::Page,
728 c: &mut PageCursor,
729 k0: &K,
730 v0: Option<&V>,
731) -> Result<usize, usize> {
732 let hdr = header(page);
733 = hdr.n() as usize;
734 c.is_leaf = hdr.is_leaf();
735 if c.is_leaf {
736 let al = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
737 let hdr_size = (HDR + al - 1) & !(al - 1);
738 let s = core::slice::from_raw_parts(
739 as *const Tuple<K, V>,
740 hdr.n() as usize,
741 );
742 leaf_linear_search(txn, k0, v0, s)
743 } else {
744 let s = core::slice::from_raw_parts(
745 as *const u64,
746 hdr.n() as usize,
747 );
748 internal_search(txn, k0, v0, s,
749 }
752/// Clone a slice of offsets onto a page. This essentially does what
753/// it says. Note that the leftmost child of a page is not included in
754/// the offset slices, so we don't have to handle it here.
756/// This should really be in the `Alloc` trait, but Rust doesn't have
757/// associated type constructors, so we can't have an associated type
758/// that's sometimes a slice and sometimes a "Range".
759fn clone<K: Storable, V: Storable, L: Alloc>(
760 page: crate::Page,
761 new: &mut MutPage,
762 s: Offsets,
763 n: &mut isize,
764) {
765 match s {
766 Offsets::Slice(s) => {
767 // We know we're in an internal node here.
768 let size = core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
769 for off in s.iter() {
770 let off = u64::from_le(*off);
771 let r = off & !0xfff;
772 let off = off & 0xfff;
773 unsafe {
774 let ptr = as usize);
776 // Reserve the space on the page
777 let hdr = header_mut(new);
778 let data = as u16;
779 let off_new = data - size as u16;
780 hdr.set_data(off_new);
782 // Copy the entry from the original page to its
783 // position on the new page.
784 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, as usize), size);
786 // Set the offset to this new entry in the offset
787 // array, along with the right child page.
788 let ptr = as isize + *n * 8) as *mut u64;
789 *ptr = (r | off_new as u64).to_le();
790 }
791 *n += 1;
792 }
793 let hdr = header_mut(new);
794 hdr.set_n(hdr.n() + s.len() as u16);
795 hdr.incr((8 + size) * s.len());
796 }
797 Offsets::Range(r) => {
798 let size = core::mem::size_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
799 let a = core::mem::align_of::<Tuple<K, V>>();
800 let header_size = (HDR + a - 1) & !(a - 1);
801 let len = r.len();
802 for off in r {
803 unsafe {
804 let ptr = + off * size);
805 let new_ptr = + (*n as usize) * size);
806 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, new_ptr, size);
807 }
808 *n += 1;
809 }
810 // On leaves, we do have to update everything manually,
811 // because we're simply copying stuff.
812 let hdr = header_mut(new);
813 hdr.set_n(hdr.n() + len as u16);
814 hdr.incr(size * len);
815 }
816 }