
1use crate::association::state::AssociationState;
2use crate::association::Association;
3use crate::chunk::chunk_payload_data::{ChunkPayloadData, PayloadProtocolIdentifier};
4use crate::error::{Error, Result};
5use crate::queue::reassembly_queue::{Chunks, ReassemblyQueue};
6use crate::{ErrorCauseCode, Side};
8use crate::util::{ByteSlice, BytesArray, BytesSource};
9use bytes::Bytes;
10use log::{debug, error, trace};
11use std::fmt;
13/// Identifier for a stream within a particular association
14pub type StreamId = u16;
16/// Application events about streams
17#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
18pub enum StreamEvent {
19    /// One or more new streams has been opened
20    Opened,
21    /// A currently open stream has data or errors waiting to be read
22    Readable {
23        /// Which stream is now readable
24        id: StreamId,
25    },
26    /// A formerly write-blocked stream might be ready for a write or have been stopped
27    ///
28    /// Only generated for streams that are currently open.
29    Writable {
30        /// Which stream is now writable
31        id: StreamId,
32    },
33    /// A finished stream has been fully acknowledged or stopped
34    Finished {
35        /// Which stream has been finished
36        id: StreamId,
37    },
38    /// The peer asked us to stop sending on an outgoing stream
39    Stopped {
40        /// Which stream has been stopped
41        id: StreamId,
42        /// Error code supplied by the peer
43        error_code: ErrorCauseCode,
44    },
45    /// At least one new stream of a certain directionality may be opened
46    Available,
47    /// The number of bytes of outgoing data buffered is lower than the threshold.
48    BufferedAmountLow {
49        /// Which stream is now readable
50        id: StreamId,
51    },
54/// Reliability type for stream
55#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
56pub enum ReliabilityType {
57    /// ReliabilityTypeReliable is used for reliable transmission
58    #[default]
59    Reliable = 0,
60    /// ReliabilityTypeRexmit is used for partial reliability by retransmission count
61    Rexmit = 1,
62    /// ReliabilityTypeTimed is used for partial reliability by retransmission duration
63    Timed = 2,
66impl fmt::Display for ReliabilityType {
67    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
68        let s = match *self {
69            ReliabilityType::Reliable => "Reliable",
70            ReliabilityType::Rexmit => "Rexmit",
71            ReliabilityType::Timed => "Timed",
72        };
73        write!(f, "{}", s)
74    }
77impl From<u8> for ReliabilityType {
78    fn from(v: u8) -> ReliabilityType {
79        match v {
80            1 => ReliabilityType::Rexmit,
81            2 => ReliabilityType::Timed,
82            _ => ReliabilityType::Reliable,
83        }
84    }
87/// Stream represents an SCTP stream
88pub struct Stream<'a> {
89    pub(crate) stream_identifier: StreamId,
90    pub(crate) association: &'a mut Association,
93impl<'a> Stream<'a> {
94    /// read reads a packet of len(p) bytes, dropping the Payload Protocol Identifier.
95    /// Returns EOF when the stream is reset or an error if the stream is closed
96    /// otherwise.
97    pub fn read(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Chunks>> {
98        self.read_sctp()
99    }
101    /// read_sctp reads a packet of len(p) bytes and returns the associated Payload
102    /// Protocol Identifier.
103    /// Returns EOF when the stream is reset or an error if the stream is closed
104    /// otherwise.
105    pub fn read_sctp(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Chunks>> {
106        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
107            if s.state == RecvSendState::ReadWritable || s.state == RecvSendState::Readable {
108                return Ok(;
109            }
110        }
112        Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
113    }
115    /// write_sctp writes len(p) bytes from p to the DTLS connection
116    pub fn write_sctp(&mut self, p: &Bytes, ppi: PayloadProtocolIdentifier) -> Result<usize> {
117        self.write_source(&mut ByteSlice::from_slice(p), ppi)
118    }
120    /// Send data on the given stream.
121    ///
122    /// Uses the deafult payload protocol (PPI).
123    ///
124    /// Returns the number of bytes successfully written.
125    pub fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
126        self.write_with_ppi(data, self.get_default_payload_type()?)
127    }
129    /// Send data on the given stream, with a specific payload protocol.
130    ///
131    /// Returns the number of bytes successfully written.
132    pub fn write_with_ppi(&mut self, data: &[u8], ppi: PayloadProtocolIdentifier) -> Result<usize> {
133        self.write_source(&mut ByteSlice::from_slice(data), ppi)
134    }
136    /// write writes len(p) bytes from p with the default Payload Protocol Identifier
137    pub fn write_chunk(&mut self, p: &Bytes) -> Result<usize> {
138        self.write_source(
139            &mut ByteSlice::from_slice(p),
140            self.get_default_payload_type()?,
141        )
142    }
144    /// Send data on the given stream
145    ///
146    /// Returns the number of bytes and chunks successfully written.
147    /// Note that this method might also write a partial chunk. In this case
148    /// it will not count this chunk as fully written. However
149    /// the chunk will be advanced and contain only non-written data after the call.
150    pub fn write_chunks(&mut self, data: &mut [Bytes]) -> Result<usize> {
151        self.write_source(
152            &mut BytesArray::from_chunks(data),
153            self.get_default_payload_type()?,
154        )
155    }
157    /// write_source writes BytesSource to the DTLS connection
158    fn write_source<B: BytesSource>(
159        &mut self,
160        source: &mut B,
161        ppi: PayloadProtocolIdentifier,
162    ) -> Result<usize> {
163        if !self.is_writable() {
164            return Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed);
165        }
167        if source.remaining() > self.association.max_message_size() as usize {
168            return Err(Error::ErrOutboundPacketTooLarge);
169        }
171        let state: AssociationState = self.association.state();
172        match state {
173            AssociationState::ShutdownSent
174            | AssociationState::ShutdownAckSent
175            | AssociationState::ShutdownPending
176            | AssociationState::ShutdownReceived => return Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed),
177            _ => {}
178        };
180        let (p, _) = source.pop_chunk(self.association.max_message_size() as usize);
182        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
183            let chunks = s.packetize(&p, ppi);
184            self.association.send_payload_data(chunks)?;
186            Ok(p.len())
187        } else {
188            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
189        }
190    }
192    pub fn is_readable(&self) -> bool {
193        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get(&self.stream_identifier) {
194            s.state == RecvSendState::Readable || s.state == RecvSendState::ReadWritable
195        } else {
196            false
197        }
198    }
200    pub fn is_writable(&self) -> bool {
201        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get(&self.stream_identifier) {
202            s.state == RecvSendState::Writable || s.state == RecvSendState::ReadWritable
203        } else {
204            false
205        }
206    }
208    /// stop closes the read-direction of the stream.
209    /// Future calls to read are not permitted after calling stop.
210    pub fn stop(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
211        let mut reset = false;
212        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
213            if s.state == RecvSendState::Readable || s.state == RecvSendState::ReadWritable {
214                reset = true;
215            }
216            s.state = ((s.state as u8) & 0x2).into();
217        }
219        if reset {
220            // Reset the outgoing stream
221            //
222            self.association
223                .send_reset_request(self.stream_identifier)?;
224        }
226        Ok(())
227    }
229    /// finish closes the write-direction of the stream.
230    /// Future calls to write are not permitted after calling Close.
231    pub fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
232        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
233            s.state = ((s.state as u8) & 0x1).into();
234        }
235        Ok(())
236    }
238    /// stream_identifier returns the Stream identifier associated to the stream.
239    pub fn stream_identifier(&self) -> StreamId {
240        self.stream_identifier
241    }
243    /// set_default_payload_type sets the default payload type used by write.
244    pub fn set_default_payload_type(
245        &mut self,
246        default_payload_type: PayloadProtocolIdentifier,
247    ) -> Result<()> {
248        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
249            s.default_payload_type = default_payload_type;
250            Ok(())
251        } else {
252            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
253        }
254    }
256    /// get_default_payload_type returns the payload type associated to the stream.
257    pub fn get_default_payload_type(&self) -> Result<PayloadProtocolIdentifier> {
258        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get(&self.stream_identifier) {
259            Ok(s.default_payload_type)
260        } else {
261            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
262        }
263    }
265    /// set_reliability_params sets reliability parameters for this stream.
266    pub fn set_reliability_params(
267        &mut self,
268        unordered: bool,
269        rel_type: ReliabilityType,
270        rel_val: u32,
271    ) -> Result<()> {
272        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
273            debug!(
274                "[{}] reliability params: ordered={} type={} value={}",
275                s.side, !unordered, rel_type, rel_val
276            );
277            s.unordered = unordered;
278            s.reliability_type = rel_type;
279            s.reliability_value = rel_val;
280            Ok(())
281        } else {
282            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
283        }
284    }
286    /// buffered_amount returns the number of bytes of data currently queued to be sent over this stream.
287    pub fn buffered_amount(&self) -> Result<usize> {
288        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get(&self.stream_identifier) {
289            Ok(s.buffered_amount)
290        } else {
291            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
292        }
293    }
295    /// buffered_amount_low_threshold returns the number of bytes of buffered outgoing data that is
296    /// considered "low." Defaults to 0.
297    pub fn buffered_amount_low_threshold(&self) -> Result<usize> {
298        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get(&self.stream_identifier) {
299            Ok(s.buffered_amount_low)
300        } else {
301            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
302        }
303    }
305    /// set_buffered_amount_low_threshold is used to update the threshold.
306    /// See buffered_amount_low_threshold().
307    pub fn set_buffered_amount_low_threshold(&mut self, th: usize) -> Result<()> {
308        if let Some(s) = self.association.streams.get_mut(&self.stream_identifier) {
309            s.buffered_amount_low = th;
310            Ok(())
311        } else {
312            Err(Error::ErrStreamClosed)
313        }
314    }
317#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default)]
318pub enum RecvSendState {
319    #[default]
320    Closed = 0,
321    Readable = 1,
322    Writable = 2,
323    ReadWritable = 3,
326impl From<u8> for RecvSendState {
327    fn from(v: u8) -> Self {
328        match v {
329            1 => RecvSendState::Readable,
330            2 => RecvSendState::Writable,
331            3 => RecvSendState::ReadWritable,
332            _ => RecvSendState::Closed,
333        }
334    }
337/// StreamState represents the state of an SCTP stream
338#[derive(Default, Debug)]
339pub struct StreamState {
340    pub(crate) side: Side,
341    pub(crate) max_payload_size: u32,
342    pub(crate) stream_identifier: StreamId,
343    pub(crate) default_payload_type: PayloadProtocolIdentifier,
344    pub(crate) reassembly_queue: ReassemblyQueue,
345    pub(crate) sequence_number: u16,
346    pub(crate) state: RecvSendState,
347    pub(crate) unordered: bool,
348    pub(crate) reliability_type: ReliabilityType,
349    pub(crate) reliability_value: u32,
350    pub(crate) buffered_amount: usize,
351    pub(crate) buffered_amount_low: usize,
353impl StreamState {
354    pub(crate) fn new(
355        side: Side,
356        stream_identifier: StreamId,
357        max_payload_size: u32,
358        default_payload_type: PayloadProtocolIdentifier,
359    ) -> Self {
360        StreamState {
361            side,
362            stream_identifier,
363            max_payload_size,
364            default_payload_type,
365            reassembly_queue: ReassemblyQueue::new(stream_identifier),
366            sequence_number: 0,
367            state: RecvSendState::ReadWritable,
368            unordered: false,
369            reliability_type: ReliabilityType::Reliable,
370            reliability_value: 0,
371            buffered_amount: 0,
372            buffered_amount_low: 0,
373        }
374    }
376    pub(crate) fn handle_data(&mut self, pd: &ChunkPayloadData) {
377        self.reassembly_queue.push(pd.clone());
378    }
380    pub(crate) fn handle_forward_tsn_for_ordered(&mut self, ssn: u16) {
381        if self.unordered {
382            return; // unordered chunks are handled by handleForwardUnordered method
383        }
385        // Remove all chunks older than or equal to the new TSN from
386        // the reassembly_queue.
387        self.reassembly_queue.forward_tsn_for_ordered(ssn);
388    }
390    pub(crate) fn handle_forward_tsn_for_unordered(&mut self, new_cumulative_tsn: u32) {
391        if !self.unordered {
392            return; // ordered chunks are handled by handleForwardTSNOrdered method
393        }
395        // Remove all chunks older than or equal to the new TSN from
396        // the reassembly_queue.
397        self.reassembly_queue
398            .forward_tsn_for_unordered(new_cumulative_tsn);
399    }
401    fn packetize(&mut self, raw: &Bytes, ppi: PayloadProtocolIdentifier) -> Vec<ChunkPayloadData> {
402        let mut i = 0;
403        let mut remaining = raw.len();
405        // From draft-ietf-rtcweb-data-protocol-09, section 6:
406        //   All Data Channel Establishment Protocol messages MUST be sent using
407        //   ordered delivery and reliable transmission.
408        let unordered = ppi != PayloadProtocolIdentifier::Dcep && self.unordered;
410        let mut chunks = vec![];
412        let head_abandoned = false;
413        let head_all_inflight = false;
414        while remaining != 0 {
415            let fragment_size = std::cmp::min(self.max_payload_size as usize, remaining); //self.association.max_payload_size
417            // Copy the userdata since we'll have to store it until acked
418            // and the caller may re-use the buffer in the mean time
419            let user_data = raw.slice(i..i + fragment_size);
421            let chunk = ChunkPayloadData {
422                stream_identifier: self.stream_identifier,
423                user_data,
424                unordered,
425                beginning_fragment: i == 0,
426                ending_fragment: remaining - fragment_size == 0,
427                immediate_sack: false,
428                payload_type: ppi,
429                stream_sequence_number: self.sequence_number,
430                abandoned: head_abandoned, // all fragmented chunks use the same abandoned
431                all_inflight: head_all_inflight, // all fragmented chunks use the same all_inflight
432                ..Default::default()
433            };
435            chunks.push(chunk);
437            remaining -= fragment_size;
438            i += fragment_size;
439        }
441        // RFC 4960 Sec 6.6
442        // Note: When transmitting ordered and unordered data, an endpoint does
443        // not increment its Stream Sequence Number when transmitting a DATA
444        // chunk with U flag set to 1.
445        if !unordered {
446            self.sequence_number = self.sequence_number.wrapping_add(1);
447        }
449        //let old_value = self.buffered_amount;
450        self.buffered_amount += raw.len();
451        //trace!("[{}] bufferedAmount = {}", self.side, old_value + raw.len());
453        chunks
454    }
456    /// This method is called by association's read_loop (go-)routine to notify this stream
457    /// of the specified amount of outgoing data has been delivered to the peer.
458    pub(crate) fn on_buffer_released(&mut self, n_bytes_released: i64) -> bool {
459        if n_bytes_released <= 0 {
460            return false;
461        }
463        let from_amount = self.buffered_amount;
464        let new_amount = if from_amount < n_bytes_released as usize {
465            self.buffered_amount = 0;
466            error!(
467                "[{}] released buffer size {} should be <= {}",
468                self.side, n_bytes_released, 0,
469            );
470            0
471        } else {
472            self.buffered_amount -= n_bytes_released as usize;
474            from_amount - n_bytes_released as usize
475        };
477        let buffered_amount_low = self.buffered_amount_low;
479        trace!(
480            "[{}] bufferedAmount = {}, from_amount = {}, buffered_amount_low = {}",
481            self.side,
482            new_amount,
483            from_amount,
484            buffered_amount_low,
485        );
487        from_amount > buffered_amount_low && new_amount <= buffered_amount_low
488    }
490    pub(crate) fn get_num_bytes_in_reassembly_queue(&self) -> usize {
491        // No lock is required as it reads the size with atomic load function.
492        self.reassembly_queue.get_num_bytes()
493    }