Function sdl2_sys::SDL_RenderLogicalToWindow

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_RenderLogicalToWindow(
    renderer: *mut SDL_Renderer,
    logicalX: f32,
    logicalY: f32,
    windowX: *mut c_int,
    windowY: *mut c_int,
Expand description

Get real coordinates of point in window when given logical coordinates of point in renderer.

Logical coordinates will differ from real coordinates when render is scaled and logical renderer size set

\param renderer the renderer from which the window coordinates should be calculated \param logicalX the logical x coordinate \param logicalY the logical y coordinate \param windowX the pointer filled with the real X coordinate in the window \param windowY the pointer filled with the real Y coordinate in the window

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.18.

\sa SDL_RenderGetScale \sa SDL_RenderSetScale \sa SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize \sa SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize