Function sdl2_sys::SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize(
    renderer: *mut SDL_Renderer,
    w: *mut c_int,
    h: *mut c_int,
Expand description

Get device independent resolution for rendering.

When using the main rendering target (eg no target texture is set): this may return 0 for w and h if the SDL_Renderer has never had its logical size set by SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(). Otherwise it returns the logical width and height.

When using a target texture: Never return 0 for w and h at first. Then it returns the logical width and height that are set.

\param renderer a rendering context \param w an int to be filled with the width \param h an int to be filled with the height

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

\sa SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize