pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_RenderGeometry(
renderer: *mut SDL_Renderer,
texture: *mut SDL_Texture,
vertices: *const SDL_Vertex,
num_vertices: c_int,
indices: *const c_int,
num_indices: c_int,
) -> c_int
Expand description
Render a list of triangles, optionally using a texture and indices into the vertex array Color and alpha modulation is done per vertex (SDL_SetTextureColorMod and SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod are ignored).
\param renderer The rendering context. \param texture (optional) The SDL texture to use. \param vertices Vertices. \param num_vertices Number of vertices. \param indices (optional) An array of integer indices into the ‘vertices’ array, if NULL all vertices will be rendered in sequential order. \param num_indices Number of indices. \return 0 on success, or -1 if the operation is not supported
\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.18.
\sa SDL_RenderGeometryRaw \sa SDL_Vertex