
Derive Macro DeriveActiveEnum

    // Attributes available to this derive:
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A derive macro to implement sea_orm::ActiveEnum trait for enums.


This derive macros can only be used on enums.

§Macro Attributes

All macro attributes listed below have to be annotated in the form of #[sea_orm(attr = value)].

  • For enum

    • rs_type: Define ActiveEnum::Value
      • Possible values: String, i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64
      • Note that value has to be passed as string, i.e. rs_type = "i8"
    • db_type: Define ColumnType returned by ActiveEnum::db_type()
      • Possible values: all available enum variants of ColumnType, e.g. String(StringLen::None), String(StringLen::N(1)), Integer
      • Note that value has to be passed as string, i.e. db_type = "Integer"
    • enum_name: Define String returned by ActiveEnum::name()
      • This attribute is optional with default value being the name of enum in camel-case
      • Note that value has to be passed as string, i.e. enum_name = "MyEnum"
  • For enum variant

    • string_value or num_value:
      • For string_value, value should be passed as string, i.e. string_value = "A"
        • Due to the way internal Enums are automatically derived, the following restrictions apply:
          • members cannot share identical string_value, case-insensitive.
          • in principle, any future Titlecased Rust keywords are not valid string_value.
      • For num_value, value should be passed as integer, i.e. num_value = 1 or num_value = 1i32
      • Note that only one of it can be specified, and all variants of an enum have to annotate with the same *_value macro attribute


use sea_orm::{entity::prelude::*, DeriveActiveEnum};

#[derive(EnumIter, DeriveActiveEnum)]
#[sea_orm(rs_type = "i32", db_type = "Integer")]
pub enum Color {
    Black = 0,
    White = 1,