//! The Sentry Debug Images integration.
//! The [`DebugImagesIntegration`] adds metadata about the loaded shared
//! libraries to Sentry [`Event`]s.
//! # Configuration
//! The integration by default attaches this information to all [`Event`]s, but
//! a custom filter can be defined as well.
//! ```rust
//! use sentry_core::Level;
//! let integration = sentry_debug_images::DebugImagesIntegration::new()
//! .filter(|event| event.level >= Level::Warning);
//! ```
//! [`Event`]: sentry_core::protocol::Event
#![doc(html_favicon_url = "")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
mod images;
mod integration;
pub use images::debug_images;
pub use integration::DebugImagesIntegration;