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//! This crate provides common types for working with the Sentry protocol or the
//! Sentry server. It's used by the Sentry Relay infrastructure as well as the
//! rust Sentry client.
//! Most of the types in this crate are serializable in one form or another.
//! The types in the `protocol` module are generally really only serializable
//! to JSON as other formats are not supported by Sentry at this date.
//! ## Contents
//! The crate provides a bunch of common types for working with Sentry as
//! such (DSN, ProjectIDs, authentication headers) as well as types for
//! the Sentry event protocol.
//! Right now only `v7` of the protocol is implemented but it's versioned
//! so later versions might be added later.
//! ## API Concepts
//! Most types are directly serializable or deserializable and try to implement
//! the `Default` type. This means that objects can be created conveniently
//! and missing attributes can be filled in:
//! ```rust
//! use sentry_types::protocol::v7;
//! let event = v7::Event {
//! message: Some("Hello World!".to_string()),
//! culprit: Some("foo in bar".to_string()),
//! level: v7::Level::Info,
//! ..Default::default()
//! };
//! ```
#![doc(html_favicon_url = "")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
mod macros;
mod auth;
mod crontab_validator;
mod dsn;
mod project_id;
pub mod protocol;
pub(crate) mod utils;
pub use crate::auth::*;
pub use crate::dsn::*;
pub use crate::project_id::*;
// Re-export external types and traits for convenience
pub use debugid::*;
pub use uuid::{Uuid, Variant as UuidVariant, Version as UuidVersion};
/// Generates a random [Uuid] using a thread local RNG.
pub fn random_uuid() -> Uuid {