macro_rules! str_index {
($string:expr, $index:expr $(,)*) => { ... };
Expand description
Re-exported from the const_format crate
Indexes a &'static str
This macro acts like a function of this signature:
fn str_index(input: &'static str, range: impl SomeIndex) -> &'static str
and is evaluated at compile-time.
This accepts
the same range
arguments as str_splice
use const_format::str_index;
use std::ops::RangeFrom;
assert_eq!(str_index!("foo bar baz", ..7), "foo bar");
assert_eq!(str_index!("foo bar baz", 4..7), "bar");
assert_eq!(str_index!("foo bar baz", 4..), "bar baz");
const IN: &str = "hello world";
const INDEX: RangeFrom<usize> = 6..;
// You can pass `const`ants to this macro, not just literals
const OUT_0: &str = str_index!(IN, INDEX);
assert_eq!(OUT_0, "world");
const OUT: &str = str_index!("hello world", 4);
assert_eq!(OUT, "o");
§Invalid index
Invalid indices cause compilation errors.
const_format::str_index!("foo", 0..10);