Macro str_splice_out

macro_rules! str_splice_out {
    ($string:expr, $index:expr, $insert:expr $(,)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Re-exported from the const_format crate Alternative version of str_splice which only returns the string with the applied replacement.


use const_format::{str_splice_out, SplicedStr};

const OUT: &str = str_splice_out!("foo bar baz", 4..=6, "is");
assert_eq!(OUT , "foo is baz");

// You can pass `const`ants to this macro, not just literals
    const IN: &str = "this is bad";
    const INDEX: std::ops::RangeFrom<usize> = 8..;
    const REPLACE_WITH: &str = "... fine";
    const OUT: &str = str_splice_out!(IN, INDEX, REPLACE_WITH);
    assert_eq!(OUT , "this is ... fine");
    const OUT: &str = str_splice_out!("ABC豆-", 3, "DEFGH");
    assert_eq!(OUT , "ABCDEFGH-");