//! Types representing various errors that can occur in the process of building and deploying a service.
/// An error that can occur in the process of building and deploying a service.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
/// An Input/Output error.
#[error("IO error: {0}")]
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// An Error related to the database.
#[error("Database error: {0}")]
/// An error related to the build process.
#[error("Panic occurred in shuttle_service::main`: {0}")]
/// An error related to the bind process.
#[error("Panic occurred in `Service::bind`: {0}")]
/// An error related to parsing the Secrets.toml file.
#[error("Failed to interpolate string. Is your Secrets.toml correct?")]
StringInterpolation(#[from] strfmt::FmtError),
Custom(#[from] CustomError),
/// Type alias for an `anyhow::Error`.
pub type CustomError = anyhow::Error;