Expand description
Prelude for traits
- base
- Traits that provide basic interactions, they do have no auto-implementations
- derived
- Traits that have derived implementations relying on
- TryType
Error - A type error thrown by the
- Access
Error - An access error for
- Extended
Value Type - Extended types that have no native representation in JSON
- Static
Node - Static tape node
- Value
Type - Types of JSON values
- Array
Mut - Mutability functions for a value array
- Array
Trait - A trait for the minimal common functionality of a vale array
- Base
Generator - Base generator trait
- Indexed
- Trait for indexing into an array
- Indexed
Mut - Trait for indexing into an array
- Mutable
Array - Mutatability for array like values
- Mutable
Object - Mutatability for object like values
- Mutable
Value Array Access - Mutatability for array like values
- Object
Mut - A mutable value Object
- Object
Trait - A trait for the minimal common functionality of a vale object
- Typed
Array Value - Type checks for array values on a value
- Typed
Custom Value - Type checks for custom values on a value
- Typed
Object Value - Type checks for object values on a value
- Typed
Scalar Value - Type checks for scalar values on a value
- Typed
Value - Type information on a value
- Value
Array Access - Access to a value as an array
- Value
Array TryAccess - Access to a value as an array with error handling
- Value
AsArray - Trait to allow accessing data inside a Value
- Value
AsMut Array - Mutatability for Array values
- Value
AsMut Object - Mutatability for Object values
- Value
AsObject - Trait to allow Value as an object
- Value
AsScalar - Access to scalar value types
- Value
Builder - Support of builder methods for traits.
- Value
Into Array - A trait that specifies how to turn the Value
it’s sub types - Value
Into Object - A trait that specifies how to turn the Value
it’s sub types - Value
Into String - A trait that specifies how to turn the Value
it’s sub types - Value
Object Access - Access to a value as an object
- Value
Object Access AsArray - Access to array values in an object
- Value
Object Access AsObject - Access to object values in an object
- Value
Object Access AsScalar - Access to scalar values in an object
- Value
Object Access TryAs Array try_get_array
access to object values in an object- Value
Object Access TryAs Object try_get_object
access to object values in an object- Value
Object Access TryAs Scalar try_as_*
access to scalar values in an object- Value
Object TryAccess try_as_*
access to a value as an object- Value
TryAs Array try_as_*
access to array value types- Value
TryAs Array Mut try_as_array_mut
access to array value types- Value
TryAs MutObject - Mutatability for Object values
- Value
TryAs Object try_as_*
access to object value types- Value
TryAs Scalar try_as_*
access to scalar value types- Value
TryInto Array - A trait that specifies how to turn the Value
it’s sub types with error handling - Value
TryInto Object - A trait that specifies how to turn the Value
it’s sub types with error handling - Value
TryInto String - A trait that allows destructively turning a value into it’s string representation
- Writable
- A Value that can be serialized and written