
1//! Implements a mirrored memory buffer.
3use super::*;
5/// Number of required memory allocation units to hold `bytes`.
6fn no_required_allocation_units(bytes: usize) -> usize {
7    let ag = allocation_granularity();
8    let r = ((bytes + ag - 1) / ag).max(1);
9    let r = if r % 2 == 0 { r } else { r + 1 };
10    debug_assert!(r * ag >= bytes);
11    debug_assert!(r % 2 == 0);
12    r
15/// Mirrored memory buffer of length `len`.
17/// The buffer elements in range `[0, len/2)` are mirrored into the range
18/// `[len/2, len)`.
19pub struct Buffer<T> {
20    /// Pointer to the first element in the buffer.
21    ptr: NonNull<T>,
22    /// Length of the buffer:
23    ///
24    /// * it is NOT always a multiple of 2
25    /// * the elements in range `[0, len/2)` are mirrored into the range
26    /// `[len/2, len)`.
27    len: usize,
30impl<T> Buffer<T> {
31    /// Number of elements in the buffer.
32    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
33        self.len
34    }
36    /// Is the buffer empty?
37    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
38        self.len() == 0
39    }
41    /// Pointer to the first element in the buffer.
42    pub unsafe fn ptr(&self) -> *mut T {
43        self.ptr.as_ptr()
44    }
46    /// Interprets contents as a slice.
47    ///
48    /// Warning: Some memory might be uninitialized.
49    pub unsafe fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T] {
50        slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr.as_ptr(), self.len())
51    }
53    /// Interprets contents as a mut slice.
54    ///
55    /// Warning: Some memory might be uninitialized.
56    pub unsafe fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
57        slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.ptr.as_ptr(), self.len())
58    }
60    /// Interprets content as a slice and access the `i`-th element.
61    ///
62    /// Warning: The memory of the `i`-th element might be uninitialized.
63    pub unsafe fn get(&self, i: usize) -> &T {
64        &self.as_slice()[i]
65    }
67    /// Interprets content as a mut slice and access the `i`-th element.
68    ///
69    /// Warning: The memory of the `i`-th element might be uninitialized.
70    pub unsafe fn get_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut T {
71        &mut self.as_mut_slice()[i]
72    }
74    fn empty_len() -> usize {
75        if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
76            isize::max_value() as usize * 2
77        } else {
78            0
79        }
80    }
82    /// Creates a new empty `Buffer`.
83    pub fn new() -> Self {
84        // Here `ptr` is initialized to a magic value but `len == 0`
85        // will ensure that it is never dereferenced in this state.
86        Self {
87            ptr: NonNull::dangling(),
88            len: Self::empty_len(),
89        }
90    }
92    /// Creates a new empty `Buffer` from a `ptr` and a `len`.
93    ///
94    /// # Panics
95    ///
96    /// If `ptr` is null.
97    pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(ptr: *mut T, len: usize) -> Self {
98        assert!(len % 2 == 0);
99        assert!(!ptr.is_null());
100        if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
101            debug_assert_eq!(len, Self::empty_len());
102        }
103        Self {
104            ptr: NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),
105            len,
106        }
107    }
109    /// Total number of bytes in the buffer.
110    pub fn size_in_bytes(len: usize) -> usize {
111        let v = no_required_allocation_units(len * mem::size_of::<T>())
112            * allocation_granularity();
113        debug_assert!(
114            v >= len * mem::size_of::<T>(),
115            "len: {}, so<T>: {}, v: {}",
116            len,
117            mem::size_of::<T>(),
118            v
119        );
120        v
121    }
123    /// Create a mirrored buffer containing `len` `T`s where the first half of
124    /// the buffer is mirrored into the second half.
125    pub fn uninitialized(len: usize) -> Result<Self, AllocError> {
126        // Zero-sized types:
127        if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
128            return Ok(Self {
129                ptr: NonNull::dangling(),
130                len: Self::empty_len(),
131            });
132        }
133        // The alignment requirements of `T` must be smaller than the
134        // allocation granularity.
135        assert!(mem::align_of::<T>() <= allocation_granularity());
136        // To split the buffer in two halfs the number of elements must be a
137        // multiple of two, and greater than zero to be able to mirror
138        // something.
139        if len == 0 {
140            return Ok(Self::new());
141        }
142        assert!(len % 2 == 0);
144        // How much memory we need:
145        let alloc_size = Self::size_in_bytes(len);
146        debug_assert!(alloc_size > 0);
147        debug_assert!(alloc_size % 2 == 0);
148        debug_assert!(alloc_size % allocation_granularity() == 0);
149        debug_assert!(alloc_size >= len * mem::size_of::<T>());
151        let ptr = allocate_mirrored(alloc_size)?;
152        Ok(Self {
153            ptr: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut T) },
154            len: alloc_size / mem::size_of::<T>(),
155            // Note: len is not a multiple of two: debug_assert!(len % 2 == 0);
156        })
157    }
160impl<T> Drop for Buffer<T> {
161    fn drop(&mut self) {
162        if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
163            debug_assert_eq!(self.len, Self::empty_len());
164            return;
165        }
166        if self.is_empty() {
167            return;
168        }
170        let buffer_size_in_bytes = Self::size_in_bytes(self.len());
171        let first_half_ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
172        unsafe { deallocate_mirrored(first_half_ptr, buffer_size_in_bytes) };
173    }
176impl<T> Clone for Buffer<T>
178    T: Clone,
180    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
181        unsafe {
182            let mid = self.len() / 2;
183            let mut c = Self::uninitialized(self.len())
184                .expect("allocating a new mirrored buffer failed");
185            let (from, _) = self.as_slice().split_at(mid);
186            {
187                let (to, _) = c.as_mut_slice().split_at_mut(mid);
188                to[..mid].clone_from_slice(&from[..mid]);
189            }
190            c
191        }
192    }
195impl<T> Default for Buffer<T> {
196    fn default() -> Self {
197        Self::new()
198    }
201// Safe because it is possible to free this from a different thread
202unsafe impl<T> Send for Buffer<T> where T: Send {}
203// Safe because this doesn't use any kind of interior mutability.
204unsafe impl<T> Sync for Buffer<T> where T: Sync {}
207mod tests {
208    use super::*;
210    fn is_send_sync<T>() -> bool
211    where
212        T: Send + Sync,
213    {
214        true
215    }
217    #[test]
218    fn buffer_send_sync() {
219        assert!(is_send_sync::<Buffer<usize>>());
220    }
222    #[test]
223    fn test_new() {
224        let a = Buffer::<u64>::new();
225        assert!(a.is_empty());
226    }
228    fn test_alloc(size: usize) {
229        unsafe {
230            let mut a = Buffer::<u64>::uninitialized(size).unwrap();
231            let sz = a.len();
232            assert!(sz >= size);
233            assert_eq!(
234                sz,
235                Buffer::<u64>::size_in_bytes(size) / mem::size_of::<u64>()
236            );
238            for i in / 2 {
239                *a.get_mut(i) = i as u64;
240            }
242            let (first_half_mut, second_half_mut) =
243                a.as_mut_slice().split_at_mut(sz / 2);
245            let mut c = 0;
246            for (i, j) in first_half_mut.iter().zip(second_half_mut) {
247                assert_eq!(i, j);
248                c += 1;
249            }
250            assert_eq!(c, sz / 2);
251        }
252    }
254    #[test]
255    fn allocations() {
256        let elements_per_alloc_unit =
257            allocation_granularity() / mem::size_of::<u64>();
258        let sizes = [
259            8,
260            elements_per_alloc_unit / 2,
261            elements_per_alloc_unit,
262            elements_per_alloc_unit * 4,
263        ];
264        for &i in &sizes {
265            test_alloc(i);
266        }
267    }
269    #[test]
270    fn no_alloc_units_required() {
271        // Up to the allocation unit size we always need two allocation units
272        assert_eq!(
273            no_required_allocation_units(allocation_granularity() / 4),
274            2
275        );
276        assert_eq!(
277            no_required_allocation_units(allocation_granularity() / 2),
278            2
279        );
280        assert_eq!(no_required_allocation_units(allocation_granularity()), 2);
281        // For sizes larger than the allocation units we always round up to the
282        // next even number of allocation units:
283        assert_eq!(
284            no_required_allocation_units(allocation_granularity() + 1),
285            2
286        );
287        assert_eq!(
288            no_required_allocation_units(2 * allocation_granularity()),
289            2
290        );
291        assert_eq!(
292            no_required_allocation_units(3 * allocation_granularity()),
293            4
294        );
295        assert_eq!(
296            no_required_allocation_units(4 * allocation_granularity()),
297            4
298        );
299        assert_eq!(
300            no_required_allocation_units(5 * allocation_granularity()),
301            6
302        );
303    }