pub trait Frame: Sized {
    type Error;
    type Config;
Show 13 methods fn init(
        base_surface: &WlSurface,
        compositor: &Attached<WlCompositor>,
        subcompositor: &Attached<WlSubcompositor>,
        shm: &Attached<WlShm>,
        theme_manager: Option<ThemeManager>,
        callback: Box<dyn FnMut(FrameRequest, u32, DispatchData<'_>)>
    ) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>; fn set_states(&mut self, states: &[State]) -> bool; fn set_hidden(&mut self, hidden: bool); fn set_resizable(&mut self, resizable: bool); fn new_seat(&mut self, seat: &Attached<WlSeat>); fn remove_seat(&mut self, seat: &WlSeat); fn resize(&mut self, newsize: (u32, u32)); fn redraw(&mut self); fn subtract_borders(&self, width: i32, height: i32) -> (i32, i32); fn add_borders(&self, width: i32, height: i32) -> (i32, i32); fn set_config(&mut self, config: Self::Config); fn set_title(&mut self, title: String); fn location(&self) -> (i32, i32) { ... }
Expand description

Interface for defining the drawing of decorations

A type implementing this trait can be used to define custom decorations additionnaly to the ones provided by this crate and be used with Window.

Associated Types

Type of errors that may occur when attempting to create a frame

Configuration for this frame

Required methods

Initialize the Frame.

Providing non None to theme_manager should prevent Frame to theme pointer over base_surface surface.

Set the Window XDG states for the frame

This notably includes information about whether the window is maximized, active, or tiled, and can affect the way decorations are drawn.

Calling this should not trigger a redraw, but return true if a redraw is needed.

Hide or show the decorations

Calling this should not trigger a redraw

Set whether interactive resize hints should be displayed and reacted to

Notify that a new wl_seat should be handled

This seat is guaranteed to have pointer capability

Notify that this seat has lost the pointer capability or has been lost

Change the size of the decorations

Calling this should not trigger a redraw

Redraw the decorations

Subtracts the border dimensions from the given dimensions.

Adds the border dimensions to the given dimensions.

Sets the configuration for the frame

Sets the frames title

Provided methods

Returns the coordinates of the top-left corner of the borders relative to the content

Values should thus be negative
