hash_to_group.rsuse super::*;
impl<E: Environment, const RATE: usize> HashToGroup for Poseidon<E, RATE> {
type Group = Group<E>;
type Input = Field<E>;
type Scalar = Scalar<E>;
fn hash_to_group(&self, input: &[Self::Input]) -> Self::Group {
if input.is_empty() {
E::halt("Input to hash to group cannot be empty")
match self.hash_many(input, 2).iter().collect_tuple() {
Some((h0, h1)) => Elligator2::encode(h1) + Elligator2::encode(h0),
None => E::halt("Failed to compute the hash to group"),
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "console"))]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use snarkvm_circuit_types::environment::Circuit;
use snarkvm_curves::{AffineCurve, ProjectiveCurve};
use anyhow::Result;
const ITERATIONS: u64 = 100;
const DOMAIN: &str = "PoseidonCircuit0";
macro_rules! check_hash_to_group {
($poseidon:ident, $mode:ident, $num_fields:expr, ($num_constants:expr, $num_public:expr, $num_private:expr, $num_constraints:expr)) => {{
let native = console::$poseidon::<<Circuit as Environment>::Network>::setup(DOMAIN)?;
let circuit = $poseidon::<Circuit>::constant(native.clone());
let rng = &mut TestRng::default();
for i in 0..ITERATIONS {
let input = (0..$num_fields).map(|_| Uniform::rand(rng)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected = console::HashToGroup::hash_to_group(&native, &input)?;
let circuit_input: Vec<Field<_>> = Inject::new(Mode::$mode, input);
Circuit::scope(format!("Poseidon HashToGroup {i}"), || {
let candidate = circuit.hash_to_group(&circuit_input);
assert_scope!($num_constants, $num_public, $num_private, $num_constraints);
assert_eq!(expected, candidate.eject_value());
let candidate = candidate.eject_value();
assert_ne!(console::Group::<<Circuit as Environment>::Network>::zero(), candidate);
assert_ne!(console::Group::<<Circuit as Environment>::Network>::generator(), candidate);
let candidate_cofactor_inv = candidate.div_by_cofactor();
assert_eq!(candidate, candidate_cofactor_inv.mul_by_cofactor());
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())
fn test_poseidon2_hash_to_group_constant() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon2, Constant, 2, (1059, 0, 0, 0))
fn test_poseidon2_hash_to_group_public() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon2, Public, 2, (529, 0, 2026, 2036))
fn test_poseidon2_hash_to_group_private() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon2, Private, 2, (529, 0, 2026, 2036))
fn test_poseidon4_hash_to_group_constant() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon4, Constant, 2, (1059, 0, 0, 0))
fn test_poseidon4_hash_to_group_public() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon4, Public, 2, (529, 0, 2096, 2106))
fn test_poseidon4_hash_to_group_private() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon4, Private, 2, (529, 0, 2096, 2106))
fn test_poseidon8_hash_to_group_constant() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon8, Constant, 2, (1059, 0, 0, 0))
fn test_poseidon8_hash_to_group_public() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon8, Public, 2, (529, 0, 2236, 2246))
fn test_poseidon8_hash_to_group_private() -> Result<()> {
check_hash_to_group!(Poseidon8, Private, 2, (529, 0, 2236, 2246))