mod.rsmod helpers;
pub use helpers::{BooleanHash, LeafHash, PathHash};
mod verify;
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "console"))]
use snarkvm_circuit_types::environment::assert_scope;
use snarkvm_circuit_types::{Boolean, Field, U16, U64, environment::prelude::*};
pub struct KaryMerklePath<E: Environment, PH: PathHash<E>, const DEPTH: u8, const ARITY: u8> {
leaf_index: U64<E>,
siblings: Vec<Vec<PH::Hash>>,
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
impl<E: Environment, PH: PathHash<E>, const DEPTH: u8, const ARITY: u8> Inject for KaryMerklePath<E, PH, DEPTH, ARITY> {
type Primitive = console::kary_merkle_tree::KaryMerklePath<PH::Primitive, DEPTH, ARITY>;
fn new(mode: Mode, merkle_path: Self::Primitive) -> Self {
let leaf_index = U64::new(mode, console::U64::new(merkle_path.leaf_index()));
let siblings: Vec<Vec<_>> = merkle_path
.map(|nodes| nodes.iter().map(|node| Inject::new(mode, *node)).collect())
for sibling in &siblings {
if sibling.len() != ARITY.saturating_sub(1) as usize {
return E::halt("Merkle path is not the correct depth");
match siblings.len() == DEPTH as usize {
true => Self { leaf_index, siblings },
false => E::halt("Merkle path is not the correct depth"),
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
impl<E: Environment, PH: PathHash<E>, const DEPTH: u8, const ARITY: u8> Eject for KaryMerklePath<E, PH, DEPTH, ARITY> {
type Primitive = console::kary_merkle_tree::KaryMerklePath<PH::Primitive, DEPTH, ARITY>;
fn eject_mode(&self) -> Mode {
(&self.leaf_index, &self.siblings).eject_mode()
fn eject_value(&self) -> Self::Primitive {
match Self::Primitive::try_from((*self.leaf_index.eject_value(), self.siblings.eject_value())) {
Ok(merkle_path) => merkle_path,
Err(error) => E::halt(format!("Failed to eject the Merkle path: {error}")),
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "console"))]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use console::{
algorithms::{BHP512 as NativeBHP512, BHP1024 as NativeBHP1024},
use snarkvm_circuit_algorithms::BHP512;
use snarkvm_circuit_network::AleoV0 as Circuit;
use snarkvm_utilities::{TestRng, Uniform};
use anyhow::Result;
const ITERATIONS: u128 = 100;
fn check_new<const DEPTH: u8, const ARITY: u8>(
mode: Mode,
num_constants: u64,
num_public: u64,
num_private: u64,
num_constraints: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut rng = TestRng::default();
type PH = BHP512<Circuit>;
type NativeLH = NativeBHP1024<<Circuit as Environment>::Network>;
type NativePH = NativeBHP512<<Circuit as Environment>::Network>;
let leaf_hasher = NativeLH::setup("AleoMerklePathTest0")?;
let path_hasher = NativePH::setup("AleoMerklePathTest1")?;
let mut create_leaves = |num_leaves| {
.map(|_| console::Field::<<Circuit as Environment>::Network>::rand(&mut rng).to_bits_le())
for i in 0..ITERATIONS {
let num_leaves = core::cmp::min((ARITY as u128).pow(DEPTH as u32), i);
let leaves = create_leaves(num_leaves);
let merkle_tree =
KaryMerkleTree::<NativeLH, NativePH, DEPTH, ARITY>::new(&leaf_hasher, &path_hasher, &leaves)?;
for (index, leaf) in leaves.iter().enumerate() {
let merkle_path = merkle_tree.prove(index, leaf)?;
Circuit::scope(format!("New {mode}"), || {
let candidate = KaryMerklePath::<Circuit, PH, DEPTH, ARITY>::new(mode, merkle_path.clone());
assert_eq!(merkle_path, candidate.eject_value());
assert_scope!(num_constants, num_public, num_private, num_constraints);
fn test_new_constant() -> Result<()> {
check_new::<32, 3>(Mode::Constant, 128, 0, 0, 0)
fn test_new_public() -> Result<()> {
check_new::<32, 3>(Mode::Public, 0, 128, 0, 64)
fn test_new_private() -> Result<()> {
check_new::<32, 3>(Mode::Private, 0, 0, 128, 64)