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// Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the snarkVM library.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use super::*;
impl<A: Aleo> Record<A, Plaintext<A>> {
/// Encrypts `self` for the record owner under the given randomizer.
pub fn encrypt(&self, randomizer: &Scalar<A>) -> Record<A, Ciphertext<A>> {
// Ensure the randomizer corresponds to the record nonce.
A::assert_eq(&self.nonce, A::g_scalar_multiply(randomizer));
// Compute the record view key.
let record_view_key = ((*self.owner).to_group() * randomizer).to_x_coordinate();
// Encrypt the record.
/// Encrypts `self` under the given record view key.
pub fn encrypt_symmetric(&self, record_view_key: Field<A>) -> Record<A, Ciphertext<A>> {
// Determine the number of randomizers needed to encrypt the record.
let num_randomizers = self.num_randomizers();
// Prepare a randomizer for each field element.
let randomizers = A::hash_many_psd8(&[A::encryption_domain(), record_view_key], num_randomizers);
// Encrypt the record.
/// Encrypts `self` under the given randomizers.
fn encrypt_with_randomizers(&self, randomizers: &[Field<A>]) -> Record<A, Ciphertext<A>> {
// Initialize an index to keep track of the randomizer index.
let mut index: usize = 0;
// Encrypt the owner.
let owner = match self.owner.is_public().eject_value() {
true => self.owner.encrypt(&[]),
false => self.owner.encrypt(&[randomizers[index].clone()]),
// Increment the index if the owner is private.
if owner.is_private().eject_value() {
index += 1;
// Encrypt the data.
let mut encrypted_data = IndexMap::with_capacity(self.data.len());
for (id, entry, num_randomizers) in self.data.iter().map(|(id, entry)| (id, entry, entry.num_randomizers())) {
// Retrieve the randomizers for this entry.
let randomizers = &randomizers[index..index + num_randomizers as usize];
// Encrypt the entry.
let entry = match entry {
// Constant entries do not need to be encrypted.
Entry::Constant(plaintext) => Entry::Constant(plaintext.clone()),
// Public entries do not need to be encrypted.
Entry::Public(plaintext) => Entry::Public(plaintext.clone()),
// Private entries are encrypted with the given randomizers.
Entry::Private(private) => Entry::Private(private.encrypt_with_randomizers(randomizers)),
// Insert the encrypted entry.
if encrypted_data.insert(id.clone(), entry).is_some() {
A::halt(format!("Duplicate identifier in record: {id}"))
// Increment the index.
index += num_randomizers as usize;
// Return the encrypted record.
Record { owner, data: encrypted_data, nonce: self.nonce.clone() }