use super::*;
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> BitAnd<Integer<E, I>> for Integer<E, I> {
type Output = Integer<E, I>;
fn bitand(self, other: Integer<E, I>) -> Self::Output {
self & &other
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> BitAnd<Integer<E, I>> for &Integer<E, I> {
type Output = Integer<E, I>;
fn bitand(self, other: Integer<E, I>) -> Self::Output {
self & &other
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> BitAnd<&Integer<E, I>> for Integer<E, I> {
type Output = Integer<E, I>;
fn bitand(self, other: &Integer<E, I>) -> Self::Output {
&self & other
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> BitAnd<&Integer<E, I>> for &Integer<E, I> {
type Output = Integer<E, I>;
fn bitand(self, other: &Integer<E, I>) -> Self::Output {
let mut output = self.clone();
output &= other;
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> BitAndAssign<Integer<E, I>> for Integer<E, I> {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Integer<E, I>) {
*self &= &other;
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> BitAndAssign<&Integer<E, I>> for Integer<E, I> {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: &Integer<E, I>) {
*self = Self {
bits_le: self.bits_le.iter().zip_eq(other.bits_le.iter()).map(|(a, b)| a & b).collect(),
phantom: Default::default(),
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> Metrics<dyn BitAnd<Integer<E, I>, Output = Integer<E, I>>> for Integer<E, I> {
type Case = (Mode, Mode);
fn count(case: &Self::Case) -> Count {
match (case.0, case.1) {
(Mode::Constant, _) | (_, Mode::Constant) => Count::is(0, 0, 0, 0),
(_, _) => Count::is(0, 0, I::BITS, I::BITS),
impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> OutputMode<dyn BitAnd<Integer<E, I>, Output = Integer<E, I>>> for Integer<E, I> {
type Case = (CircuitType<Integer<E, I>>, CircuitType<Integer<E, I>>);
fn output_mode(case: &Self::Case) -> Mode {
match (case.0.mode(), case.1.mode()) {
(Mode::Constant, Mode::Constant) => Mode::Constant,
(Mode::Constant, mode_b) => match &case.0 {
CircuitType::Constant(constant) => match constant.eject_value().is_zero() {
true => Mode::Constant,
false => mode_b,
_ => E::halt(format!("The constant is required to determine the output mode of Constant AND {mode_b}")),
(mode_a, Mode::Constant) => match &case.1 {
CircuitType::Constant(constant) => match constant.eject_value().is_zero() {
true => Mode::Constant,
false => mode_a,
_ => E::halt(format!("The constant is required to determine the output mode of {mode_a} AND Constant")),
(_, _) => Mode::Private,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use snarkvm_circuit_environment::Circuit;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
const ITERATIONS: u64 = 128;
fn check_and<I: IntegerType + BitAnd<Output = I>>(
name: &str,
first: console::Integer<<Circuit as Environment>::Network, I>,
second: console::Integer<<Circuit as Environment>::Network, I>,
mode_a: Mode,
mode_b: Mode,
) {
let a = Integer::<Circuit, I>::new(mode_a, first);
let b = Integer::new(mode_b, second);
let expected = first & second;
Circuit::scope(name, || {
let candidate = (&a).bitand(&b);
assert_eq!(expected, candidate.eject_value());
assert_count!(BitAnd(Integer<I>, Integer<I>) => Integer<I>, &(mode_a, mode_b));
assert_output_mode!(BitAnd(Integer<I>, Integer<I>) => Integer<I>, &(CircuitType::from(&a), CircuitType::from(&b)), candidate);
fn run_test<I: IntegerType + BitAnd<Output = I>>(mode_a: Mode, mode_b: Mode) {
let mut rng = TestRng::default();
for i in 0..ITERATIONS {
let first = Uniform::rand(&mut rng);
let second = Uniform::rand(&mut rng);
let name = format!("BitAnd: ({mode_a} & {mode_b}) {i}");
check_and::<I>(&name, first, second, mode_a, mode_b);
check_and::<I>(&name, second, first, mode_a, mode_b); let name = format!("BitAnd Identity: ({mode_a} & {mode_b}) {i}");
let identity = if I::is_signed() { -console::Integer::one() } else { console::Integer::MAX };
check_and::<I>(&name, identity, first, mode_a, mode_b);
check_and::<I>(&name, first, identity, mode_a, mode_b); }
check_and::<I>("0 & MAX", console::Integer::zero(), console::Integer::MAX, mode_a, mode_b);
check_and::<I>("MAX & 0", console::Integer::MAX, console::Integer::zero(), mode_a, mode_b);
check_and::<I>("0 & MIN", console::Integer::zero(), console::Integer::MIN, mode_a, mode_b);
check_and::<I>("MIN & 0", console::Integer::MIN, console::Integer::zero(), mode_a, mode_b);
fn run_exhaustive_test<I: IntegerType + BitAnd<Output = I>>(mode_a: Mode, mode_b: Mode)
RangeInclusive<I>: Iterator<Item = I>,
for first in I::MIN..=I::MAX {
for second in I::MIN..=I::MAX {
let first = console::Integer::<_, I>::new(first);
let second = console::Integer::<_, I>::new(second);
let name = format!("BitAnd: ({first} & {second})");
check_and::<I>(&name, first, second, mode_a, mode_b);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, i8, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, i16, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, i32, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, i64, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, i128, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, u8, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, u16, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, u32, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, u64, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(run_test, u128, bitand);
test_integer_binary!(#[ignore], run_exhaustive_test, u8, bitand, exhaustive);
test_integer_binary!(#[ignore], run_exhaustive_test, i8, bitand, exhaustive);