



  • A struct that contains public variable assignments, private variable assignments, and constraint assignments.
  • A helper struct for tracking the number of constants, public inputs, private inputs, and constraints.


  • Helper enum used in the case where a circuit’s output mode or counts are determined by its mode and the actual value of the circuit.
  • A Measurement is a quantity that can be measured. The variants of the Measurement defines a condition associated with the measurable quantity.


  • Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, bounding the difference to MAX if an overflow occurs.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for adding two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for adding two values, bounding the sum to MAX if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for adding two values, wrapping the sum if an overflow occurs.
  • A single-bit binary adder with a carry bit.
  • Representation of a boolean.
  • Trait for comparator operations.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the quotient to MAX or MIN if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, without checking specific conditions.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the quotient if an overflow occurs.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the doubled value.
  • Operations to eject from a circuit environment into primitive form.
  • Trait for equality comparisons.
  • Representation of a base field element.
  • Unary operator for instantiating from bits.
  • Unary operator for instantiating from a boolean.
  • Unary operator for converting from a base field element.
  • Unary operator for converting from a list of base elements.
  • Unary operator for converting from an affine group element.
  • Representation of a group element.
  • Operations to inject from a primitive form into a circuit environment.
  • Representation of an integer.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the inverse value.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the most-significant bit.
  • Trait for determining the number of constants, public input, private inputs, and constraints for an operation.
  • Binary operator for modding two values.
  • Binary operator for multiplying two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for multiplying two values, bounding the product to MAX if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for multiplying two values, wrapping the product if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for performing NOT (a AND b).
  • Binary operator for performing (NOT a) AND (NOT b).
  • Representation of the one value.
  • Trait for determining the mode of the output of an operation.
  • Binary operator for exponentiating two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for exponentiating two values, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values and returning the remainder, enforcing an overflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the remainder to MAX or MIN if an overflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the remainder if an overflow occurs.
  • Representation of a scalar field element.
  • Binary operator for left shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number of bits in self.
  • Binary operator for left shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self.
  • Binary operator for right shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number of bits in self.
  • Binary operator for right shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the squared value.
  • Unary operator for retrieving the square root of the value.
  • Binary operator for subtracting two values, enforcing an underflow never occurs.
  • Binary operator for subtracting two values, bounding the difference to MIN if an underflow occurs.
  • Binary operator for subtracting two values, wrapping the difference if an underflow occurs.
  • A single-bit binary subtractor with a borrow bit.
  • Trait for ternary operations.
  • Unary operator for converting to bits.
  • Unary operator for converting to a base field.
  • Unary operator for converting to a list of base fields.
  • Unary operator for converting to an affine group.
  • Unary operator for converting to k number of bits.
  • Unary operator for converting to k number of bits.
  • Representation of the zero value.

Type Definitions