pub trait Environment: 'static + Copy + Clone + Debug + Display + Eq + PartialEq<Self> + Hash {
    type Network: Network<Affine = Self::Affine, Field = Self::BaseField, Scalar = Self::ScalarField>;
    type Affine: AffineCurve<BaseField = Self::BaseField, ScalarField = Self::ScalarField, Coordinates = (Self::BaseField, Self::BaseField)>;
    type BaseField: PrimeField + SquareRootField + Copy;
    type ScalarField: PrimeField<BigInteger = <Self::BaseField as PrimeField>::BigInteger> + Copy;

    const EDWARDS_A: Self::BaseField = <Self::Network as console::Environment>::EDWARDS_A;
    const EDWARDS_D: Self::BaseField = <Self::Network as console::Environment>::EDWARDS_D;
    const MONTGOMERY_A: Self::BaseField = <Self::Network as console::Environment>::MONTGOMERY_A;
    const MONTGOMERY_B: Self::BaseField = <Self::Network as console::Environment>::MONTGOMERY_B;
    const MAX_STRING_BYTES: u32 = <Self::Network as console::Environment>::MAX_STRING_BYTES;
Show 28 methods fn zero() -> LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>; fn one() -> LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>; fn new_variable(
        mode: Mode,
        value: Self::BaseField
    ) -> Variable<Self::BaseField>; fn new_witness<Fn, Output>(mode: Mode, value: Fn) -> Output
        Fn: FnOnce() -> <Output as Inject>::Primitive,
        Output: Inject
; fn scope<S, Fn, Output>(name: S, logic: Fn) -> Output
        S: Into<String>,
        Fn: FnOnce() -> Output
; fn enforce<Fn, A, B, C>(constraint: Fn)
        Fn: FnOnce() -> (A, B, C),
        A: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>,
        B: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>,
        C: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>
; fn is_satisfied() -> bool; fn is_satisfied_in_scope() -> bool; fn num_constants() -> u64; fn num_public() -> u64; fn num_private() -> u64; fn num_constraints() -> u64; fn num_gates() -> u64; fn num_constants_in_scope() -> u64; fn num_public_in_scope() -> u64; fn num_private_in_scope() -> u64; fn num_constraints_in_scope() -> u64; fn num_gates_in_scope() -> u64; fn inject_r1cs(r1cs: R1CS<Self::BaseField>); fn eject_r1cs_and_reset() -> R1CS<Self::BaseField>; fn eject_assignment_and_reset(
    ) -> Assignment<<Self::Network as Environment>::Field>; fn reset(); fn assert<Boolean>(boolean: Boolean)
        Boolean: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>
, { ... } fn assert_eq<A, B>(a: A, b: B)
        A: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>,
        B: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>
, { ... } fn assert_neq<A, B>(a: A, b: B)
        A: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>,
        B: Into<LinearCombination<Self::BaseField>>
, { ... } fn count() -> (u64, u64, u64, u64, u64) { ... } fn count_in_scope() -> (u64, u64, u64, u64, u64) { ... } fn halt<S, T>(message: S) -> T
        S: Into<String>
, { ... }

Required Associated Types§

Provided Associated Constants§

The coefficient A of the twisted Edwards curve.

The coefficient D of the twisted Edwards curve.

The coefficient A of the Montgomery curve.

The coefficient B of the Montgomery curve.

The maximum number of bytes allowed in a string.

Required Methods§

Returns the zero constant.

Returns the one constant.

Returns a new variable of the given mode and value.

Returns a new witness of the given mode and value.

Enters a new scope for the environment.

Adds one constraint enforcing that (A * B) == C.

Returns true if all constraints in the environment are satisfied.

Returns true if all constraints in the current scope are satisfied.

Returns the number of constants in the entire environment.

Returns the number of public variables in the entire environment.

Returns the number of private variables in the entire environment.

Returns the number of constraints in the entire environment.

Returns the number of gates in the entire environment.

Returns the number of constants for the current scope.

Returns the number of public variables for the current scope.

Returns the number of private variables for the current scope.

Returns the number of constraints for the current scope.

Returns the number of gates for the current scope.

Returns the R1CS circuit, resetting the circuit.

Returns the R1CS circuit, resetting the circuit.

Returns the R1CS assignment of the circuit, resetting the circuit.

Clears and initializes an empty environment.

Provided Methods§

Adds one constraint enforcing that the given boolean is true.

Adds one constraint enforcing that the A == B.

Adds one constraint enforcing that the A != B.

Returns a tuple containing the number of constants, public variables, private variables, constraints, and gates in the entire environment.

Returns a tuple containing the number of constants, public variables, private variables, constraints, and gates for the current scope.

Halts the program from further synthesis, evaluation, and execution in the current environment.
