Crate snarkvm_console_collections Copy item path Source pub use snarkvm_console_algorithms as algorithms;
bech32 Encoding and decoding of the Bech32 format de Generic data structure deserialization framework. environment error field fmt Utilities for formatting and printing strings. group integer_magnitude Trait pattern to prevent abuse of Magnitude. integer_type integers kary_merkle_tree merkle_tree scalar ser Generic data structure serialization framework. str String manipulation. string_parser From variable_length anyhow Construct an ad-hoc error from a string or existing non-anyhow
value. bail Return early with an error. cfg_chunks Returns an iterator over chunk_size
elements of the slice at a
time. cfg_chunks_mut Returns an iterator over chunk_size
elements of the slice at a time. cfg_find Finds the first element that satisfies the predicate function cfg_find_map Applies a function and returns the first value that is not None cfg_into_iter Creates parallel iterator if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_iter Creates parallel iterator over refs if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_iter_mut Creates parallel iterator over mut refs if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_keys Turns a collection into an iterator. cfg_par_bridge Creates parallel iterator from iterator if parallel
feature is enabled. cfg_reduce Applies the reduce operation over an iterator. cfg_reduce_with Applies reduce_with
or reduce
depending on the serial
feature. cfg_sort_by_cached_key Performs a sort that caches the extracted keys cfg_sort_unstable_by Performs an unstable sort cfg_sorted_by Returns a sorted, by-value iterator for the given IndexMap/IndexSet cfg_values Turns a collection into an iterator. cfg_zip_fold Applies fold to the iterator ensure Return early with an error if a condition is not satisfied. to_bits_le Takes as input a sequence of objects, and converts them to a series of little-endian bits.
All traits that implement ToBits
can be automatically converted to bits in this manner. Alphanumeric Sample a u8
, uniformly distributed over ASCII letters and numbers:
a-z, A-Z and 0-9. Console Error The Error
type, a wrapper around a dynamic error type. Field Formatter Configuration for formatting. FromBytesDeserializer Group LimitedWriter A wrapper around a Write
instance that limits the number of bytes that can be written. Sanitizer Scalar Standard A generic random value distribution, implemented for many primitive types.
Usually generates values with a numerically uniform distribution, and with a
range appropriate to the type. TestRng A fast RNG used solely for testing and benchmarking, not for any real world purposes. ToBytesSerializer Err The Err
enum indicates the parser was not successful ErrorKind Indicates which parser returned an error Ordering An Ordering
is the result of a comparison between two values. AbsChecked Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, enforcing an overflow never occurs. AbsSaturating Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, bounding the difference to MAX
if an overflow occurs. AbsWrapped Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs. Add The addition operator +
. AddAssign The addition assignment operator +=
. AddChecked Binary operator for adding two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. AddSaturating Binary operator for adding two values, bounding the sum to MAX
if an overflow occurs. AddWrapped Binary operator for adding two values, wrapping the sum if an overflow occurs. AddressTrait Representation of an address. AffineCurve Affine representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed to be
in the correct prime order subgroup. AsPrimitive A generic interface for casting between machine scalars with the
operator, which admits narrowing and precision loss.
Implementers of this trait AsPrimitive
should behave like a primitive
numeric type (e.g. a newtype around another primitive), and the
intended conversion must never fail. BitAnd The bitwise AND operator &
. BitAndAssign The bitwise AND assignment operator &=
. BitOr The bitwise OR operator |
. BitOrAssign The bitwise OR assignment operator |=
. BitXor The bitwise XOR operator ^
. BitXorAssign The bitwise XOR assignment operator ^=
. BooleanTrait Representation of a boolean. CheckedPow CheckedShl Commit A trait for a commitment scheme. CommitUncompressed A trait for a commitment scheme. Compare Trait for comparator operations. CryptoRng A marker trait used to indicate that an RngCore
or BlockRngCore
implementation is supposed to be cryptographically secure. Debug ?
formatting.Deref Used for immutable dereferencing operations, like *v
. DerefMut Used for mutable dereferencing operations, like in *v = 1;
. Deserialize A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported
by Serde. DeserializeExt A helper trait used to simplify value extraction. DeserializeOwned A data structure that can be deserialized without borrowing any data from
the deserializer. Deserializer A data format that can deserialize any data structure supported by
Serde. Display Format trait for an empty format, {}
. Distribution Types (distributions) that can be used to create a random instance of T
. Div The division operator /
. DivAssign The division assignment operator /=
. DivChecked Binary operator for dividing two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. DivSaturating Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the quotient to MAX
or MIN
if an overflow occurs. DivUnchecked Binary operator for dividing two values, without checking specific conditions. DivWrapped Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the quotient if an overflow occurs. Double Unary operator for retrieving the doubled value. EnumAccess Provides a Visitor
access to the data of an enum in the input. Environment Equal Trait for equality comparisons. FieldTrait Representation of a base field element. FromBase32 Parse/convert base32 slice to Self
. It is the reciprocal of
. FromBits FromBytes FromField Unary operator for converting from a base field element. FromFields Unary operator for converting from a list of base elements. FromStr Parse a value from a string GroupTrait Representation of a group element. Hash A trait for a hash function. HashMany A trait for a hash function that produces multiple outputs. HashToGroup A trait for a hash function that projects the value to an affine group element. HashToScalar A trait for a hash function that projects the value to a scalar. HashUncompressed A trait for a hash function of an uncompressed variant. IntegerCore IntegerProperties Properties common to all integer types. IntegerTrait Representation of an integer. IntegerType Trait bound for integer values. Common to both signed and unsigned integers. Inverse Unary operator for retrieving the inverse value. Itertools An Iterator
blanket implementation that provides extra adaptors and
methods. Magnitude Trait for integers that can be used as an unsigned magnitude.
s are either used to represent an integer exponent
or the right operand in integer shift operations. MapAccess Provides a Visitor
access to each entry of a map in the input. Modulo Binary operator for modding two values. MontgomeryParameters Mul The multiplication operator *
. MulAssign The multiplication assignment operator *=
. MulChecked Binary operator for multiplying two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. MulSaturating Binary operator for multiplying two values, bounding the product to MAX
if an overflow occurs. MulWrapped Binary operator for multiplying two values, wrapping the product if an overflow occurs. Nand Binary operator for performing NOT (a AND b)
. Neg The unary negation operator -
. Nor Binary operator for performing (NOT a) AND (NOT b)
. Not The unary logical negation operator !
. One Defines a multiplicative identity element for Self
. OrHalt A trait to unwrap a Result
or Halt
. PRF A trait for a pseudorandom function. Parser Operations to parse a string literal into an object. Pow Binary operator for raising a value to a power. PowChecked Binary operator for exponentiating two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. PowWrapped Binary operator for exponentiating two values, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs. Product Trait to represent types that can be created by multiplying elements of an
iterator. ProjectiveCurve Projective representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed to be in the prime order subgroup. Read The Read
trait allows for reading bytes from a source. Rem The remainder operator %
. RemAssign The remainder assignment operator %=
. RemChecked Binary operator for dividing two values and returning the remainder, enforcing an overflow never occurs. RemSaturating Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the remainder to MAX
or MIN
if an overflow occurs. RemWrapped Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the remainder if an overflow occurs. Rng An automatically-implemented extension trait on RngCore
providing high-level
generic methods for sampling values and other convenience methods. ScalarTrait Representation of a scalar field element. SeqAccess Provides a Visitor
access to each element of a sequence in the input. Serialize A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported
by Serde. SerializeSeq Returned from Serializer::serialize_seq
. SerializeStruct Returned from Serializer::serialize_struct
. Serializer A data format that can serialize any data structure supported by Serde. Shl The left shift operator <<
. Note that because this trait is implemented
for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type
checker has special handling for _ << _
, setting the result type for
integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means
that though a << b
and a.shl(b)
are one and the same from an evaluation
standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference. ShlAssign The left shift assignment operator <<=
. ShlChecked Binary operator for left shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number
of bits in self. ShlWrapped Binary operator for left shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self. Shr The right shift operator >>
. Note that because this trait is implemented
for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type
checker has special handling for _ >> _
, setting the result type for
integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means
that though a >> b
and a.shr(b)
are one and the same from an evaluation
standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference. ShrAssign The right shift assignment operator >>=
. ShrChecked Binary operator for right shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number
of bits in self. ShrWrapped Binary operator for right shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self. SizeInBits SizeInBytes SizeInDataBits Square Unary operator for retrieving the squared value. SquareRoot Unary operator for retrieving the square root of the value. StringTrait Representation of a string. Sub The subtraction operator -
. SubAssign The subtraction assignment operator -=
. SubChecked Binary operator for subtracting two values, enforcing an underflow never occurs. SubSaturating Binary operator for subtracting two values, bounding the difference to MIN
if an underflow occurs. SubWrapped Binary operator for subtracting two values, wrapping the difference if an underflow occurs. Sum Trait to represent types that can be created by summing up an iterator. Ternary Trait for ternary operations. ToBase32 A trait for converting a value to a type T
that represents a u5
slice. ToBits ToBytes ToField Unary operator for converting to a base field. ToFields Unary operator for converting to a list of base fields. TwistedEdwardsParameters TypeName Uniform A trait for a uniform random number generator. VariantAccess VariantAccess
is a visitor that is created by the Deserializer
passed to the Deserialize
to deserialize the content of a particular enum
variant.Visibility Visitor This trait represents a visitor that walks through a deserializer. WrappingDiv WrappingPow WrappingRem Write A trait for objects which are byte-oriented sinks. Zero Defines an additive identity element for Self
. _ The interface for a generic field. alpha1 Recognizes one or more lowercase and uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters: a-z, A-Z alphanumeric1 Recognizes one or more ASCII numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z alt Tests a list of parsers one by one until one succeeds. char Recognizes one character. complete Transforms Incomplete into Error
. convert_result Converts a ParserResult
into a human-readable message. count Runs the embedded parser count
times, gathering the results in a Vec
error fail A parser which always fails. has_duplicates Returns true if the given iterator has duplicate elements. make_error Creates an error from the input position and an ErrorKind many0 Repeats the embedded parser, gathering the results in a Vec
. many0_count Repeats the embedded parser, counting the results many1 Runs the embedded parser, gathering the results in a Vec
. map Maps a function on the result of a parser. map_res Applies a function returning a Result
over the result of a parser. one_of Recognizes one of the provided characters. opt Optional parser, will return None
on Err::Error
. pair Gets an object from the first parser,
then gets another object from the second parser. read_variable_length_integer Decode the value of a variable length integer. recognize If the child parser was successful, return the consumed input as produced value. separated_list0 Alternates between two parsers to produce a list of elements. separated_list1 Alternates between two parsers to produce a list of elements until Err::Error
. tag Recognizes a pattern take Returns an input slice containing the first N input elements (Input[..N]). terminated Gets an object from the first parser,
then matches an object from the second parser and discards it. variable_length_integer Returns the variable length integer of the given value. I8 I16 I32 I64 I128 IoResult A specialized Result
type for I/O operations. ParserResult The nom
-compatible parser return type. Result Result<T, Error>
U8 U16 U32 U64 U128 Debug Derive macro generating an impl of the trait Debug
. Deserialize Serialize _ Derive macro generating an impl of the trait Hash