Module traits Copy item path Source algorithms arithmetic bitwise from_bits from_field parse parse_string to_field type_name types visibility to_bits_le Takes as input a sequence of objects, and converts them to a series of little-endian bits.
All traits that implement ToBits
can be automatically converted to bits in this manner. AbsChecked Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, enforcing an overflow never occurs. AbsSaturating Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, bounding the difference to MAX
if an overflow occurs. AbsWrapped Unary operator for retrieving the absolute value, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs. AddChecked Binary operator for adding two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. AddSaturating Binary operator for adding two values, bounding the sum to MAX
if an overflow occurs. AddWrapped Binary operator for adding two values, wrapping the sum if an overflow occurs. AddressTrait Representation of an address. BooleanTrait Representation of a boolean. CheckedPow CheckedShl Commit A trait for a commitment scheme. CommitUncompressed A trait for a commitment scheme. Compare Trait for comparator operations. DivChecked Binary operator for dividing two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. DivSaturating Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the quotient to MAX
or MIN
if an overflow occurs. DivUnchecked Binary operator for dividing two values, without checking specific conditions. DivWrapped Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the quotient if an overflow occurs. Double Unary operator for retrieving the doubled value. Equal Trait for equality comparisons. FieldTrait Representation of a base field element. FromBits FromField Unary operator for converting from a base field element. FromFields Unary operator for converting from a list of base elements. GroupTrait Representation of a group element. Hash A trait for a hash function. HashMany A trait for a hash function that produces multiple outputs. HashToGroup A trait for a hash function that projects the value to an affine group element. HashToScalar A trait for a hash function that projects the value to a scalar. HashUncompressed A trait for a hash function of an uncompressed variant. IntegerCore IntegerProperties Properties common to all integer types. IntegerTrait Representation of an integer. IntegerType Trait bound for integer values. Common to both signed and unsigned integers. Inverse Unary operator for retrieving the inverse value. Magnitude Trait for integers that can be used as an unsigned magnitude.
s are either used to represent an integer exponent
or the right operand in integer shift operations. Modulo Binary operator for modding two values. MulChecked Binary operator for multiplying two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. MulSaturating Binary operator for multiplying two values, bounding the product to MAX
if an overflow occurs. MulWrapped Binary operator for multiplying two values, wrapping the product if an overflow occurs. Nand Binary operator for performing NOT (a AND b)
. Nor Binary operator for performing (NOT a) AND (NOT b)
. PRF A trait for a pseudorandom function. Parser Operations to parse a string literal into an object. PowChecked Binary operator for exponentiating two values, enforcing an overflow never occurs. PowWrapped Binary operator for exponentiating two values, wrapping the result if an overflow occurs. RemChecked Binary operator for dividing two values and returning the remainder, enforcing an overflow never occurs. RemSaturating Binary operator for dividing two values, bounding the remainder to MAX
or MIN
if an overflow occurs. RemWrapped Binary operator for dividing two values, wrapping the remainder if an overflow occurs. ScalarTrait Representation of a scalar field element. ShlChecked Binary operator for left shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number
of bits in self. ShlWrapped Binary operator for left shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self. ShrChecked Binary operator for right shifting a value, checking that the rhs is less than the number
of bits in self. ShrWrapped Binary operator for right shifting a value, safely continuing past the number of bits in self. SizeInBits SizeInBytes SizeInDataBits Square Unary operator for retrieving the squared value. SquareRoot Unary operator for retrieving the square root of the value. StringTrait Representation of a string. SubChecked Binary operator for subtracting two values, enforcing an underflow never occurs. SubSaturating Binary operator for subtracting two values, bounding the difference to MIN
if an underflow occurs. SubWrapped Binary operator for subtracting two values, wrapping the difference if an underflow occurs. Ternary Trait for ternary operations. ToBits ToField Unary operator for converting to a base field. ToFields Unary operator for converting to a list of base fields. TypeName Visibility WrappingDiv WrappingPow WrappingRem convert_result Converts a ParserResult
into a human-readable message. ParserResult The nom
-compatible parser return type.