pub trait Environment: 'static + Copy + Clone + Debug + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync {
    type Affine: AffineCurve<Projective = Self::Projective, BaseField = Self::Field, ScalarField = Self::Scalar, Coordinates = (Self::Field, Self::Field)>;
    type BigInteger: BigInteger;
    type Field: PrimeField<BigInteger = Self::BigInteger> + SquareRootField + Copy;
    type PairingCurve: PairingEngine<Fr = Self::Field>;
    type Projective: ProjectiveCurve<Affine = Self::Affine, BaseField = Self::Field, ScalarField = Self::Scalar>;
    type Scalar: PrimeField<BigInteger = Self::BigInteger> + Copy;

    const EDWARDS_A: Self::Field;
    const EDWARDS_D: Self::Field;
    const MONTGOMERY_A: Self::Field;
    const MONTGOMERY_B: Self::Field;
    const MAX_STRING_BYTES: u32 = 255u32;

    // Provided method
    fn halt<S, T>(message: S) -> T
       where S: Into<String> { ... }

Required Associated Types§

type Affine: AffineCurve<Projective = Self::Projective, BaseField = Self::Field, ScalarField = Self::Scalar, Coordinates = (Self::Field, Self::Field)>

type BigInteger: BigInteger

type Field: PrimeField<BigInteger = Self::BigInteger> + SquareRootField + Copy

type PairingCurve: PairingEngine<Fr = Self::Field>

type Projective: ProjectiveCurve<Affine = Self::Affine, BaseField = Self::Field, ScalarField = Self::Scalar>

type Scalar: PrimeField<BigInteger = Self::BigInteger> + Copy

Required Associated Constants§

const EDWARDS_A: Self::Field

The coefficient A of the twisted Edwards curve.

const EDWARDS_D: Self::Field

The coefficient D of the twisted Edwards curve.

const MONTGOMERY_A: Self::Field

The coefficient A of the Montgomery curve.

const MONTGOMERY_B: Self::Field

The coefficient B of the Montgomery curve.

Provided Associated Constants§

const MAX_STRING_BYTES: u32 = 255u32

The maximum number of bytes allowed in a string.

Provided Methods§

fn halt<S, T>(message: S) -> Twhere S: Into<String>,

Halts the program from further synthesis, evaluation, and execution in the current environment.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl Environment for Testnet3


const EDWARDS_A: <Testnet3 as Environment>::Field = Console::EDWARDS_A

The coefficient A of the twisted Edwards curve.


const EDWARDS_D: <Testnet3 as Environment>::Field = Console::EDWARDS_D

The coefficient D of the twisted Edwards curve.


const MONTGOMERY_A: <Testnet3 as Environment>::Field = Console::MONTGOMERY_A

The coefficient A of the Montgomery curve.


const MONTGOMERY_B: <Testnet3 as Environment>::Field = Console::MONTGOMERY_B

The coefficient B of the Montgomery curve.


type Affine = <Console as Environment>::Affine


type BigInteger = <Console as Environment>::BigInteger


type Field = <Console as Environment>::Field


type PairingCurve = <Console as Environment>::PairingCurve


type Projective = <Console as Environment>::Projective


type Scalar = <Console as Environment>::Scalar



impl Environment for Console


type Affine = Affine<EdwardsParameters>


type BigInteger = <<Console as Environment>::Field as PrimeField>::BigInteger


type Field = <<Console as Environment>::Affine as AffineCurve>::BaseField


type PairingCurve = Bls12<Bls12_377Parameters>


type Projective = <<Console as Environment>::Affine as AffineCurve>::Projective


type Scalar = <<Console as Environment>::Affine as AffineCurve>::ScalarField


const EDWARDS_A: <Console as Environment>::Field = <EdwardsParameters as TwistedEdwardsParameters>::EDWARDS_A


const EDWARDS_D: <Console as Environment>::Field = <EdwardsParameters as TwistedEdwardsParameters>::EDWARDS_D


const MONTGOMERY_A: <Console as Environment>::Field = <EdwardsParameters as MontgomeryParameters>::MONTGOMERY_A


const MONTGOMERY_B: <Console as Environment>::Field = <EdwardsParameters as MontgomeryParameters>::MONTGOMERY_B