1// Copyright 2024 Aleo Network Foundation
2// This file is part of the snarkVM library.
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16use crate::{PoseidonGrainLFSR, PrimeField, serial_batch_inversion_and_mul};
17use aleo_std::{end_timer, start_timer};
18use itertools::Itertools;
20use anyhow::{Result, bail};
22/// Parameters and RNG used
23#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
24pub struct PoseidonParameters<F: PrimeField, const RATE: usize, const CAPACITY: usize> {
25 /// number of rounds in a full-round operation
26 pub full_rounds: usize,
27 /// number of rounds in a partial-round operation
28 pub partial_rounds: usize,
29 /// Exponent used in S-boxes
30 pub alpha: u64,
31 /// Additive Round keys. These are added before each MDS matrix application to make it an affine shift.
32 /// They are indexed by `ark[round_num][state_element_index]`
33 pub ark: Vec<Vec<F>>,
34 /// Maximally Distance Separating Matrix.
35 pub mds: Vec<Vec<F>>,
38/// A field with Poseidon parameters associated
39pub trait PoseidonDefaultField {
40 /// Obtain the default Poseidon parameters for this rate and for this prime field,
41 /// with a specific optimization goal.
42 fn default_poseidon_parameters<const RATE: usize>() -> Result<PoseidonParameters<Self, RATE, 1>>
43 where
44 Self: PrimeField,
45 {
46 /// Internal function that computes the ark and mds from the Poseidon Grain LFSR.
47 #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
48 fn find_poseidon_ark_and_mds<F: PrimeField, const RATE: usize>(
49 full_rounds: u64,
50 partial_rounds: u64,
51 skip_matrices: u64,
52 ) -> Result<(Vec<Vec<F>>, Vec<Vec<F>>)> {
53 let lfsr_time = start_timer!(|| "LFSR Init");
54 let mut lfsr =
55 PoseidonGrainLFSR::new(false, F::size_in_bits() as u64, (RATE + 1) as u64, full_rounds, partial_rounds);
56 end_timer!(lfsr_time);
58 let ark_time = start_timer!(|| "Constructing ARK");
59 let mut ark = Vec::with_capacity((full_rounds + partial_rounds) as usize);
60 for _ in 0..(full_rounds + partial_rounds) {
61 ark.push(lfsr.get_field_elements_rejection_sampling(RATE + 1)?);
62 }
63 end_timer!(ark_time);
65 let skip_time = start_timer!(|| "Skipping matrices");
66 for _ in 0..skip_matrices {
67 let _ = lfsr.get_field_elements_mod_p::<F>(2 * (RATE + 1))?;
68 }
69 end_timer!(skip_time);
71 // A qualifying matrix must satisfy the following requirements:
72 // - There is no duplication among the elements in x or y.
73 // - There is no i and j such that x[i] + y[j] = p.
74 // - There resultant MDS passes all three tests.
76 let xs = lfsr.get_field_elements_mod_p::<F>(RATE + 1)?;
77 let ys = lfsr.get_field_elements_mod_p::<F>(RATE + 1)?;
79 let mds_time = start_timer!(|| "Construct MDS");
80 let mut mds_flattened = vec![F::zero(); (RATE + 1) * (RATE + 1)];
81 for (x, mds_row_i) in xs.iter().take(RATE + 1).zip_eq(mds_flattened.chunks_mut(RATE + 1)) {
82 for (y, e) in ys.iter().take(RATE + 1).zip_eq(mds_row_i) {
83 *e = *x + y;
84 }
85 }
86 serial_batch_inversion_and_mul(&mut mds_flattened, &F::one());
87 let mds = mds_flattened.chunks(RATE + 1).map(|row| row.to_vec()).collect();
88 end_timer!(mds_time);
90 Ok((ark, mds))
91 }
93 match Self::Parameters::PARAMS_OPT_FOR_CONSTRAINTS.iter().find(|entry| entry.rate == RATE) {
94 Some(entry) => {
95 let (ark, mds) = find_poseidon_ark_and_mds::<Self, RATE>(
96 entry.full_rounds as u64,
97 entry.partial_rounds as u64,
98 entry.skip_matrices as u64,
99 )?;
100 Ok(PoseidonParameters {
101 full_rounds: entry.full_rounds,
102 partial_rounds: entry.partial_rounds,
103 alpha: entry.alpha as u64,
104 ark,
105 mds,
106 })
107 }
108 None => bail!("No Poseidon parameters were found for this rate"),
109 }
110 }
113/// A trait for default Poseidon parameters associated with a prime field
114pub trait PoseidonDefaultParameters {
115 /// An array of the parameters optimized for constraints
116 /// (rate, alpha, full_rounds, partial_rounds, skip_matrices)
117 /// for rate = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
118 ///
119 /// Here, `skip_matrices` denote how many matrices to skip before
120 /// finding one that satisfy all the requirements.
121 const PARAMS_OPT_FOR_CONSTRAINTS: [PoseidonDefaultParametersEntry; 7];
124/// An entry in the default Poseidon parameters
125pub struct PoseidonDefaultParametersEntry {
126 /// The rate (in terms of number of field elements).
127 pub rate: usize,
128 /// Exponent used in S-boxes.
129 pub alpha: usize,
130 /// Number of rounds in a full-round operation.
131 pub full_rounds: usize,
132 /// Number of rounds in a partial-round operation.
133 pub partial_rounds: usize,
134 /// Number of matrices to skip when generating parameters using the Grain LFSR.
135 ///
136 /// The matrices being skipped are those that do not satisfy all the desired properties.
137 /// See the [reference implementation]( for more detail.
138 pub skip_matrices: usize,
141impl PoseidonDefaultParametersEntry {
142 /// Create an entry in PoseidonDefaultParameters.
143 pub const fn new(
144 rate: usize,
145 alpha: usize,
146 full_rounds: usize,
147 partial_rounds: usize,
148 skip_matrices: usize,
149 ) -> Self {
150 Self { rate, alpha, full_rounds, partial_rounds, skip_matrices }
151 }