Macro operation

macro_rules! operation {
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident<$operator:path, $circuit_operator:path, $operate:ident, $opcode:tt> { $( $input:ident => $output:ident $( ($($condition:tt),+) )?, )+ }) => { ... };
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident<$operator:path, $circuit_operator:path, $operate:ident?, $opcode:tt> { $( $input:ident => $output:ident $( ($($condition:tt),+) )?, )+ }) => { ... };
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident<$operator:path, $circuit_operator:path, $operate:ident, $opcode:tt> { $( ($input_a:ident, $input_b:ident) => $output:ident $( ($($condition:tt),+) )?, )+ }) => { ... };
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident<$operator:path, $circuit_operator:path, $operate:ident, $opcode:tt> { $( ($input_a:ident, $input_b:ident, $input_c:ident) => $output:ident $( ($($condition:tt),+) )?, )+ }) => { ... };
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident<$operator:path, $circuit_operator:path, $operate:ident, $opcode:tt, $num_inputs:tt> { $( ( $($input:ident),+ ) => $output:ident $( ($($condition:tt),+) )?, )+ }) => { ... };
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident<$operator:path, $circuit_operator:path, $operate:ident?, $opcode:tt, $num_inputs:tt> { $( ( $($input:ident),+ ) => $output:ident $( ($($condition:tt),+) )?, )+ }) => { ... };
Expand description

Creates a new struct that implements the Operation trait.


    pub struct AddOperation<AddOperator, "add"> {
        (Field, Field) => Field,
        (Group, Group) => Group,
        (I8, I8) => I8,
        (I16, I16) => I16,
        (I32, I32) => I32,
        (I64, I64) => I64,
        (I128, I128) => I128,
        (U8, U8) => U8,
        (U16, U16) => U16,
        (U32, U32) => U32,
        (U64, U64) => U64,
        (U128, U128) => U128,
        (Scalar, Scalar) => Scalar,