use crate::{
bititerator::{BitIteratorBE, BitIteratorLE},
io::{Read, Result as IoResult, Write},
use anyhow::Result;
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use rand::{
distributions::{Distribution, Standard},
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Hash)]
pub struct BigInteger384(pub [u64; 6]);
impl BigInteger384 {
pub const fn new(value: [u64; 6]) -> Self {
impl BigInteger for BigInteger384 {
const NUM_LIMBS: usize = 6;
fn add_nocarry(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
unsafe {
use core::arch::x86_64::_addcarry_u64;
let mut carry = 0;
carry = _addcarry_u64(carry, self.0[0], other.0[0], &mut self.0[0]);
carry = _addcarry_u64(carry, self.0[1], other.0[1], &mut self.0[1]);
carry = _addcarry_u64(carry, self.0[2], other.0[2], &mut self.0[2]);
carry = _addcarry_u64(carry, self.0[3], other.0[3], &mut self.0[3]);
carry = _addcarry_u64(carry, self.0[4], other.0[4], &mut self.0[4]);
carry = _addcarry_u64(carry, self.0[5], other.0[5], &mut self.0[5]);
carry != 0
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "x86_64"))]
let mut carry = 0;
carry = super::arithmetic::adc(&mut self.0[0], other.0[0], carry);
carry = super::arithmetic::adc(&mut self.0[1], other.0[1], carry);
carry = super::arithmetic::adc(&mut self.0[2], other.0[2], carry);
carry = super::arithmetic::adc(&mut self.0[3], other.0[3], carry);
carry = super::arithmetic::adc(&mut self.0[4], other.0[4], carry);
carry = super::arithmetic::adc(&mut self.0[5], other.0[5], carry);
carry != 0
fn sub_noborrow(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
unsafe {
use core::arch::x86_64::_subborrow_u64;
let mut borrow = 0;
borrow = _subborrow_u64(borrow, self.0[0], other.0[0], &mut self.0[0]);
borrow = _subborrow_u64(borrow, self.0[1], other.0[1], &mut self.0[1]);
borrow = _subborrow_u64(borrow, self.0[2], other.0[2], &mut self.0[2]);
borrow = _subborrow_u64(borrow, self.0[3], other.0[3], &mut self.0[3]);
borrow = _subborrow_u64(borrow, self.0[4], other.0[4], &mut self.0[4]);
borrow = _subborrow_u64(borrow, self.0[5], other.0[5], &mut self.0[5]);
borrow != 0
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "x86_64"))]
let mut borrow = 0;
borrow = super::arithmetic::sbb(&mut self.0[0], other.0[0], borrow);
borrow = super::arithmetic::sbb(&mut self.0[1], other.0[1], borrow);
borrow = super::arithmetic::sbb(&mut self.0[2], other.0[2], borrow);
borrow = super::arithmetic::sbb(&mut self.0[3], other.0[3], borrow);
borrow = super::arithmetic::sbb(&mut self.0[4], other.0[4], borrow);
borrow = super::arithmetic::sbb(&mut self.0[5], other.0[5], borrow);
borrow != 0
fn mul2(&mut self) {
let mut last = 0;
for i in &mut self.0 {
let tmp = *i >> 63;
*i <<= 1;
*i |= last;
last = tmp;
fn muln(&mut self, mut n: u32) {
if n >= 64 * 6 {
*self = Self::from(0);
while n >= 64 {
let mut t = 0;
for i in &mut self.0 {
std::mem::swap(&mut t, i);
n -= 64;
if n > 0 {
let mut t = 0;
for i in &mut self.0 {
let t2 = *i >> (64 - n);
*i <<= n;
*i |= t;
t = t2;
fn div2(&mut self) {
let mut t = 0;
for i in self.0.iter_mut().rev() {
let t2 = *i << 63;
*i >>= 1;
*i |= t;
t = t2;
fn divn(&mut self, mut n: u32) {
if n >= 64 * 6 {
*self = Self::from(0);
while n >= 64 {
let mut t = 0;
for i in self.0.iter_mut().rev() {
std::mem::swap(&mut t, i);
n -= 64;
if n > 0 {
let mut t = 0;
for i in self.0.iter_mut().rev() {
let t2 = *i << (64 - n);
*i >>= n;
*i |= t;
t = t2;
fn is_odd(&self) -> bool {
self.0[0] & 1 == 1
fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
self.0.iter().all(|&e| e == 0)
fn num_bits(&self) -> u32 {
let mut ret = 6 * 64;
for i in self.0.iter().rev() {
let leading = i.leading_zeros();
ret -= leading;
if leading != 64 {
fn get_bit(&self, i: usize) -> bool {
if i >= 64 * 6 {
} else {
let limb = i / 64;
let bit = i - (64 * limb);
(self.0[limb] & (1 << bit)) != 0
fn to_biguint(&self) -> num_bigint::BigUint {
fn find_wnaf(&self) -> Vec<i64> {
let mut res = crate::vec::Vec::new();
let mut e = *self;
while !e.is_zero() {
let z: i64;
if e.is_odd() {
z = 2 - (e.0[0] % 4) as i64;
if z >= 0 {
e.sub_noborrow(&Self::from(z as u64));
} else {
e.add_nocarry(&Self::from((-z) as u64));
} else {
z = 0;
impl ToBits for BigInteger384 {
#[doc = " Returns `self` as a boolean array in little-endian order, with trailing zeros."]
fn write_bits_le(&self, vec: &mut Vec<bool>) {
#[doc = " Returns `self` as a boolean array in big-endian order, with leading zeros."]
fn write_bits_be(&self, vec: &mut Vec<bool>) {
impl FromBits for BigInteger384 {
#[doc = " Returns a `BigInteger` by parsing a slice of bits in little-endian format"]
#[doc = " and transforms it into a slice of little-endian u64 elements."]
fn from_bits_le(bits: &[bool]) -> Result<Self> {
let mut res = Self::default();
for (i, bits64) in bits.chunks(64).enumerate() {
let mut acc: u64 = 0;
for bit in bits64.iter().rev() {
acc <<= 1;
acc += *bit as u64;
res.0[i] = acc;
#[doc = " Returns a `BigInteger` by parsing a slice of bits in big-endian format"]
#[doc = " and transforms it into a slice of little-endian u64 elements."]
fn from_bits_be(bits: &[bool]) -> Result<Self> {
let mut res = Self::default();
for (i, bits64) in bits.rchunks(64).enumerate() {
let mut acc: u64 = 0;
for bit in bits64.iter() {
acc <<= 1;
acc += *bit as u64;
res.0[i] = acc;
impl ToBytes for BigInteger384 {
fn write_le<W: Write>(&self, writer: W) -> IoResult<()> {
let mut arr = [0u8; 8 * 6];
for (i, num) in self.0.iter().enumerate() {
arr[i * 8..(i + 1) * 8].copy_from_slice(&num.to_le_bytes());
impl FromBytes for BigInteger384 {
fn read_le<R: Read>(reader: R) -> IoResult<Self> {
<[u64; 6]>::read_le(reader).map(Self::new)
impl Debug for BigInteger384 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
for i in self.0.iter().rev() {
write!(f, "{:016X}", *i)?;
impl Display for BigInteger384 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.to_biguint())
impl Ord for BigInteger384 {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
for (a, b) in self.0.iter().rev().zip(other.0.iter().rev()) {
if a < b {
return std::cmp::Ordering::Less;
} else if a > b {
return std::cmp::Ordering::Greater;
impl PartialOrd for BigInteger384 {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl Distribution<BigInteger384> for Standard {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> BigInteger384 {
impl AsMut<[u64]> for BigInteger384 {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u64] {
&mut self.0
impl AsRef<[u64]> for BigInteger384 {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u64] {
impl From<u64> for BigInteger384 {
fn from(val: u64) -> BigInteger384 {
let mut repr = Self::default();
repr.0[0] = val;