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use {
crate::{accounts_file::ALIGN_BOUNDARY_OFFSET, u64_align},
std::io::Result as IoResult,
/// Borrows a value of type `T` from `mmap`
/// Type T must be plain ol' data to ensure no undefined behavior.
pub fn get_pod<T: bytemuck::AnyBitPattern>(mmap: &Mmap, offset: usize) -> IoResult<(&T, usize)> {
// SAFETY: Since T is AnyBitPattern, it is safe to cast bytes to T.
unsafe { get_type::<T>(mmap, offset) }
/// Borrows a value of type `T` from `mmap`
/// Prefer `get_pod()` when possible, because `get_type()` may cause undefined behavior.
/// # Safety
/// Caller must ensure casting bytes to T is safe.
/// Refer to the Safety sections in std::slice::from_raw_parts()
/// and bytemuck's Pod and AnyBitPattern for more information.
pub unsafe fn get_type<T>(mmap: &Mmap, offset: usize) -> IoResult<(&T, usize)> {
let (data, next) = get_slice(mmap, offset, std::mem::size_of::<T>())?;
let ptr = data.as_ptr() as *const T;
debug_assert!(ptr as usize % std::mem::align_of::<T>() == 0);
// SAFETY: The caller ensures it is safe to cast bytes to T,
// we ensure the size is safe by querying T directly,
// and we just checked above to ensure the ptr is aligned for T.
Ok((unsafe { &*ptr }, next))
/// Get a reference to the data at `offset` of `size` bytes if that slice
/// doesn't overrun the internal buffer. Otherwise return an Error.
/// Also return the offset of the first byte after the requested data that
/// falls on a 64-byte boundary.
pub fn get_slice(mmap: &Mmap, offset: usize, size: usize) -> IoResult<(&[u8], usize)> {
let (next, overflow) = offset.overflowing_add(size);
if overflow || next > mmap.len() {
"Requested offset {} and size {} while mmap only has length {}",
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Requested offset and data length exceeds the mmap slice",
let data = &mmap[offset..next];
let next = u64_align!(next);
let ptr = data.as_ptr();
// SAFETY: The Mmap ensures the bytes are safe the read, and we just checked
// to ensure we don't read past the end of the internal buffer.
Ok((unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size) }, next))