- Account
Hash - Hash of an account
- Account
LtHash - Lattice hash of an account
- Accounts
Delta Hash - Hash of accounts written in a single slot
- Accounts
Hash - Hash of accounts
- Accounts
Hasher - Accounts
LtHash - Lattice hash of all accounts
- Calc
Accounts Hash Config - parameters to calculate accounts hash
- Calculate
Hash Intermediate - While scanning appendvecs, this is the info that needs to be extracted, de-duped, and sorted from what is stored in an append vec. Note this can be saved/loaded during hash calculation to a memory mapped file whose contents are CalculateHashIntermediate
- Hash
Stats - Incremental
Accounts Hash - Hash of accounts that includes zero-lamport accounts Used with incremental snapshots
- Serde
Accounts Delta Hash - Snapshot serde-safe accounts delta hash
- Serde
Accounts Hash - Snapshot serde-safe accounts hash
- Serde
Incremental Accounts Hash - Snapshot serde-safe incremental accounts hash
- Accounts
Hash Kind - Hash of accounts
- Merkle
OrLattice Accounts Hash - Hash of accounts
- Zero
Lamport Accounts - How should zero-lamport accounts be treated by the accounts hasher?
LAMPORT_ ACCOUNT_ HASH - The AccountHash for a zero-lamport account
LAMPORT_ ACCOUNT_ LT_ HASH - The AccountLtHash for a zero-lamport account