1mod geyser_plugin_utils;
22mod scan_account_storage;
23pub mod stats;
24pub mod tests;
26#[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
27use qualifier_attr::qualifiers;
28use {
29 crate::{
30 account_info::{AccountInfo, Offset, StorageLocation},
31 account_storage::{
32 meta::StoredAccountMeta, AccountStorage, AccountStorageStatus, ShrinkInProgress,
33 },
34 accounts_cache::{AccountsCache, CachedAccount, SlotCache},
35 accounts_db::stats::{
36 AccountsStats, CleanAccountsStats, FlushStats, PurgeStats, ShrinkAncientStats,
37 ShrinkStats, ShrinkStatsSub, StoreAccountsTiming,
38 },
39 accounts_file::{
40 AccountsFile, AccountsFileError, AccountsFileProvider, MatchAccountOwnerError,
42 },
43 accounts_hash::{
44 AccountHash, AccountLtHash, AccountsDeltaHash, AccountsHash, AccountsHashKind,
45 AccountsHasher, AccountsLtHash, CalcAccountsHashConfig, CalculateHashIntermediate,
46 HashStats, IncrementalAccountsHash, SerdeAccountsDeltaHash, SerdeAccountsHash,
47 SerdeIncrementalAccountsHash, ZeroLamportAccounts, ZERO_LAMPORT_ACCOUNT_HASH,
49 },
50 accounts_index::{
51 in_mem_accounts_index::StartupStats, AccountSecondaryIndexes, AccountsIndex,
52 AccountsIndexConfig, AccountsIndexRootsStats, AccountsIndexScanResult, DiskIndexValue,
53 IndexKey, IndexValue, IsCached, RefCount, ScanConfig, ScanFilter, ScanResult, SlotList,
56 },
57 accounts_index_storage::Startup,
58 accounts_partition::RentPayingAccountsByPartition,
59 accounts_update_notifier_interface::AccountsUpdateNotifier,
60 active_stats::{ActiveStatItem, ActiveStats},
61 ancestors::Ancestors,
62 ancient_append_vecs::{
63 get_ancient_append_vec_capacity, is_ancient, AccountsToStore, StorageSelector,
64 },
65 append_vec::{aligned_stored_size, STORE_META_OVERHEAD},
66 cache_hash_data::{CacheHashData, DeletionPolicy as CacheHashDeletionPolicy},
67 contains::Contains,
68 epoch_accounts_hash::EpochAccountsHashManager,
69 partitioned_rewards::{
71 },
72 read_only_accounts_cache::ReadOnlyAccountsCache,
73 sorted_storages::SortedStorages,
74 storable_accounts::{StorableAccounts, StorableAccountsBySlot},
75 u64_align, utils,
76 verify_accounts_hash_in_background::VerifyAccountsHashInBackground,
77 },
78 crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError},
79 dashmap::{DashMap, DashSet},
80 log::*,
81 rand::{thread_rng, Rng},
82 rayon::{prelude::*, ThreadPool},
83 seqlock::SeqLock,
84 smallvec::SmallVec,
85 solana_lattice_hash::lt_hash::LtHash,
86 solana_measure::{meas_dur, measure::Measure, measure_us},
87 solana_nohash_hasher::{BuildNoHashHasher, IntMap, IntSet},
88 solana_pubkey::Pubkey,
89 solana_rayon_threadlimit::get_thread_count,
90 solana_sdk::{
91 account::{Account, AccountSharedData, ReadableAccount},
92 clock::{BankId, Epoch, Slot},
93 epoch_schedule::EpochSchedule,
94 genesis_config::GenesisConfig,
95 hash::Hash,
96 rent_collector::RentCollector,
97 saturating_add_assign,
98 transaction::SanitizedTransaction,
99 },
100 std::{
101 borrow::Cow,
102 boxed::Box,
103 collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
104 fs,
105 hash::{Hash as StdHash, Hasher as StdHasher},
106 io::Result as IoResult,
107 iter,
108 num::{NonZeroUsize, Saturating},
109 ops::{Range, RangeBounds},
110 path::{Path, PathBuf},
111 sync::{
112 atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, AtomicU64, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
113 Arc, Condvar, Mutex, RwLock,
114 },
115 thread::{sleep, Builder},
116 time::{Duration, Instant},
117 },
118 tempfile::TempDir,
121const WRITE_CACHE_LIMIT_BYTES_DEFAULT: u64 = 15_000_000_000;
124const SCAN_SLOT_PAR_ITER_THRESHOLD: usize = 4000;
126const UNREF_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 10_000;
128const DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
129const DEFAULT_NUM_DIRS: u32 = 4;
131pub const DEFAULT_HASH_CALCULATION_PUBKEY_BINS: usize = 65536;
135const MAX_ITEMS_PER_CHUNK: Slot = 2_500;
143const SHRINK_COLLECT_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 50;
152#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
153pub enum CreateAncientStorage {
154 Append,
156 #[default]
158 Pack,
162enum StoreTo<'a> {
163 Cache,
165 Storage(&'a Arc<AccountStorageEntry>),
169impl StoreTo<'_> {
170 fn is_cached(&self) -> bool {
171 matches!(self, StoreTo::Cache)
172 }
175#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
176pub(crate) enum ScanAccountStorageData {
177 NoData,
179 DataRefForStorage,
184#[derive(Default, Debug)]
185pub(crate) struct AliveAccounts<'a> {
188 pub(crate) slot: Slot,
190 pub(crate) accounts: Vec<&'a AccountFromStorage>,
191 pub(crate) bytes: usize,
196pub(crate) struct ShrinkCollectAliveSeparatedByRefs<'a> {
197 pub(crate) one_ref: AliveAccounts<'a>,
199 pub(crate) many_refs_this_is_newest_alive: AliveAccounts<'a>,
201 pub(crate) many_refs_old_alive: AliveAccounts<'a>,
205#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
207pub struct VerifyAccountsHashAndLamportsConfig<'a> {
208 pub ancestors: &'a Ancestors,
210 pub test_hash_calculation: bool,
212 pub epoch_schedule: &'a EpochSchedule,
214 pub rent_collector: &'a RentCollector,
216 pub ignore_mismatch: bool,
218 pub store_detailed_debug_info: bool,
220 pub use_bg_thread_pool: bool,
224pub(crate) trait ShrinkCollectRefs<'a>: Sync + Send {
225 fn with_capacity(capacity: usize, slot: Slot) -> Self;
226 fn collect(&mut self, other: Self);
227 fn add(
228 &mut self,
229 ref_count: u64,
230 account: &'a AccountFromStorage,
231 slot_list: &[(Slot, AccountInfo)],
232 );
233 fn len(&self) -> usize;
234 fn alive_bytes(&self) -> usize;
235 fn alive_accounts(&self) -> &Vec<&'a AccountFromStorage>;
238impl<'a> ShrinkCollectRefs<'a> for AliveAccounts<'a> {
239 fn collect(&mut self, mut other: Self) {
240 self.bytes = self.bytes.saturating_add(other.bytes);
241 self.accounts.append(&mut other.accounts);
242 }
243 fn with_capacity(capacity: usize, slot: Slot) -> Self {
244 Self {
245 accounts: Vec::with_capacity(capacity),
246 bytes: 0,
247 slot,
248 }
249 }
250 fn add(
251 &mut self,
252 _ref_count: u64,
253 account: &'a AccountFromStorage,
254 _slot_list: &[(Slot, AccountInfo)],
255 ) {
256 self.accounts.push(account);
257 self.bytes = self.bytes.saturating_add(account.stored_size());
258 }
259 fn len(&self) -> usize {
260 self.accounts.len()
261 }
262 fn alive_bytes(&self) -> usize {
263 self.bytes
264 }
265 fn alive_accounts(&self) -> &Vec<&'a AccountFromStorage> {
266 &self.accounts
267 }
270impl<'a> ShrinkCollectRefs<'a> for ShrinkCollectAliveSeparatedByRefs<'a> {
271 fn collect(&mut self, other: Self) {
272 self.one_ref.collect(other.one_ref);
273 self.many_refs_this_is_newest_alive
274 .collect(other.many_refs_this_is_newest_alive);
275 self.many_refs_old_alive.collect(other.many_refs_old_alive);
276 }
277 fn with_capacity(capacity: usize, slot: Slot) -> Self {
278 Self {
279 one_ref: AliveAccounts::with_capacity(capacity, slot),
280 many_refs_this_is_newest_alive: AliveAccounts::with_capacity(0, slot),
281 many_refs_old_alive: AliveAccounts::with_capacity(0, slot),
282 }
283 }
284 fn add(
285 &mut self,
286 ref_count: u64,
287 account: &'a AccountFromStorage,
288 slot_list: &[(Slot, AccountInfo)],
289 ) {
290 let other = if ref_count == 1 {
291 &mut self.one_ref
292 } else if slot_list.len() == 1
293 || !slot_list
294 .iter()
295 .any(|(slot_list_slot, _info)| slot_list_slot > &self.many_refs_old_alive.slot)
296 {
297 &mut self.many_refs_this_is_newest_alive
299 } else {
300 &mut self.many_refs_old_alive
303 };
304 other.add(ref_count, account, slot_list);
305 }
306 fn len(&self) -> usize {
307 self.one_ref
308 .len()
309 .saturating_add(self.many_refs_old_alive.len())
310 .saturating_add(self.many_refs_this_is_newest_alive.len())
311 }
312 fn alive_bytes(&self) -> usize {
313 self.one_ref
314 .alive_bytes()
315 .saturating_add(self.many_refs_old_alive.alive_bytes())
316 .saturating_add(self.many_refs_this_is_newest_alive.alive_bytes())
317 }
318 fn alive_accounts(&self) -> &Vec<&'a AccountFromStorage> {
319 unimplemented!("illegal use");
320 }
323pub enum StoreReclaims {
324 Default,
326 Ignore,
341struct CurrentAncientAccountsFile {
342 slot_and_accounts_file: Option<(Slot, Arc<AccountStorageEntry>)>,
345impl CurrentAncientAccountsFile {
346 fn new(slot: Slot, append_vec: Arc<AccountStorageEntry>) -> CurrentAncientAccountsFile {
347 Self {
348 slot_and_accounts_file: Some((slot, append_vec)),
349 }
350 }
352 #[must_use]
355 fn create_ancient_accounts_file<'a>(
356 &mut self,
357 slot: Slot,
358 db: &'a AccountsDb,
359 min_bytes: usize,
360 ) -> ShrinkInProgress<'a> {
361 let size = get_ancient_append_vec_capacity().max(min_bytes as u64);
362 let shrink_in_progress = db.get_store_for_shrink(slot, size);
363 *self = Self::new(slot, Arc::clone(shrink_in_progress.new_storage()));
364 shrink_in_progress
365 }
366 #[must_use]
367 fn create_if_necessary<'a>(
368 &mut self,
369 slot: Slot,
370 db: &'a AccountsDb,
371 min_bytes: usize,
372 ) -> Option<ShrinkInProgress<'a>> {
373 if self.slot_and_accounts_file.is_none() {
374 Some(self.create_ancient_accounts_file(slot, db, min_bytes))
375 } else {
376 None
377 }
378 }
380 fn slot(&self) -> Slot {
382 self.slot_and_accounts_file.as_ref().unwrap().0
383 }
385 fn accounts_file(&self) -> &Arc<AccountStorageEntry> {
387 &self.slot_and_accounts_file.as_ref().unwrap().1
388 }
390 fn store_ancient_accounts(
393 &self,
394 db: &AccountsDb,
395 accounts_to_store: &AccountsToStore,
396 storage_selector: StorageSelector,
397 ) -> (StoreAccountsTiming, u64) {
398 let accounts = accounts_to_store.get(storage_selector);
400 let previous_available = self.accounts_file().accounts.remaining_bytes();
402 let accounts = [(accounts_to_store.slot(), accounts)];
403 let storable_accounts = StorableAccountsBySlot::new(self.slot(), &accounts, db);
404 let timing = db.store_accounts_frozen(storable_accounts, self.accounts_file());
405 let bytes_written =
406 previous_available.saturating_sub(self.accounts_file().accounts.remaining_bytes());
407 assert_eq!(
408 bytes_written,
409 u64_align!(accounts_to_store.get_bytes(storage_selector)) as u64
410 );
412 (timing, bytes_written)
413 }
416#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
418enum LoadZeroLamports {
419 None,
421 #[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
427 SomeWithZeroLamportAccountForTests,
431struct AncientSlotPubkeysInner {
432 pubkeys: HashSet<Pubkey>,
433 slot: Slot,
436#[derive(Debug, Default)]
437struct AncientSlotPubkeys {
438 inner: Option<AncientSlotPubkeysInner>,
441impl AncientSlotPubkeys {
442 fn maybe_unref_accounts_already_in_ancient(
449 &mut self,
450 slot: Slot,
451 db: &AccountsDb,
452 current_ancient: &CurrentAncientAccountsFile,
453 to_store: &AccountsToStore,
454 ) {
455 if slot != current_ancient.slot() {
456 let accounts = to_store.get(StorageSelector::Primary);
460 if Some(current_ancient.slot()) != self.inner.as_ref().map(|ap| ap.slot) {
461 let mut pubkeys = HashSet::new();
462 current_ancient
463 .accounts_file()
464 .accounts
465 .scan_pubkeys(|pubkey| {
466 pubkeys.insert(*pubkey);
467 });
468 self.inner = Some(AncientSlotPubkeysInner {
469 pubkeys,
470 slot: current_ancient.slot(),
471 });
472 }
473 db.unref_accounts_already_in_storage(
476 accounts,
477 self.inner.as_mut().map(|p| &mut p.pubkeys).unwrap(),
478 );
479 }
480 }
484pub(crate) struct ShrinkCollect<'a, T: ShrinkCollectRefs<'a>> {
485 pub(crate) slot: Slot,
486 pub(crate) capacity: u64,
487 pub(crate) pubkeys_to_unref: Vec<&'a Pubkey>,
488 pub(crate) zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys: Vec<&'a Pubkey>,
489 pub(crate) alive_accounts: T,
490 pub(crate) alive_total_bytes: usize,
492 pub(crate) total_starting_accounts: usize,
493 pub(crate) all_are_zero_lamports: bool,
497pub const ACCOUNTS_DB_CONFIG_FOR_TESTING: AccountsDbConfig = AccountsDbConfig {
499 account_indexes: None,
500 base_working_path: None,
501 accounts_hash_cache_path: None,
502 shrink_paths: None,
504 read_cache_limit_bytes: None,
505 read_cache_evict_sample_size: None,
506 write_cache_limit_bytes: None,
507 ancient_append_vec_offset: None,
508 ancient_storage_ideal_size: None,
509 max_ancient_storages: None,
510 skip_initial_hash_calc: false,
511 exhaustively_verify_refcounts: false,
512 create_ancient_storage: CreateAncientStorage::Pack,
513 partitioned_epoch_rewards_config: DEFAULT_PARTITIONED_EPOCH_REWARDS_CONFIG,
514 test_skip_rewrites_but_include_in_bank_hash: false,
515 storage_access: StorageAccess::File,
516 scan_filter_for_shrinking: ScanFilter::OnlyAbnormalWithVerify,
517 enable_experimental_accumulator_hash: false,
518 verify_experimental_accumulator_hash: false,
519 snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash: false,
520 num_clean_threads: None,
521 num_foreground_threads: None,
522 num_hash_threads: None,
523 hash_calculation_pubkey_bins: Some(4),
525pub const ACCOUNTS_DB_CONFIG_FOR_BENCHMARKS: AccountsDbConfig = AccountsDbConfig {
527 account_indexes: None,
528 base_working_path: None,
529 accounts_hash_cache_path: None,
530 shrink_paths: None,
532 read_cache_limit_bytes: None,
533 read_cache_evict_sample_size: None,
534 write_cache_limit_bytes: None,
535 ancient_append_vec_offset: None,
536 ancient_storage_ideal_size: None,
537 max_ancient_storages: None,
538 skip_initial_hash_calc: false,
539 exhaustively_verify_refcounts: false,
540 create_ancient_storage: CreateAncientStorage::Pack,
541 partitioned_epoch_rewards_config: DEFAULT_PARTITIONED_EPOCH_REWARDS_CONFIG,
542 test_skip_rewrites_but_include_in_bank_hash: false,
543 storage_access: StorageAccess::File,
544 scan_filter_for_shrinking: ScanFilter::OnlyAbnormalWithVerify,
545 enable_experimental_accumulator_hash: false,
546 verify_experimental_accumulator_hash: false,
547 snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash: false,
548 num_clean_threads: None,
549 num_foreground_threads: None,
550 num_hash_threads: None,
551 hash_calculation_pubkey_bins: None,
554pub type BinnedHashData = Vec<Vec<CalculateHashIntermediate>>;
556struct LoadAccountsIndexForShrink<'a, T: ShrinkCollectRefs<'a>> {
557 alive_accounts: T,
559 pubkeys_to_unref: Vec<&'a Pubkey>,
562 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys: Vec<&'a Pubkey>,
564 all_are_zero_lamports: bool,
568#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
571pub struct AccountFromStorage {
572 pub index_info: AccountInfo,
573 pub data_len: u64,
574 pub pubkey: Pubkey,
577impl ZeroLamport for AccountFromStorage {
578 fn is_zero_lamport(&self) -> bool {
579 self.index_info.is_zero_lamport()
580 }
583impl AccountFromStorage {
584 pub fn pubkey(&self) -> &Pubkey {
585 &self.pubkey
586 }
587 pub fn stored_size(&self) -> usize {
588 aligned_stored_size(self.data_len as usize)
589 }
590 pub fn data_len(&self) -> usize {
591 self.data_len as usize
592 }
593 pub fn new(account: &StoredAccountMeta) -> Self {
594 let storage_id = 0;
598 AccountFromStorage {
599 index_info: AccountInfo::new(
600 StorageLocation::AppendVec(storage_id, account.offset()),
601 account.lamports(),
602 ),
603 pubkey: *account.pubkey(),
604 data_len: account.data_len() as u64,
605 }
606 }
609pub struct GetUniqueAccountsResult {
610 pub stored_accounts: Vec<AccountFromStorage>,
611 pub capacity: u64,
612 pub num_duplicated_accounts: usize,
615pub struct AccountsAddRootTiming {
616 pub index_us: u64,
617 pub cache_us: u64,
618 pub store_us: u64,
621const ANCIENT_APPEND_VEC_DEFAULT_OFFSET: Option<i64> = Some(100_000);
643pub const DEFAULT_MAX_ANCIENT_STORAGES: usize = 100_000;
647#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
648pub struct AccountsDbConfig {
649 pub index: Option<AccountsIndexConfig>,
650 pub account_indexes: Option<AccountSecondaryIndexes>,
651 pub base_working_path: Option<PathBuf>,
653 pub accounts_hash_cache_path: Option<PathBuf>,
654 pub shrink_paths: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
655 pub shrink_ratio: AccountShrinkThreshold,
656 pub read_cache_limit_bytes: Option<(usize, usize)>,
659 pub read_cache_evict_sample_size: Option<usize>,
662 pub write_cache_limit_bytes: Option<u64>,
663 pub ancient_append_vec_offset: Option<i64>,
666 pub ancient_storage_ideal_size: Option<u64>,
667 pub max_ancient_storages: Option<usize>,
668 pub hash_calculation_pubkey_bins: Option<usize>,
669 pub test_skip_rewrites_but_include_in_bank_hash: bool,
670 pub skip_initial_hash_calc: bool,
671 pub exhaustively_verify_refcounts: bool,
672 pub create_ancient_storage: CreateAncientStorage,
674 pub partitioned_epoch_rewards_config: PartitionedEpochRewardsConfig,
675 pub storage_access: StorageAccess,
676 pub scan_filter_for_shrinking: ScanFilter,
677 pub enable_experimental_accumulator_hash: bool,
678 pub verify_experimental_accumulator_hash: bool,
679 pub snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash: bool,
680 pub num_clean_threads: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
682 pub num_foreground_threads: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
684 pub num_hash_threads: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
691#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
692pub enum AccountShrinkThreshold {
693 TotalSpace { shrink_ratio: f64 },
698 IndividualStore { shrink_ratio: f64 },
703pub const DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS_SHRINK_RATIO: f64 = 0.80;
706 AccountShrinkThreshold::TotalSpace {
708 };
710impl Default for AccountShrinkThreshold {
711 fn default() -> AccountShrinkThreshold {
713 }
716pub enum ScanStorageResult<R, B> {
717 Cached(Vec<R>),
718 Stored(B),
721#[derive(Debug, Default)]
722pub struct IndexGenerationInfo {
723 pub accounts_data_len: u64,
724 pub rent_paying_accounts_by_partition: RentPayingAccountsByPartition,
725 pub duplicates_lt_hash: Option<Box<DuplicatesLtHash>>,
730#[derive(Debug, Default)]
731struct SlotIndexGenerationInfo {
732 insert_time_us: u64,
733 num_accounts: u64,
734 num_accounts_rent_paying: usize,
735 accounts_data_len: u64,
736 amount_to_top_off_rent: u64,
737 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition: Vec<Pubkey>,
738 zero_lamport_pubkeys: Vec<Pubkey>,
739 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports: bool,
742#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
749pub struct DuplicatesLtHash(pub LtHash);
751impl Default for DuplicatesLtHash {
752 fn default() -> Self {
753 Self(LtHash::identity())
754 }
757#[derive(Default, Debug)]
758struct GenerateIndexTimings {
759 pub total_time_us: u64,
760 pub index_time: u64,
761 pub scan_time: u64,
762 pub insertion_time_us: u64,
763 pub min_bin_size_in_mem: usize,
764 pub max_bin_size_in_mem: usize,
765 pub total_items_in_mem: usize,
766 pub storage_size_storages_us: u64,
767 pub index_flush_us: u64,
768 pub rent_paying: AtomicUsize,
769 pub amount_to_top_off_rent: AtomicU64,
770 pub total_including_duplicates: u64,
771 pub accounts_data_len_dedup_time_us: u64,
772 pub total_duplicate_slot_keys: u64,
773 pub total_num_unique_duplicate_keys: u64,
774 pub num_duplicate_accounts: u64,
775 pub populate_duplicate_keys_us: u64,
776 pub total_slots: u64,
777 pub slots_to_clean: u64,
778 pub par_duplicates_lt_hash_us: AtomicU64,
779 pub visit_zero_lamports_us: u64,
780 pub num_zero_lamport_single_refs: u64,
781 pub all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots: u64,
784#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
785struct StorageSizeAndCount {
786 pub stored_size: usize,
788 pub count: usize,
791type StorageSizeAndCountMap =
792 DashMap<AccountsFileId, StorageSizeAndCount, BuildNoHashHasher<AccountsFileId>>;
794impl GenerateIndexTimings {
795 pub fn report(&self, startup_stats: &StartupStats) {
796 datapoint_info!(
797 "generate_index",
798 ("overall_us", self.total_time_us, i64),
799 ("total_us", self.index_time, i64),
801 ("scan_stores_us", self.scan_time, i64),
802 ("insertion_time_us", self.insertion_time_us, i64),
803 ("min_bin_size_in_mem", self.min_bin_size_in_mem, i64),
804 ("max_bin_size_in_mem", self.max_bin_size_in_mem, i64),
805 (
806 "storage_size_storages_us",
807 self.storage_size_storages_us,
808 i64
809 ),
810 ("index_flush_us", self.index_flush_us, i64),
811 (
812 "total_rent_paying",
813 self.rent_paying.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
814 i64
815 ),
816 (
817 "amount_to_top_off_rent",
818 self.amount_to_top_off_rent.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
819 i64
820 ),
821 (
822 "total_items_including_duplicates",
823 self.total_including_duplicates,
824 i64
825 ),
826 ("total_items_in_mem", self.total_items_in_mem, i64),
827 (
828 "accounts_data_len_dedup_time_us",
829 self.accounts_data_len_dedup_time_us,
830 i64
831 ),
832 (
833 "total_duplicate_slot_keys",
834 self.total_duplicate_slot_keys,
835 i64
836 ),
837 (
838 "total_num_unique_duplicate_keys",
839 self.total_num_unique_duplicate_keys,
840 i64
841 ),
842 ("num_duplicate_accounts", self.num_duplicate_accounts, i64),
843 (
844 "populate_duplicate_keys_us",
845 self.populate_duplicate_keys_us,
846 i64
847 ),
848 ("total_slots", self.total_slots, i64),
849 ("slots_to_clean", self.slots_to_clean, i64),
850 (
851 "copy_data_us",
852 startup_stats.copy_data_us.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
853 i64
854 ),
855 (
856 "par_duplicates_lt_hash_us",
857 self.par_duplicates_lt_hash_us.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
858 i64
859 ),
860 (
861 "num_zero_lamport_single_refs",
862 self.num_zero_lamport_single_refs,
863 i64
864 ),
865 ("visit_zero_lamports_us", self.visit_zero_lamports_us, i64),
866 (
867 "all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots",
868 self.all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots,
869 i64
870 ),
871 );
872 }
875impl IndexValue for AccountInfo {}
876impl DiskIndexValue for AccountInfo {}
878impl ZeroLamport for AccountSharedData {
879 fn is_zero_lamport(&self) -> bool {
880 self.lamports() == 0
881 }
884impl ZeroLamport for Account {
885 fn is_zero_lamport(&self) -> bool {
886 self.lamports() == 0
887 }
890struct MultiThreadProgress<'a> {
891 last_update: Instant,
892 my_last_report_count: u64,
893 total_count: &'a AtomicU64,
894 report_delay_secs: u64,
895 first_caller: bool,
896 ultimate_count: u64,
897 start_time: Instant,
900impl<'a> MultiThreadProgress<'a> {
901 fn new(total_count: &'a AtomicU64, report_delay_secs: u64, ultimate_count: u64) -> Self {
902 Self {
903 last_update: Instant::now(),
904 my_last_report_count: 0,
905 total_count,
906 report_delay_secs,
907 first_caller: false,
908 ultimate_count,
909 start_time: Instant::now(),
910 }
911 }
912 fn report(&mut self, my_current_count: u64) {
913 let now = Instant::now();
914 if now.duration_since(self.last_update).as_secs() >= self.report_delay_secs {
915 let my_total_newly_processed_slots_since_last_report =
916 my_current_count - self.my_last_report_count;
918 self.my_last_report_count = my_current_count;
919 let previous_total_processed_slots_across_all_threads = self.total_count.fetch_add(
920 my_total_newly_processed_slots_since_last_report,
921 Ordering::Relaxed,
922 );
923 self.first_caller =
924 self.first_caller || 0 == previous_total_processed_slots_across_all_threads;
925 if self.first_caller {
926 let total = previous_total_processed_slots_across_all_threads
927 + my_total_newly_processed_slots_since_last_report;
928 info!(
929 "generating index: {}/{} slots... ({}/s)",
930 total,
931 self.ultimate_count,
932 total / self.start_time.elapsed().as_secs().max(1),
933 );
934 }
935 self.last_update = now;
936 }
937 }
940pub type AtomicAccountsFileId = AtomicU32;
942pub type AccountsFileId = u32;
944type AccountSlots = HashMap<Pubkey, IntSet<Slot>>;
945type SlotOffsets = IntMap<Slot, IntSet<Offset>>;
946type ReclaimResult = (AccountSlots, SlotOffsets);
947type PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex = HashSet<Pubkey>;
948type ShrinkCandidates = IntSet<Slot>;
950#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
955pub enum LoadHint {
956 FixedMaxRoot,
964 FixedMaxRootDoNotPopulateReadCache,
966 Unspecified,
973pub enum LoadedAccountAccessor<'a> {
974 Stored(Option<(Arc<AccountStorageEntry>, usize)>),
977 Cached(Option<Cow<'a, CachedAccount>>),
981impl<'a> LoadedAccountAccessor<'a> {
982 fn check_and_get_loaded_account_shared_data(&mut self) -> AccountSharedData {
983 match self {
987 LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(Some((maybe_storage_entry, offset))) => {
988 maybe_storage_entry.get_account_shared_data(*offset).expect(
994 "If a storage entry was found in the storage map, it must not have been reset \
995 yet",
996 )
997 }
998 _ => self.check_and_get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| loaded_account.take_account()),
999 }
1000 }
1002 fn check_and_get_loaded_account<T>(
1003 &mut self,
1004 callback: impl for<'local> FnMut(LoadedAccount<'local>) -> T,
1005 ) -> T {
1006 match self {
1010 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(None) | LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(None) => {
1011 panic!(
1012 "Should have already been taken care of when creating this \
1013 LoadedAccountAccessor"
1014 );
1015 }
1016 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(Some(_cached_account)) => {
1017 self.get_loaded_account(callback).unwrap()
1020 }
1021 LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(Some(_maybe_storage_entry)) => {
1022 self.get_loaded_account(callback).expect(
1028 "If a storage entry was found in the storage map, it must not have been reset \
1029 yet",
1030 )
1031 }
1032 }
1033 }
1035 fn get_loaded_account<T>(
1036 &mut self,
1037 mut callback: impl for<'local> FnMut(LoadedAccount<'local>) -> T,
1038 ) -> Option<T> {
1039 match self {
1040 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(cached_account) => {
1041 let cached_account: Cow<'a, CachedAccount> = cached_account.take().expect(
1042 "Cache flushed/purged should be handled before trying to fetch account",
1043 );
1044 Some(callback(LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account)))
1045 }
1046 LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(maybe_storage_entry) => {
1047 maybe_storage_entry
1051 .as_ref()
1052 .and_then(|(storage_entry, offset)| {
1053 storage_entry
1054 .accounts
1055 .get_stored_account_meta_callback(*offset, |account| {
1056 callback(LoadedAccount::Stored(account))
1057 })
1058 })
1059 }
1060 }
1061 }
1063 fn account_matches_owners(&self, owners: &[Pubkey]) -> Result<usize, MatchAccountOwnerError> {
1064 match self {
1065 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account
1066 .as_ref()
1067 .and_then(|cached_account| {
1068 if cached_account.account.is_zero_lamport() {
1069 None
1070 } else {
1071 owners
1072 .iter()
1073 .position(|entry| cached_account.account.owner() == entry)
1074 }
1075 })
1076 .ok_or(MatchAccountOwnerError::NoMatch),
1077 LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(maybe_storage_entry) => {
1078 maybe_storage_entry
1082 .as_ref()
1083 .map(|(storage_entry, offset)| {
1084 storage_entry
1085 .accounts
1086 .account_matches_owners(*offset, owners)
1087 })
1088 .unwrap_or(Err(MatchAccountOwnerError::UnableToLoad))
1089 }
1090 }
1091 }
1094pub enum LoadedAccount<'a> {
1095 Stored(StoredAccountMeta<'a>),
1096 Cached(Cow<'a, CachedAccount>),
1099impl LoadedAccount<'_> {
1100 pub fn loaded_hash(&self) -> AccountHash {
1101 match self {
1102 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => *stored_account_meta.hash(),
1103 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.hash(),
1104 }
1105 }
1107 pub fn pubkey(&self) -> &Pubkey {
1108 match self {
1109 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => stored_account_meta.pubkey(),
1110 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.pubkey(),
1111 }
1112 }
1114 pub fn take_account(&self) -> AccountSharedData {
1115 match self {
1116 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => {
1117 stored_account_meta.to_account_shared_data()
1118 }
1119 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => match cached_account {
1120 Cow::Owned(cached_account) => cached_account.account.clone(),
1121 Cow::Borrowed(cached_account) => cached_account.account.clone(),
1122 },
1123 }
1124 }
1126 pub fn is_cached(&self) -> bool {
1127 match self {
1128 LoadedAccount::Stored(_) => false,
1129 LoadedAccount::Cached(_) => true,
1130 }
1131 }
1133 pub fn data_len(&self) -> usize {
1135 self.data().len()
1136 }
1139impl ReadableAccount for LoadedAccount<'_> {
1140 fn lamports(&self) -> u64 {
1141 match self {
1142 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => stored_account_meta.lamports(),
1143 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.account.lamports(),
1144 }
1145 }
1146 fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {
1147 match self {
1148 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => stored_account_meta.data(),
1149 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.account.data(),
1150 }
1151 }
1152 fn owner(&self) -> &Pubkey {
1153 match self {
1154 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => stored_account_meta.owner(),
1155 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.account.owner(),
1156 }
1157 }
1158 fn executable(&self) -> bool {
1159 match self {
1160 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => stored_account_meta.executable(),
1161 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.account.executable(),
1162 }
1163 }
1164 fn rent_epoch(&self) -> Epoch {
1165 match self {
1166 LoadedAccount::Stored(stored_account_meta) => stored_account_meta.rent_epoch(),
1167 LoadedAccount::Cached(cached_account) => cached_account.account.rent_epoch(),
1168 }
1169 }
1170 fn to_account_shared_data(&self) -> AccountSharedData {
1171 self.take_account()
1172 }
1176pub enum AccountsHashVerificationError {
1177 MissingAccountsHash,
1178 MismatchedAccountsHash,
1179 MismatchedTotalLamports(u64, u64),
1183struct CleanKeyTimings {
1184 collect_delta_keys_us: u64,
1185 delta_insert_us: u64,
1186 dirty_store_processing_us: u64,
1187 delta_key_count: u64,
1188 dirty_pubkeys_count: u64,
1189 oldest_dirty_slot: Slot,
1190 dirty_ancient_stores: usize,
1196pub struct AccountStorageEntry {
1197 pub(crate) id: AccountsFileId,
1199 pub(crate) slot: Slot,
1201 pub accounts: AccountsFile,
1204 count_and_status: SeqLock<(usize, AccountStorageStatus)>,
1211 alive_bytes: AtomicUsize,
1213 zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets: RwLock<IntSet<Offset>>,
1226impl AccountStorageEntry {
1227 pub fn new(
1228 path: &Path,
1229 slot: Slot,
1230 id: AccountsFileId,
1231 file_size: u64,
1232 provider: AccountsFileProvider,
1233 ) -> Self {
1234 let tail = AccountsFile::file_name(slot, id);
1235 let path = Path::new(path).join(tail);
1236 let accounts = provider.new_writable(path, file_size);
1238 Self {
1239 id,
1240 slot,
1241 accounts,
1242 count_and_status: SeqLock::new((0, AccountStorageStatus::Available)),
1243 alive_bytes: AtomicUsize::new(0),
1244 zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets: RwLock::default(),
1245 }
1246 }
1248 fn reopen_as_readonly(&self, storage_access: StorageAccess) -> Option<Self> {
1250 if storage_access != StorageAccess::File {
1251 return None;
1253 }
1255 let count_and_status = self.count_and_status.lock_write();
1256 self.accounts.reopen_as_readonly().map(|accounts| Self {
1257 id: self.id,
1258 slot: self.slot,
1259 count_and_status: SeqLock::new(*count_and_status),
1260 alive_bytes: AtomicUsize::new(self.alive_bytes()),
1261 accounts,
1262 zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets: RwLock::default(),
1263 })
1264 }
1266 pub fn new_existing(
1267 slot: Slot,
1268 id: AccountsFileId,
1269 accounts: AccountsFile,
1270 _num_accounts: usize,
1271 ) -> Self {
1272 Self {
1273 id,
1274 slot,
1275 accounts,
1276 count_and_status: SeqLock::new((0, AccountStorageStatus::Available)),
1277 alive_bytes: AtomicUsize::new(0),
1278 zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets: RwLock::default(),
1279 }
1280 }
1282 pub fn set_status(&self, mut status: AccountStorageStatus) {
1283 let mut count_and_status = self.count_and_status.lock_write();
1285 let count = count_and_status.0;
1287 if status == AccountStorageStatus::Full && count == 0 {
1288 self.accounts.reset();
1297 status = AccountStorageStatus::Available;
1298 }
1300 *count_and_status = (count, status);
1301 }
1303 pub fn status(&self) -> AccountStorageStatus {
1304 self.count_and_status.read().1
1305 }
1307 pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
1308 self.count_and_status.read().0
1309 }
1311 pub fn alive_bytes(&self) -> usize {
1312 self.alive_bytes.load(Ordering::Acquire)
1313 }
1315 fn insert_zero_lamport_single_ref_account_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> bool {
1318 let mut zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets =
1319 self.zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets.write().unwrap();
1320 zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets.insert(offset)
1321 }
1323 fn num_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts(&self) -> usize {
1325 self.zero_lamport_single_ref_offsets.read().unwrap().len()
1326 }
1328 fn alive_bytes_exclude_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts(&self) -> usize {
1330 let zero_lamport_dead_bytes = self
1331 .accounts
1332 .dead_bytes_due_to_zero_lamport_single_ref(self.num_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts());
1333 self.alive_bytes().saturating_sub(zero_lamport_dead_bytes)
1334 }
1336 pub fn written_bytes(&self) -> u64 {
1337 self.accounts.len() as u64
1338 }
1340 pub fn capacity(&self) -> u64 {
1341 self.accounts.capacity()
1342 }
1344 pub fn has_accounts(&self) -> bool {
1345 self.count() > 0
1346 }
1348 pub fn slot(&self) -> Slot {
1349 self.slot
1350 }
1352 pub fn id(&self) -> AccountsFileId {
1353 self.id
1354 }
1356 pub fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), AccountsFileError> {
1357 self.accounts.flush()
1358 }
1360 fn get_account_shared_data(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<AccountSharedData> {
1361 self.accounts.get_account_shared_data(offset)
1362 }
1364 fn add_accounts(&self, num_accounts: usize, num_bytes: usize) {
1365 let mut count_and_status = self.count_and_status.lock_write();
1366 *count_and_status = (count_and_status.0 + num_accounts, count_and_status.1);
1367 self.alive_bytes.fetch_add(num_bytes, Ordering::Release);
1368 }
1370 fn try_available(&self) -> bool {
1371 let mut count_and_status = self.count_and_status.lock_write();
1372 let (count, status) = *count_and_status;
1374 if status == AccountStorageStatus::Available {
1375 *count_and_status = (count, AccountStorageStatus::Candidate);
1376 true
1377 } else {
1378 false
1379 }
1380 }
1382 fn remove_accounts(
1384 &self,
1385 num_bytes: usize,
1386 reset_accounts: bool,
1387 num_accounts: usize,
1388 ) -> usize {
1389 let mut count_and_status = self.count_and_status.lock_write();
1390 let (mut count, mut status) = *count_and_status;
1392 if count == num_accounts && status == AccountStorageStatus::Full && reset_accounts {
1393 self.accounts.reset();
1405 status = AccountStorageStatus::Available;
1406 }
1408 assert!(
1411 count >= num_accounts,
1412 "double remove of account in slot: {}/store: {}!!",
1413 self.slot(),
1414 self.id(),
1415 );
1417 self.alive_bytes.fetch_sub(num_bytes, Ordering::Release);
1418 count = count.saturating_sub(num_accounts);
1419 *count_and_status = (count, status);
1420 count
1421 }
1423 pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
1425 self.accounts.path()
1426 }
1429pub fn get_temp_accounts_paths(count: u32) -> IoResult<(Vec<TempDir>, Vec<PathBuf>)> {
1430 let temp_dirs: IoResult<Vec<TempDir>> = (0..count).map(|_| TempDir::new()).collect();
1431 let temp_dirs = temp_dirs?;
1433 let paths: IoResult<Vec<_>> = temp_dirs
1434 .iter()
1435 .map(|temp_dir| {
1436 utils::create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs(temp_dir)
1437 .map(|(run_dir, _snapshot_dir)| run_dir)
1438 })
1439 .collect();
1440 let paths = paths?;
1441 Ok((temp_dirs, paths))
1444#[derive(Default, Debug)]
1445struct CleaningInfo {
1446 slot_list: SlotList<AccountInfo>,
1447 ref_count: u64,
1448 might_contain_zero_lamport_entry: bool,
1454type CleaningCandidates = (Box<[RwLock<HashMap<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>>]>, Option<Slot>);
1461#[derive(Debug, Default)]
1465struct RemoveUnrootedSlotsSynchronization {
1466 slots_under_contention: Mutex<IntSet<Slot>>,
1468 signal: Condvar,
1471type AccountInfoAccountsIndex = AccountsIndex<AccountInfo, AccountInfo>;
1475pub struct AccountsDb {
1476 pub accounts_index: AccountInfoAccountsIndex,
1479 pub ancient_append_vec_offset: Option<i64>,
1482 pub ancient_storage_ideal_size: u64,
1483 pub max_ancient_storages: usize,
1484 pub skip_initial_hash_calc: bool,
1487 pub hash_calculation_pubkey_bins: usize,
1490 pub storage: AccountStorage,
1492 create_ancient_storage: CreateAncientStorage,
1495 pub test_skip_rewrites_but_include_in_bank_hash: bool,
1498 pub accounts_cache: AccountsCache,
1500 write_cache_limit_bytes: Option<u64>,
1502 sender_bg_hasher: RwLock<Option<Sender<Vec<CachedAccount>>>>,
1503 read_only_accounts_cache: ReadOnlyAccountsCache,
1505 pub next_id: AtomicAccountsFileId,
1508 pub shrink_candidate_slots: Mutex<ShrinkCandidates>,
1511 pub write_version: AtomicU64,
1513 pub paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
1516 base_working_path: PathBuf,
1518 #[allow(dead_code)]
1520 base_working_temp_dir: Option<TempDir>,
1522 accounts_hash_cache_path: PathBuf,
1524 shrink_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
1526 #[allow(dead_code)]
1528 pub temp_paths: Option<Vec<TempDir>>,
1530 file_size: u64,
1533 pub thread_pool: ThreadPool,
1535 pub thread_pool_clean: ThreadPool,
1537 pub thread_pool_hash: ThreadPool,
1540 accounts_delta_hashes: Mutex<HashMap<Slot, AccountsDeltaHash>>,
1541 accounts_hashes: Mutex<HashMap<Slot, (AccountsHash, u64)>>,
1542 incremental_accounts_hashes:
1543 Mutex<HashMap<Slot, (IncrementalAccountsHash, u64)>>,
1545 pub stats: AccountsStats,
1547 clean_accounts_stats: CleanAccountsStats,
1549 external_purge_slots_stats: PurgeStats,
1552 pub shrink_stats: ShrinkStats,
1554 pub(crate) shrink_ancient_stats: ShrinkAncientStats,
1556 pub account_indexes: AccountSecondaryIndexes,
1558 uncleaned_pubkeys: DashMap<Slot, Vec<Pubkey>, BuildNoHashHasher<Slot>>,
1563 #[cfg(test)]
1564 load_delay: u64,
1566 #[cfg(test)]
1567 load_limit: AtomicU64,
1569 is_bank_drop_callback_enabled: AtomicBool,
1572 remove_unrooted_slots_synchronization: RemoveUnrootedSlotsSynchronization,
1577 shrink_ratio: AccountShrinkThreshold,
1579 dirty_stores: DashMap<Slot, Arc<AccountStorageEntry>, BuildNoHashHasher<Slot>>,
1584 zero_lamport_accounts_to_purge_after_full_snapshot: DashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)>,
1588 accounts_update_notifier: Option<AccountsUpdateNotifier>,
1591 pub(crate) active_stats: ActiveStats,
1593 pub verify_accounts_hash_in_bg: VerifyAccountsHashInBackground,
1595 pub log_dead_slots: AtomicBool,
1599 exhaustively_verify_refcounts: bool,
1602 accounts_file_provider: AccountsFileProvider,
1605 storage_access: StorageAccess,
1608 scan_filter_for_shrinking: ScanFilter,
1611 pub partitioned_epoch_rewards_config: PartitionedEpochRewardsConfig,
1615 pub epoch_accounts_hash_manager: EpochAccountsHashManager,
1622 latest_full_snapshot_slot: SeqLock<Option<Slot>>,
1626 pub is_experimental_accumulator_hash_enabled: AtomicBool,
1630 pub verify_experimental_accumulator_hash: bool,
1634 pub snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash: AtomicBool,
1638 pub(crate) best_ancient_slots_to_shrink: RwLock<VecDeque<(Slot, u64)>>,
1646#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1648struct SplitAncientStorages {
1649 ancient_slot_count: usize,
1651 ancient_slots: Vec<Slot>,
1653 first_non_ancient_slot: Slot,
1655 first_chunk_start: Slot,
1657 non_ancient_slot_count: usize,
1659 chunk_count: usize,
1662 normal_slot_range: Range<Slot>,
1666impl SplitAncientStorages {
1667 fn new(oldest_non_ancient_slot: Option<Slot>, snapshot_storages: &SortedStorages) -> Self {
1675 let range = snapshot_storages.range();
1677 let (ancient_slots, first_non_ancient_slot) = if let Some(oldest_non_ancient_slot) =
1678 oldest_non_ancient_slot
1679 {
1680 let ancient_slots =
1687 Self::get_ancient_slots(oldest_non_ancient_slot, snapshot_storages, |storage| {
1688 storage.capacity() > get_ancient_append_vec_capacity() * 50 / 100
1689 });
1691 let first_non_ancient_slot = ancient_slots
1692 .last()
1693 .map(|last_ancient_slot| last_ancient_slot.saturating_add(1))
1694 .unwrap_or(range.start);
1696 (ancient_slots, first_non_ancient_slot)
1697 } else {
1698 (vec![], range.start)
1699 };
1701 Self::new_with_ancient_info(range, ancient_slots, first_non_ancient_slot)
1702 }
1704 fn get_ancient_slots(
1708 oldest_non_ancient_slot: Slot,
1709 snapshot_storages: &SortedStorages,
1710 treat_as_ancient: impl Fn(&AccountStorageEntry) -> bool,
1711 ) -> Vec<Slot> {
1712 let range = snapshot_storages.range();
1713 let mut i = 0;
1714 let mut len_truncate = 0;
1715 let mut possible_ancient_slots = snapshot_storages
1716 .iter_range(&(range.start..oldest_non_ancient_slot))
1717 .filter_map(|(slot, storage)| {
1718 storage.map(|storage| {
1719 i += 1;
1720 if treat_as_ancient(storage) {
1721 len_truncate = i;
1725 }
1726 slot
1727 })
1728 })
1729 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1730 possible_ancient_slots.truncate(len_truncate);
1731 possible_ancient_slots
1732 }
1734 fn new_with_ancient_info(
1737 range: &Range<Slot>,
1738 ancient_slots: Vec<Slot>,
1739 first_non_ancient_slot: Slot,
1740 ) -> Self {
1741 if range.is_empty() {
1742 return SplitAncientStorages::default();
1745 }
1747 let max_slot_inclusive = range.end.saturating_sub(1);
1748 let ancient_slot_count = ancient_slots.len();
1749 let first_chunk_start = ((first_non_ancient_slot + MAX_ITEMS_PER_CHUNK)
1753 let non_ancient_slot_count = (max_slot_inclusive - first_non_ancient_slot + 1) as usize;
1755 let normal_slot_range = Range {
1756 start: first_non_ancient_slot,
1757 end: range.end,
1758 };
1760 let chunk_count =
1762 ancient_slot_count + 2 + non_ancient_slot_count / (MAX_ITEMS_PER_CHUNK as usize);
1764 SplitAncientStorages {
1765 ancient_slot_count,
1766 ancient_slots,
1767 first_non_ancient_slot,
1768 first_chunk_start,
1769 non_ancient_slot_count,
1770 chunk_count,
1771 normal_slot_range,
1772 }
1773 }
1775 fn get_starting_slot_from_normal_chunk(&self, normal_chunk: usize) -> Slot {
1779 if normal_chunk == 0 {
1780 self.normal_slot_range.start
1781 } else {
1782 assert!(
1783 normal_chunk.saturating_add(self.ancient_slot_count) < self.chunk_count,
1784 "out of bounds: {}, {}",
1785 normal_chunk,
1786 self.chunk_count
1787 );
1789 let normal_chunk = normal_chunk.saturating_sub(1);
1790 (self.first_chunk_start + MAX_ITEMS_PER_CHUNK * (normal_chunk as Slot))
1791 .max(self.normal_slot_range.start)
1792 }
1793 }
1795 fn is_chunk_ancient(&self, chunk: usize) -> bool {
1797 chunk < self.ancient_slot_count
1798 }
1800 fn get_slot_range(&self, chunk: usize) -> Option<Range<Slot>> {
1804 let range = if self.is_chunk_ancient(chunk) {
1805 let slot = self.ancient_slots[chunk];
1807 Range {
1808 start: slot,
1809 end: slot + 1,
1810 }
1811 } else {
1812 let normal_chunk = chunk - self.ancient_slot_count;
1814 if normal_chunk == 0 {
1815 Range {
1817 start: self.normal_slot_range.start,
1818 end: self.first_chunk_start.min(self.normal_slot_range.end),
1819 }
1820 } else {
1821 let first_slot = self.get_starting_slot_from_normal_chunk(normal_chunk);
1823 Range {
1824 start: first_slot,
1825 end: (first_slot + MAX_ITEMS_PER_CHUNK).min(self.normal_slot_range.end),
1826 }
1827 }
1828 };
1829 (!range.is_empty()).then_some(range)
1831 }
1834pub fn quarter_thread_count() -> usize {
1835 std::cmp::max(2, num_cpus::get() / 4)
1838pub fn make_min_priority_thread_pool() -> ThreadPool {
1839 let num_threads = quarter_thread_count();
1841 rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
1842 .thread_name(|i| format!("solAccountsLo{i:02}"))
1843 .num_threads(num_threads)
1844 .build()
1845 .unwrap()
1848pub fn default_num_hash_threads() -> NonZeroUsize {
1850 let num_threads = (num_cpus::get() / 8).clamp(2, 6);
1852 NonZeroUsize::new(num_threads).unwrap()
1855pub fn make_hash_thread_pool(num_threads: Option<NonZeroUsize>) -> ThreadPool {
1856 let num_threads = num_threads.unwrap_or_else(default_num_hash_threads).get();
1857 rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
1858 .thread_name(|i| format!("solAcctHash{i:02}"))
1859 .num_threads(num_threads)
1860 .build()
1861 .unwrap()
1864pub fn default_num_foreground_threads() -> usize {
1865 get_thread_count()
1868#[cfg(feature = "frozen-abi")]
1869impl solana_frozen_abi::abi_example::AbiExample for AccountsDb {
1870 fn example() -> Self {
1871 let accounts_db = AccountsDb::new_single_for_tests();
1872 let key = Pubkey::default();
1873 let some_data_len = 5;
1874 let some_slot: Slot = 0;
1875 let account = AccountSharedData::new(1, some_data_len, &key);
1876 accounts_db.store_uncached(some_slot, &[(&key, &account)]);
1877 accounts_db.add_root(0);
1879 accounts_db
1880 }
1883impl ZeroLamport for StoredAccountMeta<'_> {
1884 fn is_zero_lamport(&self) -> bool {
1885 self.lamports() == 0
1886 }
1889#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1890pub struct PubkeyHashAccount {
1891 pub pubkey: Pubkey,
1892 pub hash: AccountHash,
1893 pub account: AccountSharedData,
1896impl AccountsDb {
1897 pub const DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS_HASH_CACHE_DIR: &'static str = "accounts_hash_cache";
1899 #[cfg_attr(feature = "dev-context-only-utils", qualifiers(pub))]
1902 const DEFAULT_MAX_READ_ONLY_CACHE_DATA_SIZE_LO: usize = 400 * 1024 * 1024;
1903 #[cfg_attr(feature = "dev-context-only-utils", qualifiers(pub))]
1904 const DEFAULT_MAX_READ_ONLY_CACHE_DATA_SIZE_HI: usize = 410 * 1024 * 1024;
1906 #[cfg_attr(feature = "dev-context-only-utils", qualifiers(pub))]
1910 pub fn default_for_tests() -> Self {
1911 Self::new_single_for_tests()
1912 }
1914 pub fn new_single_for_tests() -> Self {
1915 AccountsDb::new_for_tests(Vec::new())
1916 }
1918 pub fn new_single_for_tests_with_provider(file_provider: AccountsFileProvider) -> Self {
1919 AccountsDb::new_for_tests_with_provider(Vec::new(), file_provider)
1920 }
1922 pub fn new_for_tests(paths: Vec<PathBuf>) -> Self {
1923 Self::new_for_tests_with_provider(paths, AccountsFileProvider::default())
1924 }
1926 fn new_for_tests_with_provider(
1927 paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
1928 accounts_file_provider: AccountsFileProvider,
1929 ) -> Self {
1930 let mut db = AccountsDb::new_with_config(
1931 paths,
1933 None,
1934 Arc::default(),
1935 );
1936 db.accounts_file_provider = accounts_file_provider;
1937 db
1938 }
1940 pub fn new_with_config(
1941 paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
1942 accounts_db_config: Option<AccountsDbConfig>,
1943 accounts_update_notifier: Option<AccountsUpdateNotifier>,
1944 exit: Arc<AtomicBool>,
1945 ) -> Self {
1946 let accounts_db_config = accounts_db_config.unwrap_or_default();
1947 let accounts_index = AccountsIndex::new(accounts_db_config.index.clone(), exit);
1949 let base_working_path = accounts_db_config.base_working_path.clone();
1950 let (base_working_path, base_working_temp_dir) =
1951 if let Some(base_working_path) = base_working_path {
1952 (base_working_path, None)
1953 } else {
1954 let base_working_temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
1955 let base_working_path = base_working_temp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
1956 (base_working_path, Some(base_working_temp_dir))
1957 };
1959 let (paths, temp_paths) = if paths.is_empty() {
1960 let (temp_dirs, temp_paths) = get_temp_accounts_paths(DEFAULT_NUM_DIRS).unwrap();
1963 (temp_paths, Some(temp_dirs))
1964 } else {
1965 (paths, None)
1966 };
1968 let shrink_paths = accounts_db_config
1969 .shrink_paths
1970 .clone()
1971 .unwrap_or_else(|| paths.clone());
1973 let accounts_hash_cache_path = accounts_db_config.accounts_hash_cache_path.clone();
1974 let accounts_hash_cache_path = accounts_hash_cache_path.unwrap_or_else(|| {
1975 let accounts_hash_cache_path =
1976 base_working_path.join(Self::DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS_HASH_CACHE_DIR);
1977 if !accounts_hash_cache_path.exists() {
1978 fs::create_dir(&accounts_hash_cache_path).expect("create accounts hash cache dir");
1979 }
1980 accounts_hash_cache_path
1981 });
1983 let read_cache_size = accounts_db_config.read_cache_limit_bytes.unwrap_or((
1986 ));
1987 let read_cache_evict_sample_size = accounts_db_config
1988 .read_cache_evict_sample_size
1991 const ACCOUNTS_STACK_SIZE: usize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
1994 let num_foreground_threads = accounts_db_config
1995 .num_foreground_threads
1996 .map(Into::into)
1997 .unwrap_or_else(default_num_foreground_threads);
1998 let thread_pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
1999 .num_threads(num_foreground_threads)
2000 .thread_name(|i| format!("solAccounts{i:02}"))
2001 .stack_size(ACCOUNTS_STACK_SIZE)
2002 .build()
2003 .expect("new rayon threadpool");
2005 let num_clean_threads = accounts_db_config
2006 .num_clean_threads
2007 .map(Into::into)
2008 .unwrap_or_else(quarter_thread_count);
2009 let thread_pool_clean = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
2010 .thread_name(|i| format!("solAccountsLo{i:02}"))
2011 .num_threads(num_clean_threads)
2012 .build()
2013 .expect("new rayon threadpool");
2015 let thread_pool_hash = make_hash_thread_pool(accounts_db_config.num_hash_threads);
2017 let new = Self {
2018 accounts_index,
2019 paths,
2020 base_working_path,
2021 base_working_temp_dir,
2022 accounts_hash_cache_path,
2023 temp_paths,
2024 shrink_paths,
2025 skip_initial_hash_calc: accounts_db_config.skip_initial_hash_calc,
2026 ancient_append_vec_offset: accounts_db_config
2027 .ancient_append_vec_offset
2029 ancient_storage_ideal_size: accounts_db_config
2030 .ancient_storage_ideal_size
2032 max_ancient_storages: accounts_db_config
2033 .max_ancient_storages
2035 hash_calculation_pubkey_bins: accounts_db_config
2036 .hash_calculation_pubkey_bins
2038 account_indexes: accounts_db_config.account_indexes.unwrap_or_default(),
2039 shrink_ratio: accounts_db_config.shrink_ratio,
2040 accounts_update_notifier,
2041 create_ancient_storage: accounts_db_config.create_ancient_storage,
2042 read_only_accounts_cache: ReadOnlyAccountsCache::new(
2043 read_cache_size.0,
2044 read_cache_size.1,
2045 read_cache_evict_sample_size,
2046 ),
2047 write_cache_limit_bytes: accounts_db_config.write_cache_limit_bytes,
2048 partitioned_epoch_rewards_config: accounts_db_config.partitioned_epoch_rewards_config,
2049 exhaustively_verify_refcounts: accounts_db_config.exhaustively_verify_refcounts,
2050 test_skip_rewrites_but_include_in_bank_hash: accounts_db_config
2051 .test_skip_rewrites_but_include_in_bank_hash,
2052 storage_access: accounts_db_config.storage_access,
2053 scan_filter_for_shrinking: accounts_db_config.scan_filter_for_shrinking,
2054 is_experimental_accumulator_hash_enabled: accounts_db_config
2055 .enable_experimental_accumulator_hash
2056 .into(),
2057 verify_experimental_accumulator_hash: accounts_db_config
2058 .verify_experimental_accumulator_hash,
2059 snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash: accounts_db_config
2060 .snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash
2061 .into(),
2062 thread_pool,
2063 thread_pool_clean,
2064 thread_pool_hash,
2065 verify_accounts_hash_in_bg: VerifyAccountsHashInBackground::default(),
2066 active_stats: ActiveStats::default(),
2067 storage: AccountStorage::default(),
2068 accounts_cache: AccountsCache::default(),
2069 sender_bg_hasher: RwLock::new(None),
2070 uncleaned_pubkeys: DashMap::default(),
2071 next_id: AtomicAccountsFileId::new(0),
2072 shrink_candidate_slots: Mutex::new(ShrinkCandidates::default()),
2073 write_version: AtomicU64::new(0),
2074 file_size: DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE,
2075 accounts_delta_hashes: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
2076 accounts_hashes: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
2077 incremental_accounts_hashes: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
2078 external_purge_slots_stats: PurgeStats::default(),
2079 clean_accounts_stats: CleanAccountsStats::default(),
2080 shrink_stats: ShrinkStats::default(),
2081 shrink_ancient_stats: ShrinkAncientStats::default(),
2082 stats: AccountsStats::default(),
2083 #[cfg(test)]
2084 load_delay: u64::default(),
2085 #[cfg(test)]
2086 load_limit: AtomicU64::default(),
2087 is_bank_drop_callback_enabled: AtomicBool::default(),
2088 remove_unrooted_slots_synchronization: RemoveUnrootedSlotsSynchronization::default(),
2089 dirty_stores: DashMap::default(),
2090 zero_lamport_accounts_to_purge_after_full_snapshot: DashSet::default(),
2091 log_dead_slots: AtomicBool::new(true),
2092 accounts_file_provider: AccountsFileProvider::default(),
2093 epoch_accounts_hash_manager: EpochAccountsHashManager::new_invalid(),
2094 latest_full_snapshot_slot: SeqLock::new(None),
2095 best_ancient_slots_to_shrink: RwLock::default(),
2096 };
2098 {
2099 for path in new.paths.iter() {
2100 std::fs::create_dir_all(path).expect("Create directory failed.");
2101 }
2102 }
2103 new
2104 }
2106 pub fn file_size(&self) -> u64 {
2107 self.file_size
2108 }
2110 pub fn get_base_working_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
2112 self.base_working_path.clone()
2113 }
2115 pub fn has_accounts_update_notifier(&self) -> bool {
2117 self.accounts_update_notifier.is_some()
2118 }
2120 fn next_id(&self) -> AccountsFileId {
2121 let next_id = self.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
2122 assert!(
2123 next_id != AccountsFileId::MAX,
2124 "We've run out of storage ids!"
2125 );
2126 next_id
2127 }
2129 fn new_storage_entry(&self, slot: Slot, path: &Path, size: u64) -> AccountStorageEntry {
2130 AccountStorageEntry::new(
2131 path,
2132 slot,
2133 self.next_id(),
2134 size,
2135 self.accounts_file_provider,
2136 )
2137 }
2139 pub fn is_experimental_accumulator_hash_enabled(&self) -> bool {
2141 self.is_experimental_accumulator_hash_enabled
2142 .load(Ordering::Acquire)
2143 }
2145 pub fn set_is_experimental_accumulator_hash_enabled(&self, is_enabled: bool) {
2147 self.is_experimental_accumulator_hash_enabled
2148 .store(is_enabled, Ordering::Release);
2149 }
2151 pub fn snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash(&self) -> bool {
2153 self.snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash
2154 .load(Ordering::Acquire)
2155 }
2157 pub fn set_snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash(&self, is_enabled: bool) {
2159 self.snapshots_use_experimental_accumulator_hash
2160 .store(is_enabled, Ordering::Release);
2161 }
2163 fn collect_reclaims(
2167 &self,
2168 pubkey: &Pubkey,
2169 max_clean_root_inclusive: Option<Slot>,
2170 ancient_account_cleans: &AtomicU64,
2171 epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule,
2172 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &Mutex<PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex>,
2173 ) -> SlotList<AccountInfo> {
2174 let one_epoch_old = self.get_oldest_non_ancient_slot(epoch_schedule);
2175 let mut clean_rooted = Measure::start("clean_old_root-ms");
2176 let mut reclaims = Vec::new();
2177 let removed_from_index = self.accounts_index.clean_rooted_entries(
2178 pubkey,
2179 &mut reclaims,
2180 max_clean_root_inclusive,
2181 );
2182 if removed_from_index {
2183 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index
2184 .lock()
2185 .unwrap()
2186 .insert(*pubkey);
2187 }
2188 if !reclaims.is_empty() {
2189 let old_reclaims = reclaims
2191 .iter()
2192 .filter_map(|(slot, _)| (slot < &one_epoch_old).then_some(1))
2193 .sum();
2194 ancient_account_cleans.fetch_add(old_reclaims, Ordering::Relaxed);
2195 }
2196 clean_rooted.stop();
2197 self.clean_accounts_stats
2198 .clean_old_root_us
2199 .fetch_add(clean_rooted.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
2200 reclaims
2201 }
2203 fn clean_accounts_older_than_root(
2207 &self,
2208 reclaims: &SlotList<AccountInfo>,
2209 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &HashSet<Pubkey>,
2210 ) -> ReclaimResult {
2211 let mut measure = Measure::start("clean_old_root_reclaims");
2213 let reset_accounts = false;
2217 let reclaim_result = self.handle_reclaims(
2218 (!reclaims.is_empty()).then(|| reclaims.iter()),
2219 None,
2220 reset_accounts,
2221 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
2222 HandleReclaims::ProcessDeadSlots(&self.clean_accounts_stats.purge_stats),
2223 );
2224 measure.stop();
2225 debug!("{}", measure);
2226 self.clean_accounts_stats
2227 .clean_old_root_reclaim_us
2228 .fetch_add(measure.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
2229 reclaim_result
2230 }
2232 fn calc_delete_dependencies(
2237 &self,
2238 candidates: &[RwLock<HashMap<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>>],
2239 store_counts: &mut HashMap<Slot, (usize, HashSet<Pubkey>)>,
2240 min_slot: Option<Slot>,
2241 ) {
2242 let mut already_counted = IntSet::default();
2246 for (bin_index, bin) in candidates.iter().enumerate() {
2247 let bin = bin.read().unwrap();
2248 for (
2249 pubkey,
2250 CleaningInfo {
2251 slot_list,
2252 ref_count,
2253 ..
2254 },
2255 ) in bin.iter()
2256 {
2257 let mut failed_slot = None;
2258 let all_stores_being_deleted = slot_list.len() as RefCount == *ref_count;
2259 if all_stores_being_deleted {
2260 let mut delete = true;
2261 for (slot, _account_info) in slot_list {
2262 if let Some(count) = store_counts.get(slot).map(|s| s.0) {
2263 debug!("calc_delete_dependencies() slot: {slot}, count len: {count}");
2264 if count == 0 {
2265 continue;
2267 }
2268 }
2269 failed_slot = Some(*slot);
2272 delete = false;
2273 break;
2274 }
2275 if delete {
2276 continue;
2278 }
2279 } else {
2280 debug!(
2282 "calc_delete_dependencies(), pubkey: {pubkey}, slot list len: {}, \
2283 ref count: {ref_count}, slot list: {slot_list:?}",
2284 slot_list.len(),
2285 );
2286 }
2288 let mut pending_stores = IntSet::default();
2290 for (slot, _account_info) in slot_list {
2291 if !already_counted.contains(slot) {
2292 pending_stores.insert(*slot);
2293 }
2294 }
2295 while !pending_stores.is_empty() {
2296 let slot = pending_stores.iter().next().cloned().unwrap();
2297 if Some(slot) == min_slot {
2298 if let Some(failed_slot) = failed_slot.take() {
2299 info!(
2300 "calc_delete_dependencies, oldest slot is not able to be deleted \
2301 because of {pubkey} in slot {failed_slot}"
2302 );
2303 } else {
2304 info!(
2305 "calc_delete_dependencies, oldest slot is not able to be deleted \
2306 because of {pubkey}, slot list len: {}, ref count: {ref_count}",
2307 slot_list.len()
2308 );
2309 }
2310 }
2312 pending_stores.remove(&slot);
2313 if !already_counted.insert(slot) {
2314 continue;
2315 }
2316 if let Some(store_count) = store_counts.remove(&slot) {
2318 let affected_pubkeys = &store_count.1;
2320 for key in affected_pubkeys {
2321 let candidates_bin_index =
2322 self.accounts_index.bin_calculator.bin_from_pubkey(key);
2323 let mut update_pending_stores =
2324 |bin: &HashMap<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>| {
2325 for (slot, _account_info) in &bin.get(key).unwrap().slot_list {
2326 if !already_counted.contains(slot) {
2327 pending_stores.insert(*slot);
2328 }
2329 }
2330 };
2331 if candidates_bin_index == bin_index {
2332 update_pending_stores(&bin);
2333 } else {
2334 update_pending_stores(
2335 &candidates[candidates_bin_index].read().unwrap(),
2336 );
2337 }
2338 }
2339 }
2340 }
2341 }
2342 }
2343 }
2345 fn background_hasher(receiver: Receiver<Vec<CachedAccount>>) {
2346 info!("Background account hasher has started");
2347 loop {
2348 let result = receiver.try_recv();
2349 match result {
2350 Ok(accounts) => {
2351 for account in accounts {
2352 if Arc::strong_count(&account) > 1 {
2354 let _ = (*account).hash();
2356 };
2357 }
2358 }
2359 Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {
2360 sleep(Duration::from_millis(5));
2361 }
2362 Err(err @ TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
2363 info!("Background account hasher is stopping because: {err}");
2364 break;
2365 }
2366 }
2367 }
2368 info!("Background account hasher has stopped");
2369 }
2371 pub fn start_background_hasher(&self) {
2372 if self.is_background_hasher_running() {
2373 return;
2374 }
2376 let (sender, receiver) = unbounded();
2377 Builder::new()
2378 .name("solDbStoreHashr".to_string())
2379 .spawn(move || {
2380 Self::background_hasher(receiver);
2381 })
2382 .unwrap();
2383 *self.sender_bg_hasher.write().unwrap() = Some(sender);
2384 }
2386 pub fn stop_background_hasher(&self) {
2387 drop(self.sender_bg_hasher.write().unwrap().take())
2388 }
2390 pub fn is_background_hasher_running(&self) -> bool {
2391 self.sender_bg_hasher.read().unwrap().is_some()
2392 }
2394 #[must_use]
2395 pub fn purge_keys_exact<'a, C>(
2396 &'a self,
2397 pubkey_to_slot_set: impl Iterator<Item = &'a (Pubkey, C)>,
2398 ) -> (Vec<(Slot, AccountInfo)>, PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex)
2399 where
2400 C: Contains<'a, Slot> + 'a,
2401 {
2402 let mut reclaims = Vec::new();
2403 let mut dead_keys = Vec::new();
2405 let mut purge_exact_count = 0;
2406 let (_, purge_exact_us) = measure_us!(for (pubkey, slots_set) in pubkey_to_slot_set {
2407 purge_exact_count += 1;
2408 let is_empty = self
2409 .accounts_index
2410 .purge_exact(pubkey, slots_set, &mut reclaims);
2411 if is_empty {
2412 dead_keys.push(pubkey);
2413 }
2414 });
2416 let (pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index, handle_dead_keys_us) = measure_us!(self
2417 .accounts_index
2418 .handle_dead_keys(&dead_keys, &self.account_indexes));
2420 self.stats
2421 .purge_exact_count
2422 .fetch_add(purge_exact_count, Ordering::Relaxed);
2423 self.stats
2424 .handle_dead_keys_us
2425 .fetch_add(handle_dead_keys_us, Ordering::Relaxed);
2426 self.stats
2427 .purge_exact_us
2428 .fetch_add(purge_exact_us, Ordering::Relaxed);
2429 (reclaims, pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index)
2430 }
2432 fn max_clean_root(&self, proposed_clean_root: Option<Slot>) -> Option<Slot> {
2433 match (
2434 self.accounts_index.min_ongoing_scan_root(),
2435 proposed_clean_root,
2436 ) {
2437 (None, None) => None,
2438 (Some(min_scan_root), None) => Some(min_scan_root),
2439 (None, Some(proposed_clean_root)) => Some(proposed_clean_root),
2440 (Some(min_scan_root), Some(proposed_clean_root)) => {
2441 Some(std::cmp::min(min_scan_root, proposed_clean_root))
2442 }
2443 }
2444 }
2446 fn get_oldest_non_ancient_slot(&self, epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule) -> Slot {
2449 self.get_oldest_non_ancient_slot_from_slot(
2450 epoch_schedule,
2451 self.accounts_index.max_root_inclusive(),
2452 )
2453 }
2455 fn get_oldest_non_ancient_slot_from_slot(
2458 &self,
2459 epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule,
2460 max_root_inclusive: Slot,
2461 ) -> Slot {
2462 let mut result = max_root_inclusive;
2463 if let Some(offset) = self.ancient_append_vec_offset {
2464 result = Self::apply_offset_to_slot(result, offset);
2465 }
2466 result = Self::apply_offset_to_slot(
2467 result,
2468 -((epoch_schedule.slots_per_epoch as i64).saturating_sub(1)),
2469 );
2470 result.min(max_root_inclusive)
2471 }
2473 fn collect_uncleaned_slots_up_to_slot(&self, max_slot_inclusive: Slot) -> Vec<Slot> {
2477 self.uncleaned_pubkeys
2478 .iter()
2479 .filter_map(|entry| {
2480 let slot = *entry.key();
2481 (slot <= max_slot_inclusive).then_some(slot)
2482 })
2483 .collect()
2484 }
2486 fn remove_uncleaned_slots_up_to_slot_and_move_pubkeys(
2490 &self,
2491 max_slot_inclusive: Slot,
2492 candidates: &[RwLock<HashMap<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>>],
2493 ) {
2494 let uncleaned_slots = self.collect_uncleaned_slots_up_to_slot(max_slot_inclusive);
2495 for uncleaned_slot in uncleaned_slots.into_iter() {
2496 if let Some((_removed_slot, mut removed_pubkeys)) =
2497 self.uncleaned_pubkeys.remove(&uncleaned_slot)
2498 {
2499 removed_pubkeys.sort_by(|a, b| {
2502 self.accounts_index
2503 .bin_calculator
2504 .bin_from_pubkey(a)
2505 .cmp(&self.accounts_index.bin_calculator.bin_from_pubkey(b))
2506 });
2507 if let Some(first_removed_pubkey) = removed_pubkeys.first() {
2508 let mut prev_bin = self
2509 .accounts_index
2510 .bin_calculator
2511 .bin_from_pubkey(first_removed_pubkey);
2512 let mut candidates_bin = candidates[prev_bin].write().unwrap();
2513 for removed_pubkey in removed_pubkeys {
2514 let curr_bin = self
2515 .accounts_index
2516 .bin_calculator
2517 .bin_from_pubkey(&removed_pubkey);
2518 if curr_bin != prev_bin {
2519 candidates_bin = candidates[curr_bin].write().unwrap();
2520 prev_bin = curr_bin;
2521 }
2522 candidates_bin.insert(
2528 removed_pubkey,
2529 CleaningInfo {
2530 might_contain_zero_lamport_entry: true,
2531 ..Default::default()
2532 },
2533 );
2534 }
2535 }
2536 }
2537 }
2538 }
2540 fn count_pubkeys(candidates: &[RwLock<HashMap<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>>]) -> u64 {
2541 candidates
2542 .iter()
2543 .map(|x| x.read().unwrap().len())
2544 .sum::<usize>() as u64
2545 }
2547 fn construct_candidate_clean_keys(
2555 &self,
2556 max_clean_root_inclusive: Option<Slot>,
2557 is_startup: bool,
2558 timings: &mut CleanKeyTimings,
2559 epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule,
2560 old_storages_policy: OldStoragesPolicy,
2561 ) -> CleaningCandidates {
2562 let oldest_non_ancient_slot = self.get_oldest_non_ancient_slot(epoch_schedule);
2563 let mut dirty_store_processing_time = Measure::start("dirty_store_processing");
2564 let max_root_inclusive = self.accounts_index.max_root_inclusive();
2565 let max_slot_inclusive = max_clean_root_inclusive.unwrap_or(max_root_inclusive);
2567 if old_storages_policy == OldStoragesPolicy::Clean {
2568 let slot_one_epoch_old =
2569 max_root_inclusive.saturating_sub(epoch_schedule.slots_per_epoch);
2570 let acceptable_straggler_slot_count = 100;
2572 let old_slot_cutoff =
2573 slot_one_epoch_old.saturating_sub(acceptable_straggler_slot_count);
2574 let (old_storages, old_slots) = self.get_storages(..old_slot_cutoff);
2575 let num_old_storages = old_storages.len();
2576 for (old_slot, old_storage) in std::iter::zip(old_slots, old_storages) {
2577 self.dirty_stores.entry(old_slot).or_insert(old_storage);
2578 }
2579 info!("Marked {num_old_storages} old storages as dirty");
2580 }
2582 let mut dirty_stores = Vec::with_capacity(self.dirty_stores.len());
2583 let mut min_dirty_slot = None::<u64>;
2586 self.dirty_stores.retain(|slot, store| {
2587 if *slot > max_slot_inclusive {
2588 true
2589 } else {
2590 min_dirty_slot = min_dirty_slot.map(|min| min.min(*slot)).or(Some(*slot));
2591 dirty_stores.push((*slot, store.clone()));
2592 false
2593 }
2594 });
2595 let dirty_stores_len = dirty_stores.len();
2596 let num_bins = self.accounts_index.bins();
2597 let candidates: Box<_> =
2598 std::iter::repeat_with(|| RwLock::new(HashMap::<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>::new()))
2599 .take(num_bins)
2600 .collect();
2602 let insert_candidate = |pubkey, is_zero_lamport| {
2603 let index = self.accounts_index.bin_calculator.bin_from_pubkey(&pubkey);
2604 let mut candidates_bin = candidates[index].write().unwrap();
2605 candidates_bin
2606 .entry(pubkey)
2607 .or_default()
2608 .might_contain_zero_lamport_entry |= is_zero_lamport;
2609 };
2611 let dirty_ancient_stores = AtomicUsize::default();
2612 let mut dirty_store_routine = || {
2613 let chunk_size = 1.max(dirty_stores_len.saturating_div(rayon::current_num_threads()));
2614 let oldest_dirty_slots: Vec<u64> = dirty_stores
2615 .par_chunks(chunk_size)
2616 .map(|dirty_store_chunk| {
2617 let mut oldest_dirty_slot = max_slot_inclusive.saturating_add(1);
2618 dirty_store_chunk.iter().for_each(|(slot, store)| {
2619 if *slot < oldest_non_ancient_slot {
2620 dirty_ancient_stores.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
2621 }
2622 oldest_dirty_slot = oldest_dirty_slot.min(*slot);
2624 store.accounts.scan_index(|index| {
2625 let pubkey = index.index_info.pubkey;
2626 let is_zero_lamport = index.index_info.lamports == 0;
2627 insert_candidate(pubkey, is_zero_lamport);
2628 });
2629 });
2630 oldest_dirty_slot
2631 })
2632 .collect();
2633 timings.oldest_dirty_slot = *oldest_dirty_slots
2634 .iter()
2635 .min()
2636 .unwrap_or(&max_slot_inclusive.saturating_add(1));
2637 };
2639 if is_startup {
2640 dirty_store_routine();
2642 } else {
2643 self.thread_pool_clean.install(|| {
2644 dirty_store_routine();
2645 });
2646 }
2647 timings.dirty_pubkeys_count = Self::count_pubkeys(&candidates);
2648 trace!(
2649 "dirty_stores.len: {} pubkeys.len: {}",
2650 dirty_stores_len,
2651 timings.dirty_pubkeys_count,
2652 );
2653 dirty_store_processing_time.stop();
2654 timings.dirty_store_processing_us += dirty_store_processing_time.as_us();
2655 timings.dirty_ancient_stores = dirty_ancient_stores.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
2657 let mut collect_delta_keys = Measure::start("key_create");
2658 self.remove_uncleaned_slots_up_to_slot_and_move_pubkeys(max_slot_inclusive, &candidates);
2659 collect_delta_keys.stop();
2660 timings.collect_delta_keys_us += collect_delta_keys.as_us();
2662 timings.delta_key_count = Self::count_pubkeys(&candidates);
2664 let latest_full_snapshot_slot = self.latest_full_snapshot_slot();
2668 assert!(
2669 latest_full_snapshot_slot.is_some()
2670 || self
2671 .zero_lamport_accounts_to_purge_after_full_snapshot
2672 .is_empty(),
2673 "if snapshots are disabled, then zero_lamport_accounts_to_purge_later should always \
2674 be empty"
2675 );
2676 if let Some(latest_full_snapshot_slot) = latest_full_snapshot_slot {
2677 self.zero_lamport_accounts_to_purge_after_full_snapshot
2678 .retain(|(slot, pubkey)| {
2679 let is_candidate_for_clean =
2680 max_slot_inclusive >= *slot && latest_full_snapshot_slot >= *slot;
2681 if is_candidate_for_clean {
2682 insert_candidate(*pubkey, true);
2683 }
2684 !is_candidate_for_clean
2685 });
2686 }
2688 (candidates, min_dirty_slot)
2689 }
2691 pub fn clean_accounts_for_tests(&self) {
2693 self.clean_accounts(
2694 None,
2695 false,
2696 &EpochSchedule::default(),
2697 if self.ancient_append_vec_offset.is_some() {
2698 OldStoragesPolicy::Leave
2699 } else {
2700 OldStoragesPolicy::Clean
2701 },
2702 )
2703 }
2705 fn exhaustively_verify_refcounts(&self, max_slot_inclusive: Option<Slot>) {
2710 let max_slot_inclusive =
2711 max_slot_inclusive.unwrap_or_else(|| self.accounts_index.max_root_inclusive());
2712 info!("exhaustively verifying refcounts as of slot: {max_slot_inclusive}");
2713 let pubkey_refcount = DashMap::<Pubkey, Vec<Slot>>::default();
2714 let slots = self.storage.all_slots();
2715 slots.into_par_iter().for_each(|slot| {
2717 if slot > max_slot_inclusive {
2718 return;
2719 }
2720 if let Some(storage) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot) {
2721 storage.accounts.scan_accounts(|account| {
2722 let pk = account.pubkey();
2723 match pubkey_refcount.entry(*pk) {
2724 dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry::Occupied(mut occupied_entry) => {
2725 if !occupied_entry.get().iter().any(|s| s == &slot) {
2726 occupied_entry.get_mut().push(slot);
2727 }
2728 }
2729 dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry::Vacant(vacant_entry) => {
2730 vacant_entry.insert(vec![slot]);
2731 }
2732 }
2733 });
2734 }
2735 });
2736 let total = pubkey_refcount.len();
2737 let failed = AtomicBool::default();
2738 let threads = quarter_thread_count();
2739 let per_batch = total / threads;
2740 (0..=threads).into_par_iter().for_each(|attempt| {
2741 pubkey_refcount
2742 .iter()
2743 .skip(attempt * per_batch)
2744 .take(per_batch)
2745 .for_each(|entry| {
2746 if failed.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
2747 return;
2748 }
2750 self.accounts_index
2751 .get_and_then(entry.key(), |index_entry| {
2752 if let Some(index_entry) = index_entry {
2753 match (index_entry.ref_count() as usize).cmp(&entry.value().len()) {
2754 std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {
2755 }
2757 std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => {
2758 let slot_list = index_entry.slot_list.read().unwrap();
2759 let num_too_new = slot_list
2760 .iter()
2761 .filter(|(slot, _)| slot > &max_slot_inclusive)
2762 .count();
2764 if ((index_entry.ref_count() as usize) - num_too_new)
2765 > entry.value().len()
2766 {
2767 failed.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
2768 error!(
2769 "exhaustively_verify_refcounts: {} refcount too \
2770 large: {}, should be: {}, {:?}, {:?}, too_new: \
2771 {num_too_new}",
2772 entry.key(),
2773 index_entry.ref_count(),
2774 entry.value().len(),
2775 *entry.value(),
2776 slot_list
2777 );
2778 }
2779 }
2780 std::cmp::Ordering::Less => {
2781 error!(
2782 "exhaustively_verify_refcounts: {} refcount too \
2783 small: {}, should be: {}, {:?}, {:?}",
2784 entry.key(),
2785 index_entry.ref_count(),
2786 entry.value().len(),
2787 *entry.value(),
2788 index_entry.slot_list.read().unwrap()
2789 );
2790 }
2791 }
2792 };
2793 (false, ())
2794 });
2795 });
2796 });
2797 if failed.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
2798 panic!("exhaustively_verify_refcounts failed");
2799 }
2800 }
2802 pub fn clean_accounts(
2807 &self,
2808 max_clean_root_inclusive: Option<Slot>,
2809 is_startup: bool,
2810 epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule,
2811 old_storages_policy: OldStoragesPolicy,
2812 ) {
2813 if self.exhaustively_verify_refcounts {
2814 if is_startup {
2816 self.exhaustively_verify_refcounts(max_clean_root_inclusive);
2817 } else {
2818 self.thread_pool_clean
2820 .install(|| self.exhaustively_verify_refcounts(max_clean_root_inclusive));
2821 }
2822 }
2824 let _guard = self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::Clean);
2826 let ancient_account_cleans = AtomicU64::default();
2827 let purges_old_accounts_count = AtomicU64::default();
2829 let mut measure_all = Measure::start("clean_accounts");
2830 let max_clean_root_inclusive = self.max_clean_root(max_clean_root_inclusive);
2832 self.report_store_stats();
2834 let active_guard = self
2835 .active_stats
2836 .activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanConstructCandidates);
2837 let mut measure_construct_candidates = Measure::start("construct_candidates");
2838 let mut key_timings = CleanKeyTimings::default();
2839 let (candidates, min_dirty_slot) = self.construct_candidate_clean_keys(
2840 max_clean_root_inclusive,
2841 is_startup,
2842 &mut key_timings,
2843 epoch_schedule,
2844 old_storages_policy,
2845 );
2846 measure_construct_candidates.stop();
2847 drop(active_guard);
2849 let num_candidates = Self::count_pubkeys(&candidates);
2850 let found_not_zero_accum = AtomicU64::new(0);
2851 let not_found_on_fork_accum = AtomicU64::new(0);
2852 let missing_accum = AtomicU64::new(0);
2853 let useful_accum = AtomicU64::new(0);
2854 let reclaims: SlotList<AccountInfo> = Vec::with_capacity(num_candidates as usize);
2855 let reclaims = Mutex::new(reclaims);
2856 let pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex = HashSet::new();
2857 let pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index = Mutex::new(pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index);
2858 let do_clean_scan = || {
2860 candidates.par_iter().for_each(|candidates_bin| {
2861 let mut found_not_zero = 0;
2862 let mut not_found_on_fork = 0;
2863 let mut missing = 0;
2864 let mut useful = 0;
2865 let mut purges_old_accounts_local = 0;
2866 let mut candidates_bin = candidates_bin.write().unwrap();
2867 candidates_bin.retain(|candidate_pubkey, candidate_info| {
2872 let mut should_collect_reclaims = false;
2873 self.accounts_index.scan(
2874 iter::once(candidate_pubkey),
2875 |_candidate_pubkey, slot_list_and_ref_count, _entry| {
2876 let mut useless = true;
2877 if let Some((slot_list, ref_count)) = slot_list_and_ref_count {
2878 let index_in_slot_list = self.accounts_index.latest_slot(
2880 None,
2881 slot_list,
2882 max_clean_root_inclusive,
2883 );
2885 match index_in_slot_list {
2886 Some(index_in_slot_list) => {
2887 let (slot, account_info) = &slot_list[index_in_slot_list];
2889 if account_info.is_zero_lamport() {
2890 useless = false;
2891 candidate_info.slot_list =
2895 self.accounts_index.get_rooted_entries(
2896 slot_list,
2897 max_clean_root_inclusive,
2898 );
2899 candidate_info.ref_count = ref_count;
2900 } else {
2901 found_not_zero += 1;
2902 }
2904 if slot_list.len() > 1
2907 && *slot
2908 <= max_clean_root_inclusive.unwrap_or(Slot::MAX)
2909 {
2910 should_collect_reclaims = true;
2911 purges_old_accounts_local += 1;
2912 useless = false;
2913 }
2914 }
2915 None => {
2916 not_found_on_fork += 1;
2923 should_collect_reclaims = true;
2924 purges_old_accounts_local += 1;
2925 useless = false;
2926 }
2927 }
2928 } else {
2929 missing += 1;
2930 }
2931 if !useless {
2932 useful += 1;
2933 }
2934 AccountsIndexScanResult::OnlyKeepInMemoryIfDirty
2935 },
2936 None,
2937 false,
2938 if candidate_info.might_contain_zero_lamport_entry {
2939 ScanFilter::All
2940 } else {
2941 self.scan_filter_for_shrinking
2942 },
2943 );
2944 if should_collect_reclaims {
2945 let reclaims_new = self.collect_reclaims(
2946 candidate_pubkey,
2947 max_clean_root_inclusive,
2948 &ancient_account_cleans,
2949 epoch_schedule,
2950 &pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
2951 );
2952 if !reclaims_new.is_empty() {
2953 reclaims.lock().unwrap().extend(reclaims_new);
2954 }
2955 }
2956 !candidate_info.slot_list.is_empty()
2957 });
2958 found_not_zero_accum.fetch_add(found_not_zero, Ordering::Relaxed);
2959 not_found_on_fork_accum.fetch_add(not_found_on_fork, Ordering::Relaxed);
2960 missing_accum.fetch_add(missing, Ordering::Relaxed);
2961 useful_accum.fetch_add(useful, Ordering::Relaxed);
2962 purges_old_accounts_count.fetch_add(purges_old_accounts_local, Ordering::Relaxed);
2963 });
2964 };
2965 let active_guard = self
2966 .active_stats
2967 .activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanScanCandidates);
2968 let mut accounts_scan = Measure::start("accounts_scan");
2969 if is_startup {
2970 do_clean_scan();
2971 } else {
2972 self.thread_pool_clean.install(do_clean_scan);
2973 }
2974 accounts_scan.stop();
2975 drop(active_guard);
2977 let retained_keys_count = Self::count_pubkeys(&candidates);
2978 let reclaims = reclaims.into_inner().unwrap();
2979 let mut pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index =
2980 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index.into_inner().unwrap();
2982 let active_guard = self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanOldAccounts);
2983 let mut clean_old_rooted = Measure::start("clean_old_roots");
2984 let (purged_account_slots, removed_accounts) =
2985 self.clean_accounts_older_than_root(&reclaims, &pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index);
2986 clean_old_rooted.stop();
2987 drop(active_guard);
2989 let active_guard = self
2992 .active_stats
2993 .activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanCollectStoreCounts);
2994 let mut store_counts_time = Measure::start("store_counts");
2995 let mut store_counts: HashMap<Slot, (usize, HashSet<Pubkey>)> = HashMap::new();
2996 for candidates_bin in candidates.iter() {
2997 for (
2998 pubkey,
2999 CleaningInfo {
3000 slot_list,
3001 ref_count,
3002 ..
3003 },
3004 ) in candidates_bin.write().unwrap().iter_mut()
3005 {
3006 debug_assert!(!slot_list.is_empty(), "candidate slot_list can't be empty");
3007 if purged_account_slots.contains_key(pubkey) {
3008 *ref_count = self.accounts_index.ref_count_from_storage(pubkey);
3009 }
3010 slot_list.retain(|(slot, account_info)| {
3011 let was_slot_purged = purged_account_slots
3012 .get(pubkey)
3013 .map(|slots_removed| slots_removed.contains(slot))
3014 .unwrap_or(false);
3015 if was_slot_purged {
3016 return false;
3019 }
3020 let was_reclaimed = removed_accounts
3023 .get(slot)
3024 .map(|store_removed| store_removed.contains(&account_info.offset()))
3025 .unwrap_or(false);
3026 if was_reclaimed {
3027 return false;
3028 }
3029 if let Some(store_count) = store_counts.get_mut(slot) {
3030 store_count.0 -= 1;
3031 store_count.1.insert(*pubkey);
3032 } else {
3033 let mut key_set = HashSet::new();
3034 key_set.insert(*pubkey);
3035 assert!(
3036 !account_info.is_cached(),
3037 "The Accounts Cache must be flushed first for this account info. \
3038 pubkey: {}, slot: {}",
3039 *pubkey,
3040 *slot
3041 );
3042 let count = self
3043 .storage
3044 .get_account_storage_entry(*slot, account_info.store_id())
3045 .map(|store| store.count())
3046 .unwrap()
3047 - 1;
3048 debug!(
3049 "store_counts, inserting slot: {}, store id: {}, count: {}",
3050 slot,
3051 account_info.store_id(),
3052 count
3053 );
3054 store_counts.insert(*slot, (count, key_set));
3055 }
3056 true
3057 });
3058 }
3059 }
3060 store_counts_time.stop();
3061 drop(active_guard);
3063 let active_guard = self
3064 .active_stats
3065 .activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanCalcDeleteDeps);
3066 let mut calc_deps_time = Measure::start("calc_deps");
3067 self.calc_delete_dependencies(&candidates, &mut store_counts, min_dirty_slot);
3068 calc_deps_time.stop();
3069 drop(active_guard);
3071 let active_guard = self
3072 .active_stats
3073 .activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanFilterZeroLamport);
3074 let mut purge_filter = Measure::start("purge_filter");
3075 self.filter_zero_lamport_clean_for_incremental_snapshots(
3076 max_clean_root_inclusive,
3077 &store_counts,
3078 &candidates,
3079 );
3080 purge_filter.stop();
3081 drop(active_guard);
3083 let active_guard = self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::CleanReclaims);
3084 let mut reclaims_time = Measure::start("reclaims");
3085 let mut pubkey_to_slot_set = Vec::new();
3087 for candidates_bin in candidates.iter() {
3088 let candidates_bin = candidates_bin.read().unwrap();
3089 let mut bin_set = candidates_bin
3090 .iter()
3091 .filter_map(|(pubkey, cleaning_info)| {
3092 let CleaningInfo {
3093 slot_list,
3094 ref_count: _,
3095 ..
3096 } = cleaning_info;
3097 (!slot_list.is_empty()).then_some((
3098 *pubkey,
3099 slot_list
3100 .iter()
3101 .map(|(slot, _)| *slot)
3102 .collect::<HashSet<Slot>>(),
3103 ))
3104 })
3105 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
3106 pubkey_to_slot_set.append(&mut bin_set);
3107 }
3109 let (reclaims, pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index2) =
3110 self.purge_keys_exact(pubkey_to_slot_set.iter());
3111 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index.extend(pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index2);
3113 let reset_accounts = false;
3116 self.handle_reclaims(
3117 (!reclaims.is_empty()).then(|| reclaims.iter()),
3118 None,
3119 reset_accounts,
3120 &pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
3121 HandleReclaims::ProcessDeadSlots(&self.clean_accounts_stats.purge_stats),
3122 );
3124 reclaims_time.stop();
3125 drop(active_guard);
3127 measure_all.stop();
3129 self.clean_accounts_stats.report();
3130 datapoint_info!(
3131 "clean_accounts",
3132 ("max_clean_root", max_clean_root_inclusive, Option<i64>),
3133 ("total_us", measure_all.as_us(), i64),
3134 (
3135 "collect_delta_keys_us",
3136 key_timings.collect_delta_keys_us,
3137 i64
3138 ),
3139 ("oldest_dirty_slot", key_timings.oldest_dirty_slot, i64),
3140 (
3141 "pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index",
3142 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index.len(),
3143 i64
3144 ),
3145 (
3146 "dirty_ancient_stores",
3147 key_timings.dirty_ancient_stores,
3148 i64
3149 ),
3150 (
3151 "dirty_store_processing_us",
3152 key_timings.dirty_store_processing_us,
3153 i64
3154 ),
3155 ("construct_candidates_us", measure_construct_candidates.as_us(), i64),
3156 ("accounts_scan", accounts_scan.as_us(), i64),
3157 ("clean_old_rooted", clean_old_rooted.as_us(), i64),
3158 ("store_counts", store_counts_time.as_us(), i64),
3159 ("purge_filter", purge_filter.as_us(), i64),
3160 ("calc_deps", calc_deps_time.as_us(), i64),
3161 ("reclaims", reclaims_time.as_us(), i64),
3162 ("delta_insert_us", key_timings.delta_insert_us, i64),
3163 ("delta_key_count", key_timings.delta_key_count, i64),
3164 ("dirty_pubkeys_count", key_timings.dirty_pubkeys_count, i64),
3165 ("useful_keys", useful_accum.load(Ordering::Relaxed), i64),
3166 ("total_keys_count", num_candidates, i64),
3167 ("retained_keys_count", retained_keys_count, i64),
3168 (
3169 "scan_found_not_zero",
3170 found_not_zero_accum.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
3171 i64
3172 ),
3173 (
3174 "scan_not_found_on_fork",
3175 not_found_on_fork_accum.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
3176 i64
3177 ),
3178 ("scan_missing", missing_accum.load(Ordering::Relaxed), i64),
3179 (
3180 "get_account_sizes_us",
3181 self.clean_accounts_stats
3182 .get_account_sizes_us
3183 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3184 i64
3185 ),
3186 (
3187 "slots_cleaned",
3188 self.clean_accounts_stats
3189 .slots_cleaned
3190 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3191 i64
3192 ),
3193 (
3194 "clean_old_root_us",
3195 self.clean_accounts_stats
3196 .clean_old_root_us
3197 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3198 i64
3199 ),
3200 (
3201 "clean_old_root_reclaim_us",
3202 self.clean_accounts_stats
3203 .clean_old_root_reclaim_us
3204 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3205 i64
3206 ),
3207 (
3208 "remove_dead_accounts_remove_us",
3209 self.clean_accounts_stats
3210 .remove_dead_accounts_remove_us
3211 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3212 i64
3213 ),
3214 (
3215 "remove_dead_accounts_shrink_us",
3216 self.clean_accounts_stats
3217 .remove_dead_accounts_shrink_us
3218 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3219 i64
3220 ),
3221 (
3222 "clean_stored_dead_slots_us",
3223 self.clean_accounts_stats
3224 .clean_stored_dead_slots_us
3225 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3226 i64
3227 ),
3228 (
3229 "roots_added",
3230 self.accounts_index.roots_added.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3231 i64
3232 ),
3233 (
3234 "purge_older_root_entries_one_slot_list",
3235 self.accounts_index
3236 .purge_older_root_entries_one_slot_list
3237 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3238 i64
3239 ),
3240 (
3241 "roots_removed",
3242 self.accounts_index.roots_removed.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3243 i64
3244 ),
3245 (
3246 "active_scans",
3247 self.accounts_index.active_scans.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
3248 i64
3249 ),
3250 (
3251 "max_distance_to_min_scan_slot",
3252 self.accounts_index
3253 .max_distance_to_min_scan_slot
3254 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3255 i64
3256 ),
3257 (
3258 "unref_zero_count",
3259 self.accounts_index
3260 .unref_zero_count
3261 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
3262 i64
3263 ),
3264 (
3265 "ancient_account_cleans",
3266 ancient_account_cleans.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
3267 i64
3268 ),
3269 (
3270 "purges_old_accounts_count",
3271 purges_old_accounts_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
3272 i64
3273 ),
3274 ("next_store_id", self.next_id.load(Ordering::Relaxed), i64),
3275 );
3276 }
3278 fn handle_reclaims<'a, I>(
3308 &'a self,
3309 reclaims: Option<I>,
3310 expected_single_dead_slot: Option<Slot>,
3311 reset_accounts: bool,
3312 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
3313 handle_reclaims: HandleReclaims<'a>,
3314 ) -> ReclaimResult
3315 where
3316 I: Iterator<Item = &'a (Slot, AccountInfo)>,
3317 {
3318 let mut reclaim_result = ReclaimResult::default();
3319 if let Some(reclaims) = reclaims {
3320 let (dead_slots, reclaimed_offsets) =
3321 self.remove_dead_accounts(reclaims, expected_single_dead_slot, reset_accounts);
3322 reclaim_result.1 = reclaimed_offsets;
3324 if let HandleReclaims::ProcessDeadSlots(purge_stats) = handle_reclaims {
3325 if let Some(expected_single_dead_slot) = expected_single_dead_slot {
3326 assert!(dead_slots.len() <= 1);
3327 if dead_slots.len() == 1 {
3328 assert!(dead_slots.contains(&expected_single_dead_slot));
3329 }
3330 }
3332 self.process_dead_slots(
3333 &dead_slots,
3334 Some(&mut reclaim_result.0),
3335 purge_stats,
3336 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
3337 );
3338 } else {
3339 assert!(dead_slots.is_empty());
3340 }
3341 }
3342 reclaim_result
3343 }
3345 fn filter_zero_lamport_clean_for_incremental_snapshots(
3369 &self,
3370 max_clean_root_inclusive: Option<Slot>,
3371 store_counts: &HashMap<Slot, (usize, HashSet<Pubkey>)>,
3372 candidates: &[RwLock<HashMap<Pubkey, CleaningInfo>>],
3373 ) {
3374 let latest_full_snapshot_slot = self.latest_full_snapshot_slot();
3375 let should_filter_for_incremental_snapshots = max_clean_root_inclusive.unwrap_or(Slot::MAX)
3376 > latest_full_snapshot_slot.unwrap_or(Slot::MAX);
3377 assert!(
3378 latest_full_snapshot_slot.is_some() || !should_filter_for_incremental_snapshots,
3379 "if filtering for incremental snapshots, then snapshots should be enabled",
3380 );
3382 for bin in candidates {
3383 let mut bin = bin.write().unwrap();
3384 bin.retain(|pubkey, cleaning_info| {
3385 let CleaningInfo {
3386 slot_list,
3387 ref_count: _,
3388 ..
3389 } = cleaning_info;
3390 debug_assert!(!slot_list.is_empty(), "candidate slot_list can't be empty");
3391 for (slot, _account_info) in slot_list.iter() {
3394 if let Some(store_count) = store_counts.get(slot) {
3395 if store_count.0 != 0 {
3396 return false;
3398 }
3399 } else {
3400 return false;
3402 }
3403 }
3405 if !should_filter_for_incremental_snapshots {
3407 return true;
3408 }
3410 let (slot, account_info) = slot_list
3413 .iter()
3414 .max_by_key(|(slot, _account_info)| slot)
3415 .unwrap();
3417 assert!(account_info.is_zero_lamport());
3423 let cannot_purge = *slot > latest_full_snapshot_slot.unwrap();
3424 if cannot_purge {
3425 self.zero_lamport_accounts_to_purge_after_full_snapshot
3426 .insert((*slot, *pubkey));
3427 }
3428 !cannot_purge
3429 });
3430 }
3431 }
3433 fn process_dead_slots(
3438 &self,
3439 dead_slots: &IntSet<Slot>,
3440 purged_account_slots: Option<&mut AccountSlots>,
3441 purge_stats: &PurgeStats,
3442 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
3443 ) {
3444 if dead_slots.is_empty() {
3445 return;
3446 }
3447 let mut clean_dead_slots = Measure::start("reclaims::clean_dead_slots");
3448 self.clean_stored_dead_slots(
3449 dead_slots,
3450 purged_account_slots,
3451 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
3452 );
3453 clean_dead_slots.stop();
3455 let mut purge_removed_slots = Measure::start("reclaims::purge_removed_slots");
3456 self.purge_dead_slots_from_storage(dead_slots.iter(), purge_stats);
3457 purge_removed_slots.stop();
3459 {
3462 let mut list = self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap();
3463 for slot in dead_slots {
3464 list.remove(slot);
3465 }
3466 }
3468 debug!(
3469 "process_dead_slots({}): {} {} {:?}",
3470 dead_slots.len(),
3471 clean_dead_slots,
3472 purge_removed_slots,
3473 dead_slots,
3474 );
3475 }
3477 fn load_accounts_index_for_shrink<'a, T: ShrinkCollectRefs<'a>>(
3482 &self,
3483 accounts: &'a [AccountFromStorage],
3484 stats: &ShrinkStats,
3485 slot_to_shrink: Slot,
3486 ) -> LoadAccountsIndexForShrink<'a, T> {
3487 let count = accounts.len();
3488 let mut alive_accounts = T::with_capacity(count, slot_to_shrink);
3489 let mut pubkeys_to_unref = Vec::with_capacity(count);
3490 let mut zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys = Vec::with_capacity(count);
3492 let mut alive = 0;
3493 let mut dead = 0;
3494 let mut index = 0;
3495 let mut index_scan_returned_some_count = 0;
3496 let mut index_scan_returned_none_count = 0;
3497 let mut all_are_zero_lamports = true;
3498 let latest_full_snapshot_slot = self.latest_full_snapshot_slot();
3499 self.accounts_index.scan(
3500 accounts.iter().map(|account| account.pubkey()),
3501 |pubkey, slots_refs, _entry| {
3502 let stored_account = &accounts[index];
3503 let mut do_populate_accounts_for_shrink = |ref_count, slot_list| {
3504 if stored_account.is_zero_lamport()
3505 && ref_count == 1
3506 && latest_full_snapshot_slot
3507 .map(|latest_full_snapshot_slot| {
3508 latest_full_snapshot_slot >= slot_to_shrink
3509 })
3510 .unwrap_or(true)
3511 {
3512 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys.push(pubkey);
3515 self.add_uncleaned_pubkeys_after_shrink(
3516 slot_to_shrink,
3517 [*pubkey].into_iter(),
3518 );
3519 } else {
3520 all_are_zero_lamports &= stored_account.is_zero_lamport();
3521 alive_accounts.add(ref_count, stored_account, slot_list);
3522 alive += 1;
3523 }
3524 };
3525 if let Some((slot_list, ref_count)) = slots_refs {
3526 index_scan_returned_some_count += 1;
3527 let is_alive = slot_list.iter().any(|(slot, _acct_info)| {
3528 *slot == slot_to_shrink
3530 });
3532 if !is_alive {
3533 pubkeys_to_unref.push(pubkey);
3538 dead += 1;
3539 } else {
3540 do_populate_accounts_for_shrink(ref_count, slot_list);
3541 }
3542 } else {
3543 index_scan_returned_none_count += 1;
3544 let ref_count = 1;
3550 let slot_list = [(slot_to_shrink, AccountInfo::default())];
3551 do_populate_accounts_for_shrink(ref_count, &slot_list);
3552 }
3553 index += 1;
3554 AccountsIndexScanResult::OnlyKeepInMemoryIfDirty
3555 },
3556 None,
3557 false,
3558 self.scan_filter_for_shrinking,
3559 );
3560 assert_eq!(index, std::cmp::min(accounts.len(), count));
3561 stats
3562 .index_scan_returned_some
3563 .fetch_add(index_scan_returned_some_count, Ordering::Relaxed);
3564 stats
3565 .index_scan_returned_none
3566 .fetch_add(index_scan_returned_none_count, Ordering::Relaxed);
3567 stats.alive_accounts.fetch_add(alive, Ordering::Relaxed);
3568 stats.dead_accounts.fetch_add(dead, Ordering::Relaxed);
3570 LoadAccountsIndexForShrink {
3571 alive_accounts,
3572 pubkeys_to_unref,
3573 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys,
3574 all_are_zero_lamports,
3575 }
3576 }
3578 pub fn get_unique_accounts_from_storage(
3581 &self,
3582 store: &AccountStorageEntry,
3583 ) -> GetUniqueAccountsResult {
3584 let capacity = store.capacity();
3585 let mut stored_accounts = Vec::with_capacity(store.count());
3586 store.accounts.scan_index(|info| {
3587 let file_id = 0;
3589 stored_accounts.push(AccountFromStorage {
3590 index_info: AccountInfo::new(
3591 StorageLocation::AppendVec(file_id, info.index_info.offset),
3592 info.index_info.lamports,
3593 ),
3594 pubkey: info.index_info.pubkey,
3595 data_len: info.index_info.data_len,
3596 });
3597 });
3599 let num_duplicated_accounts = Self::sort_and_remove_dups(&mut stored_accounts);
3602 GetUniqueAccountsResult {
3603 stored_accounts,
3604 capacity,
3605 num_duplicated_accounts,
3606 }
3607 }
3609 #[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
3610 pub fn set_storage_access(&mut self, storage_access: StorageAccess) {
3611 self.storage_access = storage_access;
3612 }
3614 #[cfg_attr(feature = "dev-context-only-utils", qualifiers(pub))]
3619 fn sort_and_remove_dups(accounts: &mut Vec<AccountFromStorage>) -> usize {
3620 accounts.sort_by(|a, b| a.pubkey().cmp(b.pubkey()));
3622 let len0 = accounts.len();
3623 if accounts.len() > 1 {
3624 let mut last = 0;
3625 let mut curr = 1;
3627 while curr < accounts.len() {
3628 if accounts[curr].pubkey() == accounts[last].pubkey() {
3629 accounts[last] = accounts[curr];
3630 } else {
3631 last += 1;
3632 accounts[last] = accounts[curr];
3633 }
3634 curr += 1;
3635 }
3636 accounts.truncate(last + 1);
3637 }
3638 len0 - accounts.len()
3639 }
3641 pub(crate) fn get_unique_accounts_from_storage_for_shrink(
3642 &self,
3643 store: &AccountStorageEntry,
3644 stats: &ShrinkStats,
3645 ) -> GetUniqueAccountsResult {
3646 let (result, storage_read_elapsed_us) =
3647 measure_us!(self.get_unique_accounts_from_storage(store));
3648 stats
3649 .storage_read_elapsed
3650 .fetch_add(storage_read_elapsed_us, Ordering::Relaxed);
3651 stats
3652 .num_duplicated_accounts
3653 .fetch_add(result.num_duplicated_accounts as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
3654 result
3655 }
3657 pub(crate) fn shrink_collect<'a: 'b, 'b, T: ShrinkCollectRefs<'b>>(
3660 &self,
3661 store: &'a AccountStorageEntry,
3662 unique_accounts: &'b GetUniqueAccountsResult,
3663 stats: &ShrinkStats,
3664 ) -> ShrinkCollect<'b, T> {
3665 let slot = store.slot();
3667 let GetUniqueAccountsResult {
3668 stored_accounts,
3669 capacity,
3670 num_duplicated_accounts,
3671 } = unique_accounts;
3673 let mut index_read_elapsed = Measure::start("index_read_elapsed");
3675 let len = stored_accounts.len();
3676 let alive_accounts_collect = Mutex::new(T::with_capacity(len, slot));
3677 let pubkeys_to_unref_collect = Mutex::new(Vec::with_capacity(len));
3678 let zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys_collect = Mutex::new(Vec::with_capacity(len));
3679 stats
3680 .accounts_loaded
3681 .fetch_add(len as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
3682 stats
3683 .num_duplicated_accounts
3684 .fetch_add(*num_duplicated_accounts as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
3685 let all_are_zero_lamports_collect = Mutex::new(true);
3686 self.thread_pool_clean.install(|| {
3687 stored_accounts
3689 .for_each(|stored_accounts| {
3690 let LoadAccountsIndexForShrink {
3691 alive_accounts,
3692 mut pubkeys_to_unref,
3693 all_are_zero_lamports,
3694 mut zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys,
3695 } = self.load_accounts_index_for_shrink(stored_accounts, stats, slot);
3697 alive_accounts_collect
3699 .lock()
3700 .unwrap()
3701 .collect(alive_accounts);
3702 pubkeys_to_unref_collect
3703 .lock()
3704 .unwrap()
3705 .append(&mut pubkeys_to_unref);
3706 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys_collect
3707 .lock()
3708 .unwrap()
3709 .append(&mut zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys);
3710 if !all_are_zero_lamports {
3711 *all_are_zero_lamports_collect.lock().unwrap() = false;
3712 }
3713 });
3714 });
3716 let alive_accounts = alive_accounts_collect.into_inner().unwrap();
3717 let pubkeys_to_unref = pubkeys_to_unref_collect.into_inner().unwrap();
3718 let zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys = zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys_collect
3719 .into_inner()
3720 .unwrap();
3722 index_read_elapsed.stop();
3723 stats
3724 .index_read_elapsed
3725 .fetch_add(index_read_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
3727 let alive_total_bytes = alive_accounts.alive_bytes();
3729 stats
3730 .accounts_removed
3731 .fetch_add(len - alive_accounts.len(), Ordering::Relaxed);
3732 stats.bytes_removed.fetch_add(
3733 capacity.saturating_sub(alive_total_bytes as u64),
3734 Ordering::Relaxed,
3735 );
3736 stats
3737 .bytes_written
3738 .fetch_add(alive_total_bytes as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
3740 ShrinkCollect {
3741 slot,
3742 capacity: *capacity,
3743 pubkeys_to_unref,
3744 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys,
3745 alive_accounts,
3746 alive_total_bytes,
3747 total_starting_accounts: len,
3748 all_are_zero_lamports: all_are_zero_lamports_collect.into_inner().unwrap(),
3749 }
3750 }
3752 fn remove_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts_after_shrink(
3763 &self,
3764 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys: &[&Pubkey],
3765 slot: Slot,
3766 stats: &ShrinkStats,
3767 do_assert: bool,
3768 ) {
3769 stats.purged_zero_lamports.fetch_add(
3770 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys.len() as u64,
3771 Ordering::Relaxed,
3772 );
3774 self.accounts_index.scan(
3778 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys.iter().cloned(),
3779 |_pubkey, _slots_refs, _entry| AccountsIndexScanResult::Unref,
3780 if do_assert {
3781 Some(AccountsIndexScanResult::UnrefAssert0)
3782 } else {
3783 Some(AccountsIndexScanResult::UnrefLog0)
3784 },
3785 false,
3786 ScanFilter::All,
3787 );
3789 zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys.iter().for_each(|k| {
3790 _ = self.purge_keys_exact([&(**k, slot)].into_iter());
3791 });
3792 }
3794 pub(crate) fn remove_old_stores_shrink<'a, T: ShrinkCollectRefs<'a>>(
3797 &self,
3798 shrink_collect: &ShrinkCollect<'a, T>,
3799 stats: &ShrinkStats,
3800 shrink_in_progress: Option<ShrinkInProgress>,
3801 shrink_can_be_active: bool,
3802 ) {
3803 let mut time = Measure::start("remove_old_stores_shrink");
3805 self.remove_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts_after_shrink(
3809 &shrink_collect.zero_lamport_single_ref_pubkeys,
3810 shrink_collect.slot,
3811 stats,
3812 false,
3813 );
3815 let dead_storages = self.mark_dirty_dead_stores(
3819 shrink_collect.slot,
3820 shrink_collect.all_are_zero_lamports,
3823 shrink_in_progress,
3824 shrink_can_be_active,
3825 );
3826 let dead_storages_len = dead_storages.len();
3828 if !shrink_collect.all_are_zero_lamports {
3829 self.add_uncleaned_pubkeys_after_shrink(
3830 shrink_collect.slot,
3831 shrink_collect.pubkeys_to_unref.iter().cloned().cloned(),
3832 );
3833 }
3835 let (_, drop_storage_entries_elapsed) = measure_us!(drop(dead_storages));
3836 time.stop();
3838 self.stats
3839 .dropped_stores
3840 .fetch_add(dead_storages_len as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
3841 stats
3842 .drop_storage_entries_elapsed
3843 .fetch_add(drop_storage_entries_elapsed, Ordering::Relaxed);
3844 stats
3845 .remove_old_stores_shrink_us
3846 .fetch_add(time.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
3847 }
3849 pub(crate) fn unref_shrunk_dead_accounts<'a>(
3850 &self,
3851 pubkeys: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Pubkey>,
3852 slot: Slot,
3853 ) {
3854 self.accounts_index.scan(
3855 pubkeys,
3856 |pubkey, slot_refs, _entry| {
3857 match slot_refs {
3858 Some((slot_list, ref_count)) => {
3859 if slot_list.len() == 1 && ref_count == 2 {
3861 if let Some((slot_alive, acct_info)) = slot_list.first() {
3862 if acct_info.is_zero_lamport() && !acct_info.is_cached() {
3863 self.zero_lamport_single_ref_found(
3864 *slot_alive,
3865 acct_info.offset(),
3866 );
3867 }
3868 }
3869 }
3870 }
3871 None => {
3872 warn!(
3876 "pubkey {pubkey} in slot {slot} was NOT found in accounts index during \
3877 shrink"
3878 );
3879 datapoint_warn!(
3880 "accounts_db-shink_pubkey_missing_from_index",
3881 ("store_slot", slot, i64),
3882 ("pubkey", pubkey.to_string(), String),
3883 );
3884 }
3885 }
3886 AccountsIndexScanResult::Unref
3887 },
3888 None,
3889 false,
3890 ScanFilter::All,
3891 );
3892 }
3894 pub(crate) fn zero_lamport_single_ref_found(&self, slot: Slot, offset: Offset) {
3896 if let Some(store) = self
3909 .storage
3910 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot)
3911 {
3912 if store.insert_zero_lamport_single_ref_account_offset(offset) {
3913 self.shrink_stats
3915 .num_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts_found
3916 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
3918 if store.num_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts() == store.count() {
3919 self.dirty_stores.entry(slot).or_insert(store);
3921 self.shrink_stats
3922 .num_dead_slots_added_to_clean
3923 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
3924 } else if Self::is_shrinking_productive(&store)
3925 && self.is_candidate_for_shrink(&store)
3926 {
3927 let is_new = self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap().insert(slot);
3929 if is_new {
3930 self.shrink_stats
3931 .num_slots_with_zero_lamport_accounts_added_to_shrink
3932 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
3933 }
3934 } else {
3935 self.shrink_stats
3936 .marking_zero_dead_accounts_in_non_shrinkable_store
3937 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
3938 }
3939 }
3940 }
3941 }
3943 fn shrink_storage(&self, store: Arc<AccountStorageEntry>) {
3945 let slot = store.slot();
3946 if self.accounts_cache.contains(slot) {
3947 return;
3959 }
3960 let unique_accounts =
3961 self.get_unique_accounts_from_storage_for_shrink(&store, &self.shrink_stats);
3962 debug!("do_shrink_slot_store: slot: {}", slot);
3963 let shrink_collect =
3964 self.shrink_collect::<AliveAccounts<'_>>(&store, &unique_accounts, &self.shrink_stats);
3966 if Self::should_not_shrink(
3969 shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes as u64,
3970 shrink_collect.capacity,
3971 ) || shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes == 0
3972 {
3973 if shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes == 0 {
3974 self.dirty_stores.insert(slot, store.clone());
3976 }
3978 if !shrink_collect.all_are_zero_lamports {
3979 info!(
3981 "Unexpected shrink for slot {} alive {} capacity {}, likely caused by a bug \
3982 for calculating alive bytes.",
3983 slot, shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes, shrink_collect.capacity
3984 );
3985 }
3987 self.shrink_stats
3988 .skipped_shrink
3989 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
3990 return;
3991 }
3993 self.unref_shrunk_dead_accounts(shrink_collect.pubkeys_to_unref.iter().cloned(), slot);
3995 let total_accounts_after_shrink = shrink_collect.alive_accounts.len();
3996 debug!(
3997 "shrinking: slot: {}, accounts: ({} => {}) bytes: {} original: {}",
3998 slot,
3999 shrink_collect.total_starting_accounts,
4000 total_accounts_after_shrink,
4001 shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes,
4002 shrink_collect.capacity,
4003 );
4005 let mut stats_sub = ShrinkStatsSub::default();
4006 let mut rewrite_elapsed = Measure::start("rewrite_elapsed");
4007 let (shrink_in_progress, time_us) =
4008 measure_us!(self.get_store_for_shrink(slot, shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes as u64));
4009 stats_sub.create_and_insert_store_elapsed_us = Saturating(time_us);
4011 let accounts = [(slot, &shrink_collect.alive_accounts.alive_accounts()[..])];
4015 let storable_accounts = StorableAccountsBySlot::new(slot, &accounts, self);
4016 stats_sub.store_accounts_timing =
4017 self.store_accounts_frozen(storable_accounts, shrink_in_progress.new_storage());
4019 rewrite_elapsed.stop();
4020 stats_sub.rewrite_elapsed_us = Saturating(rewrite_elapsed.as_us());
4022 self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap().remove(&slot);
4029 self.remove_old_stores_shrink(
4030 &shrink_collect,
4031 &self.shrink_stats,
4032 Some(shrink_in_progress),
4033 false,
4034 );
4036 self.reopen_storage_as_readonly_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot);
4038 Self::update_shrink_stats(&self.shrink_stats, stats_sub, true);
4039 self.shrink_stats.report();
4040 }
4042 pub(crate) fn update_shrink_stats(
4043 shrink_stats: &ShrinkStats,
4044 stats_sub: ShrinkStatsSub,
4045 increment_count: bool,
4046 ) {
4047 if increment_count {
4048 shrink_stats
4049 .num_slots_shrunk
4050 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4051 }
4052 shrink_stats.create_and_insert_store_elapsed.fetch_add(
4053 stats_sub.create_and_insert_store_elapsed_us.0,
4054 Ordering::Relaxed,
4055 );
4056 shrink_stats.store_accounts_elapsed.fetch_add(
4057 stats_sub.store_accounts_timing.store_accounts_elapsed,
4058 Ordering::Relaxed,
4059 );
4060 shrink_stats.update_index_elapsed.fetch_add(
4061 stats_sub.store_accounts_timing.update_index_elapsed,
4062 Ordering::Relaxed,
4063 );
4064 shrink_stats.handle_reclaims_elapsed.fetch_add(
4065 stats_sub.store_accounts_timing.handle_reclaims_elapsed,
4066 Ordering::Relaxed,
4067 );
4068 shrink_stats
4069 .rewrite_elapsed
4070 .fetch_add(stats_sub.rewrite_elapsed_us.0, Ordering::Relaxed);
4071 shrink_stats
4072 .unpackable_slots_count
4073 .fetch_add(stats_sub.unpackable_slots_count.0 as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
4074 shrink_stats.newest_alive_packed_count.fetch_add(
4075 stats_sub.newest_alive_packed_count.0 as u64,
4076 Ordering::Relaxed,
4077 );
4078 }
4080 pub fn mark_dirty_dead_stores(
4085 &self,
4086 slot: Slot,
4087 add_dirty_stores: bool,
4088 shrink_in_progress: Option<ShrinkInProgress>,
4089 shrink_can_be_active: bool,
4090 ) -> Vec<Arc<AccountStorageEntry>> {
4091 let mut dead_storages = Vec::default();
4093 let mut not_retaining_store = |store: &Arc<AccountStorageEntry>| {
4094 if add_dirty_stores {
4095 self.dirty_stores.insert(slot, store.clone());
4096 }
4097 dead_storages.push(store.clone());
4098 };
4100 if let Some(shrink_in_progress) = shrink_in_progress {
4101 not_retaining_store(shrink_in_progress.old_storage());
4103 } else if let Some(store) = self.storage.remove(&slot, shrink_can_be_active) {
4105 not_retaining_store(&store);
4107 }
4109 dead_storages
4110 }
4112 pub(crate) fn reopen_storage_as_readonly_shrinking_in_progress_ok(&self, slot: Slot) {
4115 if let Some(storage) = self
4116 .storage
4117 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot)
4118 {
4119 if let Some(new_storage) = storage.reopen_as_readonly(self.storage_access) {
4120 assert_eq!(storage.id(), new_storage.id());
4125 assert_eq!(storage.accounts.len(), new_storage.accounts.len());
4126 self.storage
4127 .replace_storage_with_equivalent(slot, Arc::new(new_storage));
4128 }
4129 }
4130 }
4132 pub fn get_store_for_shrink(&self, slot: Slot, size: u64) -> ShrinkInProgress<'_> {
4134 let shrunken_store = self.create_store(slot, size, "shrink", self.shrink_paths.as_slice());
4135 self.storage.shrinking_in_progress(slot, shrunken_store)
4136 }
4138 fn shrink_slot_forced(&self, slot: Slot) {
4141 debug!("shrink_slot_forced: slot: {}", slot);
4143 if let Some(store) = self
4144 .storage
4145 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot)
4146 {
4147 if Self::is_shrinking_productive(&store) {
4148 self.shrink_storage(store)
4149 }
4150 }
4151 }
4153 fn all_slots_in_storage(&self) -> Vec<Slot> {
4154 self.storage.all_slots()
4155 }
4157 fn select_candidates_by_total_usage(
4165 &self,
4166 shrink_slots: &ShrinkCandidates,
4167 shrink_ratio: f64,
4168 ) -> (IntMap<Slot, Arc<AccountStorageEntry>>, ShrinkCandidates) {
4169 struct StoreUsageInfo {
4170 slot: Slot,
4171 alive_ratio: f64,
4172 store: Arc<AccountStorageEntry>,
4173 }
4174 let mut store_usage: Vec<StoreUsageInfo> = Vec::with_capacity(shrink_slots.len());
4175 let mut total_alive_bytes: u64 = 0;
4176 let mut total_bytes: u64 = 0;
4177 for slot in shrink_slots {
4178 let Some(store) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(*slot) else {
4179 continue;
4180 };
4181 let alive_bytes = store.alive_bytes();
4182 total_alive_bytes += alive_bytes as u64;
4183 total_bytes += store.capacity();
4184 let alive_ratio = alive_bytes as f64 / store.capacity() as f64;
4185 store_usage.push(StoreUsageInfo {
4186 slot: *slot,
4187 alive_ratio,
4188 store: store.clone(),
4189 });
4190 }
4191 store_usage.sort_by(|a, b| {
4192 a.alive_ratio
4193 .partial_cmp(&b.alive_ratio)
4194 .unwrap_or(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal)
4195 });
4197 let mut shrink_slots = IntMap::default();
4200 let mut shrink_slots_next_batch = ShrinkCandidates::default();
4201 for usage in &store_usage {
4202 let store = &usage.store;
4203 let alive_ratio = (total_alive_bytes as f64) / (total_bytes as f64);
4204 debug!(
4205 "alive_ratio: {:?} store_id: {:?}, store_ratio: {:?} requirement: {:?}, \
4206 total_bytes: {:?} total_alive_bytes: {:?}",
4207 alive_ratio,
4208 usage.store.id(),
4209 usage.alive_ratio,
4210 shrink_ratio,
4211 total_bytes,
4212 total_alive_bytes
4213 );
4214 if alive_ratio > shrink_ratio {
4215 debug!(
4217 "Shrinking goal can be achieved at slot {:?}, total_alive_bytes: {:?} \
4218 total_bytes: {:?}, alive_ratio: {:}, shrink_ratio: {:?}",
4219 usage.slot, total_alive_bytes, total_bytes, alive_ratio, shrink_ratio
4220 );
4221 if usage.alive_ratio < shrink_ratio {
4222 shrink_slots_next_batch.insert(usage.slot);
4223 } else {
4224 break;
4225 }
4226 } else {
4227 let current_store_size = store.capacity();
4228 let after_shrink_size = store.alive_bytes() as u64;
4229 let bytes_saved = current_store_size.saturating_sub(after_shrink_size);
4230 total_bytes -= bytes_saved;
4231 shrink_slots.insert(usage.slot, Arc::clone(store));
4232 }
4233 }
4234 (shrink_slots, shrink_slots_next_batch)
4235 }
4237 fn get_roots_less_than(&self, slot: Slot) -> Vec<Slot> {
4238 self.accounts_index
4239 .roots_tracker
4240 .read()
4241 .unwrap()
4242 .alive_roots
4243 .get_all_less_than(slot)
4244 }
4246 fn get_sorted_potential_ancient_slots(&self, oldest_non_ancient_slot: Slot) -> Vec<Slot> {
4250 let mut ancient_slots = self.get_roots_less_than(oldest_non_ancient_slot);
4251 ancient_slots.sort_unstable();
4252 ancient_slots
4253 }
4255 pub fn shrink_ancient_slots(&self, epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule) {
4258 if self.ancient_append_vec_offset.is_none() {
4259 return;
4260 }
4262 let oldest_non_ancient_slot = self.get_oldest_non_ancient_slot(epoch_schedule);
4263 let can_randomly_shrink = true;
4264 let sorted_slots = self.get_sorted_potential_ancient_slots(oldest_non_ancient_slot);
4265 if self.create_ancient_storage == CreateAncientStorage::Append {
4266 self.combine_ancient_slots(sorted_slots, can_randomly_shrink);
4267 } else {
4268 self.combine_ancient_slots_packed(sorted_slots, can_randomly_shrink);
4269 }
4270 }
4272 fn get_keys_to_unref_ancient<'a>(
4277 accounts: &'a [&AccountFromStorage],
4278 existing_ancient_pubkeys: &mut HashSet<Pubkey>,
4279 ) -> HashSet<&'a Pubkey> {
4280 let mut unref = HashSet::<&Pubkey>::default();
4281 accounts.iter().for_each(|account| {
4285 let key = account.pubkey();
4286 if !existing_ancient_pubkeys.insert(*key) {
4287 unref.insert(key);
4289 }
4290 });
4291 unref
4292 }
4294 fn unref_accounts_already_in_storage(
4298 &self,
4299 accounts: &[&AccountFromStorage],
4300 existing_ancient_pubkeys: &mut HashSet<Pubkey>,
4301 ) {
4302 let unref = Self::get_keys_to_unref_ancient(accounts, existing_ancient_pubkeys);
4304 self.unref_pubkeys(
4305 unref.iter().cloned(),
4306 unref.len(),
4307 &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex::default(),
4308 );
4309 }
4311 fn get_storage_to_move_to_ancient_accounts_file(
4315 &self,
4316 slot: Slot,
4317 current_ancient: &mut CurrentAncientAccountsFile,
4318 can_randomly_shrink: bool,
4319 ) -> Option<Arc<AccountStorageEntry>> {
4320 self.storage
4321 .get_slot_storage_entry(slot)
4322 .and_then(|storage| {
4323 self.should_move_to_ancient_accounts_file(
4324 &storage,
4325 current_ancient,
4326 slot,
4327 can_randomly_shrink,
4328 )
4329 .then_some(storage)
4330 })
4331 }
4333 fn should_move_to_ancient_accounts_file(
4340 &self,
4341 storage: &Arc<AccountStorageEntry>,
4342 current_ancient: &mut CurrentAncientAccountsFile,
4343 slot: Slot,
4344 can_randomly_shrink: bool,
4345 ) -> bool {
4346 let accounts = &storage.accounts;
4348 self.shrink_ancient_stats
4349 .slots_considered
4350 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4352 if accounts.capacity() * 100 / get_ancient_append_vec_capacity() > 80 {
4355 self.shrink_ancient_stats
4356 .ancient_scanned
4357 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4359 let written_bytes = storage.written_bytes();
4362 let mut alive_ratio = 0;
4363 let is_candidate = if written_bytes > 0 {
4364 alive_ratio = (storage.alive_bytes() as u64) * 100 / written_bytes;
4365 alive_ratio < 90
4366 } else {
4367 false
4368 };
4369 if is_candidate || (can_randomly_shrink && thread_rng().gen_range(0..10000) == 0) {
4370 info!(
4373 "ancient_append_vec: shrinking full ancient: {}, random: {}, alive_ratio: {}",
4374 slot, !is_candidate, alive_ratio
4375 );
4376 if !is_candidate {
4377 self.shrink_ancient_stats
4378 .random_shrink
4379 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4380 }
4381 self.shrink_ancient_stats
4382 .ancient_append_vecs_shrunk
4383 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4384 return true;
4385 }
4386 if storage.accounts.can_append() {
4387 *current_ancient = CurrentAncientAccountsFile::new(slot, Arc::clone(storage));
4389 } else {
4390 *current_ancient = CurrentAncientAccountsFile::default();
4391 }
4392 return false; }
4395 true
4397 }
4399 fn combine_ancient_slots(&self, sorted_slots: Vec<Slot>, can_randomly_shrink: bool) {
4402 if sorted_slots.is_empty() {
4403 return;
4404 }
4406 let mut total = Measure::start("combine_ancient_slots");
4407 let mut guard = None;
4409 let mut current_ancient = CurrentAncientAccountsFile::default();
4411 let mut dropped_roots = vec![];
4413 let mut ancient_slot_pubkeys = AncientSlotPubkeys::default();
4416 let len = sorted_slots.len();
4417 for slot in sorted_slots {
4418 let Some(old_storage) = self.get_storage_to_move_to_ancient_accounts_file(
4419 slot,
4420 &mut current_ancient,
4421 can_randomly_shrink,
4422 ) else {
4423 continue;
4425 };
4427 if guard.is_none() {
4428 guard = Some(self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::SquashAncient));
4430 info!(
4431 "ancient_append_vec: combine_ancient_slots first slot: {}, num_roots: {}",
4432 slot, len
4433 );
4434 }
4436 self.combine_one_store_into_ancient(
4437 slot,
4438 &old_storage,
4439 &mut current_ancient,
4440 &mut ancient_slot_pubkeys,
4441 &mut dropped_roots,
4442 );
4443 }
4445 self.handle_dropped_roots_for_ancient(dropped_roots.into_iter());
4447 total.stop();
4448 self.shrink_ancient_stats
4449 .total_us
4450 .fetch_add(total.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
4452 if guard.is_some() || self.shrink_ancient_stats.total_us.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 100_000 {
4455 self.shrink_ancient_stats.report();
4456 }
4457 }
4459 fn combine_one_store_into_ancient(
4461 &self,
4462 slot: Slot,
4463 old_storage: &Arc<AccountStorageEntry>,
4464 current_ancient: &mut CurrentAncientAccountsFile,
4465 ancient_slot_pubkeys: &mut AncientSlotPubkeys,
4466 dropped_roots: &mut Vec<Slot>,
4467 ) {
4468 let unique_accounts = self.get_unique_accounts_from_storage_for_shrink(
4469 old_storage,
4470 &self.shrink_ancient_stats.shrink_stats,
4471 );
4472 let shrink_collect = self.shrink_collect::<AliveAccounts<'_>>(
4473 old_storage,
4474 &unique_accounts,
4475 &self.shrink_ancient_stats.shrink_stats,
4476 );
4478 if shrink_collect.total_starting_accounts == 0 || shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes == 0 {
4480 return; }
4483 let mut stats_sub = ShrinkStatsSub::default();
4484 let mut bytes_remaining_to_write = shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes;
4485 let (mut shrink_in_progress, create_and_insert_store_elapsed_us) = measure_us!(
4486 current_ancient.create_if_necessary(slot, self, shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes)
4487 );
4488 stats_sub.create_and_insert_store_elapsed_us =
4489 Saturating(create_and_insert_store_elapsed_us);
4490 let available_bytes = current_ancient.accounts_file().accounts.remaining_bytes();
4491 let to_store = AccountsToStore::new(
4495 available_bytes,
4496 shrink_collect.alive_accounts.alive_accounts(),
4497 shrink_collect.alive_total_bytes,
4498 slot,
4499 );
4501 ancient_slot_pubkeys.maybe_unref_accounts_already_in_ancient(
4502 slot,
4503 self,
4504 current_ancient,
4505 &to_store,
4506 );
4508 let mut rewrite_elapsed = Measure::start("rewrite_elapsed");
4509 let (store_accounts_timing, bytes_written) =
4511 current_ancient.store_ancient_accounts(self, &to_store, StorageSelector::Primary);
4512 stats_sub.store_accounts_timing = store_accounts_timing;
4513 bytes_remaining_to_write = bytes_remaining_to_write.saturating_sub(bytes_written as usize);
4515 if to_store.has_overflow() {
4517 assert_ne!(slot, current_ancient.slot());
4522 self.reopen_storage_as_readonly_shrinking_in_progress_ok(current_ancient.slot());
4525 let (shrink_in_progress_overflow, time_us) = measure_us!(current_ancient
4527 .create_ancient_accounts_file(
4528 slot,
4529 self,
4530 to_store.get_bytes(StorageSelector::Overflow)
4531 ));
4532 stats_sub.create_and_insert_store_elapsed_us += time_us;
4533 assert!(shrink_in_progress.is_none());
4540 shrink_in_progress = Some(shrink_in_progress_overflow);
4542 let (store_accounts_timing, bytes_written) =
4544 current_ancient.store_ancient_accounts(self, &to_store, StorageSelector::Overflow);
4545 bytes_remaining_to_write =
4546 bytes_remaining_to_write.saturating_sub(bytes_written as usize);
4548 stats_sub
4549 .store_accounts_timing
4550 .accumulate(&store_accounts_timing);
4551 }
4552 assert_eq!(bytes_remaining_to_write, 0);
4553 rewrite_elapsed.stop();
4554 stats_sub.rewrite_elapsed_us = Saturating(rewrite_elapsed.as_us());
4556 if slot != current_ancient.slot() {
4557 dropped_roots.push(slot);
4559 }
4561 self.remove_old_stores_shrink(
4562 &shrink_collect,
4563 &self.shrink_ancient_stats.shrink_stats,
4564 shrink_in_progress,
4565 false,
4566 );
4568 self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap().remove(&slot);
4571 Self::update_shrink_stats(&self.shrink_ancient_stats.shrink_stats, stats_sub, true);
4572 }
4574 pub(crate) fn handle_dropped_roots_for_ancient(
4577 &self,
4578 dropped_roots: impl Iterator<Item = Slot>,
4579 ) {
4580 let mut accounts_delta_hashes = self.accounts_delta_hashes.lock().unwrap();
4582 dropped_roots.for_each(|slot| {
4583 self.accounts_index.clean_dead_slot(slot);
4584 accounts_delta_hashes.remove(&slot);
4585 assert!(self.storage.remove(&slot, false).is_none());
4587 debug_assert!(
4588 !self
4589 .accounts_index
4590 .roots_tracker
4591 .read()
4592 .unwrap()
4593 .alive_roots
4594 .contains(&slot),
4595 "slot: {slot}"
4596 );
4597 });
4598 }
4600 fn add_uncleaned_pubkeys_after_shrink(
4603 &self,
4604 slot: Slot,
4605 pubkeys: impl Iterator<Item = Pubkey>,
4606 ) {
4607 let mut uncleaned_pubkeys = self.uncleaned_pubkeys.entry(slot).or_default();
4627 uncleaned_pubkeys.extend(pubkeys);
4628 }
4630 pub fn shrink_candidate_slots(&self, epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule) -> usize {
4631 let oldest_non_ancient_slot = self.get_oldest_non_ancient_slot(epoch_schedule);
4633 let shrink_candidates_slots =
4634 std::mem::take(&mut *self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap());
4635 self.shrink_stats
4636 .initial_candidates_count
4637 .store(shrink_candidates_slots.len() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
4639 let candidates_count = shrink_candidates_slots.len();
4640 let ((mut shrink_slots, shrink_slots_next_batch), select_time_us) = measure_us!({
4641 if let AccountShrinkThreshold::TotalSpace { shrink_ratio } = self.shrink_ratio {
4642 let (shrink_slots, shrink_slots_next_batch) =
4643 self.select_candidates_by_total_usage(&shrink_candidates_slots, shrink_ratio);
4644 (shrink_slots, Some(shrink_slots_next_batch))
4645 } else {
4646 (
4647 shrink_candidates_slots
4649 .into_iter()
4650 .filter_map(|slot| {
4651 self.storage
4652 .get_slot_storage_entry(slot)
4653 .map(|storage| (slot, storage))
4654 })
4655 .collect(),
4656 None,
4657 )
4658 }
4659 });
4661 if shrink_slots.len() < SHRINK_INSERT_ANCIENT_THRESHOLD {
4664 let mut ancients = self.best_ancient_slots_to_shrink.write().unwrap();
4665 while let Some((slot, capacity)) = ancients.pop_front() {
4666 if let Some(store) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot) {
4667 if !shrink_slots.contains(&slot)
4668 && capacity == store.capacity()
4669 && Self::is_candidate_for_shrink(self, &store)
4670 {
4671 let ancient_bytes_added_to_shrink = store.alive_bytes() as u64;
4672 shrink_slots.insert(slot, store);
4673 self.shrink_stats
4674 .ancient_bytes_added_to_shrink
4675 .fetch_add(ancient_bytes_added_to_shrink, Ordering::Relaxed);
4676 self.shrink_stats
4677 .ancient_slots_added_to_shrink
4678 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4679 break;
4680 }
4681 }
4682 }
4683 }
4684 if shrink_slots.is_empty()
4685 && shrink_slots_next_batch
4686 .as_ref()
4687 .map(|s| s.is_empty())
4688 .unwrap_or(true)
4689 {
4690 return 0;
4691 }
4693 let _guard = (!shrink_slots.is_empty())
4694 .then_some(|| self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::Shrink));
4696 let num_selected = shrink_slots.len();
4697 let (_, shrink_all_us) = measure_us!({
4698 self.thread_pool_clean.install(|| {
4699 shrink_slots
4700 .into_par_iter()
4701 .for_each(|(slot, slot_shrink_candidate)| {
4702 if self.ancient_append_vec_offset.is_some()
4703 && slot < oldest_non_ancient_slot
4704 {
4705 self.shrink_stats
4706 .num_ancient_slots_shrunk
4707 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
4708 }
4709 self.shrink_storage(slot_shrink_candidate);
4710 });
4711 })
4712 });
4714 let mut pended_counts: usize = 0;
4715 if let Some(shrink_slots_next_batch) = shrink_slots_next_batch {
4716 let mut shrink_slots = self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap();
4717 pended_counts = shrink_slots_next_batch.len();
4718 for slot in shrink_slots_next_batch {
4719 shrink_slots.insert(slot);
4720 }
4721 }
4723 datapoint_info!(
4724 "shrink_candidate_slots",
4725 ("select_time_us", select_time_us, i64),
4726 ("shrink_all_us", shrink_all_us, i64),
4727 ("candidates_count", candidates_count, i64),
4728 ("selected_count", num_selected, i64),
4729 ("deferred_to_next_round_count", pended_counts, i64)
4730 );
4732 num_selected
4733 }
4735 pub fn shrink_all_slots(
4740 &self,
4741 is_startup: bool,
4742 epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule,
4743 newest_slot_skip_shrink_inclusive: Option<Slot>,
4744 ) {
4745 let _guard = self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::Shrink);
4746 const DIRTY_STORES_CLEANING_THRESHOLD: usize = 10_000;
4747 const OUTER_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 2000;
4748 let mut slots = self.all_slots_in_storage();
4749 if let Some(newest_slot_skip_shrink_inclusive) = newest_slot_skip_shrink_inclusive {
4750 slots.retain(|slot| slot < &newest_slot_skip_shrink_inclusive);
4753 }
4755 let maybe_clean = || {
4764 if self.dirty_stores.len() > DIRTY_STORES_CLEANING_THRESHOLD {
4765 let latest_full_snapshot_slot = self.latest_full_snapshot_slot();
4766 self.clean_accounts(
4767 latest_full_snapshot_slot,
4768 is_startup,
4769 epoch_schedule,
4770 OldStoragesPolicy::Leave,
4774 );
4775 }
4776 };
4778 if is_startup {
4779 let threads = num_cpus::get();
4780 let inner_chunk_size = std::cmp::max(OUTER_CHUNK_SIZE / threads, 1);
4781 slots.chunks(OUTER_CHUNK_SIZE).for_each(|chunk| {
4782 chunk.par_chunks(inner_chunk_size).for_each(|slots| {
4783 for slot in slots {
4784 self.shrink_slot_forced(*slot);
4785 }
4786 });
4787 maybe_clean();
4788 });
4789 } else {
4790 for slot in slots {
4791 self.shrink_slot_forced(slot);
4792 maybe_clean();
4793 }
4794 }
4795 }
4797 pub fn scan_accounts<F>(
4798 &self,
4799 ancestors: &Ancestors,
4800 bank_id: BankId,
4801 mut scan_func: F,
4802 config: &ScanConfig,
4803 ) -> ScanResult<()>
4804 where
4805 F: FnMut(Option<(&Pubkey, AccountSharedData, Slot)>),
4806 {
4807 self.accounts_index.scan_accounts(
4809 ancestors,
4810 bank_id,
4811 |pubkey, (account_info, slot)| {
4812 let account_slot = self
4813 .get_account_accessor(slot, pubkey, &account_info.storage_location())
4814 .get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
4815 (pubkey, loaded_account.take_account(), slot)
4816 });
4817 scan_func(account_slot)
4818 },
4819 config,
4820 )?;
4822 Ok(())
4823 }
4825 pub fn unchecked_scan_accounts<F>(
4826 &self,
4827 metric_name: &'static str,
4828 ancestors: &Ancestors,
4829 mut scan_func: F,
4830 config: &ScanConfig,
4831 ) where
4832 F: FnMut(&Pubkey, LoadedAccount, Slot),
4833 {
4834 self.accounts_index.unchecked_scan_accounts(
4835 metric_name,
4836 ancestors,
4837 |pubkey, (account_info, slot)| {
4838 self.get_account_accessor(slot, pubkey, &account_info.storage_location())
4839 .get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
4840 scan_func(pubkey, loaded_account, slot);
4841 });
4842 },
4843 config,
4844 );
4845 }
4847 pub fn range_scan_accounts<F, R>(
4849 &self,
4850 metric_name: &'static str,
4851 ancestors: &Ancestors,
4852 range: R,
4853 config: &ScanConfig,
4854 mut scan_func: F,
4855 ) where
4856 F: FnMut(Option<(&Pubkey, AccountSharedData, Slot)>),
4857 R: RangeBounds<Pubkey> + std::fmt::Debug,
4858 {
4859 self.accounts_index.range_scan_accounts(
4860 metric_name,
4861 ancestors,
4862 range,
4863 config,
4864 |pubkey, (account_info, slot)| {
4865 if let Some(account_slot) = self
4875 .get_account_accessor(slot, pubkey, &account_info.storage_location())
4876 .get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
4877 (pubkey, loaded_account.take_account(), slot)
4878 })
4879 {
4880 scan_func(Some(account_slot))
4881 }
4882 },
4883 );
4884 }
4886 pub fn index_scan_accounts<F>(
4887 &self,
4888 ancestors: &Ancestors,
4889 bank_id: BankId,
4890 index_key: IndexKey,
4891 mut scan_func: F,
4892 config: &ScanConfig,
4893 ) -> ScanResult<bool>
4894 where
4895 F: FnMut(Option<(&Pubkey, AccountSharedData, Slot)>),
4896 {
4897 let key = match &index_key {
4898 IndexKey::ProgramId(key) => key,
4899 IndexKey::SplTokenMint(key) => key,
4900 IndexKey::SplTokenOwner(key) => key,
4901 };
4902 if !self.account_indexes.include_key(key) {
4903 let used_index = false;
4905 self.scan_accounts(ancestors, bank_id, scan_func, config)?;
4906 return Ok(used_index);
4907 }
4909 self.accounts_index.index_scan_accounts(
4910 ancestors,
4911 bank_id,
4912 index_key,
4913 |pubkey, (account_info, slot)| {
4914 let account_slot = self
4915 .get_account_accessor(slot, pubkey, &account_info.storage_location())
4916 .get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
4917 (pubkey, loaded_account.take_account(), slot)
4918 });
4919 scan_func(account_slot)
4920 },
4921 config,
4922 )?;
4923 let used_index = true;
4924 Ok(used_index)
4925 }
4927 pub(crate) fn scan_account_storage<R, B>(
4929 &self,
4930 slot: Slot,
4931 cache_map_func: impl Fn(&LoadedAccount) -> Option<R> + Sync,
4932 storage_scan_func: impl Fn(&B, &LoadedAccount, Option<&[u8]>) + Sync,
4933 scan_account_storage_data: ScanAccountStorageData,
4934 ) -> ScanStorageResult<R, B>
4935 where
4936 R: Send,
4937 B: Send + Default + Sync,
4938 {
4939 if let Some(slot_cache) = self.accounts_cache.slot_cache(slot) {
4940 if slot_cache.len() > SCAN_SLOT_PAR_ITER_THRESHOLD {
4943 ScanStorageResult::Cached(self.thread_pool.install(|| {
4944 slot_cache
4945 .par_iter()
4946 .filter_map(|cached_account| {
4947 cache_map_func(&LoadedAccount::Cached(Cow::Borrowed(
4948 cached_account.value(),
4949 )))
4950 })
4951 .collect()
4952 }))
4953 } else {
4954 ScanStorageResult::Cached(
4955 slot_cache
4956 .iter()
4957 .filter_map(|cached_account| {
4958 cache_map_func(&LoadedAccount::Cached(Cow::Borrowed(
4959 cached_account.value(),
4960 )))
4961 })
4962 .collect(),
4963 )
4964 }
4965 } else {
4966 let retval = B::default();
4967 if let Some(storage) = self
4980 .storage
4981 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot)
4982 {
4983 storage.accounts.scan_accounts(|account| {
4984 let loaded_account = LoadedAccount::Stored(account);
4985 let data = (scan_account_storage_data
4986 == ScanAccountStorageData::DataRefForStorage)
4987 .then_some(loaded_account.data());
4988 storage_scan_func(&retval, &loaded_account, data)
4989 });
4990 }
4992 ScanStorageResult::Stored(retval)
4993 }
4994 }
4996 pub fn load(
4997 &self,
4998 ancestors: &Ancestors,
4999 pubkey: &Pubkey,
5000 load_hint: LoadHint,
5001 ) -> Option<(AccountSharedData, Slot)> {
5002 self.do_load(ancestors, pubkey, None, load_hint, LoadZeroLamports::None)
5003 }
5005 pub fn account_matches_owners(
5010 &self,
5011 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5012 account: &Pubkey,
5013 owners: &[Pubkey],
5014 ) -> Result<usize, MatchAccountOwnerError> {
5015 let (slot, storage_location, _maybe_account_accesor) = self
5016 .read_index_for_accessor_or_load_slow(ancestors, account, None, false)
5017 .ok_or(MatchAccountOwnerError::UnableToLoad)?;
5019 if !storage_location.is_cached() {
5020 let result = self.read_only_accounts_cache.load(*account, slot);
5021 if let Some(account) = result {
5022 return if account.is_zero_lamport() {
5023 Err(MatchAccountOwnerError::NoMatch)
5024 } else {
5025 owners
5026 .iter()
5027 .position(|entry| account.owner() == entry)
5028 .ok_or(MatchAccountOwnerError::NoMatch)
5029 };
5030 }
5031 }
5033 let (account_accessor, _slot) = self
5034 .retry_to_get_account_accessor(
5035 slot,
5036 storage_location,
5037 ancestors,
5038 account,
5039 None,
5040 LoadHint::Unspecified,
5041 )
5042 .ok_or(MatchAccountOwnerError::UnableToLoad)?;
5043 account_accessor.account_matches_owners(owners)
5044 }
5046 pub fn load_account_into_read_cache(&self, ancestors: &Ancestors, pubkey: &Pubkey) {
5049 self.do_load_with_populate_read_cache(
5050 ancestors,
5051 pubkey,
5052 None,
5053 LoadHint::Unspecified,
5054 true,
5055 LoadZeroLamports::None,
5057 );
5058 }
5060 pub fn load_with_fixed_root(
5062 &self,
5063 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5064 pubkey: &Pubkey,
5065 ) -> Option<(AccountSharedData, Slot)> {
5066 self.load(ancestors, pubkey, LoadHint::FixedMaxRoot)
5067 }
5069 fn read_index_for_accessor_or_load_slow<'a>(
5070 &'a self,
5071 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5072 pubkey: &'a Pubkey,
5073 max_root: Option<Slot>,
5074 clone_in_lock: bool,
5075 ) -> Option<(Slot, StorageLocation, Option<LoadedAccountAccessor<'a>>)> {
5076 self.accounts_index.get_with_and_then(
5077 pubkey,
5078 Some(ancestors),
5079 max_root,
5080 true,
5081 |(slot, account_info)| {
5082 let storage_location = account_info.storage_location();
5083 let account_accessor = clone_in_lock
5084 .then(|| self.get_account_accessor(slot, pubkey, &storage_location));
5085 (slot, storage_location, account_accessor)
5086 },
5087 )
5088 }
5090 fn retry_to_get_account_accessor<'a>(
5091 &'a self,
5092 mut slot: Slot,
5093 mut storage_location: StorageLocation,
5094 ancestors: &'a Ancestors,
5095 pubkey: &'a Pubkey,
5096 max_root: Option<Slot>,
5097 load_hint: LoadHint,
5098 ) -> Option<(LoadedAccountAccessor<'a>, Slot)> {
5099 #[cfg(test)]
5203 {
5204 sleep(Duration::from_millis(self.load_delay));
5206 }
5208 let mut num_acceptable_failed_iterations = 0;
5210 loop {
5211 let account_accessor = self.get_account_accessor(slot, pubkey, &storage_location);
5212 match account_accessor {
5213 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(Some(_)) | LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(Some(_)) => {
5214 return Some((account_accessor, slot));
5216 }
5217 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(None) => {
5218 num_acceptable_failed_iterations += 1;
5219 match load_hint {
5223 LoadHint::FixedMaxRootDoNotPopulateReadCache | LoadHint::FixedMaxRoot => {
5224 assert!(num_acceptable_failed_iterations <= 1);
5233 }
5234 LoadHint::Unspecified => {
5235 }
5239 }
5240 }
5241 LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(None) => {
5242 match load_hint {
5243 LoadHint::FixedMaxRootDoNotPopulateReadCache | LoadHint::FixedMaxRoot => {
5244 }
5270 LoadHint::Unspecified => {
5271 num_acceptable_failed_iterations += 1;
5282 }
5283 }
5284 }
5285 }
5286 #[cfg(not(test))]
5289 #[cfg(test)]
5290 let load_limit = self.load_limit.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
5292 let fallback_to_slow_path = if num_acceptable_failed_iterations >= load_limit {
5293 let message = format!(
5297 "do_load() failed to get key: {pubkey} from storage, latest attempt was for \
5298 slot: {slot}, storage_location: {storage_location:?}, load_hint: \
5299 {load_hint:?}",
5300 );
5301 datapoint_warn!("accounts_db-do_load_warn", ("warn", message, String));
5302 true
5303 } else {
5304 false
5305 };
5307 let (new_slot, new_storage_location, maybe_account_accessor) = self
5309 .read_index_for_accessor_or_load_slow(
5310 ancestors,
5311 pubkey,
5312 max_root,
5313 fallback_to_slow_path,
5314 )?;
5315 if new_slot == slot && new_storage_location.is_store_id_equal(&storage_location) {
5318 let message = format!(
5319 "Bad index entry detected ({}, {}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?})",
5320 pubkey,
5321 slot,
5322 storage_location,
5323 load_hint,
5324 new_storage_location,
5325 self.accounts_index.get_cloned(pubkey)
5326 );
5327 assert!(
5331 new_storage_location.is_offset_equal(&storage_location),
5332 "{message}"
5333 );
5335 assert!(!new_storage_location.is_cached(), "{message}");
5340 assert_eq!(load_hint, LoadHint::Unspecified, "{message}");
5347 panic!("{message}");
5356 } else if fallback_to_slow_path {
5357 return Some((
5360 maybe_account_accessor.expect("must be some if clone_in_lock=true"),
5361 new_slot,
5362 ));
5363 }
5365 slot = new_slot;
5366 storage_location = new_storage_location;
5367 }
5368 }
5370 fn do_load(
5371 &self,
5372 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5373 pubkey: &Pubkey,
5374 max_root: Option<Slot>,
5375 load_hint: LoadHint,
5376 load_zero_lamports: LoadZeroLamports,
5377 ) -> Option<(AccountSharedData, Slot)> {
5378 self.do_load_with_populate_read_cache(
5379 ancestors,
5380 pubkey,
5381 max_root,
5382 load_hint,
5383 false,
5384 load_zero_lamports,
5385 )
5386 }
5388 pub fn load_account_with(
5396 &self,
5397 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5398 pubkey: &Pubkey,
5399 should_put_in_read_cache_fn: impl Fn(&AccountSharedData) -> bool,
5400 ) -> Option<(AccountSharedData, Slot)> {
5401 let (slot, storage_location, _maybe_account_accesor) =
5402 self.read_index_for_accessor_or_load_slow(ancestors, pubkey, None, false)?;
5403 let in_write_cache = storage_location.is_cached();
5406 if !in_write_cache {
5407 let result = self.read_only_accounts_cache.load(*pubkey, slot);
5408 if let Some(account) = result {
5409 if account.is_zero_lamport() {
5410 return None;
5411 }
5412 return Some((account, slot));
5413 }
5414 }
5416 let (mut account_accessor, slot) = self.retry_to_get_account_accessor(
5417 slot,
5418 storage_location,
5419 ancestors,
5420 pubkey,
5421 None,
5422 LoadHint::Unspecified,
5423 )?;
5425 let in_write_cache = matches!(account_accessor, LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(_));
5428 let account = account_accessor.check_and_get_loaded_account_shared_data();
5429 if account.is_zero_lamport() {
5430 return None;
5431 }
5433 if !in_write_cache && should_put_in_read_cache_fn(&account) {
5434 self.read_only_accounts_cache
5447 .store(*pubkey, slot, account.clone());
5448 }
5449 Some((account, slot))
5450 }
5452 fn do_load_with_populate_read_cache(
5455 &self,
5456 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5457 pubkey: &Pubkey,
5458 max_root: Option<Slot>,
5459 load_hint: LoadHint,
5460 load_into_read_cache_only: bool,
5461 load_zero_lamports: LoadZeroLamports,
5462 ) -> Option<(AccountSharedData, Slot)> {
5463 #[cfg(not(test))]
5464 assert!(max_root.is_none());
5466 let (slot, storage_location, _maybe_account_accesor) =
5467 self.read_index_for_accessor_or_load_slow(ancestors, pubkey, max_root, false)?;
5468 let in_write_cache = storage_location.is_cached();
5471 if !load_into_read_cache_only {
5472 if !in_write_cache {
5473 let result = self.read_only_accounts_cache.load(*pubkey, slot);
5474 if let Some(account) = result {
5475 if matches!(load_zero_lamports, LoadZeroLamports::None)
5476 && account.is_zero_lamport()
5477 {
5478 return None;
5479 }
5480 return Some((account, slot));
5481 }
5482 }
5483 } else {
5484 if in_write_cache {
5486 return None;
5488 }
5489 if self.read_only_accounts_cache.in_cache(pubkey, slot) {
5490 return None;
5492 }
5493 }
5495 let (mut account_accessor, slot) = self.retry_to_get_account_accessor(
5496 slot,
5497 storage_location,
5498 ancestors,
5499 pubkey,
5500 max_root,
5501 load_hint,
5502 )?;
5503 let in_write_cache = matches!(account_accessor, LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(_));
5506 let account = account_accessor.check_and_get_loaded_account_shared_data();
5507 if matches!(load_zero_lamports, LoadZeroLamports::None) && account.is_zero_lamport() {
5508 return None;
5509 }
5511 if !in_write_cache && load_hint != LoadHint::FixedMaxRootDoNotPopulateReadCache {
5512 self.read_only_accounts_cache
5525 .store(*pubkey, slot, account.clone());
5526 }
5527 Some((account, slot))
5528 }
5530 pub fn load_account_hash(
5531 &self,
5532 ancestors: &Ancestors,
5533 pubkey: &Pubkey,
5534 max_root: Option<Slot>,
5535 load_hint: LoadHint,
5536 ) -> Option<AccountHash> {
5537 let (slot, storage_location, _maybe_account_accesor) =
5538 self.read_index_for_accessor_or_load_slow(ancestors, pubkey, max_root, false)?;
5539 let (mut account_accessor, _) = self.retry_to_get_account_accessor(
5542 slot,
5543 storage_location,
5544 ancestors,
5545 pubkey,
5546 max_root,
5547 load_hint,
5548 )?;
5549 account_accessor
5550 .check_and_get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| Some(loaded_account.loaded_hash()))
5551 }
5553 fn get_account_accessor<'a>(
5554 &'a self,
5555 slot: Slot,
5556 pubkey: &'a Pubkey,
5557 storage_location: &StorageLocation,
5558 ) -> LoadedAccountAccessor<'a> {
5559 match storage_location {
5560 StorageLocation::Cached => {
5561 let maybe_cached_account = self.accounts_cache.load(slot, pubkey).map(Cow::Owned);
5562 LoadedAccountAccessor::Cached(maybe_cached_account)
5563 }
5564 StorageLocation::AppendVec(store_id, offset) => {
5565 let maybe_storage_entry = self
5566 .storage
5567 .get_account_storage_entry(slot, *store_id)
5568 .map(|account_storage_entry| (account_storage_entry, *offset));
5569 LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(maybe_storage_entry)
5570 }
5571 }
5572 }
5574 fn find_storage_candidate(&self, slot: Slot) -> Arc<AccountStorageEntry> {
5575 let mut get_slot_stores = Measure::start("get_slot_stores");
5576 let store = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot);
5577 get_slot_stores.stop();
5578 self.stats
5579 .store_get_slot_store
5580 .fetch_add(get_slot_stores.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5581 let mut find_existing = Measure::start("find_existing");
5582 if let Some(store) = store {
5583 if store.try_available() {
5584 let ret = store.clone();
5585 drop(store);
5586 find_existing.stop();
5587 self.stats
5588 .store_find_existing
5589 .fetch_add(find_existing.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5590 return ret;
5591 }
5592 }
5593 find_existing.stop();
5594 self.stats
5595 .store_find_existing
5596 .fetch_add(find_existing.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5598 let store = self.create_store(slot, self.file_size, "store", &self.paths);
5600 assert!(store.try_available());
5605 self.insert_store(slot, store.clone());
5606 store
5607 }
5609 fn has_space_available(&self, slot: Slot, size: u64) -> bool {
5610 let store = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot).unwrap();
5611 if store.status() == AccountStorageStatus::Available
5612 && store.accounts.remaining_bytes() >= size
5613 {
5614 return true;
5615 }
5616 false
5617 }
5619 fn create_store(
5620 &self,
5621 slot: Slot,
5622 size: u64,
5623 from: &str,
5624 paths: &[PathBuf],
5625 ) -> Arc<AccountStorageEntry> {
5626 self.stats
5627 .create_store_count
5628 .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
5629 let path_index = thread_rng().gen_range(0..paths.len());
5630 let store = Arc::new(self.new_storage_entry(slot, Path::new(&paths[path_index]), size));
5632 debug!(
5633 "creating store: {} slot: {} len: {} size: {} from: {} path: {}",
5634 store.id(),
5635 slot,
5636 store.accounts.len(),
5637 store.accounts.capacity(),
5638 from,
5639 store.accounts.path().display(),
5640 );
5642 store
5643 }
5645 fn create_and_insert_store(
5646 &self,
5647 slot: Slot,
5648 size: u64,
5649 from: &str,
5650 ) -> Arc<AccountStorageEntry> {
5651 self.create_and_insert_store_with_paths(slot, size, from, &self.paths)
5652 }
5654 fn create_and_insert_store_with_paths(
5655 &self,
5656 slot: Slot,
5657 size: u64,
5658 from: &str,
5659 paths: &[PathBuf],
5660 ) -> Arc<AccountStorageEntry> {
5661 let store = self.create_store(slot, size, from, paths);
5662 let store_for_index = store.clone();
5664 self.insert_store(slot, store_for_index);
5665 store
5666 }
5668 fn insert_store(&self, slot: Slot, store: Arc<AccountStorageEntry>) {
5669 self.storage.insert(slot, store)
5670 }
5672 pub fn enable_bank_drop_callback(&self) {
5673 self.is_bank_drop_callback_enabled
5674 .store(true, Ordering::Release);
5675 }
5677 pub fn purge_slot(&self, slot: Slot, bank_id: BankId, is_serialized_with_abs: bool) {
5683 if self.is_bank_drop_callback_enabled.load(Ordering::Acquire) && !is_serialized_with_abs {
5684 panic!(
5685 "bad drop callpath detected; Bank::drop() must run serially with other logic in
5686 ABS like clean_accounts()"
5687 )
5688 }
5690 if self
5695 .accounts_index
5696 .removed_bank_ids
5697 .lock()
5698 .unwrap()
5699 .remove(&bank_id)
5700 {
5701 return;
5703 }
5705 self.purge_slots(std::iter::once(&slot));
5706 }
5708 pub fn purge_slots_from_cache_and_store<'a>(
5711 &self,
5712 removed_slots: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Slot> + Clone,
5713 purge_stats: &PurgeStats,
5714 log_accounts: bool,
5715 ) {
5716 let mut remove_cache_elapsed_across_slots = 0;
5717 let mut num_cached_slots_removed = 0;
5718 let mut total_removed_cached_bytes = 0;
5719 if log_accounts {
5720 if let Some(min) = removed_slots.clone().min() {
5721 info!(
5722 "purge_slots_from_cache_and_store: {:?}",
5723 self.get_pubkey_hash_for_slot(*min).0
5724 );
5725 }
5726 }
5727 for remove_slot in removed_slots {
5728 let mut remove_cache_elapsed = Measure::start("remove_cache_elapsed");
5731 if let Some(slot_cache) = self.accounts_cache.slot_cache(*remove_slot) {
5736 num_cached_slots_removed += 1;
5739 total_removed_cached_bytes += slot_cache.total_bytes();
5740 self.purge_slot_cache(*remove_slot, slot_cache);
5741 remove_cache_elapsed.stop();
5742 remove_cache_elapsed_across_slots += remove_cache_elapsed.as_us();
5743 assert!(self.accounts_cache.remove_slot(*remove_slot).is_some());
5745 } else {
5746 self.purge_slot_storage(*remove_slot, purge_stats);
5747 }
5748 }
5753 purge_stats
5754 .remove_cache_elapsed
5755 .fetch_add(remove_cache_elapsed_across_slots, Ordering::Relaxed);
5756 purge_stats
5757 .num_cached_slots_removed
5758 .fetch_add(num_cached_slots_removed, Ordering::Relaxed);
5759 purge_stats
5760 .total_removed_cached_bytes
5761 .fetch_add(total_removed_cached_bytes, Ordering::Relaxed);
5762 }
5764 fn purge_dead_slots_from_storage<'a>(
5767 &'a self,
5768 removed_slots: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Slot> + Clone,
5769 purge_stats: &PurgeStats,
5770 ) {
5771 let mut safety_checks_elapsed = Measure::start("safety_checks_elapsed");
5778 assert!(self
5779 .accounts_index
5780 .get_rooted_from_list(removed_slots.clone())
5781 .is_empty());
5782 safety_checks_elapsed.stop();
5783 purge_stats
5784 .safety_checks_elapsed
5785 .fetch_add(safety_checks_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5787 let mut total_removed_stored_bytes = 0;
5788 let mut all_removed_slot_storages = vec![];
5790 let mut remove_storage_entries_elapsed = Measure::start("remove_storage_entries_elapsed");
5791 for remove_slot in removed_slots {
5792 if let Some(store) = self.storage.remove(remove_slot, false) {
5794 total_removed_stored_bytes += store.accounts.capacity();
5795 all_removed_slot_storages.push(store);
5796 }
5797 }
5798 remove_storage_entries_elapsed.stop();
5799 let num_stored_slots_removed = all_removed_slot_storages.len();
5801 let mut drop_storage_entries_elapsed = Measure::start("drop_storage_entries_elapsed");
5804 drop(all_removed_slot_storages);
5805 drop_storage_entries_elapsed.stop();
5807 purge_stats
5808 .remove_storage_entries_elapsed
5809 .fetch_add(remove_storage_entries_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5810 purge_stats
5811 .drop_storage_entries_elapsed
5812 .fetch_add(drop_storage_entries_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5813 purge_stats
5814 .num_stored_slots_removed
5815 .fetch_add(num_stored_slots_removed, Ordering::Relaxed);
5816 purge_stats
5817 .total_removed_storage_entries
5818 .fetch_add(num_stored_slots_removed, Ordering::Relaxed);
5819 purge_stats
5820 .total_removed_stored_bytes
5821 .fetch_add(total_removed_stored_bytes, Ordering::Relaxed);
5822 self.stats
5823 .dropped_stores
5824 .fetch_add(num_stored_slots_removed as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
5825 }
5827 fn purge_slot_cache(&self, purged_slot: Slot, slot_cache: SlotCache) {
5828 let mut purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)> = HashSet::new();
5829 let pubkey_to_slot_set: Vec<(Pubkey, Slot)> = slot_cache
5830 .iter()
5831 .map(|account| {
5832 purged_slot_pubkeys.insert((purged_slot, *account.key()));
5833 (*account.key(), purged_slot)
5834 })
5835 .collect();
5836 self.purge_slot_cache_pubkeys(
5837 purged_slot,
5838 purged_slot_pubkeys,
5839 pubkey_to_slot_set,
5840 true,
5841 &HashSet::default(),
5842 );
5843 }
5845 fn purge_slot_cache_pubkeys(
5846 &self,
5847 purged_slot: Slot,
5848 purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)>,
5849 pubkey_to_slot_set: Vec<(Pubkey, Slot)>,
5850 is_dead: bool,
5851 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
5852 ) {
5853 assert!(self
5855 .storage
5856 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(purged_slot)
5857 .is_none());
5858 let num_purged_keys = pubkey_to_slot_set.len();
5859 let (reclaims, _) = self.purge_keys_exact(pubkey_to_slot_set.iter());
5860 assert_eq!(reclaims.len(), num_purged_keys);
5861 if is_dead {
5862 self.remove_dead_slots_metadata(
5863 std::iter::once(&purged_slot),
5864 purged_slot_pubkeys,
5865 None,
5866 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
5867 );
5868 }
5869 }
5871 fn purge_slot_storage(&self, remove_slot: Slot, purge_stats: &PurgeStats) {
5872 let mut scan_storages_elapsed = Measure::start("scan_storages_elapsed");
5879 let mut stored_keys = HashSet::new();
5880 if let Some(storage) = self
5881 .storage
5882 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(remove_slot)
5883 {
5884 storage.accounts.scan_pubkeys(|pk| {
5885 stored_keys.insert((*pk, remove_slot));
5886 });
5887 }
5888 scan_storages_elapsed.stop();
5889 purge_stats
5890 .scan_storages_elapsed
5891 .fetch_add(scan_storages_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5893 let mut purge_accounts_index_elapsed = Measure::start("purge_accounts_index_elapsed");
5894 let (reclaims, pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index) =
5896 self.purge_keys_exact(stored_keys.iter());
5897 purge_accounts_index_elapsed.stop();
5898 purge_stats
5899 .purge_accounts_index_elapsed
5900 .fetch_add(purge_accounts_index_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5902 let mut handle_reclaims_elapsed = Measure::start("handle_reclaims_elapsed");
5905 let expected_dead_slot = Some(remove_slot);
5907 self.handle_reclaims(
5908 (!reclaims.is_empty()).then(|| reclaims.iter()),
5909 expected_dead_slot,
5910 false,
5911 &pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
5912 HandleReclaims::ProcessDeadSlots(purge_stats),
5913 );
5914 handle_reclaims_elapsed.stop();
5915 purge_stats
5916 .handle_reclaims_elapsed
5917 .fetch_add(handle_reclaims_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5918 assert!(
5921 self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(remove_slot).is_none(),
5922 "slot {remove_slot} is not none"
5923 );
5924 }
5926 fn purge_slots<'a>(&self, slots: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Slot> + Clone) {
5927 let mut safety_checks_elapsed = Measure::start("safety_checks_elapsed");
5929 let non_roots = slots
5930 .filter(|slot| !self.accounts_index.is_alive_root(**slot));
5940 safety_checks_elapsed.stop();
5941 self.external_purge_slots_stats
5942 .safety_checks_elapsed
5943 .fetch_add(safety_checks_elapsed.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
5944 self.purge_slots_from_cache_and_store(non_roots, &self.external_purge_slots_stats, false);
5945 self.external_purge_slots_stats
5946 .report("external_purge_slots_stats", Some(1000));
5947 }
5949 pub fn remove_unrooted_slots(&self, remove_slots: &[(Slot, BankId)]) {
5950 let rooted_slots = self
5951 .accounts_index
5952 .get_rooted_from_list(remove_slots.iter().map(|(slot, _)| slot));
5953 assert!(
5954 rooted_slots.is_empty(),
5955 "Trying to remove accounts for rooted slots {rooted_slots:?}"
5956 );
5958 let RemoveUnrootedSlotsSynchronization {
5959 slots_under_contention,
5960 signal,
5961 } = &self.remove_unrooted_slots_synchronization;
5963 {
5964 let mut currently_contended_slots = slots_under_contention.lock().unwrap();
5968 let mut remaining_contended_flush_slots: Vec<Slot> = remove_slots
5971 .iter()
5972 .filter_map(|(remove_slot, _)| {
5973 let is_being_flushed = !currently_contended_slots.insert(*remove_slot);
5982 is_being_flushed.then_some(remove_slot)
5984 })
5985 .cloned()
5986 .collect();
5988 loop {
5990 if !remaining_contended_flush_slots.is_empty() {
5991 currently_contended_slots = signal.wait(currently_contended_slots).unwrap();
5997 } else {
5998 break;
6001 }
6003 remaining_contended_flush_slots.retain(|flush_slot| {
6006 !currently_contended_slots.insert(*flush_slot)
6008 });
6009 }
6010 }
6012 {
6016 let mut locked_removed_bank_ids = self.accounts_index.removed_bank_ids.lock().unwrap();
6017 for (_slot, remove_bank_id) in remove_slots.iter() {
6018 locked_removed_bank_ids.insert(*remove_bank_id);
6019 }
6020 }
6022 let remove_unrooted_purge_stats = PurgeStats::default();
6023 self.purge_slots_from_cache_and_store(
6024 remove_slots.iter().map(|(slot, _)| slot),
6025 &remove_unrooted_purge_stats,
6026 true,
6027 );
6028 remove_unrooted_purge_stats.report("remove_unrooted_slots_purge_slots_stats", None);
6030 let mut currently_contended_slots = slots_under_contention.lock().unwrap();
6031 for (remove_slot, _) in remove_slots {
6032 assert!(currently_contended_slots.remove(remove_slot));
6033 }
6034 }
6036 pub fn lt_hash_account(account: &impl ReadableAccount, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> AccountLtHash {
6038 if account.lamports() == 0 {
6040 }
6042 let hasher = Self::hash_account_helper(account, pubkey);
6043 let lt_hash = LtHash::with(&hasher);
6044 AccountLtHash(lt_hash)
6045 }
6047 pub fn hash_account<T: ReadableAccount>(account: &T, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> AccountHash {
6049 if account.lamports() == 0 {
6051 }
6053 let hasher = Self::hash_account_helper(account, pubkey);
6054 let hash = Hash::new_from_array(hasher.finalize().into());
6055 AccountHash(hash)
6056 }
6058 fn hash_account_helper(account: &impl ReadableAccount, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> blake3::Hasher {
6060 let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
6062 const META_SIZE: usize = 8 + 8 + 1 + 32 + 32 ;
6065 const DATA_SIZE: usize = 200; const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = META_SIZE + DATA_SIZE;
6067 let mut buffer = SmallVec::<[u8; BUFFER_SIZE]>::new();
6069 buffer.extend_from_slice(&account.lamports().to_le_bytes());
6071 buffer.extend_from_slice(&account.rent_epoch().to_le_bytes());
6073 let data = account.data();
6074 if data.len() > DATA_SIZE {
6075 hasher.update(&buffer);
6077 buffer.clear();
6079 hasher.update(data);
6081 } else {
6082 buffer.extend_from_slice(data);
6084 }
6086 buffer.push(account.executable().into());
6088 buffer.extend_from_slice(account.owner().as_ref());
6089 buffer.extend_from_slice(pubkey.as_ref());
6090 hasher.update(&buffer);
6092 hasher
6093 }
6095 fn write_accounts_to_storage<'a>(
6096 &self,
6097 slot: Slot,
6098 storage: &AccountStorageEntry,
6099 accounts_and_meta_to_store: &impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
6100 ) -> Vec<AccountInfo> {
6101 let mut infos: Vec<AccountInfo> = Vec::with_capacity(accounts_and_meta_to_store.len());
6102 let mut total_append_accounts_us = 0;
6103 while infos.len() < accounts_and_meta_to_store.len() {
6104 let mut append_accounts = Measure::start("append_accounts");
6105 let stored_accounts_info = storage
6106 .accounts
6107 .append_accounts(accounts_and_meta_to_store, infos.len());
6108 append_accounts.stop();
6109 total_append_accounts_us += append_accounts.as_us();
6110 let Some(stored_accounts_info) = stored_accounts_info else {
6111 storage.set_status(AccountStorageStatus::Full);
6113 accounts_and_meta_to_store.account_default_if_zero_lamport(
6115 infos.len(),
6116 |account| {
6117 let data_len = account.data().len();
6118 let data_len = (data_len + STORE_META_OVERHEAD) as u64;
6119 if !self.has_space_available(slot, data_len) {
6120 info!(
6121 "write_accounts_to_storage, no space: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
6122 storage.accounts.capacity(),
6123 storage.accounts.remaining_bytes(),
6124 data_len,
6125 infos.len(),
6126 accounts_and_meta_to_store.len()
6127 );
6128 let special_store_size = std::cmp::max(data_len * 2, self.file_size);
6129 self.create_and_insert_store(slot, special_store_size, "large create");
6130 }
6131 },
6132 );
6133 continue;
6134 };
6136 let store_id = storage.id();
6137 for (i, offset) in stored_accounts_info.offsets.iter().enumerate() {
6138 infos.push(AccountInfo::new(
6139 StorageLocation::AppendVec(store_id, *offset),
6140 accounts_and_meta_to_store
6141 .account_default_if_zero_lamport(i, |account| account.lamports()),
6142 ));
6143 }
6144 storage.add_accounts(
6145 stored_accounts_info.offsets.len(),
6146 stored_accounts_info.size,
6147 );
6149 storage.set_status(AccountStorageStatus::Available);
6151 }
6153 self.stats
6154 .store_append_accounts
6155 .fetch_add(total_append_accounts_us, Ordering::Relaxed);
6157 infos
6158 }
6160 pub fn mark_slot_frozen(&self, slot: Slot) {
6161 if let Some(slot_cache) = self.accounts_cache.slot_cache(slot) {
6162 slot_cache.mark_slot_frozen();
6163 slot_cache.report_slot_store_metrics();
6164 }
6165 self.accounts_cache.report_size();
6166 }
6168 #[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
6170 pub fn flush_accounts_cache_slot_for_tests(&self, slot: Slot) {
6171 self.flush_slot_cache(slot);
6172 }
6174 fn should_aggressively_flush_cache(&self) -> bool {
6176 self.write_cache_limit_bytes
6178 < self.accounts_cache.size()
6179 }
6181 pub fn flush_accounts_cache(&self, force_flush: bool, requested_flush_root: Option<Slot>) {
6185 #[cfg(not(test))]
6186 assert!(requested_flush_root.is_some());
6188 if !force_flush && !self.should_aggressively_flush_cache() {
6189 return;
6190 }
6192 let mut flush_roots_elapsed = Measure::start("flush_roots_elapsed");
6195 let mut account_bytes_saved = 0;
6196 let mut num_accounts_saved = 0;
6198 let _guard = self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::Flush);
6200 let (total_new_cleaned_roots, num_cleaned_roots_flushed, mut flush_stats) = self
6204 .flush_rooted_accounts_cache(
6205 requested_flush_root,
6206 Some((&mut account_bytes_saved, &mut num_accounts_saved)),
6207 );
6208 flush_roots_elapsed.stop();
6210 let (total_new_excess_roots, num_excess_roots_flushed, flush_stats_aggressively) =
6216 if self.should_aggressively_flush_cache() {
6217 self.flush_rooted_accounts_cache(None, None)
6223 } else {
6224 (0, 0, FlushStats::default())
6225 };
6226 flush_stats.accumulate(&flush_stats_aggressively);
6228 let mut excess_slot_count = 0;
6229 let mut unflushable_unrooted_slot_count = 0;
6230 let max_flushed_root = self.accounts_cache.fetch_max_flush_root();
6231 if self.should_aggressively_flush_cache() {
6232 let mut old_slots = self.accounts_cache.cached_frozen_slots();
6233 old_slots.sort_unstable();
6234 excess_slot_count = old_slots.len();
6235 let mut flush_stats = FlushStats::default();
6236 old_slots.into_iter().for_each(|old_slot| {
6237 if old_slot > max_flushed_root {
6239 if self.should_aggressively_flush_cache() {
6240 if let Some(stats) = self.flush_slot_cache(old_slot) {
6241 flush_stats.accumulate(&stats);
6242 }
6243 }
6244 } else {
6245 unflushable_unrooted_slot_count += 1;
6246 }
6247 });
6248 datapoint_info!(
6249 "accounts_db-flush_accounts_cache_aggressively",
6250 ("num_flushed", flush_stats.num_flushed.0, i64),
6251 ("num_purged", flush_stats.num_purged.0, i64),
6252 ("total_flush_size", flush_stats.total_size.0, i64),
6253 ("total_cache_size", self.accounts_cache.size(), i64),
6254 ("total_frozen_slots", excess_slot_count, i64),
6255 ("total_slots", self.accounts_cache.num_slots(), i64),
6256 );
6257 }
6259 datapoint_info!(
6260 "accounts_db-flush_accounts_cache",
6261 ("total_new_cleaned_roots", total_new_cleaned_roots, i64),
6262 ("num_cleaned_roots_flushed", num_cleaned_roots_flushed, i64),
6263 ("total_new_excess_roots", total_new_excess_roots, i64),
6264 ("num_excess_roots_flushed", num_excess_roots_flushed, i64),
6265 ("excess_slot_count", excess_slot_count, i64),
6266 (
6267 "unflushable_unrooted_slot_count",
6268 unflushable_unrooted_slot_count,
6269 i64
6270 ),
6271 ("flush_roots_elapsed", flush_roots_elapsed.as_us(), i64),
6272 ("account_bytes_saved", account_bytes_saved, i64),
6273 ("num_accounts_saved", num_accounts_saved, i64),
6274 (
6275 "store_accounts_total_us",
6276 flush_stats.store_accounts_total_us.0,
6277 i64
6278 ),
6279 (
6280 "update_index_us",
6281 flush_stats.store_accounts_timing.update_index_elapsed,
6282 i64
6283 ),
6284 (
6285 "store_accounts_elapsed_us",
6286 flush_stats.store_accounts_timing.store_accounts_elapsed,
6287 i64
6288 ),
6289 (
6290 "handle_reclaims_elapsed_us",
6291 flush_stats.store_accounts_timing.handle_reclaims_elapsed,
6292 i64
6293 ),
6294 );
6295 }
6297 fn flush_rooted_accounts_cache(
6298 &self,
6299 requested_flush_root: Option<Slot>,
6300 should_clean: Option<(&mut usize, &mut usize)>,
6301 ) -> (usize, usize, FlushStats) {
6302 let max_clean_root = should_clean.as_ref().and_then(|_| {
6303 self.max_clean_root(requested_flush_root)
6306 });
6308 let mut written_accounts = HashSet::new();
6310 let mut should_flush_f = should_clean.map(|(account_bytes_saved, num_accounts_saved)| {
6313 move |&pubkey: &Pubkey, account: &AccountSharedData| {
6314 let should_flush = written_accounts.insert(pubkey);
6316 if !should_flush {
6317 *account_bytes_saved += account.data().len();
6318 *num_accounts_saved += 1;
6319 }
6322 should_flush
6323 }
6324 });
6326 let flushed_roots: BTreeSet<Slot> = self.accounts_cache.clear_roots(requested_flush_root);
6329 let mut num_roots_flushed = 0;
6332 let mut flush_stats = FlushStats::default();
6333 for &root in flushed_roots.iter().rev() {
6334 if let Some(stats) =
6335 self.flush_slot_cache_with_clean(root, should_flush_f.as_mut(), max_clean_root)
6336 {
6337 num_roots_flushed += 1;
6338 flush_stats.accumulate(&stats);
6339 }
6340 }
6342 if let Some(&root) = flushed_roots.last() {
6351 self.accounts_cache.set_max_flush_root(root);
6352 }
6353 let num_new_roots = flushed_roots.len();
6354 (num_new_roots, num_roots_flushed, flush_stats)
6355 }
6357 fn do_flush_slot_cache(
6358 &self,
6359 slot: Slot,
6360 slot_cache: &SlotCache,
6361 mut should_flush_f: Option<&mut impl FnMut(&Pubkey, &AccountSharedData) -> bool>,
6362 max_clean_root: Option<Slot>,
6363 ) -> FlushStats {
6364 let mut flush_stats = FlushStats::default();
6365 let iter_items: Vec<_> = slot_cache.iter().collect();
6366 let mut purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)> = HashSet::new();
6367 let mut pubkey_to_slot_set: Vec<(Pubkey, Slot)> = vec![];
6368 if should_flush_f.is_some() {
6369 if let Some(max_clean_root) = max_clean_root {
6370 if slot > max_clean_root {
6371 should_flush_f = None;
6375 }
6376 }
6377 }
6379 let accounts: Vec<(&Pubkey, &AccountSharedData)> = iter_items
6380 .iter()
6381 .filter_map(|iter_item| {
6382 let key = iter_item.key();
6383 let account = &iter_item.value().account;
6384 let should_flush = should_flush_f
6385 .as_mut()
6386 .map(|should_flush_f| should_flush_f(key, account))
6387 .unwrap_or(true);
6388 if should_flush {
6389 flush_stats.total_size += aligned_stored_size(account.data().len()) as u64;
6390 flush_stats.num_flushed += 1;
6391 Some((key, account))
6392 } else {
6393 purged_slot_pubkeys.insert((slot, *key));
6396 pubkey_to_slot_set.push((*key, slot));
6397 flush_stats.num_purged += 1;
6398 None
6399 }
6400 })
6401 .collect();
6403 let is_dead_slot = accounts.is_empty();
6404 self.purge_slot_cache_pubkeys(
6407 slot,
6408 purged_slot_pubkeys,
6409 pubkey_to_slot_set,
6410 is_dead_slot,
6411 &HashSet::default(),
6412 );
6414 if !is_dead_slot {
6415 let flushed_store =
6419 self.create_and_insert_store(slot, flush_stats.total_size.0, "flush_slot_cache");
6420 let (store_accounts_timing_inner, store_accounts_total_inner_us) =
6421 measure_us!(self.store_accounts_frozen((slot, &accounts[..]), &flushed_store,));
6422 flush_stats.store_accounts_timing = store_accounts_timing_inner;
6423 flush_stats.store_accounts_total_us = Saturating(store_accounts_total_inner_us);
6425 assert!(self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot).is_some());
6428 self.reopen_storage_as_readonly_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot);
6429 }
6431 assert!(self.accounts_cache.remove_slot(slot).is_some());
6437 self.uncleaned_pubkeys
6440 .entry(slot)
6441 .or_default()
6442 .extend(accounts.iter().map(|(pubkey, _account)| **pubkey));
6444 flush_stats
6445 }
6447 fn flush_slot_cache(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<FlushStats> {
6449 self.flush_slot_cache_with_clean(slot, None::<&mut fn(&_, &_) -> bool>, None)
6450 }
6452 fn flush_slot_cache_with_clean(
6456 &self,
6457 slot: Slot,
6458 should_flush_f: Option<&mut impl FnMut(&Pubkey, &AccountSharedData) -> bool>,
6459 max_clean_root: Option<Slot>,
6460 ) -> Option<FlushStats> {
6461 if self
6462 .remove_unrooted_slots_synchronization
6463 .slots_under_contention
6464 .lock()
6465 .unwrap()
6466 .insert(slot)
6467 {
6468 let flush_stats = self.accounts_cache.slot_cache(slot).map(|slot_cache| {
6470 #[cfg(test)]
6471 {
6472 sleep(Duration::from_millis(self.load_delay));
6474 }
6475 self.do_flush_slot_cache(slot, &slot_cache, should_flush_f, max_clean_root)
6480 });
6482 assert!(self
6485 .remove_unrooted_slots_synchronization
6486 .slots_under_contention
6487 .lock()
6488 .unwrap()
6489 .remove(&slot));
6491 self.remove_unrooted_slots_synchronization
6494 .signal
6495 .notify_all();
6496 flush_stats
6497 } else {
6498 None
6500 }
6501 }
6503 fn write_accounts_to_cache<'a, 'b>(
6504 &self,
6505 slot: Slot,
6506 accounts_and_meta_to_store: &impl StorableAccounts<'b>,
6507 txs: Option<&[&SanitizedTransaction]>,
6508 ) -> Vec<AccountInfo> {
6509 let mut current_write_version = if self.accounts_update_notifier.is_some() {
6510 self.write_version
6511 .fetch_add(accounts_and_meta_to_store.len() as u64, Ordering::AcqRel)
6512 } else {
6513 0
6514 };
6516 let (account_infos, cached_accounts) = (0..accounts_and_meta_to_store.len())
6517 .map(|index| {
6518 let txn = txs.map(|txs| *txs.get(index).expect("txs must be present if provided"));
6519 let mut account_info = AccountInfo::default();
6520 accounts_and_meta_to_store.account_default_if_zero_lamport(index, |account| {
6521 let account_shared_data = account.to_account_shared_data();
6522 let pubkey = account.pubkey();
6523 account_info = AccountInfo::new(StorageLocation::Cached, account.lamports());
6525 self.notify_account_at_accounts_update(
6526 slot,
6527 &account_shared_data,
6528 &txn,
6529 pubkey,
6530 current_write_version,
6531 );
6532 saturating_add_assign!(current_write_version, 1);
6534 let cached_account =
6535 self.accounts_cache.store(slot, pubkey, account_shared_data);
6536 (account_info, cached_account)
6537 })
6538 })
6539 .unzip();
6541 if let Some(sender) = self.sender_bg_hasher.read().unwrap().as_ref() {
6543 let _ = sender.send(cached_accounts);
6544 };
6546 account_infos
6547 }
6549 fn store_accounts_to<'a: 'c, 'b, 'c>(
6550 &self,
6551 accounts: &'c impl StorableAccounts<'b>,
6552 store_to: &StoreTo,
6553 transactions: Option<&'a [&'a SanitizedTransaction]>,
6554 ) -> Vec<AccountInfo> {
6555 let mut calc_stored_meta_time = Measure::start("calc_stored_meta");
6556 let slot = accounts.target_slot();
6557 if self
6558 .read_only_accounts_cache
6559 .can_slot_be_in_cache(accounts.target_slot())
6560 {
6561 (0..accounts.len()).for_each(|index| {
6562 accounts.account(index, |account| {
6563 self.read_only_accounts_cache
6566 .remove_assume_not_present(*account.pubkey());
6567 })
6568 });
6569 }
6570 calc_stored_meta_time.stop();
6571 self.stats
6572 .calc_stored_meta
6573 .fetch_add(calc_stored_meta_time.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
6575 match store_to {
6576 StoreTo::Cache => self.write_accounts_to_cache(slot, accounts, transactions),
6577 StoreTo::Storage(storage) => self.write_accounts_to_storage(slot, storage, accounts),
6578 }
6579 }
6581 fn report_store_stats(&self) {
6582 let mut total_count = 0;
6583 let mut newest_slot = 0;
6584 let mut oldest_slot = u64::MAX;
6585 let mut total_bytes = 0;
6586 let mut total_alive_bytes = 0;
6587 for (slot, store) in self.storage.iter() {
6588 total_count += 1;
6589 newest_slot = std::cmp::max(newest_slot, slot);
6591 oldest_slot = std::cmp::min(oldest_slot, slot);
6593 total_alive_bytes += store.alive_bytes();
6594 total_bytes += store.capacity();
6595 }
6596 info!(
6597 "total_stores: {total_count}, newest_slot: {newest_slot}, oldest_slot: {oldest_slot}"
6598 );
6600 let total_alive_ratio = if total_bytes > 0 {
6601 total_alive_bytes as f64 / total_bytes as f64
6602 } else {
6603 0.
6604 };
6606 datapoint_info!(
6607 "accounts_db-stores",
6608 ("total_count", total_count, i64),
6609 ("total_bytes", total_bytes, i64),
6610 ("total_alive_bytes", total_alive_bytes, i64),
6611 ("total_alive_ratio", total_alive_ratio, f64),
6612 );
6613 datapoint_info!(
6614 "accounts_db-perf-stats",
6615 (
6616 "delta_hash_num",
6617 self.stats.delta_hash_num.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
6618 i64
6619 ),
6620 (
6621 "delta_hash_scan_us",
6622 self.stats
6623 .delta_hash_scan_time_total_us
6624 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
6625 i64
6626 ),
6627 (
6628 "delta_hash_accumulate_us",
6629 self.stats
6630 .delta_hash_accumulate_time_total_us
6631 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
6632 i64
6633 ),
6634 (
6635 "skipped_rewrites_num",
6636 self.stats.skipped_rewrites_num.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
6637 i64
6638 ),
6639 );
6640 }
6642 pub fn checked_sum_for_capitalization<T: Iterator<Item = u64>>(balances: T) -> u64 {
6643 AccountsHasher::checked_cast_for_capitalization(balances.map(|b| b as u128).sum::<u128>())
6644 }
6646 pub fn calculate_accounts_hash_from_index(
6647 &self,
6648 max_slot: Slot,
6649 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
6650 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
6651 let mut collect = Measure::start("collect");
6652 let keys: Vec<_> = self
6653 .accounts_index
6654 .account_maps
6655 .iter()
6656 .flat_map(|map| {
6657 let mut keys = map.keys();
6658 keys.sort_unstable(); keys
6660 })
6661 .collect();
6662 collect.stop();
6664 let chunks = crate::accounts_hash::MERKLE_FANOUT.pow(4);
6667 let total_lamports = Mutex::<u64>::new(0);
6669 let get_account_hashes = || {
6670 keys.par_chunks(chunks)
6671 .map(|pubkeys| {
6672 let mut sum = 0u128;
6673 let account_hashes: Vec<Hash> = pubkeys
6674 .iter()
6675 .filter_map(|pubkey| {
6676 let index_entry = self.accounts_index.get_cloned(pubkey)?;
6677 self.accounts_index
6678 .get_account_info_with_and_then(
6679 &index_entry,
6680 config.ancestors,
6681 Some(max_slot),
6682 |(slot, account_info)| {
6683 if account_info.is_zero_lamport() {
6684 return None;
6685 }
6686 self.get_account_accessor(
6687 slot,
6688 pubkey,
6689 &account_info.storage_location(),
6690 )
6691 .get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
6692 let mut loaded_hash = loaded_account.loaded_hash();
6693 let balance = loaded_account.lamports();
6694 let hash_is_missing =
6695 loaded_hash == AccountHash(Hash::default());
6696 if hash_is_missing {
6697 let computed_hash = Self::hash_account(
6698 &loaded_account,
6699 loaded_account.pubkey(),
6700 );
6701 loaded_hash = computed_hash;
6702 }
6703 sum += balance as u128;
6704 loaded_hash.0
6705 })
6706 },
6707 )
6708 .flatten()
6709 })
6710 .collect();
6711 let mut total = total_lamports.lock().unwrap();
6712 *total = AccountsHasher::checked_cast_for_capitalization(*total as u128 + sum);
6713 account_hashes
6714 })
6715 .collect()
6716 };
6718 let mut scan = Measure::start("scan");
6719 let account_hashes: Vec<Vec<Hash>> = self.thread_pool_clean.install(get_account_hashes);
6720 scan.stop();
6722 let total_lamports = *total_lamports.lock().unwrap();
6724 let mut hash_time = Measure::start("hash");
6725 let (accumulated_hash, hash_total) = AccountsHasher::calculate_hash(account_hashes);
6726 hash_time.stop();
6728 datapoint_info!(
6729 "calculate_accounts_hash_from_index",
6730 ("accounts_scan", scan.as_us(), i64),
6731 ("hash", hash_time.as_us(), i64),
6732 ("hash_total", hash_total, i64),
6733 ("collect", collect.as_us(), i64),
6734 );
6736 let accounts_hash = AccountsHash(accumulated_hash);
6737 (accounts_hash, total_lamports)
6738 }
6740 pub fn calculate_accounts_lt_hash_at_startup_from_index(
6745 &self,
6746 ancestors: &Ancestors,
6747 startup_slot: Slot,
6748 ) -> AccountsLtHash {
6749 let lt_hash = self
6757 .accounts_index
6758 .account_maps
6759 .par_iter()
6760 .fold(
6761 LtHash::identity,
6762 |mut accumulator_lt_hash, accounts_index_bin| {
6763 for pubkey in accounts_index_bin.keys() {
6764 let account_lt_hash = self
6765 .accounts_index
6766 .get_with_and_then(
6767 &pubkey,
6768 Some(ancestors),
6769 Some(startup_slot),
6770 false,
6771 |(slot, account_info)| {
6772 (!account_info.is_zero_lamport()).then(|| {
6773 self.get_account_accessor(
6774 slot,
6775 &pubkey,
6776 &account_info.storage_location(),
6777 )
6778 .get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
6779 Self::lt_hash_account(&loaded_account, &pubkey)
6780 })
6781 .unwrap()
6784 })
6785 },
6786 )
6787 .flatten();
6788 if let Some(account_lt_hash) = account_lt_hash {
6789 accumulator_lt_hash.mix_in(&account_lt_hash.0);
6790 }
6791 }
6792 accumulator_lt_hash
6793 },
6794 )
6795 .reduce(LtHash::identity, |mut accum, elem| {
6796 accum.mix_in(&elem);
6797 accum
6798 });
6800 AccountsLtHash(lt_hash)
6801 }
6803 pub fn calculate_accounts_lt_hash_at_startup_from_storages(
6810 &self,
6811 storages: &[Arc<AccountStorageEntry>],
6812 duplicates_lt_hash: &DuplicatesLtHash,
6813 ) -> AccountsLtHash {
6814 let mut lt_hash = storages
6815 .par_iter()
6816 .fold(LtHash::identity, |mut accum, storage| {
6817 storage.accounts.scan_accounts(|stored_account_meta| {
6818 let account_lt_hash =
6819 Self::lt_hash_account(&stored_account_meta, stored_account_meta.pubkey());
6820 accum.mix_in(&account_lt_hash.0);
6821 });
6822 accum
6823 })
6824 .reduce(LtHash::identity, |mut accum, elem| {
6825 accum.mix_in(&elem);
6826 accum
6827 });
6829 lt_hash.mix_out(&duplicates_lt_hash.0);
6831 AccountsLtHash(lt_hash)
6832 }
6834 pub fn update_accounts_hash_for_tests(
6837 &self,
6838 slot: Slot,
6839 ancestors: &Ancestors,
6840 debug_verify: bool,
6841 is_startup: bool,
6842 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
6843 self.update_accounts_hash_with_verify_from(
6844 CalcAccountsHashDataSource::IndexForTests,
6845 debug_verify,
6846 slot,
6847 ancestors,
6848 None,
6849 &EpochSchedule::default(),
6850 &RentCollector::default(),
6851 is_startup,
6852 )
6853 }
6855 fn update_old_slot_stats(&self, stats: &HashStats, storage: Option<&Arc<AccountStorageEntry>>) {
6856 if let Some(storage) = storage {
6857 stats.roots_older_than_epoch.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
6858 let num_accounts = storage.count();
6859 let sizes = storage.capacity();
6860 stats
6861 .append_vec_sizes_older_than_epoch
6862 .fetch_add(sizes as usize, Ordering::Relaxed);
6863 stats
6864 .accounts_in_roots_older_than_epoch
6865 .fetch_add(num_accounts, Ordering::Relaxed);
6866 }
6867 }
6869 fn apply_offset_to_slot(slot: Slot, offset: i64) -> Slot {
6871 if offset > 0 {
6872 slot.saturating_add(offset as u64)
6873 } else {
6874 slot.saturating_sub(offset.unsigned_abs())
6875 }
6876 }
6878 fn get_oldest_non_ancient_slot_for_hash_calc_scan(
6883 &self,
6884 max_slot_inclusive: Slot,
6885 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
6886 ) -> Option<Slot> {
6887 if self.create_ancient_storage == CreateAncientStorage::Pack {
6888 None
6891 } else if self.ancient_append_vec_offset.is_some() {
6892 Some(
6894 self.get_oldest_non_ancient_slot_from_slot(
6895 config.epoch_schedule,
6896 max_slot_inclusive,
6897 ),
6898 )
6899 } else {
6900 Some(0)
6904 }
6905 }
6907 fn hash_storage_info(
6910 hasher: &mut impl StdHasher,
6911 storage: &AccountStorageEntry,
6912 slot: Slot,
6913 ) -> bool {
6914 storage.written_bytes().hash(hasher);
6916 slot.hash(hasher);
6917 let storage_file = storage.accounts.path();
6918 storage_file.hash(hasher);
6919 let Ok(metadata) = std::fs::metadata(storage_file) else {
6920 return false;
6921 };
6922 let Ok(amod) = metadata.modified() else {
6923 return false;
6924 };
6925 let amod = amod
6926 .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)
6927 .unwrap()
6928 .as_secs();
6929 amod.hash(hasher);
6931 true
6933 }
6935 pub fn calculate_accounts_hash_from(
6936 &self,
6937 data_source: CalcAccountsHashDataSource,
6938 slot: Slot,
6939 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
6940 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
6941 match data_source {
6942 CalcAccountsHashDataSource::Storages => {
6943 if self.accounts_cache.contains_any_slots(slot) {
6944 inc_new_counter_info!("accounts_hash_items_in_write_cache", 1);
6946 }
6948 let mut collect_time = Measure::start("collect");
6949 let (combined_maps, slots) = self.get_storages(..=slot);
6950 collect_time.stop();
6952 let mut sort_time = Measure::start("sort_storages");
6953 let min_root = self.accounts_index.min_alive_root();
6954 let storages = SortedStorages::new_with_slots(
6955 combined_maps.iter().zip(slots),
6956 min_root,
6957 Some(slot),
6958 );
6959 sort_time.stop();
6961 let mut timings = HashStats {
6962 collect_snapshots_us: collect_time.as_us(),
6963 storage_sort_us: sort_time.as_us(),
6964 ..HashStats::default()
6965 };
6966 timings.calc_storage_size_quartiles(&combined_maps);
6968 self.calculate_accounts_hash(config, &storages, timings)
6969 }
6970 CalcAccountsHashDataSource::IndexForTests => {
6971 self.calculate_accounts_hash_from_index(slot, config)
6972 }
6973 }
6974 }
6976 fn calculate_accounts_hash_with_verify_from(
6977 &self,
6978 data_source: CalcAccountsHashDataSource,
6979 debug_verify: bool,
6980 slot: Slot,
6981 config: CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
6982 expected_capitalization: Option<u64>,
6983 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
6984 let (accounts_hash, total_lamports) =
6985 self.calculate_accounts_hash_from(data_source, slot, &config);
6986 if debug_verify {
6987 let data_source_other = match data_source {
6989 CalcAccountsHashDataSource::IndexForTests => CalcAccountsHashDataSource::Storages,
6990 CalcAccountsHashDataSource::Storages => CalcAccountsHashDataSource::IndexForTests,
6991 };
6992 let (accounts_hash_other, total_lamports_other) =
6993 self.calculate_accounts_hash_from(data_source_other, slot, &config);
6995 let success = accounts_hash == accounts_hash_other
6996 && total_lamports == total_lamports_other
6997 && total_lamports == expected_capitalization.unwrap_or(total_lamports);
6998 assert!(
6999 success,
7000 "calculate_accounts_hash_with_verify mismatch. hashes: {}, {}; lamports: {}, {}; \
7001 expected lamports: {:?}, data source: {:?}, slot: {}",
7002 accounts_hash.0,
7003 accounts_hash_other.0,
7004 total_lamports,
7005 total_lamports_other,
7006 expected_capitalization,
7007 data_source,
7008 slot
7009 );
7010 }
7011 (accounts_hash, total_lamports)
7012 }
7014 #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
7016 pub fn update_accounts_hash_with_verify_from(
7017 &self,
7018 data_source: CalcAccountsHashDataSource,
7019 debug_verify: bool,
7020 slot: Slot,
7021 ancestors: &Ancestors,
7022 expected_capitalization: Option<u64>,
7023 epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule,
7024 rent_collector: &RentCollector,
7025 is_startup: bool,
7026 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
7027 let (accounts_hash, total_lamports) = self.calculate_accounts_hash_with_verify_from(
7028 data_source,
7029 debug_verify,
7030 slot,
7031 CalcAccountsHashConfig {
7032 use_bg_thread_pool: !is_startup,
7033 ancestors: Some(ancestors),
7034 epoch_schedule,
7035 rent_collector,
7036 store_detailed_debug_info_on_failure: false,
7037 },
7038 expected_capitalization,
7039 );
7040 self.set_accounts_hash(slot, (accounts_hash, total_lamports));
7041 (accounts_hash, total_lamports)
7042 }
7044 pub fn update_accounts_hash(
7046 &self,
7047 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
7048 storages: &SortedStorages<'_>,
7049 slot: Slot,
7050 stats: HashStats,
7051 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
7052 let accounts_hash = self.calculate_accounts_hash(config, storages, stats);
7053 let old_accounts_hash = self.set_accounts_hash(slot, accounts_hash);
7054 if let Some(old_accounts_hash) = old_accounts_hash {
7055 warn!(
7056 "Accounts hash was already set for slot {slot}! old: {old_accounts_hash:?}, new: \
7057 {accounts_hash:?}"
7058 );
7059 }
7060 accounts_hash
7061 }
7063 pub fn update_incremental_accounts_hash(
7065 &self,
7066 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
7067 storages: &SortedStorages<'_>,
7068 slot: Slot,
7069 stats: HashStats,
7070 ) -> (IncrementalAccountsHash, u64) {
7071 let incremental_accounts_hash =
7072 self.calculate_incremental_accounts_hash(config, storages, stats);
7073 let old_incremental_accounts_hash =
7074 self.set_incremental_accounts_hash(slot, incremental_accounts_hash);
7075 if let Some(old_incremental_accounts_hash) = old_incremental_accounts_hash {
7076 warn!(
7077 "Incremental accounts hash was already set for slot {slot}! old: \
7078 {old_incremental_accounts_hash:?}, new: {incremental_accounts_hash:?}"
7079 );
7080 }
7081 incremental_accounts_hash
7082 }
7084 #[cfg_attr(feature = "dev-context-only-utils", qualifiers(pub))]
7088 fn set_accounts_hash(
7089 &self,
7090 slot: Slot,
7091 accounts_hash: (AccountsHash, u64),
7092 ) -> Option<(AccountsHash, u64)> {
7093 self.accounts_hashes
7094 .lock()
7095 .unwrap()
7096 .insert(slot, accounts_hash)
7097 }
7099 pub fn set_accounts_hash_from_snapshot(
7101 &mut self,
7102 slot: Slot,
7103 accounts_hash: SerdeAccountsHash,
7104 capitalization: u64,
7105 ) -> Option<(AccountsHash, u64)> {
7106 self.set_accounts_hash(slot, (accounts_hash.into(), capitalization))
7107 }
7109 pub fn get_accounts_hash(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<(AccountsHash, u64)> {
7111 self.accounts_hashes.lock().unwrap().get(&slot).cloned()
7112 }
7114 pub fn get_accounts_hashes(&self) -> HashMap<Slot, (AccountsHash, u64)> {
7116 self.accounts_hashes.lock().unwrap().clone()
7117 }
7119 pub fn set_incremental_accounts_hash(
7123 &self,
7124 slot: Slot,
7125 incremental_accounts_hash: (IncrementalAccountsHash, u64),
7126 ) -> Option<(IncrementalAccountsHash, u64)> {
7127 self.incremental_accounts_hashes
7128 .lock()
7129 .unwrap()
7130 .insert(slot, incremental_accounts_hash)
7131 }
7133 pub fn set_incremental_accounts_hash_from_snapshot(
7135 &mut self,
7136 slot: Slot,
7137 incremental_accounts_hash: SerdeIncrementalAccountsHash,
7138 capitalization: u64,
7139 ) -> Option<(IncrementalAccountsHash, u64)> {
7140 self.set_incremental_accounts_hash(slot, (incremental_accounts_hash.into(), capitalization))
7141 }
7143 pub fn get_incremental_accounts_hash(
7145 &self,
7146 slot: Slot,
7147 ) -> Option<(IncrementalAccountsHash, u64)> {
7148 self.incremental_accounts_hashes
7149 .lock()
7150 .unwrap()
7151 .get(&slot)
7152 .cloned()
7153 }
7155 pub fn get_incremental_accounts_hashes(
7157 &self,
7158 ) -> HashMap<Slot, (IncrementalAccountsHash, u64)> {
7159 self.incremental_accounts_hashes.lock().unwrap().clone()
7160 }
7162 pub fn purge_old_accounts_hashes(&self, latest_full_snapshot_slot: Slot) {
7167 self.accounts_hashes
7168 .lock()
7169 .unwrap()
7170 .retain(|&slot, _| slot >= latest_full_snapshot_slot);
7171 self.incremental_accounts_hashes
7172 .lock()
7173 .unwrap()
7174 .retain(|&slot, _| slot >= latest_full_snapshot_slot);
7175 }
7177 fn sort_slot_storage_scan(accum: &mut BinnedHashData) -> u64 {
7178 let (_, sort_time) = measure_us!(accum.iter_mut().for_each(|items| {
7179 items.sort_by(AccountsHasher::compare_two_hash_entries);
7181 }));
7182 sort_time
7183 }
7185 fn get_cache_hash_data(
7188 accounts_hash_cache_path: PathBuf,
7189 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
7190 kind: CalcAccountsHashKind,
7191 slot: Slot,
7192 storages_start_slot: Slot,
7193 ) -> CacheHashData {
7194 let accounts_hash_cache_path = if !config.store_detailed_debug_info_on_failure {
7195 accounts_hash_cache_path
7196 } else {
7197 let failed_dir = accounts_hash_cache_path
7199 .join("failed_calculate_accounts_hash_cache")
7200 .join(slot.to_string());
7201 _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(&failed_dir);
7202 failed_dir
7203 };
7204 let deletion_policy = match kind {
7205 CalcAccountsHashKind::Full => CacheHashDeletionPolicy::AllUnused,
7206 CalcAccountsHashKind::Incremental => {
7207 CacheHashDeletionPolicy::UnusedAtLeast(storages_start_slot)
7208 }
7209 };
7210 CacheHashData::new(accounts_hash_cache_path, deletion_policy)
7211 }
7213 pub fn calculate_accounts_hash(
7218 &self,
7219 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
7220 storages: &SortedStorages<'_>,
7221 stats: HashStats,
7222 ) -> (AccountsHash, u64) {
7223 let (accounts_hash, capitalization) = self.calculate_accounts_hash_from_storages(
7224 config,
7225 storages,
7226 stats,
7227 CalcAccountsHashKind::Full,
7228 );
7229 let AccountsHashKind::Full(accounts_hash) = accounts_hash else {
7230 panic!("calculate_accounts_hash_from_storages must return a FullAccountsHash");
7231 };
7232 (accounts_hash, capitalization)
7233 }
7235 pub fn calculate_incremental_accounts_hash(
7244 &self,
7245 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
7246 storages: &SortedStorages<'_>,
7247 stats: HashStats,
7248 ) -> (IncrementalAccountsHash, u64) {
7249 let (accounts_hash, capitalization) = self.calculate_accounts_hash_from_storages(
7250 config,
7251 storages,
7252 stats,
7253 CalcAccountsHashKind::Incremental,
7254 );
7255 let AccountsHashKind::Incremental(incremental_accounts_hash) = accounts_hash else {
7256 panic!("calculate_incremental_accounts_hash must return an IncrementalAccountsHash");
7257 };
7258 (incremental_accounts_hash, capitalization)
7259 }
7261 fn calculate_accounts_hash_from_storages(
7264 &self,
7265 config: &CalcAccountsHashConfig<'_>,
7266 storages: &SortedStorages<'_>,
7267 mut stats: HashStats,
7268 kind: CalcAccountsHashKind,
7269 ) -> (AccountsHashKind, u64) {
7270 let total_time = Measure::start("");
7271 let _guard = self.active_stats.activate(ActiveStatItem::Hash);
7272 let storages_start_slot = storages.range().start;
7273 stats.oldest_root = storages_start_slot;
7275 let slot = storages.max_slot_inclusive();
7276 let use_bg_thread_pool = config.use_bg_thread_pool;
7277 let accounts_hash_cache_path = self.accounts_hash_cache_path.clone();
7278 let transient_accounts_hash_cache_dir = TempDir::new_in(&accounts_hash_cache_path)
7279 .expect("create transient accounts hash cache dir");
7280 let transient_accounts_hash_cache_path =
7281 transient_accounts_hash_cache_dir.path().to_path_buf();
7282 let scan_and_hash = || {
7283 let (cache_hash_data, cache_hash_data_us) = measure_us!(Self::get_cache_hash_data(
7284 accounts_hash_cache_path,
7285 config,
7286 kind,
7287 slot,
7288 storages_start_slot,
7289 ));
7290 stats.cache_hash_data_us += cache_hash_data_us;
7292 let bounds = Range {
7293 start: 0,
7294 end: self.hash_calculation_pubkey_bins,
7295 };
7297 let accounts_hasher = AccountsHasher {
7298 zero_lamport_accounts: kind.zero_lamport_accounts(),
7299 dir_for_temp_cache_files: transient_accounts_hash_cache_path,
7300 active_stats: &self.active_stats,
7301 };
7303 let cache_hash_data_file_references = self.scan_snapshot_stores_with_cache(
7305 &cache_hash_data,
7306 storages,
7307 &mut stats,
7308 self.hash_calculation_pubkey_bins,
7309 &bounds,
7310 config,
7311 );
7313 let cache_hash_data_files = cache_hash_data_file_references
7314 .iter()
7315 .map(|d| d.map())
7316 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
7318 if let Some(err) = cache_hash_data_files
7319 .iter()
7320 .filter_map(|r| r.as_ref().err())
7321 .next()
7322 {
7323 panic!("failed generating accounts hash files: {:?}", err);
7324 }
7326 let cache_hash_intermediates = cache_hash_data_files
7328 .iter()
7329 .map(|d| d.as_ref().unwrap().get_cache_hash_data())
7330 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
7332 let (accounts_hash, capitalization) = accounts_hasher.rest_of_hash_calculation(
7334 &cache_hash_intermediates,
7335 self.hash_calculation_pubkey_bins,
7336 &mut stats,
7337 );
7338 let accounts_hash = match kind {
7339 CalcAccountsHashKind::Full => AccountsHashKind::Full(AccountsHash(accounts_hash)),
7340 CalcAccountsHashKind::Incremental => {
7341 AccountsHashKind::Incremental(IncrementalAccountsHash(accounts_hash))
7342 }
7343 };
7344 info!(
7345 "calculate_accounts_hash_from_storages: slot: {slot}, {accounts_hash:?}, \
7346 capitalization: {capitalization}"
7347 );
7348 (accounts_hash, capitalization)
7349 };
7351 let result = if use_bg_thread_pool {
7352 self.thread_pool_hash.install(scan_and_hash)
7353 } else {
7354 scan_and_hash()
7355 };
7356 stats.total_us = total_time.end_as_us();
7357 stats.log();
7358 result
7359 }
7361 pub fn verify_accounts_hash_and_lamports(
7368 &self,
7369 snapshot_storages_and_slots: (&[Arc<AccountStorageEntry>], &[Slot]),
7370 slot: Slot,
7371 total_lamports: u64,
7372 base: Option<(Slot, u64)>,
7373 config: VerifyAccountsHashAndLamportsConfig,
7374 ) -> Result<(), AccountsHashVerificationError> {
7375 let calc_config = CalcAccountsHashConfig {
7376 use_bg_thread_pool: config.use_bg_thread_pool,
7377 ancestors: Some(config.ancestors),
7378 epoch_schedule: config.epoch_schedule,
7379 rent_collector: config.rent_collector,
7380 store_detailed_debug_info_on_failure: config.store_detailed_debug_info,
7381 };
7382 let hash_mismatch_is_error = !config.ignore_mismatch;
7384 if let Some((base_slot, base_capitalization)) = base {
7385 self.verify_accounts_hash_and_lamports(
7386 snapshot_storages_and_slots,
7387 base_slot,
7388 base_capitalization,
7389 None,
7390 config,
7391 )?;
7393 let storages_and_slots = snapshot_storages_and_slots
7394 .0
7395 .iter()
7396 .zip(snapshot_storages_and_slots.1.iter())
7397 .filter(|storage_and_slot| *storage_and_slot.1 > base_slot)
7398 .map(|(storage, slot)| (storage, *slot));
7399 let sorted_storages = SortedStorages::new_with_slots(storages_and_slots, None, None);
7400 let calculated_incremental_accounts_hash = self.calculate_incremental_accounts_hash(
7401 &calc_config,
7402 &sorted_storages,
7403 HashStats::default(),
7404 );
7405 let found_incremental_accounts_hash = self
7406 .get_incremental_accounts_hash(slot)
7407 .ok_or(AccountsHashVerificationError::MissingAccountsHash)?;
7408 if calculated_incremental_accounts_hash != found_incremental_accounts_hash {
7409 warn!(
7410 "mismatched incremental accounts hash for slot {slot}: \
7411 {calculated_incremental_accounts_hash:?} (calculated) != \
7412 {found_incremental_accounts_hash:?} (expected)"
7413 );
7414 if hash_mismatch_is_error {
7415 return Err(AccountsHashVerificationError::MismatchedAccountsHash);
7416 }
7417 }
7418 } else {
7419 let storages_and_slots = snapshot_storages_and_slots
7420 .0
7421 .iter()
7422 .zip(snapshot_storages_and_slots.1.iter())
7423 .filter(|storage_and_slot| *storage_and_slot.1 <= slot)
7424 .map(|(storage, slot)| (storage, *slot));
7425 let sorted_storages = SortedStorages::new_with_slots(storages_and_slots, None, None);
7426 let (calculated_accounts_hash, calculated_lamports) =
7427 self.calculate_accounts_hash(&calc_config, &sorted_storages, HashStats::default());
7428 if calculated_lamports != total_lamports {
7429 warn!(
7430 "Mismatched total lamports: {} calculated: {}",
7431 total_lamports, calculated_lamports
7432 );
7433 return Err(AccountsHashVerificationError::MismatchedTotalLamports(
7434 calculated_lamports,
7435 total_lamports,
7436 ));
7437 }
7438 let (found_accounts_hash, _) = self
7439 .get_accounts_hash(slot)
7440 .ok_or(AccountsHashVerificationError::MissingAccountsHash)?;
7441 if calculated_accounts_hash != found_accounts_hash {
7442 warn!(
7443 "Mismatched accounts hash for slot {slot}: {calculated_accounts_hash:?} \
7444 (calculated) != {found_accounts_hash:?} (expected)"
7445 );
7446 if hash_mismatch_is_error {
7447 return Err(AccountsHashVerificationError::MismatchedAccountsHash);
7448 }
7449 }
7450 }
7452 Ok(())
7453 }
7455 pub fn get_pubkeys_for_slot(&self, slot: Slot) -> Vec<Pubkey> {
7457 let scan_result = self.scan_account_storage(
7458 slot,
7459 |loaded_account| Some(*loaded_account.pubkey()),
7460 |accum: &DashSet<_>, loaded_account, _data| {
7461 accum.insert(*loaded_account.pubkey());
7462 },
7463 ScanAccountStorageData::NoData,
7464 );
7465 match scan_result {
7466 ScanStorageResult::Cached(cached_result) => cached_result,
7467 ScanStorageResult::Stored(stored_result) => stored_result.into_iter().collect(),
7468 }
7469 }
7470 pub fn get_pubkey_hash_for_slot(
7475 &self,
7476 slot: Slot,
7477 ) -> (Vec<(Pubkey, AccountHash)>, u64, Measure) {
7478 let mut scan = Measure::start("scan");
7479 let scan_result: ScanStorageResult<(Pubkey, AccountHash), DashMap<Pubkey, AccountHash>> =
7480 self.scan_account_storage(
7481 slot,
7482 |loaded_account: &LoadedAccount| {
7483 Some((*loaded_account.pubkey(), loaded_account.loaded_hash()))
7485 },
7486 |accum: &DashMap<Pubkey, AccountHash>, loaded_account: &LoadedAccount, _data| {
7487 let mut loaded_hash = loaded_account.loaded_hash();
7488 if loaded_hash == AccountHash(Hash::default()) {
7489 loaded_hash = Self::hash_account(loaded_account, loaded_account.pubkey())
7490 }
7491 accum.insert(*loaded_account.pubkey(), loaded_hash);
7492 },
7493 ScanAccountStorageData::NoData,
7494 );
7495 scan.stop();
7497 let accumulate = Measure::start("accumulate");
7498 let hashes: Vec<_> = match scan_result {
7499 ScanStorageResult::Cached(cached_result) => cached_result,
7500 ScanStorageResult::Stored(stored_result) => stored_result.into_iter().collect(),
7501 };
7503 (hashes, scan.as_us(), accumulate)
7504 }
7506 pub fn get_pubkey_account_for_slot(&self, slot: Slot) -> Vec<(Pubkey, AccountSharedData)> {
7508 let scan_result = self.scan_account_storage(
7509 slot,
7510 |loaded_account| {
7511 Some((*loaded_account.pubkey(), loaded_account.take_account()))
7513 },
7514 |accum: &DashMap<_, _>, loaded_account, _data| {
7515 accum.insert(*loaded_account.pubkey(), loaded_account.take_account());
7517 },
7518 ScanAccountStorageData::NoData,
7519 );
7521 match scan_result {
7522 ScanStorageResult::Cached(cached_result) => cached_result,
7523 ScanStorageResult::Stored(stored_result) => stored_result.into_iter().collect(),
7524 }
7525 }
7527 pub fn get_pubkey_hash_account_for_slot(&self, slot: Slot) -> Vec<PubkeyHashAccount> {
7529 type ScanResult =
7530 ScanStorageResult<PubkeyHashAccount, DashMap<Pubkey, (AccountHash, AccountSharedData)>>;
7531 let scan_result: ScanResult = self.scan_account_storage(
7532 slot,
7533 |loaded_account: &LoadedAccount| {
7534 Some(PubkeyHashAccount {
7536 pubkey: *loaded_account.pubkey(),
7537 hash: loaded_account.loaded_hash(),
7538 account: loaded_account.take_account(),
7539 })
7540 },
7541 |accum: &DashMap<Pubkey, (AccountHash, AccountSharedData)>,
7542 loaded_account: &LoadedAccount,
7543 _data| {
7544 let mut loaded_hash = loaded_account.loaded_hash();
7546 let key = *loaded_account.pubkey();
7547 let account = loaded_account.take_account();
7548 if loaded_hash == AccountHash(Hash::default()) {
7549 loaded_hash = Self::hash_account(&account, &key)
7550 }
7551 accum.insert(key, (loaded_hash, account));
7552 },
7553 ScanAccountStorageData::NoData,
7554 );
7556 match scan_result {
7557 ScanStorageResult::Cached(cached_result) => cached_result,
7558 ScanStorageResult::Stored(stored_result) => stored_result
7559 .into_iter()
7560 .map(|(pubkey, (hash, account))| PubkeyHashAccount {
7561 pubkey,
7562 hash,
7563 account,
7564 })
7565 .collect(),
7566 }
7567 }
7569 pub fn calculate_accounts_delta_hash_internal(
7571 &self,
7572 slot: Slot,
7573 ignore: Option<Pubkey>,
7574 mut skipped_rewrites: HashMap<Pubkey, AccountHash>,
7575 ) -> AccountsDeltaHash {
7576 let (mut hashes, scan_us, mut accumulate) = self.get_pubkey_hash_for_slot(slot);
7578 hashes.iter().for_each(|(k, _h)| {
7579 skipped_rewrites.remove(k);
7580 });
7582 let num_skipped_rewrites = skipped_rewrites.len();
7583 hashes.extend(skipped_rewrites);
7585 info!("skipped rewrite hashes {} {}", slot, num_skipped_rewrites);
7587 if let Some(ignore) = ignore {
7588 hashes.retain(|k| k.0 != ignore);
7589 }
7591 let accounts_delta_hash = self
7592 .thread_pool
7593 .install(|| AccountsDeltaHash(AccountsHasher::accumulate_account_hashes(hashes)));
7594 accumulate.stop();
7596 self.set_accounts_delta_hash(slot, accounts_delta_hash);
7598 self.stats
7599 .delta_hash_scan_time_total_us
7600 .fetch_add(scan_us, Ordering::Relaxed);
7601 self.stats
7602 .delta_hash_accumulate_time_total_us
7603 .fetch_add(accumulate.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
7604 self.stats.delta_hash_num.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
7605 self.stats
7606 .skipped_rewrites_num
7607 .fetch_add(num_skipped_rewrites, Ordering::Relaxed);
7609 accounts_delta_hash
7610 }
7612 #[cfg_attr(feature = "dev-context-only-utils", qualifiers(pub))]
7616 fn set_accounts_delta_hash(
7617 &self,
7618 slot: Slot,
7619 accounts_delta_hash: AccountsDeltaHash,
7620 ) -> Option<AccountsDeltaHash> {
7621 self.accounts_delta_hashes
7622 .lock()
7623 .unwrap()
7624 .insert(slot, accounts_delta_hash)
7625 }
7627 pub fn set_accounts_delta_hash_from_snapshot(
7629 &mut self,
7630 slot: Slot,
7631 accounts_delta_hash: SerdeAccountsDeltaHash,
7632 ) -> Option<AccountsDeltaHash> {
7633 self.set_accounts_delta_hash(slot, accounts_delta_hash.into())
7634 }
7636 pub fn get_accounts_delta_hash(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<AccountsDeltaHash> {
7638 self.accounts_delta_hashes
7639 .lock()
7640 .unwrap()
7641 .get(&slot)
7642 .cloned()
7643 }
7645 fn update_index<'a>(
7646 &self,
7647 infos: Vec<AccountInfo>,
7648 accounts: &impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
7649 reclaim: UpsertReclaim,
7650 update_index_thread_selection: UpdateIndexThreadSelection,
7651 thread_pool: &ThreadPool,
7652 ) -> SlotList<AccountInfo> {
7653 let target_slot = accounts.target_slot();
7654 let len = std::cmp::min(accounts.len(), infos.len());
7656 let update = |start, end| {
7657 let mut reclaims = Vec::with_capacity((end - start) / 2);
7659 (start..end).for_each(|i| {
7660 let info = infos[i];
7661 accounts.account(i, |account| {
7662 let old_slot = accounts.slot(i);
7663 self.accounts_index.upsert(
7664 target_slot,
7665 old_slot,
7666 account.pubkey(),
7667 &account,
7668 &self.account_indexes,
7669 info,
7670 &mut reclaims,
7671 reclaim,
7672 );
7673 });
7674 });
7675 reclaims
7676 };
7678 let threshold = 1;
7679 if matches!(
7680 update_index_thread_selection,
7681 UpdateIndexThreadSelection::PoolWithThreshold,
7682 ) && len > threshold
7683 {
7684 let chunk_size = std::cmp::max(1, len / quarter_thread_count()); let batches = 1 + len / chunk_size;
7686 thread_pool.install(|| {
7687 (0..batches)
7688 .into_par_iter()
7689 .map(|batch| {
7690 let start = batch * chunk_size;
7691 let end = std::cmp::min(start + chunk_size, len);
7692 update(start, end)
7693 })
7694 .flatten()
7695 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
7696 })
7697 } else {
7698 update(0, len)
7699 }
7700 }
7702 fn should_not_shrink(alive_bytes: u64, total_bytes: u64) -> bool {
7703 alive_bytes >= total_bytes
7704 }
7706 fn is_shrinking_productive(store: &AccountStorageEntry) -> bool {
7707 let alive_count = store.count();
7708 let total_bytes = store.capacity();
7709 let alive_bytes = store.alive_bytes_exclude_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts() as u64;
7710 if Self::should_not_shrink(alive_bytes, total_bytes) {
7711 trace!(
7712 "shrink_slot_forced ({}): not able to shrink at all: num alive: {}, bytes alive: \
7713 {}, bytes total: {}, bytes saved: {}",
7714 store.slot(),
7715 alive_count,
7716 alive_bytes,
7717 total_bytes,
7718 total_bytes.saturating_sub(alive_bytes),
7719 );
7720 return false;
7721 }
7723 true
7724 }
7726 pub(crate) fn is_candidate_for_shrink(&self, store: &AccountStorageEntry) -> bool {
7729 let total_bytes = if self.create_ancient_storage == CreateAncientStorage::Append
7732 && is_ancient(&store.accounts)
7733 && store.accounts.can_append()
7734 {
7735 store.written_bytes()
7736 } else {
7737 store.capacity()
7738 };
7740 let alive_bytes = store.alive_bytes_exclude_zero_lamport_single_ref_accounts() as u64;
7741 match self.shrink_ratio {
7742 AccountShrinkThreshold::TotalSpace { shrink_ratio: _ } => alive_bytes < total_bytes,
7743 AccountShrinkThreshold::IndividualStore { shrink_ratio } => {
7744 (alive_bytes as f64 / total_bytes as f64) < shrink_ratio
7745 }
7746 }
7747 }
7749 fn remove_dead_accounts<'a, I>(
7751 &'a self,
7752 reclaims: I,
7753 expected_slot: Option<Slot>,
7754 reset_accounts: bool,
7755 ) -> (IntSet<Slot>, SlotOffsets)
7756 where
7757 I: Iterator<Item = &'a (Slot, AccountInfo)>,
7758 {
7759 let mut reclaimed_offsets = SlotOffsets::default();
7761 assert!(self.storage.no_shrink_in_progress());
7763 let mut dead_slots = IntSet::default();
7764 let mut new_shrink_candidates = ShrinkCandidates::default();
7765 let mut measure = Measure::start("remove");
7766 for (slot, account_info) in reclaims {
7767 assert!(!account_info.is_cached());
7769 reclaimed_offsets
7770 .entry(*slot)
7771 .or_default()
7772 .insert(account_info.offset());
7773 }
7774 if let Some(expected_slot) = expected_slot {
7775 assert_eq!(reclaimed_offsets.len(), 1);
7776 assert!(reclaimed_offsets.contains_key(&expected_slot));
7777 }
7779 self.clean_accounts_stats
7780 .slots_cleaned
7781 .fetch_add(reclaimed_offsets.len() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
7783 reclaimed_offsets.iter().for_each(|(slot, offsets)| {
7784 if let Some(store) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(*slot) {
7785 assert_eq!(
7786 *slot,
7787 store.slot(),
7788 "AccountsDB::accounts_index corrupted. Storage pointed to: {}, expected: {}, \
7789 should only point to one slot",
7790 store.slot(),
7791 *slot
7792 );
7793 if offsets.len() == store.count() {
7794 store.remove_accounts(store.alive_bytes(), reset_accounts, offsets.len());
7796 self.dirty_stores.insert(*slot, store.clone());
7797 dead_slots.insert(*slot);
7798 } else {
7799 let (_, us) = measure_us!({
7801 let mut offsets = offsets.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
7802 offsets.sort_unstable();
7804 let dead_bytes = store.accounts.get_account_sizes(&offsets).iter().sum();
7805 store.remove_accounts(dead_bytes, reset_accounts, offsets.len());
7806 if Self::is_shrinking_productive(&store)
7807 && self.is_candidate_for_shrink(&store)
7808 {
7809 new_shrink_candidates.insert(*slot);
7814 }
7815 });
7816 self.clean_accounts_stats
7817 .get_account_sizes_us
7818 .fetch_add(us, Ordering::Relaxed);
7819 }
7820 }
7821 });
7822 measure.stop();
7823 self.clean_accounts_stats
7824 .remove_dead_accounts_remove_us
7825 .fetch_add(measure.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
7827 let mut measure = Measure::start("shrink");
7828 let mut shrink_candidate_slots = self.shrink_candidate_slots.lock().unwrap();
7829 for slot in new_shrink_candidates {
7830 shrink_candidate_slots.insert(slot);
7831 }
7832 drop(shrink_candidate_slots);
7833 measure.stop();
7834 self.clean_accounts_stats
7835 .remove_dead_accounts_shrink_us
7836 .fetch_add(measure.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
7838 dead_slots.retain(|slot| {
7839 if let Some(slot_store) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(*slot) {
7840 if slot_store.count() != 0 {
7841 return false;
7842 }
7843 }
7844 true
7845 });
7847 (dead_slots, reclaimed_offsets)
7848 }
7850 fn remove_dead_slots_metadata<'a>(
7853 &'a self,
7854 dead_slots_iter: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Slot> + Clone,
7855 purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)>,
7856 purged_stored_account_slots: Option<&mut AccountSlots>,
7858 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
7859 ) {
7860 let mut measure = Measure::start("remove_dead_slots_metadata-ms");
7861 self.clean_dead_slots_from_accounts_index(
7862 dead_slots_iter.clone(),
7863 purged_slot_pubkeys,
7864 purged_stored_account_slots,
7865 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
7866 );
7868 let mut accounts_delta_hashes = self.accounts_delta_hashes.lock().unwrap();
7869 for slot in dead_slots_iter {
7870 accounts_delta_hashes.remove(slot);
7871 }
7872 drop(accounts_delta_hashes);
7874 measure.stop();
7875 inc_new_counter_info!("remove_dead_slots_metadata-ms", measure.as_ms() as usize);
7876 }
7878 fn unref_pubkeys<'a>(
7881 &'a self,
7882 pubkeys: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Pubkey> + Clone + Send + Sync,
7883 num_pubkeys: usize,
7884 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &'a PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
7885 ) {
7886 let batches = 1 + (num_pubkeys / UNREF_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE);
7887 self.thread_pool_clean.install(|| {
7888 (0..batches).into_par_iter().for_each(|batch| {
7889 let skip = batch * UNREF_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE;
7890 self.accounts_index.scan(
7891 pubkeys
7892 .clone()
7893 .skip(skip)
7895 .filter(|pubkey| {
7896 let already_removed =
7898 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index.contains(pubkey);
7899 !already_removed
7900 }),
7901 |_pubkey, slots_refs, _entry| {
7902 if let Some((slot_list, ref_count)) = slots_refs {
7903 if slot_list.len() == 1 && ref_count == 2 {
7905 if let Some((slot_alive, acct_info)) = slot_list.first() {
7906 if acct_info.is_zero_lamport() && !acct_info.is_cached() {
7907 self.zero_lamport_single_ref_found(
7908 *slot_alive,
7909 acct_info.offset(),
7910 );
7911 }
7912 }
7913 }
7914 }
7915 AccountsIndexScanResult::Unref
7916 },
7917 None,
7918 false,
7919 ScanFilter::All,
7920 )
7921 });
7922 });
7923 }
7925 fn unref_accounts(
7930 &self,
7931 purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)>,
7932 purged_stored_account_slots: &mut AccountSlots,
7933 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
7934 ) {
7935 self.unref_pubkeys(
7936 purged_slot_pubkeys.iter().map(|(_slot, pubkey)| pubkey),
7937 purged_slot_pubkeys.len(),
7938 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
7939 );
7940 for (slot, pubkey) in purged_slot_pubkeys {
7941 purged_stored_account_slots
7942 .entry(pubkey)
7943 .or_default()
7944 .insert(slot);
7945 }
7946 }
7948 fn clean_dead_slots_from_accounts_index<'a>(
7951 &'a self,
7952 dead_slots_iter: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Slot> + Clone,
7953 purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)>,
7954 purged_stored_account_slots: Option<&mut AccountSlots>,
7956 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
7957 ) {
7958 let mut accounts_index_root_stats = AccountsIndexRootsStats::default();
7959 let mut measure = Measure::start("unref_from_storage");
7960 if let Some(purged_stored_account_slots) = purged_stored_account_slots {
7961 self.unref_accounts(
7962 purged_slot_pubkeys,
7963 purged_stored_account_slots,
7964 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
7965 );
7966 }
7967 measure.stop();
7968 accounts_index_root_stats.clean_unref_from_storage_us += measure.as_us();
7970 let mut measure = Measure::start("clean_dead_slot");
7971 let mut rooted_cleaned_count = 0;
7972 let mut unrooted_cleaned_count = 0;
7973 let dead_slots: Vec<_> = dead_slots_iter
7974 .map(|slot| {
7975 if self.accounts_index.clean_dead_slot(*slot) {
7976 rooted_cleaned_count += 1;
7977 } else {
7978 unrooted_cleaned_count += 1;
7979 }
7980 *slot
7981 })
7982 .collect();
7983 measure.stop();
7984 accounts_index_root_stats.clean_dead_slot_us += measure.as_us();
7985 if self.log_dead_slots.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
7986 info!(
7987 "remove_dead_slots_metadata: {} dead slots",
7988 dead_slots.len()
7989 );
7990 trace!("remove_dead_slots_metadata: dead_slots: {:?}", dead_slots);
7991 }
7992 self.accounts_index
7993 .update_roots_stats(&mut accounts_index_root_stats);
7994 accounts_index_root_stats.rooted_cleaned_count += rooted_cleaned_count;
7995 accounts_index_root_stats.unrooted_cleaned_count += unrooted_cleaned_count;
7997 self.clean_accounts_stats
7998 .latest_accounts_index_roots_stats
7999 .update(&accounts_index_root_stats);
8000 }
8002 fn clean_stored_dead_slots(
8005 &self,
8006 dead_slots: &IntSet<Slot>,
8007 purged_account_slots: Option<&mut AccountSlots>,
8008 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index: &PubkeysRemovedFromAccountsIndex,
8009 ) {
8010 let mut measure = Measure::start("clean_stored_dead_slots-ms");
8011 let mut stores = vec![];
8012 for slot in dead_slots.iter() {
8014 if let Some(slot_storage) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(*slot) {
8015 stores.push(slot_storage);
8016 }
8017 }
8018 let purged_slot_pubkeys: HashSet<(Slot, Pubkey)> = {
8020 self.thread_pool_clean.install(|| {
8021 stores
8022 .into_par_iter()
8023 .map(|store| {
8024 let slot = store.slot();
8025 let mut pubkeys = Vec::with_capacity(store.count());
8026 store.accounts.scan_pubkeys(|pubkey| {
8027 pubkeys.push((slot, *pubkey));
8028 });
8029 pubkeys
8030 })
8031 .flatten()
8032 .collect::<HashSet<_>>()
8033 })
8034 };
8035 self.remove_dead_slots_metadata(
8036 dead_slots.iter(),
8037 purged_slot_pubkeys,
8038 purged_account_slots,
8039 pubkeys_removed_from_accounts_index,
8040 );
8041 measure.stop();
8042 self.clean_accounts_stats
8043 .clean_stored_dead_slots_us
8044 .fetch_add(measure.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
8045 }
8047 pub fn store_cached<'a>(
8048 &self,
8049 accounts: impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
8050 transactions: Option<&'a [&'a SanitizedTransaction]>,
8051 ) {
8052 self.store(
8053 accounts,
8054 &StoreTo::Cache,
8055 transactions,
8056 StoreReclaims::Default,
8057 UpdateIndexThreadSelection::PoolWithThreshold,
8058 );
8059 }
8061 pub(crate) fn store_cached_inline_update_index<'a>(
8062 &self,
8063 accounts: impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
8064 transactions: Option<&'a [&'a SanitizedTransaction]>,
8065 ) {
8066 self.store(
8067 accounts,
8068 &StoreTo::Cache,
8069 transactions,
8070 StoreReclaims::Default,
8071 UpdateIndexThreadSelection::Inline,
8072 );
8073 }
8075 pub fn store_uncached(&self, slot: Slot, accounts: &[(&Pubkey, &AccountSharedData)]) {
8078 let storage = self.find_storage_candidate(slot);
8079 self.store(
8080 (slot, accounts),
8081 &StoreTo::Storage(&storage),
8082 None,
8083 StoreReclaims::Default,
8084 UpdateIndexThreadSelection::PoolWithThreshold,
8085 );
8086 }
8088 fn store<'a>(
8089 &self,
8090 accounts: impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
8091 store_to: &StoreTo,
8092 transactions: Option<&'a [&'a SanitizedTransaction]>,
8093 reclaim: StoreReclaims,
8094 update_index_thread_selection: UpdateIndexThreadSelection,
8095 ) {
8096 if accounts.is_empty() {
8099 return;
8100 }
8102 let mut total_data = 0;
8103 (0..accounts.len()).for_each(|index| {
8104 accounts.account(index, |account| {
8105 total_data += account.data().len();
8106 })
8107 });
8109 self.stats
8110 .store_total_data
8111 .fetch_add(total_data as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
8113 self.store_accounts_unfrozen(
8114 accounts,
8115 store_to,
8116 transactions,
8117 reclaim,
8118 update_index_thread_selection,
8119 );
8120 self.report_store_timings();
8121 }
8123 fn report_store_timings(&self) {
8124 if self.stats.last_store_report.should_update(1000) {
8125 let read_cache_stats = self.read_only_accounts_cache.get_and_reset_stats();
8126 datapoint_info!(
8127 "accounts_db_store_timings",
8128 (
8129 "hash_accounts",
8130 self.stats.store_hash_accounts.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8131 i64
8132 ),
8133 (
8134 "store_accounts",
8135 self.stats.store_accounts.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8136 i64
8137 ),
8138 (
8139 "update_index",
8140 self.stats.store_update_index.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8141 i64
8142 ),
8143 (
8144 "handle_reclaims",
8145 self.stats.store_handle_reclaims.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8146 i64
8147 ),
8148 (
8149 "append_accounts",
8150 self.stats.store_append_accounts.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8151 i64
8152 ),
8153 (
8154 "stakes_cache_check_and_store_us",
8155 self.stats
8156 .stakes_cache_check_and_store_us
8157 .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8158 i64
8159 ),
8160 (
8161 "num_accounts",
8162 self.stats.store_num_accounts.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8163 i64
8164 ),
8165 (
8166 "total_data",
8167 self.stats.store_total_data.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8168 i64
8169 ),
8170 (
8171 "read_only_accounts_cache_entries",
8172 self.read_only_accounts_cache.cache_len(),
8173 i64
8174 ),
8175 (
8176 "read_only_accounts_cache_data_size",
8177 self.read_only_accounts_cache.data_size(),
8178 i64
8179 ),
8180 ("read_only_accounts_cache_hits", read_cache_stats.hits, i64),
8181 (
8182 "read_only_accounts_cache_misses",
8183 read_cache_stats.misses,
8184 i64
8185 ),
8186 (
8187 "read_only_accounts_cache_evicts",
8188 read_cache_stats.evicts,
8189 i64
8190 ),
8191 (
8192 "read_only_accounts_cache_load_us",
8193 read_cache_stats.load_us,
8194 i64
8195 ),
8196 (
8197 "read_only_accounts_cache_store_us",
8198 read_cache_stats.store_us,
8199 i64
8200 ),
8201 (
8202 "read_only_accounts_cache_evict_us",
8203 read_cache_stats.evict_us,
8204 i64
8205 ),
8206 (
8207 "read_only_accounts_cache_evictor_wakeup_count_all",
8208 read_cache_stats.evictor_wakeup_count_all,
8209 i64
8210 ),
8211 (
8212 "read_only_accounts_cache_evictor_wakeup_count_productive",
8213 read_cache_stats.evictor_wakeup_count_productive,
8214 i64
8215 ),
8216 (
8217 "calc_stored_meta_us",
8218 self.stats.calc_stored_meta.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8219 i64
8220 ),
8221 (
8222 "handle_dead_keys_us",
8223 self.stats.handle_dead_keys_us.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8224 i64
8225 ),
8226 (
8227 "purge_exact_us",
8228 self.stats.purge_exact_us.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8229 i64
8230 ),
8231 (
8232 "purge_exact_count",
8233 self.stats.purge_exact_count.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8234 i64
8235 ),
8236 );
8238 datapoint_info!(
8239 "accounts_db_store_timings2",
8240 (
8241 "create_store_count",
8242 self.stats.create_store_count.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8243 i64
8244 ),
8245 (
8246 "store_get_slot_store",
8247 self.stats.store_get_slot_store.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8248 i64
8249 ),
8250 (
8251 "store_find_existing",
8252 self.stats.store_find_existing.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8253 i64
8254 ),
8255 (
8256 "dropped_stores",
8257 self.stats.dropped_stores.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed),
8258 i64
8259 ),
8260 );
8261 }
8262 }
8264 fn store_accounts_unfrozen<'a>(
8265 &self,
8266 accounts: impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
8267 store_to: &StoreTo,
8268 transactions: Option<&'a [&'a SanitizedTransaction]>,
8269 reclaim: StoreReclaims,
8270 update_index_thread_selection: UpdateIndexThreadSelection,
8271 ) {
8272 let reset_accounts = true;
8280 self.store_accounts_custom(
8281 accounts,
8282 store_to,
8283 reset_accounts,
8284 transactions,
8285 reclaim,
8286 update_index_thread_selection,
8287 &self.thread_pool,
8288 );
8289 }
8291 pub fn store_accounts_frozen<'a>(
8292 &self,
8293 accounts: impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
8294 storage: &Arc<AccountStorageEntry>,
8295 ) -> StoreAccountsTiming {
8296 let reset_accounts = false;
8300 self.store_accounts_custom(
8301 accounts,
8302 &StoreTo::Storage(storage),
8303 reset_accounts,
8304 None,
8305 StoreReclaims::Ignore,
8306 UpdateIndexThreadSelection::PoolWithThreshold,
8307 &self.thread_pool_clean,
8308 )
8309 }
8311 fn store_accounts_custom<'a>(
8312 &self,
8313 accounts: impl StorableAccounts<'a>,
8314 store_to: &StoreTo,
8315 reset_accounts: bool,
8316 transactions: Option<&'a [&'a SanitizedTransaction]>,
8317 reclaim: StoreReclaims,
8318 update_index_thread_selection: UpdateIndexThreadSelection,
8319 thread_pool: &ThreadPool,
8320 ) -> StoreAccountsTiming {
8321 self.stats
8322 .store_num_accounts
8323 .fetch_add(accounts.len() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
8324 let mut store_accounts_time = Measure::start("store_accounts");
8325 let infos = self.store_accounts_to(&accounts, store_to, transactions);
8326 store_accounts_time.stop();
8327 self.stats
8328 .store_accounts
8329 .fetch_add(store_accounts_time.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
8330 let mut update_index_time = Measure::start("update_index");
8332 let reclaim = if matches!(reclaim, StoreReclaims::Ignore) {
8333 UpsertReclaim::IgnoreReclaims
8334 } else if store_to.is_cached() {
8335 UpsertReclaim::PreviousSlotEntryWasCached
8336 } else {
8337 UpsertReclaim::PopulateReclaims
8338 };
8340 let expected_single_dead_slot =
8342 (!accounts.contains_multiple_slots()).then(|| accounts.target_slot());
8344 let mut reclaims = self.update_index(
8349 infos,
8350 &accounts,
8351 reclaim,
8352 update_index_thread_selection,
8353 thread_pool,
8354 );
8356 reclaims.retain(|(_, r)| !r.is_cached());
8363 if store_to.is_cached() {
8364 assert!(reclaims.is_empty());
8365 }
8367 update_index_time.stop();
8368 self.stats
8369 .store_update_index
8370 .fetch_add(update_index_time.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed);
8372 let mut handle_reclaims_elapsed = 0;
8382 if reclaim == UpsertReclaim::PopulateReclaims {
8383 let mut handle_reclaims_time = Measure::start("handle_reclaims");
8384 self.handle_reclaims(
8385 (!reclaims.is_empty()).then(|| reclaims.iter()),
8386 expected_single_dead_slot,
8387 reset_accounts,
8388 &HashSet::default(),
8389 HandleReclaims::DoNotProcessDeadSlots,
8391 );
8392 handle_reclaims_time.stop();
8393 handle_reclaims_elapsed = handle_reclaims_time.as_us();
8394 self.stats
8395 .store_handle_reclaims
8396 .fetch_add(handle_reclaims_elapsed, Ordering::Relaxed);
8397 } else {
8398 assert!(reclaims.is_empty());
8399 }
8401 StoreAccountsTiming {
8402 store_accounts_elapsed: store_accounts_time.as_us(),
8403 update_index_elapsed: update_index_time.as_us(),
8404 handle_reclaims_elapsed,
8405 }
8406 }
8408 pub fn add_root(&self, slot: Slot) -> AccountsAddRootTiming {
8409 let mut index_time = Measure::start("index_add_root");
8410 self.accounts_index.add_root(slot);
8411 index_time.stop();
8412 let mut cache_time = Measure::start("cache_add_root");
8413 self.accounts_cache.add_root(slot);
8414 cache_time.stop();
8415 let mut store_time = Measure::start("store_add_root");
8416 if let Some(store) = self
8420 .storage
8421 .get_slot_storage_entry_shrinking_in_progress_ok(slot)
8422 {
8423 self.dirty_stores.insert(slot, store);
8424 }
8425 store_time.stop();
8427 AccountsAddRootTiming {
8428 index_us: index_time.as_us(),
8429 cache_us: cache_time.as_us(),
8430 store_us: store_time.as_us(),
8431 }
8432 }
8434 pub fn get_storages(
8436 &self,
8437 requested_slots: impl RangeBounds<Slot> + Sync,
8438 ) -> (Vec<Arc<AccountStorageEntry>>, Vec<Slot>) {
8439 let start = Instant::now();
8440 let (slots, storages) = self
8441 .storage
8442 .get_if(|slot, storage| requested_slots.contains(slot) && storage.has_accounts())
8443 .into_vec()
8444 .into_iter()
8445 .unzip();
8446 let duration = start.elapsed();
8447 debug!("get_snapshot_storages: {duration:?}");
8448 (storages, slots)
8449 }
8451 pub fn latest_full_snapshot_slot(&self) -> Option<Slot> {
8453 self.latest_full_snapshot_slot.read()
8454 }
8456 pub fn set_latest_full_snapshot_slot(&self, slot: Slot) {
8458 *self.latest_full_snapshot_slot.lock_write() = Some(slot);
8459 }
8461 fn stats_for_rent_payers(
8463 pubkey: &Pubkey,
8464 lamports: u64,
8465 account_data_len: usize,
8466 account_rent_epoch: Epoch,
8467 executable: bool,
8468 rent_collector: &RentCollector,
8469 ) -> Option<u64> {
8470 if lamports == 0 {
8471 return None;
8472 }
8473 (rent_collector.should_collect_rent(pubkey, executable)
8474 && !rent_collector
8475 .get_rent_due(lamports, account_data_len, account_rent_epoch)
8476 .is_exempt())
8477 .then(|| {
8478 let min_balance = rent_collector.rent.minimum_balance(account_data_len);
8479 min_balance.saturating_sub(lamports)
8481 })
8482 }
8484 fn generate_index_for_slot(
8485 &self,
8486 storage: &AccountStorageEntry,
8487 slot: Slot,
8488 store_id: AccountsFileId,
8489 rent_collector: &RentCollector,
8490 storage_info: &StorageSizeAndCountMap,
8491 ) -> SlotIndexGenerationInfo {
8492 if storage.accounts.get_account_sizes(&[0]).is_empty() {
8493 return SlotIndexGenerationInfo::default();
8494 }
8495 let secondary = !self.account_indexes.is_empty();
8497 let mut rent_paying_accounts_by_partition = Vec::default();
8498 let mut accounts_data_len = 0;
8499 let mut num_accounts_rent_paying = 0;
8500 let mut amount_to_top_off_rent = 0;
8501 let mut stored_size_alive = 0;
8502 let mut zero_lamport_pubkeys = vec![];
8503 let mut all_accounts_are_zero_lamports = true;
8505 let (dirty_pubkeys, insert_time_us, mut generate_index_results) = {
8506 let mut items_local = Vec::default();
8507 storage.accounts.scan_index(|info| {
8508 stored_size_alive += info.stored_size_aligned;
8509 if info.index_info.lamports > 0 {
8510 accounts_data_len += info.index_info.data_len;
8511 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports = false;
8512 } else {
8513 zero_lamport_pubkeys.push(info.index_info.pubkey);
8515 }
8516 items_local.push(info.index_info);
8517 });
8519 let items_len = items_local.len();
8520 let items = items_local.into_iter().map(|info| {
8521 if let Some(amount_to_top_off_rent_this_account) = Self::stats_for_rent_payers(
8522 &info.pubkey,
8523 info.lamports,
8524 info.data_len as usize,
8525 info.rent_epoch,
8526 info.executable,
8527 rent_collector,
8528 ) {
8529 amount_to_top_off_rent += amount_to_top_off_rent_this_account;
8530 num_accounts_rent_paying += 1;
8531 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition.push(info.pubkey);
8533 }
8535 (
8536 info.pubkey,
8537 AccountInfo::new(
8538 StorageLocation::AppendVec(store_id, info.offset), info.lamports,
8540 ),
8541 )
8542 });
8543 self.accounts_index
8544 .insert_new_if_missing_into_primary_index(slot, items_len, items)
8545 };
8546 if secondary {
8547 storage.accounts.scan_accounts(|stored_account| {
8549 stored_size_alive += stored_account.stored_size();
8550 let pubkey = stored_account.pubkey();
8551 self.accounts_index.update_secondary_indexes(
8552 pubkey,
8553 &stored_account,
8554 &self.account_indexes,
8555 );
8556 });
8557 }
8559 if let Some(duplicates_this_slot) = std::mem::take(&mut generate_index_results.duplicates) {
8560 duplicates_this_slot
8563 .into_iter()
8564 .for_each(|(pubkey, (_slot, info))| {
8565 storage
8566 .accounts
8567 .get_stored_account_meta_callback(info.offset(), |duplicate| {
8568 assert_eq!(&pubkey, duplicate.pubkey());
8569 stored_size_alive =
8570 stored_size_alive.saturating_sub(duplicate.stored_size());
8571 if !duplicate.is_zero_lamport() {
8572 accounts_data_len =
8573 accounts_data_len.saturating_sub(duplicate.data().len() as u64);
8574 }
8575 });
8576 });
8577 }
8579 {
8580 let mut info = storage_info.entry(store_id).or_default();
8582 info.stored_size += stored_size_alive;
8583 info.count += generate_index_results.count;
8584 }
8586 if !dirty_pubkeys.is_empty() {
8590 let old = self.uncleaned_pubkeys.insert(slot, dirty_pubkeys);
8591 assert!(old.is_none());
8592 }
8593 SlotIndexGenerationInfo {
8594 insert_time_us,
8595 num_accounts: generate_index_results.count as u64,
8596 num_accounts_rent_paying,
8597 accounts_data_len,
8598 amount_to_top_off_rent,
8599 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition,
8600 zero_lamport_pubkeys,
8601 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports,
8602 }
8603 }
8605 pub fn generate_index(
8606 &self,
8607 limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot: Option<usize>,
8608 verify: bool,
8609 genesis_config: &GenesisConfig,
8610 should_calculate_duplicates_lt_hash: bool,
8611 ) -> IndexGenerationInfo {
8612 let mut total_time = Measure::start("generate_index");
8613 let mut slots = self.storage.all_slots();
8614 slots.sort_unstable();
8615 if let Some(limit) = limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot {
8616 slots.truncate(limit); }
8618 let max_slot = slots.last().cloned().unwrap_or_default();
8619 let schedule = &genesis_config.epoch_schedule;
8620 let rent_collector = RentCollector::new(
8621 schedule.get_epoch(max_slot),
8622 schedule.clone(),
8623 genesis_config.slots_per_year(),
8624 genesis_config.rent.clone(),
8625 );
8626 let accounts_data_len = AtomicU64::new(0);
8628 let rent_paying_accounts_by_partition =
8629 Mutex::new(RentPayingAccountsByPartition::new(schedule));
8630 let zero_lamport_pubkeys = Mutex::new(HashSet::new());
8631 let mut outer_duplicates_lt_hash = None;
8633 let passes = if verify { 2 } else { 1 };
8637 for pass in 0..passes {
8638 if pass == 0 {
8639 self.accounts_index
8640 .set_startup(Startup::StartupWithExtraThreads);
8641 }
8642 let storage_info = StorageSizeAndCountMap::default();
8643 let total_processed_slots_across_all_threads = AtomicU64::new(0);
8644 let outer_slots_len = slots.len();
8645 let threads = if self.accounts_index.is_disk_index_enabled() {
8646 num_cpus::get()
8648 } else {
8649 8
8651 };
8652 let chunk_size = (outer_slots_len / (std::cmp::max(1, threads.saturating_sub(1)))) + 1; let mut index_time = Measure::start("index");
8654 let insertion_time_us = AtomicU64::new(0);
8655 let rent_paying = AtomicUsize::new(0);
8656 let amount_to_top_off_rent = AtomicU64::new(0);
8657 let total_including_duplicates = AtomicU64::new(0);
8658 let all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots = AtomicU64::new(0);
8659 let mut all_zeros_slots = Mutex::new(Vec::<(Slot, Arc<AccountStorageEntry>)>::new());
8660 let scan_time: u64 = slots
8661 .par_chunks(chunk_size)
8662 .map(|slots| {
8663 let mut log_status = MultiThreadProgress::new(
8664 &total_processed_slots_across_all_threads,
8665 2,
8666 outer_slots_len as u64,
8667 );
8668 let mut scan_time_sum = 0;
8669 let mut all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots_inner = 0;
8670 let mut all_zeros_slots_inner = vec![];
8671 let mut insert_time_sum = 0;
8672 let mut total_including_duplicates_sum = 0;
8673 let mut accounts_data_len_sum = 0;
8674 for (index, slot) in slots.iter().enumerate() {
8675 let mut scan_time = Measure::start("scan");
8676 log_status.report(index as u64);
8677 let Some(storage) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(*slot) else {
8678 continue;
8680 };
8681 let store_id = storage.id();
8683 scan_time.stop();
8684 scan_time_sum += scan_time.as_us();
8686 let insert_us = if pass == 0 {
8687 self.maybe_throttle_index_generation();
8689 let SlotIndexGenerationInfo {
8690 insert_time_us: insert_us,
8691 num_accounts: total_this_slot,
8692 num_accounts_rent_paying: rent_paying_this_slot,
8693 accounts_data_len: accounts_data_len_this_slot,
8694 amount_to_top_off_rent: amount_to_top_off_rent_this_slot,
8695 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition:
8696 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition_this_slot,
8697 zero_lamport_pubkeys: zero_pubkeys_this_slot,
8698 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports,
8699 } = self.generate_index_for_slot(
8700 &storage,
8701 *slot,
8702 store_id,
8703 &rent_collector,
8704 &storage_info,
8705 );
8707 if rent_paying_this_slot > 0 {
8708 rent_paying.fetch_add(rent_paying_this_slot, Ordering::Relaxed);
8710 amount_to_top_off_rent
8711 .fetch_add(amount_to_top_off_rent_this_slot, Ordering::Relaxed);
8712 let mut rent_paying_accounts_by_partition =
8713 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition.lock().unwrap();
8714 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition_this_slot
8715 .iter()
8716 .for_each(|k| {
8717 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition.add_account(k);
8718 });
8719 }
8720 total_including_duplicates_sum += total_this_slot;
8721 accounts_data_len_sum += accounts_data_len_this_slot;
8722 if all_accounts_are_zero_lamports {
8723 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots_inner += 1;
8724 all_zeros_slots_inner.push((*slot, Arc::clone(&storage)));
8725 }
8726 let mut zero_pubkeys = zero_lamport_pubkeys.lock().unwrap();
8727 zero_pubkeys_this_slot.into_iter().for_each(|k| {
8728 zero_pubkeys.insert(k);
8729 });
8731 insert_us
8732 } else {
8733 assert!(verify);
8735 let mut lookup_time = Measure::start("lookup_time");
8736 storage.accounts.scan_accounts(|account_info| {
8737 let key = account_info.pubkey();
8738 let index_entry = self.accounts_index.get_cloned(key).unwrap();
8739 let slot_list = index_entry.slot_list.read().unwrap();
8740 let mut count = 0;
8741 for (slot2, account_info2) in slot_list.iter() {
8742 if slot2 == slot {
8743 count += 1;
8744 let ai = AccountInfo::new(
8745 StorageLocation::AppendVec(
8746 store_id,
8747 account_info.offset(),
8748 ), account_info.lamports(),
8750 );
8751 assert_eq!(&ai, account_info2);
8752 }
8753 }
8754 assert_eq!(1, count);
8755 });
8756 lookup_time.stop();
8757 lookup_time.as_us()
8758 };
8759 insert_time_sum += insert_us;
8760 }
8761 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots.fetch_add(
8762 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots_inner,
8763 Ordering::Relaxed,
8764 );
8765 all_zeros_slots
8766 .lock()
8767 .unwrap()
8768 .append(&mut all_zeros_slots_inner);
8769 insertion_time_us.fetch_add(insert_time_sum, Ordering::Relaxed);
8770 total_including_duplicates
8771 .fetch_add(total_including_duplicates_sum, Ordering::Relaxed);
8772 accounts_data_len.fetch_add(accounts_data_len_sum, Ordering::Relaxed);
8773 scan_time_sum
8774 })
8775 .sum();
8776 index_time.stop();
8778 info!("rent_collector: {:?}", rent_collector);
8780 let mut index_flush_us = 0;
8781 let total_duplicate_slot_keys = AtomicU64::default();
8782 let mut populate_duplicate_keys_us = 0;
8783 let mut total_items_in_mem = 0;
8784 let mut min_bin_size_in_mem = 0;
8785 let mut max_bin_size_in_mem = 0;
8786 let total_num_unique_duplicate_keys = AtomicU64::default();
8788 let unique_pubkeys_by_bin = Mutex::new(Vec::<Vec<Pubkey>>::default());
8791 if pass == 0 {
8792 let mut m = Measure::start("accounts_index_idle_us");
8794 self.accounts_index.set_startup(Startup::Normal);
8795 m.stop();
8796 index_flush_us = m.as_us();
8798 populate_duplicate_keys_us = measure_us!({
8799 self.accounts_index
8802 .populate_and_retrieve_duplicate_keys_from_startup(|slot_keys| {
8803 total_duplicate_slot_keys
8804 .fetch_add(slot_keys.len() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
8805 let unique_keys =
8806 HashSet::<Pubkey>::from_iter(slot_keys.iter().map(|(_, key)| *key));
8807 for (slot, key) in slot_keys {
8808 self.uncleaned_pubkeys.entry(slot).or_default().push(key);
8809 }
8810 let unique_pubkeys_by_bin_inner =
8811 unique_keys.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
8812 total_num_unique_duplicate_keys.fetch_add(
8813 unique_pubkeys_by_bin_inner.len() as u64,
8814 Ordering::Relaxed,
8815 );
8816 unique_pubkeys_by_bin
8818 .lock()
8819 .unwrap()
8820 .push(unique_pubkeys_by_bin_inner);
8821 });
8822 })
8823 .1;
8825 (total_items_in_mem, min_bin_size_in_mem, max_bin_size_in_mem) = self
8826 .accounts_index
8827 .account_maps
8828 .iter()
8829 .map(|map_bin| map_bin.len_for_stats())
8830 .fold((0, usize::MAX, usize::MIN), |acc, len| {
8831 (
8832 acc.0 + len,
8833 std::cmp::min(acc.1, len),
8834 std::cmp::max(acc.2, len),
8835 )
8836 });
8837 }
8838 let unique_pubkeys_by_bin = unique_pubkeys_by_bin.into_inner().unwrap();
8840 let mut timings = GenerateIndexTimings {
8841 index_flush_us,
8842 scan_time,
8843 index_time: index_time.as_us(),
8844 insertion_time_us: insertion_time_us.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
8845 min_bin_size_in_mem,
8846 max_bin_size_in_mem,
8847 total_items_in_mem,
8848 rent_paying,
8849 amount_to_top_off_rent,
8850 total_duplicate_slot_keys: total_duplicate_slot_keys.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
8851 total_num_unique_duplicate_keys: total_num_unique_duplicate_keys
8852 .load(Ordering::Relaxed),
8853 populate_duplicate_keys_us,
8854 total_including_duplicates: total_including_duplicates.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
8855 total_slots: slots.len() as u64,
8856 all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots: all_accounts_are_zero_lamports_slots
8857 .load(Ordering::Relaxed),
8858 ..GenerateIndexTimings::default()
8859 };
8861 if pass == 0 {
8862 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
8863 struct DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo {
8864 accounts_data_len_from_duplicates: u64,
8865 num_duplicate_accounts: u64,
8866 duplicates_lt_hash: Option<Box<DuplicatesLtHash>>,
8867 }
8868 impl DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo {
8869 fn reduce(mut self, other: Self) -> Self {
8870 self.accounts_data_len_from_duplicates +=
8871 other.accounts_data_len_from_duplicates;
8872 self.num_duplicate_accounts += other.num_duplicate_accounts;
8874 match (
8875 self.duplicates_lt_hash.is_some(),
8876 other.duplicates_lt_hash.is_some(),
8877 ) {
8878 (true, true) => {
8879 self.duplicates_lt_hash
8881 .as_mut()
8882 .unwrap()
8883 .0
8884 .mix_in(&other.duplicates_lt_hash.as_ref().unwrap().0);
8885 }
8886 (true, false) => {
8887 }
8889 (false, true) => {
8890 self.duplicates_lt_hash = other.duplicates_lt_hash;
8892 }
8893 (false, false) => {
8894 }
8896 }
8897 self
8898 }
8899 }
8901 let zero_lamport_pubkeys_to_visit =
8902 std::mem::take(&mut *zero_lamport_pubkeys.lock().unwrap());
8903 let (num_zero_lamport_single_refs, visit_zero_lamports_us) =
8904 measure_us!(self
8905 .visit_zero_lamport_pubkeys_during_startup(&zero_lamport_pubkeys_to_visit));
8906 timings.visit_zero_lamports_us = visit_zero_lamports_us;
8907 timings.num_zero_lamport_single_refs = num_zero_lamport_single_refs;
8909 let mut accounts_data_len_dedup_timer =
8911 Measure::start("handle accounts data len duplicates");
8912 let DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo {
8913 accounts_data_len_from_duplicates,
8914 num_duplicate_accounts,
8915 duplicates_lt_hash,
8916 } = unique_pubkeys_by_bin
8917 .par_iter()
8918 .fold(
8919 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::default,
8920 |accum, pubkeys_by_bin| {
8921 let intermediate = pubkeys_by_bin
8922 .par_chunks(4096)
8923 .fold(DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::default, |accum, pubkeys| {
8924 let (
8925 accounts_data_len_from_duplicates,
8926 accounts_duplicates_num,
8927 duplicates_lt_hash,
8928 ) = self.visit_duplicate_pubkeys_during_startup(
8929 pubkeys,
8930 &rent_collector,
8931 &timings,
8932 should_calculate_duplicates_lt_hash,
8933 );
8934 let intermediate = DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo {
8935 accounts_data_len_from_duplicates,
8936 num_duplicate_accounts: accounts_duplicates_num,
8937 duplicates_lt_hash,
8938 };
8939 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::reduce(accum, intermediate)
8940 })
8941 .reduce(
8942 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::default,
8943 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::reduce,
8944 );
8945 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::reduce(accum, intermediate)
8946 },
8947 )
8948 .reduce(
8949 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::default,
8950 DuplicatePubkeysVisitedInfo::reduce,
8951 );
8952 accounts_data_len_dedup_timer.stop();
8953 timings.accounts_data_len_dedup_time_us = accounts_data_len_dedup_timer.as_us();
8954 timings.num_duplicate_accounts = num_duplicate_accounts;
8956 accounts_data_len.fetch_sub(accounts_data_len_from_duplicates, Ordering::Relaxed);
8957 if let Some(duplicates_lt_hash) = duplicates_lt_hash {
8958 let old_val = outer_duplicates_lt_hash.replace(duplicates_lt_hash);
8959 assert!(old_val.is_none());
8960 }
8961 info!(
8962 "accounts data len: {}",
8963 accounts_data_len.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
8964 );
8966 let all_zero_slots_to_clean = std::mem::take(all_zeros_slots.get_mut().unwrap());
8968 info!(
8969 "insert all zero slots to clean at startup {}",
8970 all_zero_slots_to_clean.len()
8971 );
8972 for (slot, storage) in all_zero_slots_to_clean {
8973 self.dirty_stores.insert(slot, storage);
8974 }
8975 }
8977 if pass == 0 {
8978 for root in &slots {
8980 self.accounts_index.add_root(*root);
8981 }
8983 self.set_storage_count_and_alive_bytes(storage_info, &mut timings);
8984 }
8985 total_time.stop();
8986 timings.total_time_us = total_time.as_us();
8987 timings.report(self.accounts_index.get_startup_stats());
8988 }
8990 self.accounts_index.log_secondary_indexes();
8992 if should_calculate_duplicates_lt_hash && outer_duplicates_lt_hash.is_none() {
8997 outer_duplicates_lt_hash = Some(Box::new(DuplicatesLtHash::default()));
8998 }
9000 IndexGenerationInfo {
9001 accounts_data_len: accounts_data_len.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
9002 rent_paying_accounts_by_partition: rent_paying_accounts_by_partition
9003 .into_inner()
9004 .unwrap(),
9005 duplicates_lt_hash: outer_duplicates_lt_hash,
9006 }
9007 }
9009 fn maybe_throttle_index_generation(&self) {
9012 const LIMIT: usize = 10_000_000;
9020 while self
9021 .accounts_index
9022 .get_startup_remaining_items_to_flush_estimate()
9023 > LIMIT
9024 {
9025 sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
9028 }
9029 }
9031 fn visit_zero_lamport_pubkeys_during_startup(&self, pubkeys: &HashSet<Pubkey>) -> u64 {
9035 let mut count = 0;
9036 self.accounts_index.scan(
9037 pubkeys.iter(),
9038 |_pubkey, slots_refs, _entry| {
9039 let (slot_list, ref_count) = slots_refs.unwrap();
9040 if ref_count == 1 {
9041 assert_eq!(slot_list.len(), 1);
9042 let (slot_alive, account_info) = slot_list.first().unwrap();
9043 assert!(!account_info.is_cached());
9044 if account_info.is_zero_lamport() {
9045 count += 1;
9046 self.zero_lamport_single_ref_found(*slot_alive, account_info.offset());
9047 }
9048 }
9049 AccountsIndexScanResult::OnlyKeepInMemoryIfDirty
9050 },
9051 None,
9052 false,
9053 ScanFilter::All,
9054 );
9055 count
9056 }
9058 fn visit_duplicate_pubkeys_during_startup(
9072 &self,
9073 pubkeys: &[Pubkey],
9074 rent_collector: &RentCollector,
9075 timings: &GenerateIndexTimings,
9076 should_calculate_duplicates_lt_hash: bool,
9077 ) -> (u64, u64, Option<Box<DuplicatesLtHash>>) {
9078 let mut accounts_data_len_from_duplicates = 0;
9079 let mut num_duplicate_accounts = 0_u64;
9080 let mut duplicates_lt_hash =
9081 should_calculate_duplicates_lt_hash.then(|| Box::new(DuplicatesLtHash::default()));
9082 let mut removed_rent_paying = 0;
9083 let mut removed_top_off = 0;
9084 let mut lt_hash_time = Duration::default();
9085 self.accounts_index.scan(
9086 pubkeys.iter(),
9087 |pubkey, slots_refs, _entry| {
9088 if let Some((slot_list, _ref_count)) = slots_refs {
9089 if slot_list.len() > 1 {
9090 let max = slot_list.iter().map(|(slot, _)| slot).max().unwrap();
9096 slot_list.iter().for_each(|(slot, account_info)| {
9097 if slot == max {
9098 return;
9100 }
9101 let maybe_storage_entry = self
9102 .storage
9103 .get_account_storage_entry(*slot, account_info.store_id());
9104 let mut accessor = LoadedAccountAccessor::Stored(
9105 maybe_storage_entry.map(|entry| (entry, account_info.offset())),
9106 );
9107 accessor.check_and_get_loaded_account(|loaded_account| {
9108 let data_len = loaded_account.data_len();
9109 if loaded_account.lamports() > 0 {
9110 accounts_data_len_from_duplicates += data_len;
9111 }
9112 num_duplicate_accounts += 1;
9113 if let Some(lamports_to_top_off) = Self::stats_for_rent_payers(
9114 pubkey,
9115 loaded_account.lamports(),
9116 data_len,
9117 loaded_account.rent_epoch(),
9118 loaded_account.executable(),
9119 rent_collector,
9120 ) {
9121 removed_rent_paying += 1;
9122 removed_top_off += lamports_to_top_off;
9123 }
9124 if let Some(duplicates_lt_hash) = duplicates_lt_hash.as_mut() {
9125 let (_, duration) = meas_dur!({
9126 let account_lt_hash =
9127 Self::lt_hash_account(&loaded_account, pubkey);
9128 duplicates_lt_hash.0.mix_in(&account_lt_hash.0);
9129 });
9130 lt_hash_time += duration;
9131 }
9132 });
9133 });
9134 }
9135 }
9136 AccountsIndexScanResult::OnlyKeepInMemoryIfDirty
9137 },
9138 None,
9139 false,
9140 ScanFilter::All,
9141 );
9142 timings
9143 .rent_paying
9144 .fetch_sub(removed_rent_paying, Ordering::Relaxed);
9145 timings
9146 .amount_to_top_off_rent
9147 .fetch_sub(removed_top_off, Ordering::Relaxed);
9148 timings
9149 .par_duplicates_lt_hash_us
9150 .fetch_add(lt_hash_time.as_micros() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed);
9151 (
9152 accounts_data_len_from_duplicates as u64,
9153 num_duplicate_accounts,
9154 duplicates_lt_hash,
9155 )
9156 }
9158 fn set_storage_count_and_alive_bytes(
9159 &self,
9160 stored_sizes_and_counts: StorageSizeAndCountMap,
9161 timings: &mut GenerateIndexTimings,
9162 ) {
9163 let mut storage_size_storages_time = Measure::start("storage_size_storages");
9165 for (_slot, store) in self.storage.iter() {
9166 let id = store.id();
9167 assert_eq!(store.alive_bytes(), 0);
9169 if let Some(entry) = stored_sizes_and_counts.get(&id) {
9170 trace!(
9171 "id: {} setting count: {} cur: {}",
9172 id,
9173 entry.count,
9174 store.count(),
9175 );
9176 {
9177 let mut count_and_status = store.count_and_status.lock_write();
9178 assert_eq!(count_and_status.0, 0);
9179 count_and_status.0 = entry.count;
9180 }
9181 store
9182 .alive_bytes
9183 .store(entry.stored_size, Ordering::Release);
9184 } else {
9185 trace!("id: {} clearing count", id);
9186 store.count_and_status.lock_write().0 = 0;
9187 }
9188 }
9189 storage_size_storages_time.stop();
9190 timings.storage_size_storages_us = storage_size_storages_time.as_us();
9191 }
9193 pub fn print_accounts_stats(&self, label: &str) {
9194 self.print_index(label);
9195 self.print_count_and_status(label);
9196 }
9198 fn print_index(&self, label: &str) {
9199 let mut alive_roots: Vec<_> = self.accounts_index.all_alive_roots();
9200 #[allow(clippy::stable_sort_primitive)]
9201 alive_roots.sort();
9202 info!("{}: accounts_index alive_roots: {:?}", label, alive_roots,);
9203 let full_pubkey_range = Pubkey::from([0; 32])..=Pubkey::from([0xff; 32]);
9205 self.accounts_index.account_maps.iter().for_each(|map| {
9206 for (pubkey, account_entry) in map.items(&full_pubkey_range) {
9207 info!(" key: {} ref_count: {}", pubkey, account_entry.ref_count(),);
9208 info!(
9209 " slots: {:?}",
9210 *account_entry.slot_list.read().unwrap()
9211 );
9212 }
9213 });
9214 }
9216 pub fn print_count_and_status(&self, label: &str) {
9217 let mut slots: Vec<_> = self.storage.all_slots();
9218 #[allow(clippy::stable_sort_primitive)]
9219 slots.sort();
9220 info!("{}: count_and status for {} slots:", label, slots.len());
9221 for slot in &slots {
9222 let entry = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(*slot).unwrap();
9223 info!(
9224 " slot: {} id: {} count_and_status: {:?} len: {} capacity: {}",
9225 slot,
9226 entry.id(),
9227 entry.count_and_status.read(),
9228 entry.accounts.len(),
9229 entry.accounts.capacity(),
9230 );
9231 }
9232 }
9235#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
9240pub enum CalcAccountsHashDataSource {
9241 IndexForTests,
9242 Storages,
9245#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
9246enum HandleReclaims<'a> {
9247 ProcessDeadSlots(&'a PurgeStats),
9248 DoNotProcessDeadSlots,
9251#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
9253pub enum CalcAccountsHashKind {
9254 Full,
9255 Incremental,
9258impl CalcAccountsHashKind {
9259 fn zero_lamport_accounts(&self) -> ZeroLamportAccounts {
9261 match self {
9262 CalcAccountsHashKind::Full => ZeroLamportAccounts::Excluded,
9263 CalcAccountsHashKind::Incremental => ZeroLamportAccounts::Included,
9264 }
9265 }
9268pub(crate) enum UpdateIndexThreadSelection {
9269 Inline,
9271 PoolWithThreshold,
9275#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
9277pub enum OldStoragesPolicy {
9278 Clean,
9282 Leave,
9289#[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
9291impl AccountStorageEntry {
9292 fn accounts_count(&self) -> usize {
9293 let mut count = 0;
9294 self.accounts.scan_pubkeys(|_| {
9295 count += 1;
9296 });
9297 count
9298 }
9301#[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
9303impl AccountsDb {
9304 pub fn get_len_of_slots_with_uncleaned_pubkeys(&self) -> usize {
9307 self.uncleaned_pubkeys.len()
9308 }
9310 pub fn add_root_and_flush_write_cache(&self, slot: Slot) {
9313 self.add_root(slot);
9314 self.flush_root_write_cache(slot);
9315 }
9317 pub fn calculate_accounts_delta_hash(&self, slot: Slot) -> AccountsDeltaHash {
9319 self.calculate_accounts_delta_hash_internal(slot, None, HashMap::default())
9320 }
9322 pub fn load_without_fixed_root(
9323 &self,
9324 ancestors: &Ancestors,
9325 pubkey: &Pubkey,
9326 ) -> Option<(AccountSharedData, Slot)> {
9327 self.do_load(
9328 ancestors,
9329 pubkey,
9330 None,
9331 LoadHint::Unspecified,
9332 LoadZeroLamports::SomeWithZeroLamportAccountForTests,
9334 )
9335 }
9337 pub fn accounts_delta_hashes(&self) -> &Mutex<HashMap<Slot, AccountsDeltaHash>> {
9338 &self.accounts_delta_hashes
9339 }
9341 pub fn accounts_hashes(&self) -> &Mutex<HashMap<Slot, (AccountsHash, u64)>> {
9342 &self.accounts_hashes
9343 }
9345 pub fn assert_load_account(&self, slot: Slot, pubkey: Pubkey, expected_lamports: u64) {
9346 let ancestors = vec![(slot, 0)].into_iter().collect();
9347 let (account, slot) = self.load_without_fixed_root(&ancestors, &pubkey).unwrap();
9348 assert_eq!((account.lamports(), slot), (expected_lamports, slot));
9349 }
9351 pub fn assert_not_load_account(&self, slot: Slot, pubkey: Pubkey) {
9352 let ancestors = vec![(slot, 0)].into_iter().collect();
9353 let load = self.load_without_fixed_root(&ancestors, &pubkey);
9354 assert!(load.is_none(), "{load:?}");
9355 }
9357 pub fn check_accounts(&self, pubkeys: &[Pubkey], slot: Slot, num: usize, count: usize) {
9358 let ancestors = vec![(slot, 0)].into_iter().collect();
9359 for _ in 0..num {
9360 let idx = thread_rng().gen_range(0..num);
9361 let account = self.load_without_fixed_root(&ancestors, &pubkeys[idx]);
9362 let account1 = Some((
9363 AccountSharedData::new(
9364 (idx + count) as u64,
9365 0,
9366 AccountSharedData::default().owner(),
9367 ),
9368 slot,
9369 ));
9370 assert_eq!(account, account1);
9371 }
9372 }
9374 pub fn store_for_tests(&self, slot: Slot, accounts: &[(&Pubkey, &AccountSharedData)]) {
9376 self.store(
9377 (slot, accounts),
9378 &StoreTo::Cache,
9379 None,
9380 StoreReclaims::Default,
9381 UpdateIndexThreadSelection::PoolWithThreshold,
9382 );
9383 }
9385 #[allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)]
9386 pub fn modify_accounts(&self, pubkeys: &[Pubkey], slot: Slot, num: usize, count: usize) {
9387 for idx in 0..num {
9388 let account = AccountSharedData::new(
9389 (idx + count) as u64,
9390 0,
9391 AccountSharedData::default().owner(),
9392 );
9393 self.store_for_tests(slot, &[(&pubkeys[idx], &account)]);
9394 }
9395 }
9397 pub fn check_storage(&self, slot: Slot, alive_count: usize, total_count: usize) {
9398 let store = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot).unwrap();
9399 assert_eq!(store.status(), AccountStorageStatus::Available);
9400 assert_eq!(store.count(), alive_count);
9401 assert_eq!(store.accounts_count(), total_count);
9402 }
9404 pub fn create_account(
9405 &self,
9406 pubkeys: &mut Vec<Pubkey>,
9407 slot: Slot,
9408 num: usize,
9409 space: usize,
9410 num_vote: usize,
9411 ) {
9412 let ancestors = vec![(slot, 0)].into_iter().collect();
9413 for t in 0..num {
9414 let pubkey = solana_pubkey::new_rand();
9415 let account =
9416 AccountSharedData::new((t + 1) as u64, space, AccountSharedData::default().owner());
9417 pubkeys.push(pubkey);
9418 assert!(self.load_without_fixed_root(&ancestors, &pubkey).is_none());
9419 self.store_for_tests(slot, &[(&pubkey, &account)]);
9420 }
9421 for t in 0..num_vote {
9422 let pubkey = solana_pubkey::new_rand();
9423 let account =
9424 AccountSharedData::new((num + t + 1) as u64, space, &solana_vote_program::id());
9425 pubkeys.push(pubkey);
9426 let ancestors = vec![(slot, 0)].into_iter().collect();
9427 assert!(self.load_without_fixed_root(&ancestors, &pubkey).is_none());
9428 self.store_for_tests(slot, &[(&pubkey, &account)]);
9429 }
9430 }
9432 pub fn sizes_of_accounts_in_storage_for_tests(&self, slot: Slot) -> Vec<usize> {
9433 let mut sizes = Vec::default();
9434 if let Some(storage) = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot) {
9435 storage.accounts.scan_accounts(|account| {
9436 sizes.push(account.stored_size());
9437 });
9438 }
9439 sizes
9440 }
9442 pub fn ref_count_for_pubkey(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> RefCount {
9443 self.accounts_index.ref_count_from_storage(pubkey)
9444 }
9446 pub fn alive_account_count_in_slot(&self, slot: Slot) -> usize {
9447 self.storage
9448 .get_slot_storage_entry(slot)
9449 .map(|storage| storage.count())
9450 .unwrap_or(0)
9451 .saturating_add(
9452 self.accounts_cache
9453 .slot_cache(slot)
9454 .map(|slot_cache| slot_cache.len())
9455 .unwrap_or_default(),
9456 )
9457 }
9459 pub fn flush_root_write_cache(&self, root: Slot) {
9462 assert!(
9463 self.accounts_index
9464 .roots_tracker
9465 .read()
9466 .unwrap()
9467 .alive_roots
9468 .contains(&root),
9469 "slot: {root}"
9470 );
9471 self.flush_accounts_cache(true, Some(root));
9472 }
9474 pub fn all_account_count_in_accounts_file(&self, slot: Slot) -> usize {
9475 let store = self.storage.get_slot_storage_entry(slot);
9476 if let Some(store) = store {
9477 store.accounts_count()
9478 } else {
9479 0
9480 }
9481 }
9483 pub fn verify_accounts_hash_and_lamports_for_tests(
9484 &self,
9485 slot: Slot,
9486 total_lamports: u64,
9487 config: VerifyAccountsHashAndLamportsConfig,
9488 ) -> Result<(), AccountsHashVerificationError> {
9489 let snapshot_storages = self.get_storages(..);
9490 let snapshot_storages_and_slots = (
9491 snapshot_storages.0.as_slice(),
9492 snapshot_storages.1.as_slice(),
9493 );
9494 self.verify_accounts_hash_and_lamports(
9495 snapshot_storages_and_slots,
9496 slot,
9497 total_lamports,
9498 None,
9499 config,
9500 )
9501 }
9503 pub fn uncleaned_pubkeys(&self) -> &DashMap<Slot, Vec<Pubkey>, BuildNoHashHasher<Slot>> {
9504 &self.uncleaned_pubkeys
9505 }
9508#[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
9510impl<'a> VerifyAccountsHashAndLamportsConfig<'a> {
9511 pub fn new_for_test(
9512 ancestors: &'a Ancestors,
9513 epoch_schedule: &'a EpochSchedule,
9514 rent_collector: &'a RentCollector,
9515 ) -> Self {
9516 Self {
9517 ancestors,
9518 test_hash_calculation: true,
9519 epoch_schedule,
9520 rent_collector,
9521 ignore_mismatch: false,
9522 store_detailed_debug_info: false,
9523 use_bg_thread_pool: false,
9524 }
9525 }
9528#[cfg(feature = "dev-context-only-utils")]
9530pub mod test_utils {
9531 use {
9532 super::*,
9533 crate::{accounts::Accounts, append_vec::aligned_stored_size},
9534 };
9536 pub fn create_test_accounts(
9537 accounts: &Accounts,
9538 pubkeys: &mut Vec<Pubkey>,
9539 num: usize,
9540 slot: Slot,
9541 ) {
9542 let data_size = 0;
9543 if accounts
9544 .accounts_db
9545 .storage
9546 .get_slot_storage_entry(slot)
9547 .is_none()
9548 {
9549 let bytes_required = num * aligned_stored_size(data_size) + 4096;
9556 _ = accounts.accounts_db.create_and_insert_store(
9558 slot,
9559 bytes_required as u64,
9560 "create_test_accounts",
9561 );
9562 }
9564 for t in 0..num {
9565 let pubkey = solana_pubkey::new_rand();
9566 let account = AccountSharedData::new(
9567 (t + 1) as u64,
9568 data_size,
9569 AccountSharedData::default().owner(),
9570 );
9571 accounts.store_slow_uncached(slot, &pubkey, &account);
9572 pubkeys.push(pubkey);
9573 }
9574 }
9576 pub fn update_accounts_bench(accounts: &Accounts, pubkeys: &[Pubkey], slot: u64) {
9579 for pubkey in pubkeys {
9580 let amount = thread_rng().gen_range(0..10);
9581 let account = AccountSharedData::new(amount, 0, AccountSharedData::default().owner());
9582 accounts.store_slow_uncached(slot, pubkey, &account);
9583 }
9584 }