1//! Loading signers and keypairs from the command line.
3//! This module contains utilities for loading [Signer]s and [Keypair]s from
4//! standard signing sources, from the command line, as in the Solana CLI.
6//! The key function here is [`signer_from_path`], which loads a `Signer` from
7//! one of several possible sources by interpreting a "path" command line
8//! argument. Its documentation includes a description of all possible signing
9//! sources supported by the Solana CLI. Many other functions here are
10//! variations on, or delegate to, `signer_from_path`.
12use {
13 crate::{
14 input_parsers::{pubkeys_sigs_of, STDOUT_OUTFILE_TOKEN},
15 offline::{SIGNER_ARG, SIGN_ONLY_ARG},
16 ArgConstant,
17 },
18 bip39::{Language, Mnemonic, Seed},
19 clap::ArgMatches,
20 rpassword::prompt_password,
21 solana_derivation_path::{DerivationPath, DerivationPathError},
22 solana_hash::Hash,
23 solana_keypair::{
24 keypair_from_seed, keypair_from_seed_phrase_and_passphrase, read_keypair,
25 read_keypair_file, seed_derivable::keypair_from_seed_and_derivation_path, Keypair,
26 },
27 solana_message::Message,
28 solana_presigner::Presigner,
29 solana_pubkey::Pubkey,
30 solana_remote_wallet::{
31 locator::{Locator as RemoteWalletLocator, LocatorError as RemoteWalletLocatorError},
32 remote_keypair::generate_remote_keypair,
33 remote_wallet::{maybe_wallet_manager, RemoteWalletError, RemoteWalletManager},
34 },
35 solana_seed_phrase::generate_seed_from_seed_phrase_and_passphrase,
36 solana_signature::Signature,
37 solana_signer::{null_signer::NullSigner, Signer},
38 std::{
39 cell::RefCell,
40 convert::TryFrom,
41 error,
42 io::{stdin, stdout, Write},
43 ops::Deref,
44 process::exit,
45 rc::Rc,
46 str::FromStr,
47 },
48 thiserror::Error,
51pub struct SignOnly {
52 pub blockhash: Hash,
53 pub message: Option<String>,
54 pub present_signers: Vec<(Pubkey, Signature)>,
55 pub absent_signers: Vec<Pubkey>,
56 pub bad_signers: Vec<Pubkey>,
59impl SignOnly {
60 pub fn has_all_signers(&self) -> bool {
61 self.absent_signers.is_empty() && self.bad_signers.is_empty()
62 }
64 pub fn presigner_of(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Option<Presigner> {
65 presigner_from_pubkey_sigs(pubkey, &self.present_signers)
66 }
68pub type CliSigners = Vec<Box<dyn Signer>>;
69pub type SignerIndex = usize;
70pub struct CliSignerInfo {
71 pub signers: CliSigners,
74impl CliSignerInfo {
75 pub fn index_of(&self, pubkey: Option<Pubkey>) -> Option<usize> {
76 if let Some(pubkey) = pubkey {
77 self.signers
78 .iter()
79 .position(|signer| signer.pubkey() == pubkey)
80 } else {
81 Some(0)
82 }
83 }
84 pub fn index_of_or_none(&self, pubkey: Option<Pubkey>) -> Option<usize> {
85 if let Some(pubkey) = pubkey {
86 self.signers
87 .iter()
88 .position(|signer| signer.pubkey() == pubkey)
89 } else {
90 None
91 }
92 }
93 pub fn signers_for_message(&self, message: &Message) -> Vec<&dyn Signer> {
94 self.signers
95 .iter()
96 .filter_map(|k| {
97 if message.signer_keys().contains(&&k.pubkey()) {
98 Some(k.as_ref())
99 } else {
100 None
101 }
102 })
103 .collect()
104 }
107/// A command line argument that loads a default signer in absence of other signers.
109/// This type manages a default signing source which may be overridden by other
110/// signing sources via its [`generate_unique_signers`] method.
112/// [`generate_unique_signers`]: DefaultSigner::generate_unique_signers
114/// `path` is a signing source as documented by [`signer_from_path`], and
115/// `arg_name` is the name of its [clap] command line argument, which is passed
116/// to `signer_from_path` as its `keypair_name` argument.
117#[derive(Debug, Default)]
118pub struct DefaultSigner {
119 /// The name of the signers command line argument.
120 pub arg_name: String,
121 /// The signing source.
122 pub path: String,
123 is_path_checked: RefCell<bool>,
126impl DefaultSigner {
127 /// Create a new `DefaultSigner`.
128 ///
129 /// `path` is a signing source as documented by [`signer_from_path`], and
130 /// `arg_name` is the name of its [clap] command line argument, which is
131 /// passed to `signer_from_path` as its `keypair_name` argument.
132 ///
133 /// [clap]:
134 ///
135 /// # Examples
136 ///
137 /// ```no_run
138 /// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
139 /// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::DefaultSigner;
140 /// use solana_clap_utils::offline::OfflineArgs;
141 ///
142 /// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
143 /// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
144 /// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
145 /// .required(true)
146 /// .help("The default signer"))
147 /// .offline_args();
148 ///
149 /// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
150 /// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
151 ///
152 /// let default_signer = DefaultSigner::new("keypair", &keypair_str);
153 /// # assert!(default_signer.arg_name.len() > 0);
154 /// assert_eq!(default_signer.path, keypair_str);
155 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
156 /// ```
157 pub fn new<AN: AsRef<str>, P: AsRef<str>>(arg_name: AN, path: P) -> Self {
158 let arg_name = arg_name.as_ref().to_string();
159 let path = path.as_ref().to_string();
160 Self {
161 arg_name,
162 path,
163 ..Self::default()
164 }
165 }
167 fn path(&self) -> Result<&str, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
168 if !self.is_path_checked.borrow().deref() {
169 parse_signer_source(&self.path)
170 .and_then(|s| {
171 if let SignerSourceKind::Filepath(path) = &s.kind {
172 std::fs::metadata(path).map(|_| ()).map_err(|e| e.into())
173 } else {
174 Ok(())
175 }
176 })
177 .map_err(|_| {
178 std::io::Error::new(
179 std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
180 format!(
181 "No default signer found, run \"solana-keygen new -o {}\" to create a new one",
182 self.path
183 ),
184 )
185 })?;
186 *self.is_path_checked.borrow_mut() = true;
187 }
188 Ok(&self.path)
189 }
191 /// Generate a unique set of signers, possibly excluding this default signer.
192 ///
193 /// This function allows a command line application to have a default
194 /// signer, perhaps representing a default wallet, but to override that
195 /// signer and instead sign with one or more other signers.
196 ///
197 /// `bulk_signers` is a vector of signers, all of which are optional. If any
198 /// of those signers is `None`, then the default signer will be loaded; if
199 /// all of those signers are `Some`, then the default signer will not be
200 /// loaded.
201 ///
202 /// The returned value includes all of the `bulk_signers` that were not
203 /// `None`, and maybe the default signer, if it was loaded.
204 ///
205 /// # Examples
206 ///
207 /// ```no_run
208 /// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
209 /// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::{DefaultSigner, signer_from_path};
210 /// use solana_clap_utils::offline::OfflineArgs;
211 /// use solana_signer::Signer;
212 ///
213 /// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
214 /// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
215 /// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
216 /// .required(true)
217 /// .help("The default signer"))
218 /// .arg(Arg::with_name("payer")
219 /// .long("payer")
220 /// .help("The account paying for the transaction"))
221 /// .offline_args();
222 ///
223 /// let mut wallet_manager = None;
224 ///
225 /// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
226 /// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
227 /// let maybe_payer = clap_matches.value_of("payer");
228 ///
229 /// let default_signer = DefaultSigner::new("keypair", &keypair_str);
230 /// let maybe_payer_signer =|payer| {
231 /// signer_from_path(&clap_matches, payer, "payer", &mut wallet_manager)
232 /// }).transpose()?;
233 /// let bulk_signers = vec![maybe_payer_signer];
234 ///
235 /// let unique_signers = default_signer.generate_unique_signers(
236 /// bulk_signers,
237 /// &clap_matches,
238 /// &mut wallet_manager,
239 /// )?;
240 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
241 /// ```
242 pub fn generate_unique_signers(
243 &self,
244 bulk_signers: Vec<Option<Box<dyn Signer>>>,
245 matches: &ArgMatches<'_>,
246 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
247 ) -> Result<CliSignerInfo, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
248 let mut unique_signers = vec![];
250 // Determine if the default signer is needed
251 if bulk_signers.iter().any(|signer| signer.is_none()) {
252 let default_signer = self.signer_from_path(matches, wallet_manager)?;
253 unique_signers.push(default_signer);
254 }
256 for signer in bulk_signers.into_iter().flatten() {
257 if !unique_signers.iter().any(|s| s == &signer) {
258 unique_signers.push(signer);
259 }
260 }
261 Ok(CliSignerInfo {
262 signers: unique_signers,
263 })
264 }
266 /// Loads the default [Signer] from one of several possible sources.
267 ///
268 /// The `path` is not strictly a file system path, but is interpreted as
269 /// various types of _signing source_, depending on its format, one of which
270 /// is a path to a keypair file. Some sources may require user interaction
271 /// in the course of calling this function.
272 ///
273 /// This simply delegates to the [`signer_from_path`] free function, passing
274 /// it the `DefaultSigner`s `path` and `arg_name` fields as the `path` and
275 /// `keypair_name` arguments.
276 ///
277 /// See the [`signer_from_path`] free function for full documentation of how
278 /// this function interprets its arguments.
279 ///
280 /// # Examples
281 ///
282 /// ```no_run
283 /// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
284 /// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::DefaultSigner;
285 /// use solana_clap_utils::offline::OfflineArgs;
286 ///
287 /// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
288 /// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
289 /// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
290 /// .required(true)
291 /// .help("The default signer"))
292 /// .offline_args();
293 ///
294 /// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
295 /// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
296 /// let default_signer = DefaultSigner::new("keypair", &keypair_str);
297 /// let mut wallet_manager = None;
298 ///
299 /// let signer = default_signer.signer_from_path(
300 /// &clap_matches,
301 /// &mut wallet_manager,
302 /// )?;
303 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
304 /// ```
305 pub fn signer_from_path(
306 &self,
307 matches: &ArgMatches,
308 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
309 ) -> Result<Box<dyn Signer>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
310 signer_from_path(matches, self.path()?, &self.arg_name, wallet_manager)
311 }
313 /// Loads the default [Signer] from one of several possible sources.
314 ///
315 /// The `path` is not strictly a file system path, but is interpreted as
316 /// various types of _signing source_, depending on its format, one of which
317 /// is a path to a keypair file. Some sources may require user interaction
318 /// in the course of calling this function.
319 ///
320 /// This simply delegates to the [`signer_from_path_with_config`] free
321 /// function, passing it the `DefaultSigner`s `path` and `arg_name` fields
322 /// as the `path` and `keypair_name` arguments.
323 ///
324 /// See the [`signer_from_path`] free function for full documentation of how
325 /// this function interprets its arguments.
326 ///
327 /// # Examples
328 ///
329 /// ```no_run
330 /// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
331 /// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::{SignerFromPathConfig, DefaultSigner};
332 /// use solana_clap_utils::offline::OfflineArgs;
333 ///
334 /// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
335 /// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
336 /// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
337 /// .required(true)
338 /// .help("The default signer"))
339 /// .offline_args();
340 ///
341 /// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
342 /// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
343 /// let default_signer = DefaultSigner::new("keypair", &keypair_str);
344 /// let mut wallet_manager = None;
345 ///
346 /// // Allow pubkey signers without accompanying signatures
347 /// let config = SignerFromPathConfig {
348 /// allow_null_signer: true,
349 /// };
350 ///
351 /// let signer = default_signer.signer_from_path_with_config(
352 /// &clap_matches,
353 /// &mut wallet_manager,
354 /// &config,
355 /// )?;
356 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
357 /// ```
358 pub fn signer_from_path_with_config(
359 &self,
360 matches: &ArgMatches,
361 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
362 config: &SignerFromPathConfig,
363 ) -> Result<Box<dyn Signer>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
364 signer_from_path_with_config(
365 matches,
366 self.path()?,
367 &self.arg_name,
368 wallet_manager,
369 config,
370 )
371 }
375pub(crate) struct SignerSource {
376 pub kind: SignerSourceKind,
377 pub derivation_path: Option<DerivationPath>,
378 pub legacy: bool,
381impl SignerSource {
382 fn new(kind: SignerSourceKind) -> Self {
383 Self {
384 kind,
385 derivation_path: None,
386 legacy: false,
387 }
388 }
390 fn new_legacy(kind: SignerSourceKind) -> Self {
391 Self {
392 kind,
393 derivation_path: None,
394 legacy: true,
395 }
396 }
399const SIGNER_SOURCE_PROMPT: &str = "prompt";
400const SIGNER_SOURCE_FILEPATH: &str = "file";
401const SIGNER_SOURCE_USB: &str = "usb";
402const SIGNER_SOURCE_STDIN: &str = "stdin";
403const SIGNER_SOURCE_PUBKEY: &str = "pubkey";
405pub(crate) enum SignerSourceKind {
406 Prompt,
407 Filepath(String),
408 Usb(RemoteWalletLocator),
409 Stdin,
410 Pubkey(Pubkey),
413impl AsRef<str> for SignerSourceKind {
414 fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
415 match self {
416 Self::Prompt => SIGNER_SOURCE_PROMPT,
417 Self::Filepath(_) => SIGNER_SOURCE_FILEPATH,
418 Self::Usb(_) => SIGNER_SOURCE_USB,
419 Self::Stdin => SIGNER_SOURCE_STDIN,
420 Self::Pubkey(_) => SIGNER_SOURCE_PUBKEY,
421 }
422 }
425impl std::fmt::Debug for SignerSourceKind {
426 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
427 let s: &str = self.as_ref();
428 write!(f, "{s}")
429 }
432#[derive(Debug, Error)]
433pub(crate) enum SignerSourceError {
434 #[error("unrecognized signer source")]
435 UnrecognizedSource,
436 #[error(transparent)]
437 RemoteWalletLocatorError(#[from] RemoteWalletLocatorError),
438 #[error(transparent)]
439 DerivationPathError(#[from] DerivationPathError),
440 #[error(transparent)]
441 IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
444pub(crate) fn parse_signer_source<S: AsRef<str>>(
445 source: S,
446) -> Result<SignerSource, SignerSourceError> {
447 let source = source.as_ref();
448 let source = {
449 #[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
450 {
451 // trim matched single-quotes since cmd.exe won't
452 let mut source = source;
453 while let Some(trimmed) = source.strip_prefix('\'') {
454 source = if let Some(trimmed) = trimmed.strip_suffix('\'') {
455 trimmed
456 } else {
457 break;
458 }
459 }
460 source.replace('\\', "/")
461 }
462 #[cfg(not(target_family = "windows"))]
463 {
464 source.to_string()
465 }
466 };
467 match uriparse::URIReference::try_from(source.as_str()) {
468 Err(_) => Err(SignerSourceError::UnrecognizedSource),
469 Ok(uri) => {
470 if let Some(scheme) = uri.scheme() {
471 let scheme = scheme.as_str().to_ascii_lowercase();
472 match scheme.as_str() {
473 SIGNER_SOURCE_PROMPT => Ok(SignerSource {
474 kind: SignerSourceKind::Prompt,
475 derivation_path: DerivationPath::from_uri_any_query(&uri)?,
476 legacy: false,
477 }),
478 SIGNER_SOURCE_FILEPATH => Ok(SignerSource::new(SignerSourceKind::Filepath(
479 uri.path().to_string(),
480 ))),
481 SIGNER_SOURCE_USB => Ok(SignerSource {
482 kind: SignerSourceKind::Usb(RemoteWalletLocator::new_from_uri(&uri)?),
483 derivation_path: DerivationPath::from_uri_key_query(&uri)?,
484 legacy: false,
485 }),
486 SIGNER_SOURCE_STDIN => Ok(SignerSource::new(SignerSourceKind::Stdin)),
487 _ => {
488 #[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
489 // On Windows, an absolute path's drive letter will be parsed as the URI
490 // scheme. Assume a filepath source in case of a single character shceme.
491 if scheme.len() == 1 {
492 return Ok(SignerSource::new(SignerSourceKind::Filepath(source)));
493 }
494 Err(SignerSourceError::UnrecognizedSource)
495 }
496 }
497 } else {
498 match source.as_str() {
499 STDOUT_OUTFILE_TOKEN => Ok(SignerSource::new(SignerSourceKind::Stdin)),
500 ASK_KEYWORD => Ok(SignerSource::new_legacy(SignerSourceKind::Prompt)),
501 _ => match Pubkey::from_str(source.as_str()) {
502 Ok(pubkey) => Ok(SignerSource::new(SignerSourceKind::Pubkey(pubkey))),
503 Err(_) => std::fs::metadata(source.as_str())
504 .map(|_| SignerSource::new(SignerSourceKind::Filepath(source)))
505 .map_err(|err| err.into()),
506 },
507 }
508 }
509 }
510 }
513pub fn presigner_from_pubkey_sigs(
514 pubkey: &Pubkey,
515 signers: &[(Pubkey, Signature)],
516) -> Option<Presigner> {
517 signers.iter().find_map(|(signer, sig)| {
518 if *signer == *pubkey {
519 Some(Presigner::new(signer, sig))
520 } else {
521 None
522 }
523 })
526#[derive(Debug, Default)]
527pub struct SignerFromPathConfig {
528 pub allow_null_signer: bool,
531/// Loads a [Signer] from one of several possible sources.
533/// The `path` is not strictly a file system path, but is interpreted as various
534/// types of _signing source_, depending on its format, one of which is a path
535/// to a keypair file. Some sources may require user interaction in the course
536/// of calling this function.
538/// The result of this function is a boxed object of the [Signer] trait. To load
539/// a concrete [Keypair], use the [keypair_from_path] function, though note that
540/// it does not support all signer sources.
542/// The `matches` argument is the same set of parsed [clap] matches from which
543/// `path` was parsed. It is used to parse various additional command line
544/// arguments, depending on which signing source is requested, as described
545/// below in "Signing sources".
547/// [clap]: https//
549/// The `keypair_name` argument is the "name" of the signer, and is typically
550/// the name of the clap argument from which the `path` argument was parsed,
551/// like "keypair", "from", or "fee-payer". It is used solely for interactively
552/// prompting the user, either when entering seed phrases or selecting from
553/// multiple hardware wallets.
555/// The `wallet_manager` is used for establishing connections to a hardware
556/// device such as Ledger. If `wallet_manager` is a reference to `None`, and a
557/// hardware signer is requested, then this function will attempt to create a
558/// wallet manager, assigning it to the mutable `wallet_manager` reference. This
559/// argument is typically a reference to `None`.
561/// # Signing sources
563/// The `path` argument can simply be a path to a keypair file, but it may also
564/// be interpreted in several other ways, in the following order.
566/// Firstly, the `path` argument may be interpreted as a [URI], with the URI
567/// scheme indicating where to load the signer from. If it parses as a URI, then
568/// the following schemes are supported:
570/// - `file:` — Read the keypair from a JSON keypair file. The path portion
571/// of the URI is the file path.
573/// - `stdin:` — Read the keypair from stdin, in the JSON format used by
574/// the keypair file.
576/// Non-scheme parts of the URI are ignored.
578/// - `prompt:` — The user will be prompted at the command line
579/// for their seed phrase and passphrase.
581/// In this URI the [query string][qs] may contain zero or one of the
582/// following key/value pairs that determine the [BIP44 derivation path][dp]
583/// of the private key from the seed:
585/// - `key` — In this case the value is either one or two numerical
586/// indexes separated by a slash, which represent the "account", and
587/// "change" components of the BIP44 derivation path. Example: `key=0/0`.
589/// - `full-path` — In this case the value is a full derivation path,
590/// and the user is responsible for ensuring it is correct. Example:
591/// `full-path=m/44/501/0/0/0`.
593/// If neither is provided, then the default derivation path is used.
595/// Note that when specifying derivation paths, this routine will convert all
596/// indexes into ["hardened"] indexes, even if written as "normal" indexes.
598/// Other components of the URI besides the scheme and query string are ignored.
600/// If the "skip_seed_phrase_validation" argument, as defined in
601/// [SKIP_SEED_PHRASE_VALIDATION_ARG] is found in `matches`, then the keypair
602/// seed will be generated directly from the seed phrase, without parsing or
603/// validating it as a BIP39 seed phrase. This allows the use of non-BIP39 seed
604/// phrases.
606/// - `usb:` — Use a USB hardware device as the signer. In this case, the
607/// URI host indicates the device type, and is required. The only currently valid host
608/// value is "ledger".
610/// Optionally, the first segment of the URI path indicates the base-58
611/// encoded pubkey of the wallet, and the "account" and "change" indices of
612/// the derivation path can be specified with the `key=` query parameter, as
613/// with the `prompt:` URI.
615/// Examples:
617/// - `usb://ledger`
618/// - `usb://ledger?key=0/0`
619/// - `usb://ledger/9rPVSygg3brqghvdZ6wsL2i5YNQTGhXGdJzF65YxaCQd`
620/// - `usb://ledger/9rPVSygg3brqghvdZ6wsL2i5YNQTGhXGdJzF65YxaCQd?key=0/0`
622/// Next the `path` argument may be one of the following strings:
624/// - `-` — Read the keypair from stdin. This is the same as the `stdin:`
625/// URI scheme.
627/// - `ASK` — The user will be prompted at the command line for their seed
628/// phrase and passphrase. _This uses a legacy key derivation method and should
629/// usually be avoided in favor of `prompt:`._
631/// Next, if the `path` argument parses as a base-58 public key, then the signer
632/// is created without a private key, but with presigned signatures, each parsed
633/// from the additional command line arguments, provided by the `matches`
634/// argument.
636/// In this case, the remaining command line arguments are searched for clap
637/// arguments named "signer", as defined by [SIGNER_ARG], and each is parsed as
638/// a key-value pair of the form "pubkey=signature", where `pubkey` is the same
639/// base-58 public key, and `signature` is a serialized signature produced by
640/// the corresponding keypair. One of the "signer" signatures must be for the
641/// pubkey specified in `path` or this function will return an error; unless the
642/// "sign_only" clap argument, as defined by [SIGN_ONLY_ARG], is present in
643/// `matches`, in which case the signer will be created with no associated
644/// signatures.
646/// Finally, if `path`, interpreted as a file path, represents a file on disk,
647/// then the signer is created by reading that file as a JSON-serialized
648/// keypair. This is the same as the `file:` URI scheme.
650/// [qs]:
651/// [dp]:
652/// [URI]:
653/// ["hardened"]:
655/// # Examples
657/// This shows a reasonable way to set up clap to parse all possible signer
658/// sources. Note the use of the [`OfflineArgs::offline_args`] method to add
659/// correct clap definitions of the `--signer` and `--sign-only` arguments, as
660/// required by the base-58 pubkey offline signing method.
662/// [`OfflineArgs::offline_args`]: crate::offline::OfflineArgs::offline_args
664/// ```no_run
665/// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
666/// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::signer_from_path;
667/// use solana_clap_utils::offline::OfflineArgs;
669/// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
670/// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
671/// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
672/// .required(true)
673/// .help("The default signer"))
674/// .offline_args();
676/// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
677/// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
678/// let mut wallet_manager = None;
679/// let signer = signer_from_path(
680/// &clap_matches,
681/// &keypair_str,
682/// "keypair",
683/// &mut wallet_manager,
684/// )?;
685/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
686/// ```
687pub fn signer_from_path(
688 matches: &ArgMatches,
689 path: &str,
690 keypair_name: &str,
691 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
692) -> Result<Box<dyn Signer>, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
693 let config = SignerFromPathConfig::default();
694 signer_from_path_with_config(matches, path, keypair_name, wallet_manager, &config)
697/// Loads a [Signer] from one of several possible sources.
699/// The `path` is not strictly a file system path, but is interpreted as various
700/// types of _signing source_, depending on its format, one of which is a path
701/// to a keypair file. Some sources may require user interaction in the course
702/// of calling this function.
704/// This is the same as [`signer_from_path`] except that it additionaolly
705/// accepts a [`SignerFromPathConfig`] argument.
707/// If the `allow_null_signer` field of `config` is `true`, then pubkey signers
708/// are allowed to have zero associated signatures via additional "signer"
709/// command line arguments. It the same effect as if the "sign_only" clap
710/// argument is present.
712/// See [`signer_from_path`] for full documentation of how this function
713/// interprets its arguments.
715/// # Examples
717/// This shows a reasonable way to set up clap to parse all possible signer
718/// sources. Note the use of the [`OfflineArgs::offline_args`] method to add
719/// correct clap definitions of the `--signer` and `--sign-only` arguments, as
720/// required by the base-58 pubkey offline signing method.
722/// [`OfflineArgs::offline_args`]: crate::offline::OfflineArgs::offline_args
724/// ```no_run
725/// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
726/// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::{signer_from_path_with_config, SignerFromPathConfig};
727/// use solana_clap_utils::offline::OfflineArgs;
729/// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
730/// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
731/// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
732/// .required(true)
733/// .help("The default signer"))
734/// .offline_args();
736/// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
737/// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
738/// let mut wallet_manager = None;
740/// // Allow pubkey signers without accompanying signatures
741/// let config = SignerFromPathConfig {
742/// allow_null_signer: true,
743/// };
745/// let signer = signer_from_path_with_config(
746/// &clap_matches,
747/// &keypair_str,
748/// "keypair",
749/// &mut wallet_manager,
750/// &config,
751/// )?;
752/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
753/// ```
754pub fn signer_from_path_with_config(
755 matches: &ArgMatches,
756 path: &str,
757 keypair_name: &str,
758 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
759 config: &SignerFromPathConfig,
760) -> Result<Box<dyn Signer>, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
761 let SignerSource {
762 kind,
763 derivation_path,
764 legacy,
765 } = parse_signer_source(path)?;
766 match kind {
767 SignerSourceKind::Prompt => {
768 let skip_validation = matches.is_present(;
769 Ok(Box::new(keypair_from_seed_phrase(
770 keypair_name,
771 skip_validation,
772 false,
773 derivation_path,
774 legacy,
775 )?))
776 }
777 SignerSourceKind::Filepath(path) => match read_keypair_file(&path) {
778 Err(e) => Err(std::io::Error::new(
779 std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
780 format!("could not read keypair file \"{path}\". Run \"solana-keygen new\" to create a keypair file: {e}"),
781 )
782 .into()),
783 Ok(file) => Ok(Box::new(file)),
784 },
785 SignerSourceKind::Stdin => {
786 let mut stdin = std::io::stdin();
787 Ok(Box::new(read_keypair(&mut stdin)?))
788 }
789 SignerSourceKind::Usb(locator) => {
790 if wallet_manager.is_none() {
791 *wallet_manager = maybe_wallet_manager()?;
792 }
793 if let Some(wallet_manager) = wallet_manager {
794 Ok(Box::new(generate_remote_keypair(
795 locator,
796 derivation_path.unwrap_or_default(),
797 wallet_manager,
798 matches.is_present("confirm_key"),
799 keypair_name,
800 )?))
801 } else {
802 Err(RemoteWalletError::NoDeviceFound.into())
803 }
804 }
805 SignerSourceKind::Pubkey(pubkey) => {
806 let presigner = pubkeys_sigs_of(matches,
807 .as_ref()
808 .and_then(|presigners| presigner_from_pubkey_sigs(&pubkey, presigners));
809 if let Some(presigner) = presigner {
810 Ok(Box::new(presigner))
811 } else if config.allow_null_signer || matches.is_present( {
812 Ok(Box::new(NullSigner::new(&pubkey)))
813 } else {
814 Err(std::io::Error::new(
815 std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
816 format!("missing signature for supplied pubkey: {pubkey}"),
817 )
818 .into())
819 }
820 }
821 }
824/// Loads the pubkey of a [Signer] from one of several possible sources.
826/// The `path` is not strictly a file system path, but is interpreted as various
827/// types of _signing source_, depending on its format, one of which is a path
828/// to a keypair file. Some sources may require user interaction in the course
829/// of calling this function.
831/// The only difference between this function and [`signer_from_path`] is in the
832/// case of a "pubkey" path: this function does not require that accompanying
833/// command line arguments contain an offline signature.
835/// See [`signer_from_path`] for full documentation of how this function
836/// interprets its arguments.
838/// # Examples
840/// ```no_run
841/// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
842/// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::pubkey_from_path;
844/// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
845/// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
846/// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
847/// .required(true)
848/// .help("The default signer"));
850/// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
851/// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
852/// let mut wallet_manager = None;
853/// let pubkey = pubkey_from_path(
854/// &clap_matches,
855/// &keypair_str,
856/// "keypair",
857/// &mut wallet_manager,
858/// )?;
859/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
860/// ```
861pub fn pubkey_from_path(
862 matches: &ArgMatches,
863 path: &str,
864 keypair_name: &str,
865 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
866) -> Result<Pubkey, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
867 let SignerSource { kind, .. } = parse_signer_source(path)?;
868 match kind {
869 SignerSourceKind::Pubkey(pubkey) => Ok(pubkey),
870 _ => Ok(signer_from_path(matches, path, keypair_name, wallet_manager)?.pubkey()),
871 }
874pub fn resolve_signer_from_path(
875 matches: &ArgMatches,
876 path: &str,
877 keypair_name: &str,
878 wallet_manager: &mut Option<Rc<RemoteWalletManager>>,
879) -> Result<Option<String>, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
880 let SignerSource {
881 kind,
882 derivation_path,
883 legacy,
884 } = parse_signer_source(path)?;
885 match kind {
886 SignerSourceKind::Prompt => {
887 let skip_validation = matches.is_present(;
888 // This method validates the seed phrase, but returns `None` because there is no path
889 // on disk or to a device
890 keypair_from_seed_phrase(
891 keypair_name,
892 skip_validation,
893 false,
894 derivation_path,
895 legacy,
896 )
897 .map(|_| None)
898 }
899 SignerSourceKind::Filepath(path) => match read_keypair_file(&path) {
900 Err(e) => Err(std::io::Error::new(
901 std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
902 format!(
903 "could not read keypair file \"{path}\". \
904 Run \"solana-keygen new\" to create a keypair file: {e}"
905 ),
906 )
907 .into()),
908 Ok(_) => Ok(Some(path.to_string())),
909 },
910 SignerSourceKind::Stdin => {
911 let mut stdin = std::io::stdin();
912 // This method validates the keypair from stdin, but returns `None` because there is no
913 // path on disk or to a device
914 read_keypair(&mut stdin).map(|_| None)
915 }
916 SignerSourceKind::Usb(locator) => {
917 if wallet_manager.is_none() {
918 *wallet_manager = maybe_wallet_manager()?;
919 }
920 if let Some(wallet_manager) = wallet_manager {
921 let path = generate_remote_keypair(
922 locator,
923 derivation_path.unwrap_or_default(),
924 wallet_manager,
925 matches.is_present("confirm_key"),
926 keypair_name,
927 )
928 .map(|keypair| keypair.path)?;
929 Ok(Some(path))
930 } else {
931 Err(RemoteWalletError::NoDeviceFound.into())
932 }
933 }
934 _ => Ok(Some(path.to_string())),
935 }
938// Keyword used to indicate that the user should be prompted for a keypair seed phrase
939pub const ASK_KEYWORD: &str = "ASK";
941pub const SKIP_SEED_PHRASE_VALIDATION_ARG: ArgConstant<'static> = ArgConstant {
942 long: "skip-seed-phrase-validation",
943 name: "skip_seed_phrase_validation",
944 help: "Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39 official English word list",
947/// Prompts user for a passphrase and then asks for confirmirmation to check for mistakes
948pub fn prompt_passphrase(prompt: &str) -> Result<String, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
949 let passphrase = prompt_password(prompt)?;
950 if !passphrase.is_empty() {
951 let confirmed = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter same passphrase again: ")?;
952 if confirmed != passphrase {
953 return Err("Passphrases did not match".into());
954 }
955 }
956 Ok(passphrase)
959/// Loads a [Keypair] from one of several possible sources.
961/// The `path` is not strictly a file system path, but is interpreted as various
962/// types of _signing source_, depending on its format, one of which is a path
963/// to a keypair file. Some sources may require user interaction in the course
964/// of calling this function.
966/// This is the same as [`signer_from_path`] except that it only supports
967/// signing sources that can result in a [Keypair]: prompt for seed phrase,
968/// keypair file, and stdin.
970/// If `confirm_pubkey` is `true` then after deriving the pubkey, the user will
971/// be prompted to confirm that the pubkey is as expected.
973/// See [`signer_from_path`] for full documentation of how this function
974/// interprets its arguments.
976/// # Examples
978/// ```no_run
979/// use clap::{App, Arg, value_t_or_exit};
980/// use solana_clap_utils::keypair::keypair_from_path;
982/// let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
983/// // The argument we'll parse as a signer "path"
984/// .arg(Arg::with_name("keypair")
985/// .required(true)
986/// .help("The default signer"));
988/// let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches();
989/// let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
991/// let signer = keypair_from_path(
992/// &clap_matches,
993/// &keypair_str,
994/// "keypair",
995/// false,
996/// )?;
997/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
998/// ```
999pub fn keypair_from_path(
1000 matches: &ArgMatches,
1001 path: &str,
1002 keypair_name: &str,
1003 confirm_pubkey: bool,
1004) -> Result<Keypair, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
1005 let SignerSource {
1006 kind,
1007 derivation_path,
1008 legacy,
1009 } = parse_signer_source(path)?;
1010 match kind {
1011 SignerSourceKind::Prompt => {
1012 let skip_validation = matches.is_present(;
1013 Ok(keypair_from_seed_phrase(
1014 keypair_name,
1015 skip_validation,
1016 confirm_pubkey,
1017 derivation_path,
1018 legacy,
1019 )?)
1020 }
1021 SignerSourceKind::Filepath(path) => match read_keypair_file(&path) {
1022 Err(e) => Err(std::io::Error::new(
1023 std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
1024 format!(
1025 "could not read keypair file \"{path}\". \
1026 Run \"solana-keygen new\" to create a keypair file: {e}"
1027 ),
1028 )
1029 .into()),
1030 Ok(file) => Ok(file),
1031 },
1032 SignerSourceKind::Stdin => {
1033 let mut stdin = std::io::stdin();
1034 Ok(read_keypair(&mut stdin)?)
1035 }
1036 _ => Err(std::io::Error::new(
1037 std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
1038 format!("signer of type `{kind:?}` does not support Keypair output"),
1039 )
1040 .into()),
1041 }
1044/// Reads user input from stdin to retrieve a seed phrase and passphrase for keypair derivation.
1046/// Optionally skips validation of seed phrase. Optionally confirms recovered
1047/// public key.
1048pub fn keypair_from_seed_phrase(
1049 keypair_name: &str,
1050 skip_validation: bool,
1051 confirm_pubkey: bool,
1052 derivation_path: Option<DerivationPath>,
1053 legacy: bool,
1054) -> Result<Keypair, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
1055 let seed_phrase = prompt_password(format!("[{keypair_name}] seed phrase: "))?;
1056 let seed_phrase = seed_phrase.trim();
1057 let passphrase_prompt = format!(
1058 "[{keypair_name}] If this seed phrase has an associated passphrase, enter it now. Otherwise, press ENTER to continue: ",
1059 );
1061 let keypair = if skip_validation {
1062 let passphrase = prompt_passphrase(&passphrase_prompt)?;
1063 if legacy {
1064 keypair_from_seed_phrase_and_passphrase(seed_phrase, &passphrase)?
1065 } else {
1066 let seed = generate_seed_from_seed_phrase_and_passphrase(seed_phrase, &passphrase);
1067 keypair_from_seed_and_derivation_path(&seed, derivation_path)?
1068 }
1069 } else {
1070 let sanitized = sanitize_seed_phrase(seed_phrase);
1071 let parse_language_fn = || {
1072 for language in &[
1073 Language::English,
1074 Language::ChineseSimplified,
1075 Language::ChineseTraditional,
1076 Language::Japanese,
1077 Language::Spanish,
1078 Language::Korean,
1079 Language::French,
1080 Language::Italian,
1081 ] {
1082 if let Ok(mnemonic) = Mnemonic::from_phrase(&sanitized, *language) {
1083 return Ok(mnemonic);
1084 }
1085 }
1086 Err("Can't get mnemonic from seed phrases")
1087 };
1088 let mnemonic = parse_language_fn()?;
1089 let passphrase = prompt_passphrase(&passphrase_prompt)?;
1090 let seed = Seed::new(&mnemonic, &passphrase);
1091 if legacy {
1092 keypair_from_seed(seed.as_bytes())?
1093 } else {
1094 keypair_from_seed_and_derivation_path(seed.as_bytes(), derivation_path)?
1095 }
1096 };
1098 if confirm_pubkey {
1099 let pubkey = keypair.pubkey();
1100 print!("Recovered pubkey `{pubkey:?}`. Continue? (y/n): ");
1101 let _ignored = stdout().flush();
1102 let mut input = String::new();
1103 stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Unexpected input");
1104 if input.to_lowercase().trim() != "y" {
1105 println!("Exiting");
1106 exit(1);
1107 }
1108 }
1110 Ok(keypair)
1113fn sanitize_seed_phrase(seed_phrase: &str) -> String {
1114 seed_phrase
1115 .split_whitespace()
1116 .collect::<Vec<&str>>()
1117 .join(" ")
1121mod tests {
1122 use {
1123 super::*,
1124 crate::offline::OfflineArgs,
1125 assert_matches::assert_matches,
1126 clap::{value_t_or_exit, App, Arg},
1127 solana_keypair::write_keypair_file,
1128 solana_remote_wallet::{locator::Manufacturer, remote_wallet::initialize_wallet_manager},
1129 solana_system_interface::instruction::transfer,
1130 tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir},
1131 };
1133 #[test]
1134 fn test_sanitize_seed_phrase() {
1135 let seed_phrase = " Mary had\ta\u{2009}little \n\t lamb";
1136 assert_eq!(
1137 "Mary had a little lamb".to_owned(),
1138 sanitize_seed_phrase(seed_phrase)
1139 );
1140 }
1142 #[test]
1143 fn test_signer_info_signers_for_message() {
1144 let source = Keypair::new();
1145 let fee_payer = Keypair::new();
1146 let nonsigner1 = Keypair::new();
1147 let nonsigner2 = Keypair::new();
1148 let recipient = Pubkey::new_unique();
1149 let message = Message::new(
1150 &[transfer(&source.pubkey(), &recipient, 42)],
1151 Some(&fee_payer.pubkey()),
1152 );
1153 let signers = vec![
1154 Box::new(fee_payer) as Box<dyn Signer>,
1155 Box::new(source) as Box<dyn Signer>,
1156 Box::new(nonsigner1) as Box<dyn Signer>,
1157 Box::new(nonsigner2) as Box<dyn Signer>,
1158 ];
1159 let signer_info = CliSignerInfo { signers };
1160 let msg_signers = signer_info.signers_for_message(&message);
1161 let signer_pubkeys = msg_signers.iter().map(|s| s.pubkey()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
1162 let expect = vec![
1163 signer_info.signers[0].pubkey(),
1164 signer_info.signers[1].pubkey(),
1165 ];
1166 assert_eq!(signer_pubkeys, expect);
1167 }
1169 #[test]
1170 fn test_parse_signer_source() {
1171 assert_matches!(
1172 parse_signer_source(STDOUT_OUTFILE_TOKEN).unwrap(),
1173 SignerSource {
1174 kind: SignerSourceKind::Stdin,
1175 derivation_path: None,
1176 legacy: false,
1177 }
1178 );
1179 let stdin = "stdin:".to_string();
1180 assert_matches!(
1181 parse_signer_source(stdin).unwrap(),
1182 SignerSource {
1183 kind: SignerSourceKind::Stdin,
1184 derivation_path: None,
1185 legacy: false,
1186 }
1187 );
1188 assert_matches!(
1189 parse_signer_source(ASK_KEYWORD).unwrap(),
1190 SignerSource {
1191 kind: SignerSourceKind::Prompt,
1192 derivation_path: None,
1193 legacy: true,
1194 }
1195 );
1196 let pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique();
1197 assert!(
1198 matches!(parse_signer_source(pubkey.to_string()).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1199 kind: SignerSourceKind::Pubkey(p),
1200 derivation_path: None,
1201 legacy: false,
1202 }
1203 if p == pubkey)
1204 );
1206 // Set up absolute and relative path strs
1207 let file0 = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
1208 let path = file0.path();
1209 assert!(path.is_absolute());
1210 let absolute_path_str = path.to_str().unwrap();
1212 let file1 = NamedTempFile::new_in(std::env::current_dir().unwrap()).unwrap();
1213 let path = file1.path().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
1214 let path = std::path::Path::new(path);
1215 assert!(path.is_relative());
1216 let relative_path_str = path.to_str().unwrap();
1218 assert!(
1219 matches!(parse_signer_source(absolute_path_str).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1220 kind: SignerSourceKind::Filepath(p),
1221 derivation_path: None,
1222 legacy: false,
1223 } if p == absolute_path_str)
1224 );
1225 assert!(
1226 matches!(parse_signer_source(relative_path_str).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1227 kind: SignerSourceKind::Filepath(p),
1228 derivation_path: None,
1229 legacy: false,
1230 } if p == relative_path_str)
1231 );
1233 let usb = "usb://ledger".to_string();
1234 let expected_locator = RemoteWalletLocator {
1235 manufacturer: Manufacturer::Ledger,
1236 pubkey: None,
1237 };
1238 assert_matches!(parse_signer_source(usb).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1239 kind: SignerSourceKind::Usb(u),
1240 derivation_path: None,
1241 legacy: false,
1242 } if u == expected_locator);
1243 let usb = "usb://ledger?key=0/0".to_string();
1244 let expected_locator = RemoteWalletLocator {
1245 manufacturer: Manufacturer::Ledger,
1246 pubkey: None,
1247 };
1248 let expected_derivation_path = Some(DerivationPath::new_bip44(Some(0), Some(0)));
1249 assert_matches!(parse_signer_source(usb).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1250 kind: SignerSourceKind::Usb(u),
1251 derivation_path: d,
1252 legacy: false,
1253 } if u == expected_locator && d == expected_derivation_path);
1254 // Catchall into SignerSource::Filepath fails
1255 let junk = "sometextthatisnotapubkeyorfile".to_string();
1256 assert!(Pubkey::from_str(&junk).is_err());
1257 assert_matches!(
1258 parse_signer_source(&junk),
1259 Err(SignerSourceError::IoError(_))
1260 );
1262 let prompt = "prompt:".to_string();
1263 assert_matches!(
1264 parse_signer_source(prompt).unwrap(),
1265 SignerSource {
1266 kind: SignerSourceKind::Prompt,
1267 derivation_path: None,
1268 legacy: false,
1269 }
1270 );
1271 assert!(
1272 matches!(parse_signer_source(format!("file:{absolute_path_str}")).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1273 kind: SignerSourceKind::Filepath(p),
1274 derivation_path: None,
1275 legacy: false,
1276 } if p == absolute_path_str)
1277 );
1278 assert!(
1279 matches!(parse_signer_source(format!("file:{relative_path_str}")).unwrap(), SignerSource {
1280 kind: SignerSourceKind::Filepath(p),
1281 derivation_path: None,
1282 legacy: false,
1283 } if p == relative_path_str)
1284 );
1285 }
1287 #[test]
1288 fn signer_from_path_with_file() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
1289 let dir = TempDir::new()?;
1290 let dir = dir.path();
1291 let keypair_path = dir.join("id.json");
1292 let keypair_path_str = keypair_path.to_str().expect("utf-8");
1294 let keypair = Keypair::new();
1295 write_keypair_file(&keypair, &keypair_path)?;
1297 let args = vec!["program", keypair_path_str];
1299 let clap_app = App::new("my-program")
1300 .arg(
1301 Arg::with_name("keypair")
1302 .required(true)
1303 .help("The signing keypair"),
1304 )
1305 .offline_args();
1307 let clap_matches = clap_app.get_matches_from(args);
1308 let keypair_str = value_t_or_exit!(clap_matches, "keypair", String);
1310 let wallet_manager = initialize_wallet_manager()?;
1312 let signer = signer_from_path(
1313 &clap_matches,
1314 &keypair_str,
1315 "signer",
1316 &mut Some(wallet_manager),
1317 )?;
1319 assert_eq!(keypair.pubkey(), signer.pubkey());
1321 Ok(())
1322 }