
1// Wallet settings that can be configured for long-term use
2use {
3    serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize},
4    std::{collections::HashMap, io, path::Path},
5    url::Url,
8lazy_static! {
9    /// The default path to the CLI configuration file.
10    ///
11    /// This is a [lazy_static] of `Option<String>`, the value of which is
12    ///
13    /// > `~/.config/solana/cli/config.yml`
14    ///
15    /// It will only be `None` if it is unable to identify the user's home
16    /// directory, which should not happen under typical OS environments.
17    ///
18    /// [lazy_static]:
19    pub static ref CONFIG_FILE: Option<String> = {
20        dirs_next::home_dir().map(|mut path| {
21            path.extend([".config", "solana", "cli", "config.yml"]);
22            path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()
23        })
24    };
27/// The Solana CLI configuration.
28#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
29pub struct Config {
30    /// The RPC address of a Solana validator node.
31    ///
32    /// Typical values for mainnet, devnet, and testnet are [described in the
33    /// Solana documentation][rpcdocs].
34    ///
35    /// For local testing, the typical value is `http://localhost:8899`.
36    ///
37    /// [rpcdocs]:
38    pub json_rpc_url: String,
39    /// The address to connect to for receiving event notifications.
40    ///
41    /// If it is an empty string then the correct value will be derived
42    /// from `json_rpc_url`.
43    ///
44    /// The default value is the empty string.
45    pub websocket_url: String,
46    /// The default signing source, which may be a keypair file, but may also
47    /// represent several other types of signers, as described in the
48    /// documentation for `solana_clap_utils::keypair::signer_from_path`.
49    /// Because it represents sources other than a simple path, the name
50    /// `keypair_path` is misleading, and exists for backwards compatibility
51    /// reasons.
52    ///
53    /// The signing source can be loaded with either the `signer_from_path`
54    /// function, or with `solana_clap_utils::keypair::DefaultSigner`.
55    pub keypair_path: String,
56    /// A mapping from Solana addresses to human-readable names.
57    ///
58    /// By default the only value in this map is the system program.
59    #[serde(default)]
60    pub address_labels: HashMap<String, String>,
61    /// The default commitment level.
62    ///
63    /// By default the value is "confirmed", as defined by
64    /// `solana_commitment_config::CommitmentLevel::Confirmed`.
65    #[serde(default)]
66    pub commitment: String,
69impl Default for Config {
70    fn default() -> Self {
71        let keypair_path = {
72            let mut keypair_path = dirs_next::home_dir().expect("home directory");
73            keypair_path.extend([".config", "solana", "id.json"]);
74            keypair_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()
75        };
76        let json_rpc_url = "".to_string();
78        // Empty websocket_url string indicates the client should
79        // `Config::compute_websocket_url(&json_rpc_url)`
80        let websocket_url = "".to_string();
82        let mut address_labels = HashMap::new();
83        address_labels.insert(
84            "11111111111111111111111111111111".to_string(),
85            "System Program".to_string(),
86        );
88        let commitment = "confirmed".to_string();
90        Self {
91            json_rpc_url,
92            websocket_url,
93            keypair_path,
94            address_labels,
95            commitment,
96        }
97    }
100impl Config {
101    /// Load a configuration from file.
102    ///
103    /// # Errors
104    ///
105    /// This function may return typical file I/O errors.
106    pub fn load(config_file: &str) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
107        crate::load_config_file(config_file)
108    }
110    /// Save a configuration to file.
111    ///
112    /// If the file's directory does not exist, it will be created. If the file
113    /// already exists, it will be overwritten.
114    ///
115    /// # Errors
116    ///
117    /// This function may return typical file I/O errors.
118    pub fn save(&self, config_file: &str) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
119        crate::save_config_file(self, config_file)
120    }
122    /// Compute the websocket URL from the RPC URL.
123    ///
124    /// The address is created from the RPC URL by:
125    ///
126    /// - adding 1 to the port number,
127    /// - using the "wss" scheme if the RPC URL has an "https" scheme, or the
128    ///   "ws" scheme if the RPC URL has an "http" scheme.
129    ///
130    /// If `json_rpc_url` cannot be parsed as a URL then this function returns
131    /// the empty string.
132    pub fn compute_websocket_url(json_rpc_url: &str) -> String {
133        let json_rpc_url: Option<Url> = json_rpc_url.parse().ok();
134        if json_rpc_url.is_none() {
135            return "".to_string();
136        }
137        let json_rpc_url = json_rpc_url.unwrap();
138        let is_secure = json_rpc_url.scheme().eq_ignore_ascii_case("https");
139        let mut ws_url = json_rpc_url.clone();
140        ws_url
141            .set_scheme(if is_secure { "wss" } else { "ws" })
142            .expect("unable to set scheme");
143        if let Some(port) = json_rpc_url.port() {
144            let port = port.checked_add(1).expect("port out of range");
145            ws_url.set_port(Some(port)).expect("unable to set port");
146        }
147        ws_url.to_string()
148    }
150    /// Load a map of address/name pairs from a YAML file at the given path and
151    /// insert them into the configuration.
152    pub fn import_address_labels<P>(&mut self, filename: P) -> Result<(), io::Error>
153    where
154        P: AsRef<Path>,
155    {
156        let imports: HashMap<String, String> = crate::load_config_file(filename)?;
157        for (address, label) in imports.into_iter() {
158            self.address_labels.insert(address, label);
159        }
160        Ok(())
161    }
163    /// Save the map of address/name pairs contained in the configuration to a
164    /// YAML file at the given path.
165    pub fn export_address_labels<P>(&self, filename: P) -> Result<(), io::Error>
166    where
167        P: AsRef<Path>,
168    {
169        crate::save_config_file(&self.address_labels, filename)
170    }
174mod test {
175    use super::*;
177    #[test]
178    fn compute_websocket_url() {
179        assert_eq!(
180            Config::compute_websocket_url(""),
181            "ws://".to_string()
182        );
184        assert_eq!(
185            Config::compute_websocket_url(""),
186            "wss://".to_string()
187        );
189        assert_eq!(
190            Config::compute_websocket_url(""),
191            "ws://".to_string()
192        );
193        assert_eq!(
194            Config::compute_websocket_url(""),
195            "wss://".to_string()
196        );
198        assert_eq!(Config::compute_websocket_url("garbage"), String::new());
199    }