[−][src]Module solana_client::rpc_response
Response | |
RpcAccount | A duplicate representation of a Message for pretty JSON serialization |
RpcBlockCommitment | |
RpcBlockhashFeeCalculator | |
RpcCompiledInstruction | A duplicate representation of a Message for pretty JSON serialization |
RpcConfirmedBlock | |
RpcContactInfo | |
RpcEpochInfo | |
RpcFeeCalculator | |
RpcFeeRateGovernor | |
RpcIdentity | |
RpcKeyedAccount | |
RpcMessage | A duplicate representation of a Message for pretty JSON serialization |
RpcResponseContext | |
RpcReward | |
RpcSignatureConfirmation | |
RpcStorageTurn | |
RpcTransaction | A duplicate representation of a Transaction for pretty JSON serialization |
RpcTransactionStatus | |
RpcTransactionWithStatusMeta | |
RpcVersionInfo | |
RpcVoteAccountInfo | |
RpcVoteAccountStatus |
RpcEncodedTransaction | |
RpcTransactionEncoding |
Type Definitions
RpcLeaderSchedule | Map of leader base58 identity pubkeys to the slot indices relative to the first epoch slot |
RpcResponse | |
RpcResponseIn | |
RpcRewards |