1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222
use crate::compute_budget_processor::{self, ComputeBudgetLimits, DEFAULT_HEAP_COST};
#[cfg(all(RUSTC_WITH_SPECIALIZATION, feature = "frozen-abi"))]
impl ::solana_frozen_abi::abi_example::AbiExample for ComputeBudget {
fn example() -> Self {
// ComputeBudget is not Serialize so just rely on Default.
/// Max instruction stack depth. This is the maximum nesting of instructions that can happen during
/// a transaction.
pub const MAX_INSTRUCTION_STACK_DEPTH: usize = 5;
/// Max call depth. This is the maximum nesting of SBF to SBF call that can happen within a program.
pub const MAX_CALL_DEPTH: usize = 64;
/// The size of one SBF stack frame.
pub const STACK_FRAME_SIZE: usize = 4096;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ComputeBudget {
/// Number of compute units that a transaction or individual instruction is
/// allowed to consume. Compute units are consumed by program execution,
/// resources they use, etc...
pub compute_unit_limit: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed by a log_u64 call
pub log_64_units: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed by a create_program_address call
pub create_program_address_units: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed by an invoke call (not including the cost incurred by
/// the called program)
pub invoke_units: u64,
/// Maximum program instruction invocation stack depth. Invocation stack
/// depth starts at 1 for transaction instructions and the stack depth is
/// incremented each time a program invokes an instruction and decremented
/// when a program returns.
pub max_instruction_stack_depth: usize,
/// Maximum cross-program invocation and instructions per transaction
pub max_instruction_trace_length: usize,
/// Base number of compute units consumed to call SHA256
pub sha256_base_cost: u64,
/// Incremental number of units consumed by SHA256 (based on bytes)
pub sha256_byte_cost: u64,
/// Maximum number of slices hashed per syscall
pub sha256_max_slices: u64,
/// Maximum SBF to BPF call depth
pub max_call_depth: usize,
/// Size of a stack frame in bytes, must match the size specified in the LLVM SBF backend
pub stack_frame_size: usize,
/// Number of compute units consumed by logging a `Pubkey`
pub log_pubkey_units: u64,
/// Maximum cross-program invocation instruction size
pub max_cpi_instruction_size: usize,
/// Number of account data bytes per compute unit charged during a cross-program invocation
pub cpi_bytes_per_unit: u64,
/// Base number of compute units consumed to get a sysvar
pub sysvar_base_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call secp256k1_recover
pub secp256k1_recover_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to do a syscall without any work
pub syscall_base_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to validate a curve25519 edwards point
pub curve25519_edwards_validate_point_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to add two curve25519 edwards points
pub curve25519_edwards_add_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to subtract two curve25519 edwards points
pub curve25519_edwards_subtract_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to multiply a curve25519 edwards point
pub curve25519_edwards_multiply_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed for a multiscalar multiplication (msm) of edwards points.
/// The total cost is calculated as `msm_base_cost + (length - 1) * msm_incremental_cost`.
pub curve25519_edwards_msm_base_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed for a multiscalar multiplication (msm) of edwards points.
/// The total cost is calculated as `msm_base_cost + (length - 1) * msm_incremental_cost`.
pub curve25519_edwards_msm_incremental_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to validate a curve25519 ristretto point
pub curve25519_ristretto_validate_point_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to add two curve25519 ristretto points
pub curve25519_ristretto_add_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to subtract two curve25519 ristretto points
pub curve25519_ristretto_subtract_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to multiply a curve25519 ristretto point
pub curve25519_ristretto_multiply_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed for a multiscalar multiplication (msm) of ristretto points.
/// The total cost is calculated as `msm_base_cost + (length - 1) * msm_incremental_cost`.
pub curve25519_ristretto_msm_base_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed for a multiscalar multiplication (msm) of ristretto points.
/// The total cost is calculated as `msm_base_cost + (length - 1) * msm_incremental_cost`.
pub curve25519_ristretto_msm_incremental_cost: u64,
/// program heap region size, default: solana_sdk::entrypoint::HEAP_LENGTH
pub heap_size: u32,
/// Number of compute units per additional 32k heap above the default (~.5
/// us per 32k at 15 units/us rounded up)
pub heap_cost: u64,
/// Memory operation syscall base cost
pub mem_op_base_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call alt_bn128_addition
pub alt_bn128_addition_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call alt_bn128_multiplication.
pub alt_bn128_multiplication_cost: u64,
/// Total cost will be alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_first
/// + alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_other * (num_elems - 1)
pub alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_first: u64,
pub alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_other: u64,
/// Big integer modular exponentiation cost
pub big_modular_exponentiation_cost: u64,
/// Coefficient `a` of the quadratic function which determines the number
/// of compute units consumed to call poseidon syscall for a given number
/// of inputs.
pub poseidon_cost_coefficient_a: u64,
/// Coefficient `c` of the quadratic function which determines the number
/// of compute units consumed to call poseidon syscall for a given number
/// of inputs.
pub poseidon_cost_coefficient_c: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed for accessing the remaining compute units.
pub get_remaining_compute_units_cost: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call alt_bn128_g1_compress.
pub alt_bn128_g1_compress: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call alt_bn128_g1_decompress.
pub alt_bn128_g1_decompress: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call alt_bn128_g2_compress.
pub alt_bn128_g2_compress: u64,
/// Number of compute units consumed to call alt_bn128_g2_decompress.
pub alt_bn128_g2_decompress: u64,
impl Default for ComputeBudget {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::new(compute_budget_processor::MAX_COMPUTE_UNIT_LIMIT as u64)
impl From<ComputeBudgetLimits> for ComputeBudget {
fn from(compute_budget_limits: ComputeBudgetLimits) -> Self {
ComputeBudget {
compute_unit_limit: u64::from(compute_budget_limits.compute_unit_limit),
heap_size: compute_budget_limits.updated_heap_bytes,
impl ComputeBudget {
pub fn new(compute_unit_limit: u64) -> Self {
ComputeBudget {
log_64_units: 100,
create_program_address_units: 1500,
invoke_units: 1000,
max_instruction_stack_depth: MAX_INSTRUCTION_STACK_DEPTH,
max_instruction_trace_length: 64,
sha256_base_cost: 85,
sha256_byte_cost: 1,
sha256_max_slices: 20_000,
max_call_depth: MAX_CALL_DEPTH,
stack_frame_size: STACK_FRAME_SIZE,
log_pubkey_units: 100,
max_cpi_instruction_size: 1280, // IPv6 Min MTU size
cpi_bytes_per_unit: 250, // ~50MB at 200,000 units
sysvar_base_cost: 100,
secp256k1_recover_cost: 25_000,
syscall_base_cost: 100,
curve25519_edwards_validate_point_cost: 159,
curve25519_edwards_add_cost: 473,
curve25519_edwards_subtract_cost: 475,
curve25519_edwards_multiply_cost: 2_177,
curve25519_edwards_msm_base_cost: 2_273,
curve25519_edwards_msm_incremental_cost: 758,
curve25519_ristretto_validate_point_cost: 169,
curve25519_ristretto_add_cost: 521,
curve25519_ristretto_subtract_cost: 519,
curve25519_ristretto_multiply_cost: 2_208,
curve25519_ristretto_msm_base_cost: 2303,
curve25519_ristretto_msm_incremental_cost: 788,
heap_size: u32::try_from(solana_sdk::entrypoint::HEAP_LENGTH).unwrap(),
mem_op_base_cost: 10,
alt_bn128_addition_cost: 334,
alt_bn128_multiplication_cost: 3_840,
alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_first: 36_364,
alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_other: 12_121,
big_modular_exponentiation_cost: 33,
poseidon_cost_coefficient_a: 61,
poseidon_cost_coefficient_c: 542,
get_remaining_compute_units_cost: 100,
alt_bn128_g1_compress: 30,
alt_bn128_g1_decompress: 398,
alt_bn128_g2_compress: 86,
alt_bn128_g2_decompress: 13610,
/// Returns cost of the Poseidon hash function for the given number of
/// inputs is determined by the following quadratic function:
/// 61*n^2 + 542
/// Which aproximates the results of benchmarks of light-posiedon
/// library[0]. These results assume 1 CU per 33 ns. Examples:
/// * 1 input
/// * light-poseidon benchmark: `18,303 / 33 ≈ 555`
/// * function: `61*1^2 + 542 = 603`
/// * 2 inputs
/// * light-poseidon benchmark: `25,866 / 33 ≈ 784`
/// * function: `61*2^2 + 542 = 786`
/// * 3 inputs
/// * light-poseidon benchmark: `37,549 / 33 ≈ 1,138`
/// * function; `61*3^2 + 542 = 1091`
/// [0] https://github.com/Lightprotocol/light-poseidon#performance
pub fn poseidon_cost(&self, nr_inputs: u64) -> Option<u64> {
let squared_inputs = nr_inputs.checked_pow(2)?;
let mul_result = self
let final_result = mul_result.checked_add(self.poseidon_cost_coefficient_c)?;