
1use {
2    base64::{display::Base64Display, prelude::BASE64_STANDARD},
3    std::{fmt, str},
6/// A 16-bit, 1024 element lattice-based incremental hash based on blake3
8// Developer notes:
9// - Do not derive Copy because this type is large and copying will not be fast/free.
10// - Do not derive Default because hashes do not have a meaningful "default".
11#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
12pub struct LtHash(pub [u16; LtHash::NUM_ELEMENTS]);
14impl LtHash {
15    pub const NUM_ELEMENTS: usize = 1024;
17    /// Returns the identity value for LtHash
18    #[must_use]
19    pub const fn identity() -> Self {
20        Self([0; Self::NUM_ELEMENTS])
21    }
23    /// Creates a new LtHash from `hasher`
24    ///
25    /// The caller should hash in all inputs of interest prior to calling.
26    #[must_use]
27    pub fn with(hasher: &blake3::Hasher) -> Self {
28        let mut reader = hasher.finalize_xof();
29        let mut new = Self::identity();
30        reader.fill(bytemuck::must_cast_slice_mut(new.0.as_mut_slice()));
31        new
32    }
34    /// Mixes `other` into `self`
35    ///
36    /// This can be thought of as akin to 'insert'
37    pub fn mix_in(&mut self, other: &Self) {
38        for i in 0..self.0.len() {
39            self.0[i] = self.0[i].wrapping_add(other.0[i]);
40        }
41    }
43    /// Mixes `other` out of `self`
44    ///
45    /// This can be thought of as akin to 'remove'
46    pub fn mix_out(&mut self, other: &Self) {
47        for i in 0..self.0.len() {
48            self.0[i] = self.0[i].wrapping_sub(other.0[i]);
49        }
50    }
52    /// Computes a checksum of the LtHash
53    pub fn checksum(&self) -> Checksum {
54        let hash = blake3::hash(bytemuck::must_cast_slice(&self.0));
55        Checksum(hash.into())
56    }
59impl fmt::Display for LtHash {
60    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
61        let base64 = Base64Display::new(bytemuck::must_cast_slice(&self.0), &BASE64_STANDARD);
62        write!(f, "{base64}")
63    }
66/// A smaller "checksum" of the LtHash, useful when 2 KiB is too large
68// Developer notes:
69// - Do not derive Copy because copying may not be fast/free.
70// - Do not derive Default because there is not a meaningful "default".
71#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
72pub struct Checksum(pub [u8; Checksum::NUM_ELEMENTS]);
74impl Checksum {
75    pub const NUM_ELEMENTS: usize = 32;
78impl fmt::Display for Checksum {
79    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
80        /// Maximum string length of a base58 encoded Checksum.
81        const MAX_BASE58_LEN: usize = 44;
82        let mut buf = [0u8; MAX_BASE58_LEN];
83        // SAFETY: The only error is if the buffer is too small
84        let len = bs58::encode(&self.0).onto(buf.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
85        // SAFETY: The base58 alphabet is utf8
86        let str = str::from_utf8(&buf[..len]).unwrap();
87        write!(f, "{str}")
88    }
92mod tests {
93    use {
94        super::*,
95        rand::prelude::*,
96        std::ops::{Add, Sub},
97    };
99    impl LtHash {
100        fn new_random() -> Self {
101            let mut new = Self::identity();
102            thread_rng().fill(&mut new.0);
103            new
104        }
105    }
107    impl Add for LtHash {
108        type Output = Self;
109        fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
110            self.mix_in(&rhs);
111            self
112        }
113    }
115    impl Sub for LtHash {
116        type Output = Self;
117        fn sub(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
118            self.mix_out(&rhs);
119            self
120        }
121    }
123    impl Copy for LtHash {}
125    // Ensure that if you mix-in or mix-out with the identity, you get the original value
126    #[test]
127    fn test_identity() {
128        let a = LtHash::new_random();
129        assert_eq!(a, a + LtHash::identity());
130        assert_eq!(a, a - LtHash::identity());
131    }
133    // Ensure that if you mix-in then mix-out a hash, you get the original value
134    #[test]
135    fn test_inverse() {
136        let a = LtHash::new_random();
137        let b = LtHash::new_random();
138        assert_eq!(a, a + b - b);
139        assert_eq!(a, a - b + b);
140    }
142    // Ensure that mixing is commutative
143    #[test]
144    fn test_commutative() {
145        let a = LtHash::new_random();
146        let b = LtHash::new_random();
147        assert_eq!(a + b, b + a);
148    }
150    // Ensure that mixing is associative
151    #[test]
152    fn test_associative() {
153        let a = LtHash::new_random();
154        let b = LtHash::new_random();
155        let c = LtHash::new_random();
156        assert_eq!((a + b) + c, a + (b + c));
157    }
159    // Ensure that mixing out respects distribution
160    #[test]
161    fn test_distribute() {
162        let a = LtHash::new_random();
163        let b = LtHash::new_random();
164        let c = LtHash::new_random();
165        let d = LtHash::new_random();
166        assert_eq!(a - b - c - d, a - (b + c + d));
167    }
169    // Ensure the correct lattice hash and checksum values are produced
170    #[test]
171    fn test_hello_world() {
172        let expected_hello_lt_hash = LtHash([
173            0x8fea, 0x3d16, 0x86b3, 0x9282, 0x445e, 0xc591, 0x8de5, 0xb34b, 0x6e50, 0xc1f8, 0xb74e,
174            0x868a, 0x08e9, 0x62c5, 0x674a, 0x0f20, 0x92e9, 0x5f40, 0x780d, 0x595b, 0x2e9a, 0x8733,
175            0xd3f6, 0x014d, 0xccfa, 0xb2fe, 0xb62f, 0xef97, 0xd53f, 0x4135, 0x1a24, 0x8c33, 0x88c6,
176            0x5676, 0xb58a, 0xe5c6, 0xab24, 0xfebc, 0x1e88, 0x4e5b, 0xc91a, 0x6f33, 0x933f, 0x412d,
177            0x4822, 0x82c9, 0x3695, 0x9f69, 0xa107, 0xceb1, 0xff35, 0xe0df, 0x5dbe, 0xc000, 0xa883,
178            0xd2df, 0x9a9c, 0x0343, 0x37d1, 0xd74c, 0x6a0e, 0xecbc, 0x6b6e, 0x6c79, 0xac92, 0x0905,
179            0xc1cf, 0xaa9d, 0x6969, 0x736e, 0xcf4c, 0x0029, 0xcf70, 0x8f05, 0xde0f, 0x3fc9, 0x1db6,
180            0x6d09, 0x2e08, 0xf4aa, 0x7208, 0x2cc1, 0x8cfb, 0x276e, 0xd62e, 0x2211, 0xf254, 0x8518,
181            0x4d07, 0x1594, 0xf13f, 0xab12, 0xcc65, 0x4d4a, 0xceba, 0xfe93, 0x589f, 0x9f4e, 0xe7ea,
182            0x63a8, 0xe612, 0x4ced, 0x58a5, 0x43b3, 0x39f6, 0x457c, 0x474f, 0x9aff, 0x5124, 0x63f6,
183            0x450d, 0x3fc2, 0x9ccf, 0xf0c6, 0xc69f, 0x2bd3, 0x7a5d, 0x9574, 0x2f2c, 0xf934, 0xcc03,
184            0x9342, 0x9998, 0x0da9, 0x6dd1, 0x460d, 0x3e00, 0xcdde, 0xf14d, 0x06ec, 0x6b74, 0x9551,
185            0x68c4, 0x0f94, 0x4ac6, 0xed49, 0xd886, 0x24cb, 0x2a29, 0xf4a4, 0x3a83, 0x1f81, 0xe97a,
186            0xfa1e, 0xb1c5, 0xfcd5, 0xb24c, 0xdb92, 0x2b62, 0xa4f1, 0x498e, 0xf00d, 0x63be, 0x7f6e,
187            0x2c33, 0xdc3e, 0xb0fb, 0xe854, 0x8ee3, 0x5d95, 0xc613, 0x670b, 0xf4aa, 0x5570, 0x04bc,
188            0xf606, 0x664f, 0xe5ec, 0xd65b, 0x0ea1, 0xf37c, 0x7745, 0x809b, 0x031e, 0xed80, 0x7254,
189            0x211b, 0x0cce, 0x94e1, 0x6bf6, 0x95b1, 0x49ba, 0x64c0, 0x8ec9, 0x3b27, 0x5f21, 0xafc8,
190            0x3b86, 0x2ea5, 0x8c30, 0x168e, 0xc147, 0x1fd5, 0x1637, 0x88f5, 0x9321, 0x63aa, 0xaae5,
191            0x33bb, 0xd983, 0xb09a, 0xf24e, 0xa1e5, 0x2b39, 0xd434, 0x7135, 0x61ed, 0x57ad, 0x5940,
192            0xe53f, 0x727d, 0x4882, 0x8c44, 0xa61b, 0x1b9f, 0xcee4, 0xf462, 0xc875, 0xc019, 0x9310,
193            0x7dc2, 0xf55c, 0xcb36, 0x9505, 0xebb5, 0x8a2b, 0x2b07, 0x0a36, 0x3890, 0x54c8, 0x5a76,
194            0xece7, 0x96f1, 0xe3f7, 0x6d99, 0x83e4, 0xff35, 0x1d04, 0x8783, 0xbf2e, 0xb846, 0x79a9,
195            0x69ba, 0xb980, 0x28f6, 0x2325, 0x7d13, 0xc44c, 0xacba, 0x134e, 0xa877, 0x6b67, 0x8027,
196            0xba94, 0xf564, 0x2174, 0xf985, 0x91c8, 0xd568, 0x319f, 0x6d4e, 0xa59b, 0xd344, 0x4a67,
197            0x801d, 0x7aeb, 0x20c0, 0xba23, 0x9744, 0xdd93, 0x4cc5, 0x1148, 0xdf86, 0xad19, 0x06b7,
198            0xa824, 0x8e56, 0x2cab, 0x9ad1, 0x5ec0, 0xd57c, 0x0f2b, 0x8d85, 0x65e2, 0xd9c0, 0xc824,
199            0x3cae, 0xed26, 0x5c7c, 0x41f9, 0x4767, 0xf730, 0xe210, 0x2926, 0xb68f, 0xcf36, 0x22b9,
200            0x5f1b, 0x4ae4, 0xcdcd, 0xe69a, 0x9f4c, 0x1036, 0x8e7c, 0x48de, 0xee0f, 0xbcbd, 0x6bc7,
201            0x067a, 0x35e6, 0x98fa, 0x2dcb, 0xa442, 0xbcd0, 0xa02c, 0xc746, 0x60b9, 0x479e, 0x6f56,
202            0xff1a, 0xe6f0, 0xef75, 0x5dad, 0x2096, 0xbd07, 0x96e2, 0x2bc6, 0xee33, 0xd122, 0x05f7,
203            0x2177, 0x2dbc, 0x729b, 0xfdf0, 0x2c18, 0x800c, 0xdb7d, 0xfb19, 0x0002, 0x3895, 0x5b72,
204            0xfbe7, 0x16ce, 0x671f, 0x2175, 0x7c84, 0xc8dc, 0x9690, 0xf594, 0x31b4, 0x47f3, 0xe3f2,
205            0x8911, 0x747d, 0x25c2, 0x480a, 0x16ff, 0xba50, 0x8bcb, 0xe9d7, 0xec54, 0x7df4, 0x4b9a,
206            0xf4bb, 0x3100, 0x86cc, 0x62c2, 0x9b73, 0x06d7, 0x157b, 0x0922, 0xab9e, 0x83a6, 0x2f28,
207            0x30ce, 0x3eff, 0x5134, 0xc9d5, 0x74ae, 0x295c, 0x9af8, 0x482a, 0x61dc, 0xe555, 0x9c7c,
208            0x57de, 0xfe56, 0xd898, 0x19c6, 0x444f, 0x9636, 0x9297, 0xea84, 0xeaba, 0xce24, 0x6dc0,
209            0x14c3, 0x6e7d, 0x2a65, 0x3bb5, 0x679d, 0x22a1, 0x8ea1, 0xc564, 0xca61, 0x0b2a, 0x38ea,
210            0xe029, 0xcf07, 0x4280, 0xff2a, 0x8697, 0x8d30, 0x185b, 0x919a, 0x8f7c, 0x046c, 0x9390,
211            0x50ab, 0xcb51, 0x2334, 0x616f, 0x998f, 0x1d2d, 0xd294, 0x74f1, 0x822c, 0xe50d, 0xdcc6,
212            0xbafc, 0x7d92, 0xe202, 0xe28e, 0x2e19, 0xecaa, 0x7cf5, 0x25aa, 0x7a1a, 0x389a, 0xc189,
213            0x6af0, 0x6fa3, 0x16c3, 0xa318, 0x8cb5, 0x348e, 0x627b, 0xd144, 0x7d8d, 0xc43c, 0xca5b,
214            0xf4bd, 0xb174, 0x4734, 0x3520, 0xbeb9, 0x4f79, 0xa628, 0xe4bd, 0x1bc7, 0xa9f4, 0x3ad2,
215            0x959b, 0xe178, 0x1ba2, 0x48bb, 0x5e79, 0xd594, 0xf41e, 0x78ce, 0x685c, 0x79d4, 0xedae,
216            0xe11d, 0x2172, 0xb9ab, 0x5ca2, 0xf9ff, 0x2812, 0x66b7, 0xed6d, 0x7eff, 0x960f, 0x4844,
217            0x9484, 0x504a, 0x5b29, 0xca8b, 0xdafd, 0xa6b7, 0xef3a, 0xe2e0, 0xa137, 0x1b05, 0x16c2,
218            0xefbd, 0x06ac, 0xf3f1, 0xa94f, 0xcade, 0x7087, 0x2ec9, 0x6543, 0x49a1, 0xf4c3, 0x3157,
219            0xed65, 0xfc85, 0xefd4, 0x30b8, 0xa5e8, 0x093f, 0xcbe2, 0x8e2b, 0x2fd4, 0xae39, 0x3e37,
220            0x37c5, 0xf02f, 0xf643, 0xc03e, 0xe4d0, 0xe305, 0xfd1a, 0x698d, 0x1285, 0x19de, 0x1582,
221            0x251f, 0xe136, 0x3eec, 0x862b, 0xbf4d, 0xab67, 0x0c90, 0x3eb5, 0x58d0, 0xc300, 0x7f93,
222            0x03e1, 0xf2f9, 0x78fd, 0x93b6, 0x5add, 0x865a, 0x8b20, 0x89e4, 0x7585, 0x6e40, 0x5a8a,
223            0x8623, 0x7335, 0xa9e1, 0xfecf, 0x83cb, 0xe9de, 0xf07c, 0x36ca, 0x5a7b, 0x9fff, 0xe419,
224            0x8e48, 0xa704, 0xbcab, 0x44ae, 0x6dfa, 0x810c, 0x94f4, 0x62fb, 0xa34e, 0xa9a5, 0x1d13,
225            0x98a9, 0x88ba, 0x7bc2, 0x7a59, 0x188a, 0x1855, 0xd27d, 0x6781, 0xcf08, 0xde49, 0x5588,
226            0x5c8b, 0x1f4a, 0xd22b, 0x3959, 0xe754, 0xf071, 0xdfc2, 0xf352, 0x255c, 0x2d36, 0x59d0,
227            0x4621, 0x1ed0, 0xa0b5, 0x457d, 0xd3d7, 0xd137, 0x10ca, 0xeeb1, 0xec30, 0x96af, 0x9be5,
228            0x2181, 0xe570, 0x8a33, 0x137e, 0x861e, 0xd155, 0x950d, 0xc6e4, 0x5c1f, 0xe4dc, 0x4466,
229            0x7078, 0x75a5, 0x7a51, 0x1339, 0xa1a8, 0xcb89, 0xf383, 0xabf0, 0x0170, 0xbb1d, 0xea76,
230            0xe491, 0xf911, 0xdc42, 0xec04, 0x82b8, 0xeadd, 0xc890, 0x505c, 0xafa7, 0x42cb, 0xfd99,
231            0x127e, 0x0724, 0xd4f9, 0x94ef, 0xf060, 0x67fe, 0x038d, 0x2876, 0xb812, 0xbf05, 0xe904,
232            0x003e, 0x2ee4, 0xe8f5, 0x0a66, 0xd790, 0x3ccc, 0x28be, 0xdbc2, 0x073c, 0xd4a5, 0x904c,
233            0x60ad, 0x4f67, 0x77ac, 0xae49, 0x2d6c, 0x9220, 0xde9c, 0x2a2b, 0xf99c, 0xb54f, 0x8290,
234            0x2e7d, 0x0ca1, 0xf79b, 0xc6ff, 0x3e6e, 0x8eb4, 0x66b1, 0xc6e6, 0x600f, 0xda08, 0xa933,
235            0x2cad, 0x308a, 0x93f2, 0x4f70, 0x72d3, 0x56e0, 0x4ddd, 0x682c, 0x589f, 0xd461, 0x06ad,
236            0x4e9a, 0x1af7, 0x901c, 0xa1d4, 0xb990, 0xbbcc, 0xdcbb, 0xe46f, 0xe585, 0x9800, 0x86e6,
237            0xa735, 0xac0f, 0xb666, 0xaeac, 0x6e00, 0x8b36, 0xc4ce, 0x7261, 0xf078, 0xb42a, 0x86fb,
238            0xd4d8, 0x1402, 0xd7ac, 0x69c6, 0x8b29, 0x66ce, 0x512d, 0x93f8, 0x811b, 0x7b2c, 0x1a3b,
239            0x88fb, 0x8ca2, 0x197e, 0xbd7b, 0x5c5c, 0xf2c3, 0x803b, 0xe9f2, 0x6fd2, 0x8c05, 0x6966,
240            0x2249, 0xceab, 0xe42b, 0x8195, 0x9ddc, 0x79ee, 0x1e35, 0x3fd4, 0x6fc4, 0x9b26, 0x85b0,
241            0x45a4, 0x5a6b, 0xf43b, 0x0f07, 0x3104, 0x463d, 0x710a, 0x288e, 0x0dcd, 0x8f1a, 0xa307,
242            0x6790, 0x1f2e, 0x991a, 0x7fcc, 0x241a, 0x80d9, 0x9f22, 0xac19, 0x0015, 0x5690, 0x45ba,
243            0x4a3f, 0x84f1, 0x01c5, 0xc2b8, 0xa512, 0xffc0, 0xebbd, 0x3c5f, 0x66dc, 0x9fdd, 0xe066,
244            0x5b39, 0x2fa1, 0x9432, 0xad65, 0xf397, 0x528a, 0x0c94, 0xe646, 0xbeb5, 0xe91c, 0x7d24,
245            0x305c, 0x2c7b, 0x3f93, 0x860e, 0x6e39, 0x953a, 0xb010, 0xbb1b, 0x15a2, 0x369b, 0xf840,
246            0xa258, 0xb39a, 0x522b, 0xedbb, 0x7fb9, 0xb94c, 0x45d0, 0x34c0, 0xd516, 0xb52d, 0xdce1,
247            0x35e4, 0x3801, 0x3e5c, 0x6826, 0x3b4e, 0xc688, 0xe612, 0x64a8, 0x7898, 0xd07f, 0xa93e,
248            0x0f42, 0x9392, 0xa877, 0xd68f, 0xd947, 0x7615, 0xac5e, 0x6f1c, 0x3a42, 0x04c8, 0x993e,
249            0x53e5, 0x272e, 0x3021, 0xa3d2, 0xfc24, 0xbd1e, 0xf109, 0x3b8f, 0x6566, 0x48f9, 0x4ef5,
250            0x777d, 0xcbaa, 0x029e, 0x8867, 0xda07, 0xa941, 0xeb45, 0x8ad2, 0x9c78, 0xa7c9, 0xdf67,
251            0x2ec0, 0x8c0b, 0x6827, 0x18ca, 0x78c2, 0xc9df, 0x8a0e, 0x2aae, 0x4e31, 0xa7ec, 0xd0e5,
252            0x748c, 0x1556, 0x44ad, 0xec45, 0x9e48, 0x13d1, 0x74ae, 0x1382, 0x6fdd, 0x6d15, 0x39b9,
253            0x4a8a, 0xe31d, 0x4732, 0xb215, 0x5b5e, 0x5b7a, 0x5981, 0x4e94, 0x2ccd, 0x12b6, 0x5072,
254            0x4e2b, 0x078f, 0x6896, 0xec47, 0x1165, 0x2625, 0x7fd3, 0xe652, 0xb05f, 0x6fc8, 0xfcb0,
255            0xf199, 0xef36, 0x89db, 0xb274, 0x3e7c, 0x9985, 0xbc7a, 0xbd5e, 0x9f19, 0x6068, 0x47f2,
256            0xc8db, 0x8025, 0x3e28, 0xf0b2, 0xbad1, 0x1237, 0x3b1d, 0xe2fc, 0x24b7, 0xb8b8, 0x4d82,
257            0x5adc, 0x16b4, 0x1bb7, 0xedec, 0x9f94, 0x3557, 0x4ce4, 0x9995, 0xec62, 0xce8e, 0x597e,
258            0x0161, 0x12f7, 0xa4d3, 0x98c7, 0xaede, 0x7e2d, 0xaa32, 0x98e4, 0xbfd7, 0x7e5a, 0x9507,
259            0x8900, 0x1f5a, 0x46f5, 0x64cf, 0x6885, 0x6977, 0x26c4, 0xd94a, 0xe454, 0xcd75, 0xeda1,
260            0x476b, 0x697c, 0xe522, 0x4ab9, 0x9e88, 0xde52, 0x67e4, 0xb170, 0x3270, 0x6291, 0x2422,
261            0x95bb, 0xcf27, 0x90da, 0x12b2, 0x1305, 0x029b, 0x8427, 0x52e5, 0x3e64, 0x7a88, 0xd34d,
262            0x68ee, 0x6099, 0xae6d, 0x622f, 0x1237, 0x33bd, 0x0143, 0x1e1c, 0xd463, 0xda74, 0x7272,
263            0xa794, 0x1714, 0x8ec6, 0xf919, 0xdb4c, 0x60d7, 0xa3ae, 0xe336, 0x12bf, 0xc469, 0xfc67,
264            0x9037, 0xcb6a, 0x5ebd, 0x85b5, 0x6c11, 0xa54e, 0x7e7f, 0xec0d, 0x46e5, 0x43ec, 0x6bf5,
265            0x086f, 0x9421, 0xf5f7, 0xdbdf, 0x9994, 0x072c, 0xe5d9, 0x19a5, 0x8458, 0xec68, 0xba3f,
266            0x9924,
267        ]);
268        let expected_hello_checksum = Checksum([
269            79, 156, 26, 184, 156, 205, 94, 208, 182, 235, 33, 147, 111, 153, 229, 152, 207, 133,
270            75, 109, 182, 198, 119, 61, 11, 81, 41, 70, 24, 87, 100, 85,
271        ]);
273        let expected_world_lt_hash = LtHash([
274            0x56dc, 0x1d98, 0x5420, 0x810d, 0x936f, 0x1011, 0xa2ff, 0x6681, 0x637e, 0x9f2c, 0x0024,
275            0xebd4, 0xe5f2, 0x3382, 0xd48b, 0x209e, 0xb031, 0xe7a5, 0x026f, 0x55f1, 0xc0cf, 0xe566,
276            0x9eb0, 0x0a41, 0x3eb1, 0x3d36, 0x1b7c, 0x83ca, 0x9aa6, 0x2264, 0x8794, 0xfb85, 0x71e0,
277            0x64c9, 0x227c, 0xed27, 0x09e0, 0xe5d5, 0xc8da, 0x88a5, 0x8b49, 0xf5a5, 0x3137, 0xbeed,
278            0xca0e, 0x7690, 0x0570, 0xa5de, 0x4e0b, 0x4827, 0x4ae4, 0x2dad, 0x0ce4, 0xd56f, 0x9819,
279            0x5d4e, 0xe93a, 0x0024, 0xb7b2, 0xc7ba, 0xa00c, 0x6709, 0x1d26, 0x53d3, 0x17b1, 0xebdf,
280            0xb18f, 0xb30a, 0x3d6b, 0x1d75, 0x26a0, 0x260e, 0x6585, 0x2ba6, 0xc88d, 0x70ef, 0xf6f4,
281            0x8b7f, 0xc03b, 0x285b, 0x997b, 0x933e, 0xf139, 0xe097, 0x3eff, 0xd9f7, 0x605a, 0xaeec,
282            0xee8d, 0x1527, 0x3bff, 0x7081, 0xda28, 0x4c0f, 0x44b0, 0xb7d0, 0x8f9b, 0xa657, 0x8e47,
283            0xa405, 0x5507, 0xe5f9, 0x52ed, 0xc4e1, 0x300c, 0x0db3, 0xbf93, 0xfddd, 0x8f21, 0x10c5,
284            0x4bfd, 0x5f13, 0xe136, 0xd72f, 0x1822, 0xb424, 0x996f, 0x8fdd, 0x0703, 0xa57f, 0x7923,
285            0x0755, 0x7aee, 0x168d, 0x1525, 0xf912, 0xb48d, 0xfb9e, 0xd606, 0xb2ce, 0x98ef, 0x20fb,
286            0xd21a, 0x8261, 0xd6db, 0x61bf, 0xdbc6, 0x02b1, 0x45e9, 0x1ffa, 0x071f, 0xa2c0, 0x74a8,
287            0xae54, 0x59e1, 0xe2dc, 0x0ec9, 0x35ac, 0xbbb0, 0x5938, 0x2210, 0xcf9e, 0x2d9f, 0x7e01,
288            0x2ab7, 0xd7d8, 0x8e36, 0x6b09, 0x262c, 0xb017, 0x9b6e, 0x1455, 0x7401, 0x8a8a, 0x6491,
289            0x9de9, 0x7856, 0x8fb3, 0x8fcb, 0x3c05, 0x3e74, 0x40a4, 0x682a, 0x1a67, 0x9888, 0xb949,
290            0xbb75, 0x6ef9, 0xc457, 0xa83a, 0x7965, 0x159e, 0xa415, 0x1c6b, 0x1b94, 0xaa10, 0x137d,
291            0xbc3a, 0xc6bd, 0xf303, 0x7758, 0xc8da, 0xf5a3, 0x5826, 0x2b48, 0x9852, 0x3033, 0xfa85,
292            0x3f85, 0x9b38, 0xd409, 0x4813, 0x36b2, 0x43d7, 0xdc0a, 0xfb54, 0x22b2, 0xf1e1, 0xfe5a,
293            0x44ff, 0x217c, 0x158d, 0x2041, 0x7d2a, 0x4a78, 0xfc39, 0xb7db, 0x4786, 0xf8ee, 0xc353,
294            0x96c2, 0x7be2, 0xd18d, 0x0407, 0x7b0e, 0x04f5, 0x3c63, 0x415e, 0xb1d1, 0x31cc, 0x25ac,
295            0x9d8a, 0x4845, 0xd2b4, 0x0cdd, 0xf9a4, 0xae8f, 0x7fe5, 0x2285, 0xa749, 0x43cb, 0x16ae,
296            0x09a9, 0xbd32, 0x923c, 0x2825, 0xbe21, 0xfa66, 0x2638, 0x3435, 0x6d79, 0xdf4b, 0xaab4,
297            0xf2b1, 0x08f4, 0x64fd, 0x7364, 0x14e4, 0x1457, 0xbce3, 0xe114, 0xeccb, 0x2490, 0xae79,
298            0x7448, 0x6310, 0xeff6, 0x2bb1, 0x79e7, 0xf5ae, 0xab40, 0xff6d, 0x889b, 0xe5f5, 0x69ee,
299            0x3298, 0x512a, 0x2573, 0xf85c, 0xc69a, 0xb142, 0x3ed0, 0x7b9d, 0xc7a5, 0xea5d, 0xd085,
300            0x4e99, 0xaf95, 0x404b, 0x8aca, 0x870f, 0x098a, 0x7c9c, 0x30cf, 0x3e16, 0x9010, 0xa94b,
301            0x3cca, 0x00bc, 0xddb8, 0xbf1b, 0xc61a, 0x7121, 0xd668, 0xf4ba, 0xb339, 0xa66c, 0xd5b9,
302            0x557c, 0x70a0, 0x34e4, 0x43a5, 0x9c32, 0x2e94, 0xa47f, 0x0b21, 0xb594, 0xb483, 0xf823,
303            0x8c56, 0x9ee9, 0x71aa, 0xf97c, 0x1c62, 0xe003, 0xcbbe, 0xca8f, 0x58e5, 0xcbee, 0x758e,
304            0x5511, 0x38da, 0x7816, 0xd6a1, 0x4550, 0x09e9, 0x682f, 0xf2ca, 0x5ea1, 0x58c2, 0x78ed,
305            0xb630, 0xee80, 0xa2df, 0xa890, 0x8b42, 0x83d0, 0x7ec6, 0xa87e, 0x896c, 0xf649, 0x173d,
306            0x4950, 0x5d0a, 0xd1a8, 0x7376, 0x4a4a, 0xe53f, 0x447d, 0x6efd, 0xd202, 0x1da3, 0x4825,
307            0xd44b, 0x4343, 0xa1a9, 0x8aac, 0x5b50, 0xc8e6, 0x8086, 0xd64f, 0xd077, 0x76f0, 0x9443,
308            0xcd70, 0x950d, 0x0369, 0xf1be, 0xb771, 0x5222, 0x4b40, 0x4846, 0x3fab, 0x1d5d, 0xc69d,
309            0xa200, 0xe217, 0xb8bd, 0x2ef7, 0xed6b, 0xa78c, 0xe978, 0x0e16, 0x72bf, 0x05a3, 0xdcb4,
310            0x4024, 0xfca2, 0x0219, 0x0d3e, 0xa83f, 0x6127, 0x33ab, 0x3ae5, 0xe7a1, 0x2e76, 0xf6f5,
311            0xbee1, 0xa712, 0xab89, 0xf058, 0x71ed, 0xd39e, 0xa383, 0x5f64, 0xe2b6, 0xbe86, 0xee47,
312            0x5bd8, 0x1536, 0xc6ed, 0x1c40, 0x836d, 0xcc40, 0x18ff, 0xe30a, 0xae2c, 0xc709, 0x7b40,
313            0xddf8, 0x7b72, 0x97da, 0x3f71, 0x6dba, 0x578b, 0x980a, 0x2e0e, 0xd0c0, 0x871f, 0xde9b,
314            0xa821, 0x1a41, 0xbff0, 0x04cb, 0x40d6, 0x9942, 0xf717, 0x2c1a, 0x65f9, 0xae3d, 0x9e4e,
315            0x3ca6, 0x2d53, 0x3f6e, 0xc886, 0x5bbc, 0x9936, 0x09de, 0xb4ab, 0xc044, 0xa7a0, 0x8c37,
316            0x383a, 0x3ab9, 0xcd16, 0x33c2, 0x908e, 0x75c3, 0x51da, 0xcb86, 0x4640, 0xe2b7, 0xbc2f,
317            0x1bbb, 0xc1c0, 0xc4ce, 0x821d, 0x0a46, 0x178c, 0x1291, 0xfe6e, 0xd15f, 0x8d3e, 0x9d01,
318            0x79b2, 0xfe4c, 0x75eb, 0x176c, 0x6be7, 0x6efa, 0xdcc6, 0x2127, 0xef2b, 0xb83a, 0xe10b,
319            0x3206, 0xc2fe, 0x1a3d, 0x62c8, 0xf55e, 0xc594, 0x81ba, 0x0188, 0x962a, 0x0f1c, 0x2489,
320            0xb3ca, 0x0d9a, 0xca06, 0xfe37, 0x2cb0, 0x87a1, 0xd33b, 0x31b0, 0x1efe, 0x08f2, 0xc55a,
321            0xcb8a, 0x1633, 0x9df2, 0xc468, 0xd5e3, 0x3117, 0x3333, 0x488f, 0x4a9d, 0xc68f, 0x73f9,
322            0xa82d, 0xe1af, 0xeb4e, 0xe41b, 0x33f5, 0x051f, 0x7592, 0x0528, 0x7aee, 0xc3eb, 0x7010,
323            0x03f4, 0xaba4, 0x3e8f, 0x4abd, 0x2b41, 0x5390, 0x21a1, 0x6dc6, 0xd828, 0xa9b4, 0xc63a,
324            0x3ab3, 0x14aa, 0xdc3a, 0x513f, 0x9886, 0x0000, 0x1169, 0xbba0, 0xb2fe, 0x4b09, 0x0198,
325            0xcfff, 0xb898, 0x8cfe, 0x3def, 0x0b4b, 0xc154, 0x2491, 0x28d7, 0x757f, 0x06c5, 0x98c5,
326            0x2dfa, 0xc068, 0xc74d, 0x521e, 0x70d5, 0xde35, 0x7718, 0xddf8, 0xa387, 0x807d, 0x0056,
327            0x697b, 0x3043, 0x4ec8, 0xc2be, 0xa867, 0x0555, 0x2d3f, 0xc9f1, 0xfe7c, 0xe851, 0x5b85,
328            0x2175, 0x741d, 0x1e5b, 0xafd3, 0xf757, 0x1bd9, 0x96df, 0x03df, 0x28d6, 0xbb77, 0xd5b5,
329            0x03d3, 0xc078, 0x255b, 0xee39, 0x9705, 0x7fcc, 0xf16e, 0x16ca, 0x71d1, 0x9107, 0x00a5,
330            0x103d, 0x0b12, 0xea24, 0xdf09, 0x7745, 0x7c1b, 0xcdba, 0x3093, 0x742e, 0x1e4c, 0x087b,
331            0x9661, 0x0f3a, 0x6c51, 0xdc63, 0xb9d8, 0xf518, 0x09e1, 0x1426, 0xb6dc, 0xc246, 0xa273,
332            0x5562, 0x8fde, 0x8f0e, 0xd034, 0x6651, 0x95ec, 0x6452, 0x95d4, 0xdf84, 0x118c, 0x44ab,
333            0x328b, 0xf3d1, 0xb048, 0x2081, 0x748a, 0x05ee, 0x0f9b, 0x8110, 0x46e8, 0x6476, 0x8863,
334            0x9850, 0xcb94, 0x2d2e, 0xcbac, 0xce53, 0x91bb, 0xa605, 0xfe50, 0x06f5, 0xef2d, 0xbd7c,
335            0x736b, 0xf371, 0x6055, 0x6ab9, 0x135f, 0xb572, 0x5eb1, 0x7a36, 0xe4d5, 0xb998, 0xa7ea,
336            0x1d06, 0x1275, 0x7f89, 0x3c92, 0xe906, 0x40c1, 0x8207, 0x058e, 0xa660, 0x72cd, 0xce25,
337            0xd92a, 0x7731, 0x7633, 0xc6da, 0xb213, 0x0a93, 0x30c0, 0x58d3, 0x5ac0, 0x3ce7, 0x1028,
338            0x4bcd, 0x86b9, 0x7f60, 0x22a6, 0x0ce9, 0xb569, 0x8c83, 0xb5bf, 0x2dd9, 0x7bdd, 0xc4bc,
339            0xce57, 0x0b0b, 0x0a9c, 0xd74a, 0x6936, 0x0e40, 0xa874, 0x02b2, 0xfe8d, 0x0c16, 0xa0e0,
340            0x5b01, 0x6f18, 0x6264, 0x4e77, 0x01a0, 0x3484, 0xe5b4, 0xf0cc, 0xd30d, 0x7904, 0x8216,
341            0x46dd, 0x6fc0, 0xfa77, 0x8c3e, 0x5c10, 0xf776, 0x3043, 0x23dc, 0xfffc, 0x35c0, 0x8007,
342            0x7993, 0xf198, 0x94eb, 0xe9bf, 0x7cc0, 0x170d, 0xea0d, 0xa7d0, 0x3d77, 0x7d6e, 0xc8f7,
343            0x9a86, 0x6462, 0xc8d2, 0x357a, 0x8fa0, 0xf201, 0x55e5, 0x5235, 0x7da1, 0x52e6, 0xcc31,
344            0xbecd, 0x3343, 0x343a, 0x2b1f, 0xd19e, 0x4cc6, 0x83a2, 0x6d16, 0x9c97, 0xa61b, 0xde54,
345            0x6da1, 0xa57e, 0x44a7, 0x1e84, 0x98e7, 0x0e44, 0x5494, 0xe013, 0x0ed2, 0x0b3a, 0xa2db,
346            0xc93a, 0xe6a0, 0xdccd, 0x84ac, 0xc898, 0xb974, 0x3d62, 0xe4cf, 0xcbc3, 0xa7bd, 0xde59,
347            0x9391, 0x5635, 0xdac1, 0xd9b6, 0x1700, 0x7b35, 0x9555, 0x648e, 0xdacd, 0xffdf, 0xdd6a,
348            0x9616, 0xea2e, 0xb1a4, 0x80c1, 0xdb21, 0x1076, 0x9543, 0xc165, 0x66d8, 0x26b8, 0x7095,
349            0xdf4f, 0xcf4b, 0x1cec, 0xb231, 0x4037, 0x9fa5, 0x3637, 0xf96e, 0x215a, 0x65c9, 0x4696,
350            0x734a, 0x556e, 0xb47f, 0x5160, 0xbf85, 0x850b, 0x06e0, 0x8181, 0x45f7, 0x202b, 0x86d1,
351            0x5de7, 0x8ecd, 0xf77c, 0x031f, 0xa330, 0x79b4, 0xf38b, 0x59a8, 0x68cf, 0xf885, 0xfc87,
352            0x4054, 0xe627, 0x845e, 0xa77f, 0x8450, 0x2302, 0x86e6, 0x2d94, 0xbbf7, 0x9e54, 0x2d79,
353            0x1aa6, 0x6c50, 0xaef5, 0xbd9d, 0x85f3, 0x7b05, 0x5ec3, 0x6d70, 0x3ff3, 0x62a6, 0x252a,
354            0x72c4, 0x2f56, 0xf9c1, 0xadf9, 0x00ff, 0xedfc, 0xddf3, 0x439c, 0x2777, 0xb742, 0xddfd,
355            0x14fc, 0xa147, 0xd950, 0x37bd, 0x6296, 0xf816, 0x29af, 0x297c, 0xbf24, 0x6f05, 0xe8a4,
356            0x17f4, 0xc8ab, 0xc0d1, 0x87b2, 0xeca2, 0x1b31, 0xa20b, 0xaad8, 0xd46c, 0x636f, 0x3975,
357            0x363e, 0xdc79, 0xc450, 0x507e, 0xd8d5, 0x74c9, 0x56de, 0x92bc, 0x05eb, 0x749a, 0x3d98,
358            0xf26a, 0x23fe, 0x4f29, 0x7856, 0x968c, 0x8794, 0x2835, 0x8dc3, 0xa440, 0x3b7b, 0xcc28,
359            0x98e6, 0x36f1, 0xf305, 0x7641, 0xe895, 0x88d7, 0xedb3, 0x934a, 0x88c2, 0x0d19, 0xd558,
360            0xe4bd, 0xe365, 0x5b52, 0xd26d, 0x77be, 0xe2cc, 0xd759, 0xb890, 0x5924, 0xf681, 0xfd5f,
361            0xccf7, 0xc9b7, 0x544a, 0x1fe8, 0xacd1, 0x349e, 0xf889, 0x3e38, 0x980a, 0xfcf6, 0x4aaf,
362            0xc970, 0x2699, 0xce48, 0x3229, 0x148e, 0x2c20, 0x28c1, 0x7fc3, 0x1cf6, 0x080c, 0x2f85,
363            0x6ed0, 0xa884, 0xd958, 0xd555, 0x480d, 0x8874, 0xe8d4, 0x7c66, 0x226f, 0xbf4f, 0xbcea,
364            0x3eeb, 0xac04, 0xc774, 0xbc95, 0xa97f, 0x8382, 0x165b, 0xc178, 0x708e, 0x8be5, 0x7eb4,
365            0x84ad, 0x15d5, 0x5193, 0x4114, 0xd320, 0x9add, 0x85a3, 0x8b70, 0x1be3, 0xa39d, 0xbf82,
366            0x6e04, 0x3bd2, 0xdf31, 0x0741, 0xaab8, 0xd398, 0x01f4, 0xdd3a, 0x2f9d, 0x2b55, 0x6811,
367            0x171f,
368        ]);
369        let expected_world_checksum = Checksum([
370            171, 53, 185, 10, 179, 49, 48, 151, 87, 43, 141, 13, 43, 152, 121, 1, 144, 7, 120, 188,
371            115, 248, 214, 220, 229, 210, 175, 134, 215, 231, 18, 245,
372        ]);
374        for (input, expected_lt_hash, expected_checksum) in [
375            ("hello", expected_hello_lt_hash, expected_hello_checksum),
376            ("world!", expected_world_lt_hash, expected_world_checksum),
377        ] {
378            let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
379            hasher.update(input.as_bytes());
380            let actual_lt_hash = LtHash::with(&hasher);
381            assert_eq!(actual_lt_hash, expected_lt_hash);
382            let actual_checksum = actual_lt_hash.checksum();
383            assert_eq!(actual_checksum, expected_checksum);
384        }
385    }
387    #[test]
388    fn test_checksum_display() {
389        let lt_hash = LtHash::identity();
390        let checksum = lt_hash.checksum();
391        let str = checksum.to_string();
392        assert_eq!(str.as_str(), "DoL6fvKuTpTQCyUh83NxQw2ewKzWYtq9gsTKp1eQiGC2");
393    }