use thiserror::Error;
pub const HASH_BYTES: usize = 32;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum PoseidonSyscallError {
#[error("Invalid parameters.")]
#[error("Invalid endianness.")]
#[error("Invalid number of inputs. Maximum allowed is 12.")]
#[error("Input is an empty slice.")]
"Invalid length of the input. The length matching the modulus of the prime field is 32."
#[error("Failed to convert bytest into a prime field element.")]
#[error("Input is larger than the modulus of the prime field.")]
#[error("Failed to convert a vector of bytes into an array.")]
#[error("Failed to convert the number of inputs from u64 to u8.")]
#[error("Failed to convert bytes to BigInt")]
#[error("Invalid width. Choose a width between 2 and 16 for 1 to 15 inputs.")]
#[error("Unexpected error")]
impl From<u64> for PoseidonSyscallError {
fn from(error: u64) -> Self {
match error {
1 => PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidParameters,
2 => PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidEndianness,
3 => PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidNumberOfInputs,
4 => PoseidonSyscallError::EmptyInput,
5 => PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidInputLength,
6 => PoseidonSyscallError::BytesToPrimeFieldElement,
7 => PoseidonSyscallError::InputLargerThanModulus,
8 => PoseidonSyscallError::VecToArray,
9 => PoseidonSyscallError::U64Tou8,
10 => PoseidonSyscallError::BytesToBigInt,
11 => PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidWidthCircom,
_ => PoseidonSyscallError::Unexpected,
impl From<PoseidonSyscallError> for u64 {
fn from(error: PoseidonSyscallError) -> Self {
match error {
PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidParameters => 1,
PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidEndianness => 2,
PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidNumberOfInputs => 3,
PoseidonSyscallError::EmptyInput => 4,
PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidInputLength => 5,
PoseidonSyscallError::BytesToPrimeFieldElement => 6,
PoseidonSyscallError::InputLargerThanModulus => 7,
PoseidonSyscallError::VecToArray => 8,
PoseidonSyscallError::U64Tou8 => 9,
PoseidonSyscallError::BytesToBigInt => 10,
PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidWidthCircom => 11,
PoseidonSyscallError::Unexpected => 12,
pub enum Parameters {
Bn254X5 = 0,
impl TryFrom<u64> for Parameters {
type Error = PoseidonSyscallError;
fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
x if x == Parameters::Bn254X5 as u64 => Ok(Parameters::Bn254X5),
_ => Err(PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidParameters),
impl From<Parameters> for u64 {
fn from(value: Parameters) -> Self {
match value {
Parameters::Bn254X5 => 0,
pub enum Endianness {
BigEndian = 0,
impl TryFrom<u64> for Endianness {
type Error = PoseidonSyscallError;
fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
x if x == Endianness::BigEndian as u64 => Ok(Endianness::BigEndian),
x if x == Endianness::LittleEndian as u64 => Ok(Endianness::LittleEndian),
_ => Err(PoseidonSyscallError::InvalidEndianness),
impl From<Endianness> for u64 {
fn from(value: Endianness) -> Self {
match value {
Endianness::BigEndian => 0,
Endianness::LittleEndian => 1,
pub struct PoseidonHash(pub [u8; HASH_BYTES]);
impl PoseidonHash {
pub fn new(hash_array: [u8; HASH_BYTES]) -> Self {
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; HASH_BYTES] {
#[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
extern "C" {
pub fn sol_poseidon(
parameters: u64,
endianness: u64,
vals: *const u8,
val_len: u64,
hash_result: *mut u8,
) -> u64;
pub fn hashv(
parameters: Parameters,
endianness: Endianness,
vals: &[&[u8]],
) -> Result<PoseidonHash, PoseidonSyscallError> {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
use {
light_poseidon::{Poseidon, PoseidonBytesHasher, PoseidonError},
impl From<PoseidonError> for PoseidonSyscallError {
fn from(error: PoseidonError) -> Self {
match error {
PoseidonError::InvalidNumberOfInputs { .. } => {
PoseidonError::EmptyInput => PoseidonSyscallError::EmptyInput,
PoseidonError::InvalidInputLength { .. } => {
PoseidonError::BytesToPrimeFieldElement { .. } => {
PoseidonError::InputLargerThanModulus => {
PoseidonError::VecToArray => PoseidonSyscallError::VecToArray,
PoseidonError::U64Tou8 => PoseidonSyscallError::U64Tou8,
PoseidonError::BytesToBigInt => PoseidonSyscallError::BytesToBigInt,
PoseidonError::InvalidWidthCircom { .. } => {
let mut hasher =
let res = match endianness {
Endianness::BigEndian => hasher.hash_bytes_be(vals),
Endianness::LittleEndian => hasher.hash_bytes_le(vals),
#[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
let mut hash_result = [0; HASH_BYTES];
let result = unsafe {
vals as *const _ as *const u8,
vals.len() as u64,
&mut hash_result as *mut _ as *mut u8,
match result {
0 => Ok(PoseidonHash::new(hash_result)),
_ => Err(PoseidonSyscallError::Unexpected),
pub fn hash(
parameters: Parameters,
endianness: Endianness,
val: &[u8],
) -> Result<PoseidonHash, PoseidonSyscallError> {
hashv(parameters, endianness, &[val])
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_poseidon_input_ones_be() {
let input = [1u8; 32];
let hash = hash(Parameters::Bn254X5, Endianness::BigEndian, &input).unwrap();
5, 191, 172, 229, 129, 238, 97, 119, 204, 25, 198, 197, 99, 99, 166, 136, 130, 241,
30, 132, 7, 172, 99, 157, 185, 145, 224, 210, 127, 27, 117, 230
fn test_poseidon_input_ones_le() {
let input = [1u8; 32];
let hash = hash(Parameters::Bn254X5, Endianness::LittleEndian, &input).unwrap();
230, 117, 27, 127, 210, 224, 145, 185, 157, 99, 172, 7, 132, 30, 241, 130, 136,
166, 99, 99, 197, 198, 25, 204, 119, 97, 238, 129, 229, 172, 191, 5
fn test_poseidon_input_ones_twos_be() {
let input1 = [1u8; 32];
let input2 = [2u8; 32];
let hash = hashv(
&[&input1, &input2],
13, 84, 225, 147, 143, 138, 140, 28, 125, 235, 94, 3, 85, 242, 99, 25, 32, 123,
132, 254, 156, 162, 206, 27, 38, 231, 53, 200, 41, 130, 25, 144
fn test_poseidon_input_ones_twos_le() {
let input1 = [1u8; 32];
let input2 = [2u8; 32];
let hash = hashv(
&[&input1, &input2],
144, 25, 130, 41, 200, 53, 231, 38, 27, 206, 162, 156, 254, 132, 123, 32, 25, 99,
242, 85, 3, 94, 235, 125, 28, 140, 138, 143, 147, 225, 84, 13
fn test_poseidon_input_one() {
let input = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1,
let expected_hashes = [
41, 23, 97, 0, 234, 169, 98, 189, 193, 254, 108, 101, 77, 106, 60, 19, 14, 150,
164, 209, 22, 139, 51, 132, 139, 137, 125, 197, 2, 130, 1, 51,
0, 122, 243, 70, 226, 211, 4, 39, 158, 121, 224, 169, 243, 2, 63, 119, 18, 148,
167, 138, 203, 112, 231, 63, 144, 175, 226, 124, 173, 64, 30, 129,
2, 192, 6, 110, 16, 167, 42, 189, 43, 51, 195, 178, 20, 203, 62, 129, 188, 177,
182, 227, 9, 97, 205, 35, 194, 2, 177, 134, 115, 191, 37, 67,
8, 44, 156, 55, 10, 13, 36, 244, 65, 111, 188, 65, 74, 55, 104, 31, 120, 68, 45,
39, 216, 99, 133, 153, 28, 23, 214, 252, 12, 75, 125, 113,
16, 56, 150, 5, 174, 104, 141, 79, 20, 219, 133, 49, 34, 196, 125, 102, 168, 3,
199, 43, 65, 88, 156, 177, 191, 134, 135, 65, 178, 6, 185, 187,
42, 115, 246, 121, 50, 140, 62, 171, 114, 74, 163, 229, 189, 191, 80, 179, 144, 53,
215, 114, 159, 19, 91, 151, 9, 137, 15, 133, 197, 220, 94, 118,
34, 118, 49, 10, 167, 243, 52, 58, 40, 66, 20, 19, 157, 157, 169, 89, 190, 42, 49,
178, 199, 8, 165, 248, 25, 84, 178, 101, 229, 58, 48, 184,
23, 126, 20, 83, 196, 70, 225, 176, 125, 43, 66, 51, 66, 81, 71, 9, 92, 79, 202,
187, 35, 61, 35, 11, 109, 70, 162, 20, 217, 91, 40, 132,
14, 143, 238, 47, 228, 157, 163, 15, 222, 235, 72, 196, 46, 187, 68, 204, 110, 231,
5, 95, 97, 251, 202, 94, 49, 59, 138, 95, 202, 131, 76, 71,
46, 196, 198, 94, 99, 120, 171, 140, 115, 48, 133, 79, 74, 112, 119, 193, 255, 146,
96, 228, 72, 133, 196, 184, 29, 209, 49, 173, 58, 134, 205, 150,
0, 113, 61, 65, 236, 166, 53, 241, 23, 212, 236, 188, 235, 95, 58, 102, 220, 65,
66, 235, 112, 181, 103, 101, 188, 53, 143, 27, 236, 64, 187, 155,
20, 57, 11, 224, 186, 239, 36, 155, 212, 124, 101, 221, 172, 101, 194, 229, 46,
133, 19, 192, 129, 193, 205, 114, 201, 128, 6, 9, 142, 154, 143, 190,
for (i, expected_hash) in expected_hashes.iter().enumerate() {
let inputs = vec![&input; i + 1]
.map(|arr| &arr[..])
let hash = hashv(Parameters::Bn254X5, Endianness::BigEndian, &inputs).unwrap();
assert_eq!(hash.to_bytes(), *expected_hash);