- Loading
Task Cookie - Loading
Task Waiter - Suspends the thread in case no cooprative loading task was assigned
- Program
Cache - This structure is the global cache of loaded, verified and compiled programs.
- Program
Cache Entry - Holds a program version at a specific address and on a specific slot / fork.
- Program
Cache ForTx Batch - Local view into ProgramCache which was extracted for a specific TX batch.
- Program
Cache Stats - Global cache statistics for ProgramCache.
- Program
Runtime Environments - Globally shared RBPF config and syscall registry
- Block
Relation - Relationship between two fork IDs
- Program
Cache Entry Owner - The owner of a programs accounts, thus the loader of a program
- Program
Cache Entry Type - Actual payload of ProgramCacheEntry.
- Program
Cache Match Criteria
- Fork
Graph - Maps relationship between two slots.