
1// Remove the following `allow` when the `Redelegate` variant is renamed to
2// `Unused` starting from v3.
3// Required to avoid warnings from uses of deprecated types during trait derivations.
6use {
7    crate::{
8        instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction},
9        program_error::ProgramError,
10        pubkey::Pubkey,
11        stake::{
12            config,
13            program::id,
14            state::{Authorized, Lockup, StakeAuthorize, StakeStateV2},
15        },
16        system_instruction, sysvar,
17    },
18    log::*,
19    num_derive::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive},
20    serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize},
21    solana_clock::{Epoch, UnixTimestamp},
22    solana_decode_error::DecodeError,
23    thiserror::Error,
26/// Reasons the stake might have had an error
27#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
28pub enum StakeError {
29    // 0
30    #[error("not enough credits to redeem")]
31    NoCreditsToRedeem,
33    #[error("lockup has not yet expired")]
34    LockupInForce,
36    #[error("stake already deactivated")]
37    AlreadyDeactivated,
39    #[error("one re-delegation permitted per epoch")]
40    TooSoonToRedelegate,
42    #[error("split amount is more than is staked")]
43    InsufficientStake,
45    // 5
46    #[error("stake account with transient stake cannot be merged")]
47    MergeTransientStake,
49    #[error("stake account merge failed due to different authority, lockups or state")]
50    MergeMismatch,
52    #[error("custodian address not present")]
53    CustodianMissing,
55    #[error("custodian signature not present")]
56    CustodianSignatureMissing,
58    #[error("insufficient voting activity in the reference vote account")]
59    InsufficientReferenceVotes,
61    // 10
62    #[error("stake account is not delegated to the provided vote account")]
63    VoteAddressMismatch,
65    #[error(
66        "stake account has not been delinquent for the minimum epochs required for deactivation"
67    )]
68    MinimumDelinquentEpochsForDeactivationNotMet,
70    #[error("delegation amount is less than the minimum")]
71    InsufficientDelegation,
73    #[error("stake account with transient or inactive stake cannot be redelegated")]
74    RedelegateTransientOrInactiveStake,
76    #[error("stake redelegation to the same vote account is not permitted")]
77    RedelegateToSameVoteAccount,
79    // 15
80    #[error("redelegated stake must be fully activated before deactivation")]
81    RedelegatedStakeMustFullyActivateBeforeDeactivationIsPermitted,
83    #[error("stake action is not permitted while the epoch rewards period is active")]
84    EpochRewardsActive,
87impl From<StakeError> for ProgramError {
88    fn from(e: StakeError) -> Self {
89        ProgramError::Custom(e as u32)
90    }
93impl<E> DecodeError<E> for StakeError {
94    fn type_of() -> &'static str {
95        "StakeError"
96    }
99#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
100pub enum StakeInstruction {
101    /// Initialize a stake with lockup and authorization information
102    ///
103    /// # Account references
104    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account
105    ///   1. `[]` Rent sysvar
106    ///
107    /// Authorized carries pubkeys that must sign staker transactions
108    ///   and withdrawer transactions.
109    /// Lockup carries information about withdrawal restrictions
110    Initialize(Authorized, Lockup),
112    /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal
113    ///
114    /// # Account references
115    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated
116    ///   1. `[]` Clock sysvar
117    ///   2. `[SIGNER]` The stake or withdraw authority
118    ///   3. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before
119    ///      lockup expiration
120    Authorize(Pubkey, StakeAuthorize),
122    /// Delegate a stake to a particular vote account
123    ///
124    /// # Account references
125    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Initialized stake account to be delegated
126    ///   1. `[]` Vote account to which this stake will be delegated
127    ///   2. `[]` Clock sysvar
128    ///   3. `[]` Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history
129    ///   4. `[]` Unused account, formerly the stake config
130    ///   5. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
131    ///
132    /// The entire balance of the staking account is staked.  DelegateStake
133    ///   can be called multiple times, but re-delegation is delayed
134    ///   by one epoch
135    DelegateStake,
137    /// Split u64 tokens and stake off a stake account into another stake account.
138    ///
139    /// # Account references
140    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be split; must be in the Initialized or Stake state
141    ///   1. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account that will take the split-off amount
142    ///   2. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
143    Split(u64),
145    /// Withdraw unstaked lamports from the stake account
146    ///
147    /// # Account references
148    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Stake account from which to withdraw
149    ///   1. `[WRITE]` Recipient account
150    ///   2. `[]` Clock sysvar
151    ///   3. `[]` Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history
152    ///   4. `[SIGNER]` Withdraw authority
153    ///   5. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if before lockup expiration
154    ///
155    /// The u64 is the portion of the stake account balance to be withdrawn,
156    ///    must be `<= StakeAccount.lamports - staked_lamports`.
157    Withdraw(u64),
159    /// Deactivates the stake in the account
160    ///
161    /// # Account references
162    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Delegated stake account
163    ///   1. `[]` Clock sysvar
164    ///   2. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
165    Deactivate,
167    /// Set stake lockup
168    ///
169    /// If a lockup is not active, the withdraw authority may set a new lockup
170    /// If a lockup is active, the lockup custodian may update the lockup parameters
171    ///
172    /// # Account references
173    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Initialized stake account
174    ///   1. `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority or withdraw authority
175    SetLockup(LockupArgs),
177    /// Merge two stake accounts.
178    ///
179    /// Both accounts must have identical lockup and authority keys. A merge
180    /// is possible between two stakes in the following states with no additional
181    /// conditions:
182    ///
183    /// * two deactivated stakes
184    /// * an inactive stake into an activating stake during its activation epoch
185    ///
186    /// For the following cases, the voter pubkey and vote credits observed must match:
187    ///
188    /// * two activated stakes
189    /// * two activating accounts that share an activation epoch, during the activation epoch
190    ///
191    /// All other combinations of stake states will fail to merge, including all
192    /// "transient" states, where a stake is activating or deactivating with a
193    /// non-zero effective stake.
194    ///
195    /// # Account references
196    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Destination stake account for the merge
197    ///   1. `[WRITE]` Source stake account for to merge.  This account will be drained
198    ///   2. `[]` Clock sysvar
199    ///   3. `[]` Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history
200    ///   4. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
201    Merge,
203    /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key
204    ///
205    /// # Account references
206    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated
207    ///   1. `[SIGNER]` Base key of stake or withdraw authority
208    ///   2. `[]` Clock sysvar
209    ///   3. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before
210    ///      lockup expiration
211    AuthorizeWithSeed(AuthorizeWithSeedArgs),
213    /// Initialize a stake with authorization information
214    ///
215    /// This instruction is similar to `Initialize` except that the withdraw authority
216    /// must be a signer, and no lockup is applied to the account.
217    ///
218    /// # Account references
219    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account
220    ///   1. `[]` Rent sysvar
221    ///   2. `[]` The stake authority
222    ///   3. `[SIGNER]` The withdraw authority
223    ///
224    InitializeChecked,
226    /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal
227    ///
228    /// This instruction behaves like `Authorize` with the additional requirement that the new
229    /// stake or withdraw authority must also be a signer.
230    ///
231    /// # Account references
232    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated
233    ///   1. `[]` Clock sysvar
234    ///   2. `[SIGNER]` The stake or withdraw authority
235    ///   3. `[SIGNER]` The new stake or withdraw authority
236    ///   4. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before
237    ///      lockup expiration
238    AuthorizeChecked(StakeAuthorize),
240    /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key
241    ///
242    /// This instruction behaves like `AuthorizeWithSeed` with the additional requirement that
243    /// the new stake or withdraw authority must also be a signer.
244    ///
245    /// # Account references
246    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated
247    ///   1. `[SIGNER]` Base key of stake or withdraw authority
248    ///   2. `[]` Clock sysvar
249    ///   3. `[SIGNER]` The new stake or withdraw authority
250    ///   4. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before
251    ///      lockup expiration
252    AuthorizeCheckedWithSeed(AuthorizeCheckedWithSeedArgs),
254    /// Set stake lockup
255    ///
256    /// This instruction behaves like `SetLockup` with the additional requirement that
257    /// the new lockup authority also be a signer.
258    ///
259    /// If a lockup is not active, the withdraw authority may set a new lockup
260    /// If a lockup is active, the lockup custodian may update the lockup parameters
261    ///
262    /// # Account references
263    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Initialized stake account
264    ///   1. `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority or withdraw authority
265    ///   2. Optional: `[SIGNER]` New lockup authority
266    SetLockupChecked(LockupCheckedArgs),
268    /// Get the minimum stake delegation, in lamports
269    ///
270    /// # Account references
271    ///   None
272    ///
273    /// Returns the minimum delegation as a little-endian encoded u64 value.
274    /// Programs can use the [`get_minimum_delegation()`] helper function to invoke and
275    /// retrieve the return value for this instruction.
276    ///
277    /// [`get_minimum_delegation()`]: super::tools::get_minimum_delegation
278    GetMinimumDelegation,
280    /// Deactivate stake delegated to a vote account that has been delinquent for at least
282    ///
283    /// No signer is required for this instruction as it is a common good to deactivate abandoned
284    /// stake.
285    ///
286    /// # Account references
287    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Delegated stake account
288    ///   1. `[]` Delinquent vote account for the delegated stake account
289    ///   2. `[]` Reference vote account that has voted at least once in the last
291    DeactivateDelinquent,
293    /// Redelegate activated stake to another vote account.
294    ///
295    /// Upon success:
296    ///   * the balance of the delegated stake account will be reduced to the undelegated amount in
297    ///     the account (rent exempt minimum and any additional lamports not part of the delegation),
298    ///     and scheduled for deactivation.
299    ///   * the provided uninitialized stake account will receive the original balance of the
300    ///     delegated stake account, minus the rent exempt minimum, and scheduled for activation to
301    ///     the provided vote account. Any existing lamports in the uninitialized stake account
302    ///     will also be included in the re-delegation.
303    ///
304    /// # Account references
305    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Delegated stake account to be redelegated. The account must be fully
306    ///      activated and carry a balance greater than or equal to the minimum delegation amount
307    ///      plus rent exempt minimum
308    ///   1. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account that will hold the redelegated stake
309    ///   2. `[]` Vote account to which this stake will be re-delegated
310    ///   3. `[]` Unused account, formerly the stake config
311    ///   4. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
312    ///
313    #[deprecated(since = "2.1.0", note = "Redelegate will not be enabled")]
314    Redelegate,
316    /// Move stake between accounts with the same authorities and lockups, using Staker authority.
317    ///
318    /// The source account must be fully active. If its entire delegation is moved, it immediately
319    /// becomes inactive. Otherwise, at least the minimum delegation of active stake must remain.
320    ///
321    /// The destination account must be fully active or fully inactive. If it is active, it must
322    /// be delegated to the same vote account as the source. If it is inactive, it
323    /// immediately becomes active, and must contain at least the minimum delegation. The
324    /// destination must be pre-funded with the rent-exempt reserve.
325    ///
326    /// This instruction only affects or moves active stake. Additional unstaked lamports are never
327    /// moved, activated, or deactivated, and accounts are never deallocated.
328    ///
329    /// # Account references
330    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Active source stake account
331    ///   1. `[WRITE]` Active or inactive destination stake account
332    ///   2. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
333    ///
334    /// The u64 is the portion of the stake to move, which may be the entire delegation
335    MoveStake(u64),
337    /// Move unstaked lamports between accounts with the same authorities and lockups, using Staker
338    /// authority.
339    ///
340    /// The source account must be fully active or fully inactive. The destination may be in any
341    /// mergeable state (active, inactive, or activating, but not in warmup cooldown). Only lamports that
342    /// are neither backing a delegation nor required for rent-exemption may be moved.
343    ///
344    /// # Account references
345    ///   0. `[WRITE]` Active or inactive source stake account
346    ///   1. `[WRITE]` Mergeable destination stake account
347    ///   2. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority
348    ///
349    /// The u64 is the portion of available lamports to move
350    MoveLamports(u64),
353#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
354pub struct LockupArgs {
355    pub unix_timestamp: Option<UnixTimestamp>,
356    pub epoch: Option<Epoch>,
357    pub custodian: Option<Pubkey>,
360#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
361pub struct LockupCheckedArgs {
362    pub unix_timestamp: Option<UnixTimestamp>,
363    pub epoch: Option<Epoch>,
366#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
367pub struct AuthorizeWithSeedArgs {
368    pub new_authorized_pubkey: Pubkey,
369    pub stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
370    pub authority_seed: String,
371    pub authority_owner: Pubkey,
374#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
375pub struct AuthorizeCheckedWithSeedArgs {
376    pub stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
377    pub authority_seed: String,
378    pub authority_owner: Pubkey,
381pub fn initialize(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup) -> Instruction {
382    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
383        id(),
384        &StakeInstruction::Initialize(*authorized, *lockup),
385        vec![
386            AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
387            AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::rent::id(), false),
388        ],
389    )
392pub fn initialize_checked(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized) -> Instruction {
393    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
394        id(),
395        &StakeInstruction::InitializeChecked,
396        vec![
397            AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
398            AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::rent::id(), false),
399            AccountMeta::new_readonly(authorized.staker, false),
400            AccountMeta::new_readonly(authorized.withdrawer, true),
401        ],
402    )
405pub fn create_account_with_seed(
406    from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
407    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
408    base: &Pubkey,
409    seed: &str,
410    authorized: &Authorized,
411    lockup: &Lockup,
412    lamports: u64,
413) -> Vec<Instruction> {
414    vec![
415        system_instruction::create_account_with_seed(
416            from_pubkey,
417            stake_pubkey,
418            base,
419            seed,
420            lamports,
421            StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64,
422            &id(),
423        ),
424        initialize(stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup),
425    ]
428pub fn create_account(
429    from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
430    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
431    authorized: &Authorized,
432    lockup: &Lockup,
433    lamports: u64,
434) -> Vec<Instruction> {
435    vec![
436        system_instruction::create_account(
437            from_pubkey,
438            stake_pubkey,
439            lamports,
440            StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64,
441            &id(),
442        ),
443        initialize(stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup),
444    ]
447pub fn create_account_with_seed_checked(
448    from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
449    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
450    base: &Pubkey,
451    seed: &str,
452    authorized: &Authorized,
453    lamports: u64,
454) -> Vec<Instruction> {
455    vec![
456        system_instruction::create_account_with_seed(
457            from_pubkey,
458            stake_pubkey,
459            base,
460            seed,
461            lamports,
462            StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64,
463            &id(),
464        ),
465        initialize_checked(stake_pubkey, authorized),
466    ]
469pub fn create_account_checked(
470    from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
471    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
472    authorized: &Authorized,
473    lamports: u64,
474) -> Vec<Instruction> {
475    vec![
476        system_instruction::create_account(
477            from_pubkey,
478            stake_pubkey,
479            lamports,
480            StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64,
481            &id(),
482        ),
483        initialize_checked(stake_pubkey, authorized),
484    ]
487fn _split(
488    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
489    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
490    lamports: u64,
491    split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
492) -> Instruction {
493    let account_metas = vec![
494        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
495        AccountMeta::new(*split_stake_pubkey, false),
496        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
497    ];
499    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Split(lamports), account_metas)
502pub fn split(
503    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
504    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
505    lamports: u64,
506    split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
507) -> Vec<Instruction> {
508    vec![
509        system_instruction::allocate(split_stake_pubkey, StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64),
510        system_instruction::assign(split_stake_pubkey, &id()),
511        _split(
512            stake_pubkey,
513            authorized_pubkey,
514            lamports,
515            split_stake_pubkey,
516        ),
517    ]
520pub fn split_with_seed(
521    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
522    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
523    lamports: u64,
524    split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, // derived using create_with_seed()
525    base: &Pubkey,               // base
526    seed: &str,                  // seed
527) -> Vec<Instruction> {
528    vec![
529        system_instruction::allocate_with_seed(
530            split_stake_pubkey,
531            base,
532            seed,
533            StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64,
534            &id(),
535        ),
536        _split(
537            stake_pubkey,
538            authorized_pubkey,
539            lamports,
540            split_stake_pubkey,
541        ),
542    ]
545pub fn merge(
546    destination_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
547    source_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
548    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
549) -> Vec<Instruction> {
550    let account_metas = vec![
551        AccountMeta::new(*destination_stake_pubkey, false),
552        AccountMeta::new(*source_stake_pubkey, false),
553        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
554        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false),
555        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
556    ];
558    vec![Instruction::new_with_bincode(
559        id(),
560        &StakeInstruction::Merge,
561        account_metas,
562    )]
565pub fn create_account_and_delegate_stake(
566    from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
567    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
568    vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
569    authorized: &Authorized,
570    lockup: &Lockup,
571    lamports: u64,
572) -> Vec<Instruction> {
573    let mut instructions = create_account(from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup, lamports);
574    instructions.push(delegate_stake(
575        stake_pubkey,
576        &authorized.staker,
577        vote_pubkey,
578    ));
579    instructions
582pub fn create_account_with_seed_and_delegate_stake(
583    from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
584    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
585    base: &Pubkey,
586    seed: &str,
587    vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
588    authorized: &Authorized,
589    lockup: &Lockup,
590    lamports: u64,
591) -> Vec<Instruction> {
592    let mut instructions = create_account_with_seed(
593        from_pubkey,
594        stake_pubkey,
595        base,
596        seed,
597        authorized,
598        lockup,
599        lamports,
600    );
601    instructions.push(delegate_stake(
602        stake_pubkey,
603        &authorized.staker,
604        vote_pubkey,
605    ));
606    instructions
609pub fn authorize(
610    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
611    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
612    new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
613    stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
614    custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>,
615) -> Instruction {
616    let mut account_metas = vec![
617        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
618        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
619        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
620    ];
622    if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey {
623        account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true));
624    }
626    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
627        id(),
628        &StakeInstruction::Authorize(*new_authorized_pubkey, stake_authorize),
629        account_metas,
630    )
633pub fn authorize_checked(
634    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
635    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
636    new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
637    stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
638    custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>,
639) -> Instruction {
640    let mut account_metas = vec![
641        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
642        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
643        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
644        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*new_authorized_pubkey, true),
645    ];
647    if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey {
648        account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true));
649    }
651    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
652        id(),
653        &StakeInstruction::AuthorizeChecked(stake_authorize),
654        account_metas,
655    )
658pub fn authorize_with_seed(
659    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
660    authority_base: &Pubkey,
661    authority_seed: String,
662    authority_owner: &Pubkey,
663    new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
664    stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
665    custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>,
666) -> Instruction {
667    let mut account_metas = vec![
668        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
669        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authority_base, true),
670        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
671    ];
673    if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey {
674        account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true));
675    }
677    let args = AuthorizeWithSeedArgs {
678        new_authorized_pubkey: *new_authorized_pubkey,
679        stake_authorize,
680        authority_seed,
681        authority_owner: *authority_owner,
682    };
684    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
685        id(),
686        &StakeInstruction::AuthorizeWithSeed(args),
687        account_metas,
688    )
691pub fn authorize_checked_with_seed(
692    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
693    authority_base: &Pubkey,
694    authority_seed: String,
695    authority_owner: &Pubkey,
696    new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
697    stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
698    custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>,
699) -> Instruction {
700    let mut account_metas = vec![
701        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
702        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authority_base, true),
703        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
704        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*new_authorized_pubkey, true),
705    ];
707    if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey {
708        account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true));
709    }
711    let args = AuthorizeCheckedWithSeedArgs {
712        stake_authorize,
713        authority_seed,
714        authority_owner: *authority_owner,
715    };
717    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
718        id(),
719        &StakeInstruction::AuthorizeCheckedWithSeed(args),
720        account_metas,
721    )
724pub fn delegate_stake(
725    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
726    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
727    vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
728) -> Instruction {
729    let account_metas = vec![
730        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
731        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*vote_pubkey, false),
732        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
733        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false),
734        // For backwards compatibility we pass the stake config, although this account is unused
735        AccountMeta::new_readonly(config::id(), false),
736        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
737    ];
738    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::DelegateStake, account_metas)
741pub fn withdraw(
742    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
743    withdrawer_pubkey: &Pubkey,
744    to_pubkey: &Pubkey,
745    lamports: u64,
746    custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>,
747) -> Instruction {
748    let mut account_metas = vec![
749        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
750        AccountMeta::new(*to_pubkey, false),
751        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
752        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false),
753        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*withdrawer_pubkey, true),
754    ];
756    if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey {
757        account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true));
758    }
760    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Withdraw(lamports), account_metas)
763pub fn deactivate_stake(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Instruction {
764    let account_metas = vec![
765        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
766        AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
767        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
768    ];
769    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Deactivate, account_metas)
772pub fn set_lockup(
773    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
774    lockup: &LockupArgs,
775    custodian_pubkey: &Pubkey,
776) -> Instruction {
777    let account_metas = vec![
778        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
779        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true),
780    ];
781    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::SetLockup(*lockup), account_metas)
784pub fn set_lockup_checked(
785    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
786    lockup: &LockupArgs,
787    custodian_pubkey: &Pubkey,
788) -> Instruction {
789    let mut account_metas = vec![
790        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
791        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true),
792    ];
794    let lockup_checked = LockupCheckedArgs {
795        unix_timestamp: lockup.unix_timestamp,
796        epoch: lockup.epoch,
797    };
798    if let Some(new_custodian) = lockup.custodian {
799        account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(new_custodian, true));
800    }
801    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
802        id(),
803        &StakeInstruction::SetLockupChecked(lockup_checked),
804        account_metas,
805    )
808pub fn get_minimum_delegation() -> Instruction {
809    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
810        id(),
811        &StakeInstruction::GetMinimumDelegation,
812        Vec::default(),
813    )
816pub fn deactivate_delinquent_stake(
817    stake_account: &Pubkey,
818    delinquent_vote_account: &Pubkey,
819    reference_vote_account: &Pubkey,
820) -> Instruction {
821    let account_metas = vec![
822        AccountMeta::new(*stake_account, false),
823        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*delinquent_vote_account, false),
824        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*reference_vote_account, false),
825    ];
826    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::DeactivateDelinquent, account_metas)
829fn _redelegate(
830    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
831    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
832    vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
833    uninitialized_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
834) -> Instruction {
835    let account_metas = vec![
836        AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
837        AccountMeta::new(*uninitialized_stake_pubkey, false),
838        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*vote_pubkey, false),
839        // For backwards compatibility we pass the stake config, although this account is unused
840        AccountMeta::new_readonly(config::id(), false),
841        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
842    ];
843    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Redelegate, account_metas)
846#[deprecated(since = "2.1.0", note = "Redelegate will not be enabled")]
847pub fn redelegate(
848    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
849    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
850    vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
851    uninitialized_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
852) -> Vec<Instruction> {
853    vec![
854        system_instruction::allocate(uninitialized_stake_pubkey, StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64),
855        system_instruction::assign(uninitialized_stake_pubkey, &id()),
856        _redelegate(
857            stake_pubkey,
858            authorized_pubkey,
859            vote_pubkey,
860            uninitialized_stake_pubkey,
861        ),
862    ]
865#[deprecated(since = "2.1.0", note = "Redelegate will not be enabled")]
866pub fn redelegate_with_seed(
867    stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
868    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
869    vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
870    uninitialized_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, // derived using create_with_seed()
871    base: &Pubkey,                       // base
872    seed: &str,                          // seed
873) -> Vec<Instruction> {
874    vec![
875        system_instruction::allocate_with_seed(
876            uninitialized_stake_pubkey,
877            base,
878            seed,
879            StakeStateV2::size_of() as u64,
880            &id(),
881        ),
882        _redelegate(
883            stake_pubkey,
884            authorized_pubkey,
885            vote_pubkey,
886            uninitialized_stake_pubkey,
887        ),
888    ]
891pub fn move_stake(
892    source_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
893    destination_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
894    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
895    lamports: u64,
896) -> Instruction {
897    let account_metas = vec![
898        AccountMeta::new(*source_stake_pubkey, false),
899        AccountMeta::new(*destination_stake_pubkey, false),
900        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
901    ];
903    Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::MoveStake(lamports), account_metas)
906pub fn move_lamports(
907    source_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
908    destination_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
909    authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
910    lamports: u64,
911) -> Instruction {
912    let account_metas = vec![
913        AccountMeta::new(*source_stake_pubkey, false),
914        AccountMeta::new(*destination_stake_pubkey, false),
915        AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
916    ];
918    Instruction::new_with_bincode(
919        id(),
920        &StakeInstruction::MoveLamports(lamports),
921        account_metas,
922    )
926mod tests {
927    use {super::*, crate::instruction::InstructionError};
929    #[test]
930    fn test_custom_error_decode() {
931        use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
932        fn pretty_err<T>(err: InstructionError) -> String
933        where
934            T: 'static + std::error::Error + DecodeError<T> + FromPrimitive,
935        {
936            if let InstructionError::Custom(code) = err {
937                let specific_error: T = T::decode_custom_error_to_enum(code).unwrap();
938                format!(
939                    "{:?}: {}::{:?} - {}",
940                    err,
941                    T::type_of(),
942                    specific_error,
943                    specific_error,
944                )
945            } else {
946                "".to_string()
947            }
948        }
949        assert_eq!(
950            "Custom(0): StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem - not enough credits to redeem",
951            pretty_err::<StakeError>(StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem.into())
952        )
953    }