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//! configuration for network rent #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Rent { /// Rental rate pub lamports_per_byte_year: u64, /// exemption threshold, in years pub exemption_threshold: f64, // What portion of collected rent are to be destroyed, percentage-wise pub burn_percent: u8, } /// default rental rate in lamports/byte-year, based on: /// 2^^34 lamports per Sol /// $1 per Sol /// $0.01 per megabyte day /// $3.65 per megabyte year pub const DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR: u64 = 0; //17_179_869_184 / 100 * 365 / (1024 * 1024); /// default amount of time (in years) the balance has to include rent for pub const DEFAULT_EXEMPTION_THRESHOLD: f64 = 2.0; /// default amount of rent to burn, as a fraction of std::u8::MAX pub const DEFAULT_BURN_PERCENT: u8 = ((50usize * std::u8::MAX as usize) / 100usize) as u8; impl Default for Rent { fn default() -> Self { Self { lamports_per_byte_year: DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR, exemption_threshold: DEFAULT_EXEMPTION_THRESHOLD, burn_percent: DEFAULT_BURN_PERCENT, } } } impl Rent { /// minimum balance due for a given size Account::data.len() pub fn minimum_balance(&self, data_len: usize) -> u64 { let bytes = data_len as u64; bytes * (self.exemption_threshold * self.lamports_per_byte_year as f64) as u64 } /// whether a given balance and data_len would be exempt pub fn is_exempt(&self, balance: u64, data_len: usize) -> bool { balance >= self.minimum_balance(data_len) } /// rent due on account's data_len with balance pub fn due(&self, balance: u64, data_len: usize, years_elapsed: f64) -> (u64, bool) { if self.is_exempt(balance, data_len) { (0, true) } else { ( ((self.lamports_per_byte_year * data_len as u64) as f64 * years_elapsed) as u64, false, ) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_due() { let rent = Rent::default(); assert_eq!( rent.due(0, 1, 1.0), ( DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR, DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR == 0 ) ); assert_eq!( rent.due( DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR * DEFAULT_EXEMPTION_THRESHOLD as u64, 1, 1.0 ), (0, true) ); } // uncomment me and make my eprintlns macros // #[test] // fn test_rent_model() { // use crate::timing::*; // // const SECONDS_PER_YEAR: f64 = (365.25 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0); // const SLOTS_PER_YEAR: f64 = // SECONDS_PER_YEAR / (DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT as f64 / DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SECOND as f64); // // let rent = Rent::default(); // // eprintln(); // // lamports charged per byte per slot at $1/MByear, rent per slot is zero // eprintln( // "{} lamports per byte-slot, rent.due(): {}", // (1.0 / SLOTS_PER_YEAR) * DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR as f64, // rent.due(0, 1, 1.0 / SLOTS_PER_YEAR).0, // ); // // lamports charged per byte per _epoch_ starts to have some significant digits // eprintln( // "{} lamports per byte-epoch, rent.due(): {}", // (1.0 / SLOTS_PER_YEAR) // * (DEFAULT_LAMPORTS_PER_BYTE_YEAR * DEFAULT_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) as f64, // rent.due( // 0, // 1, // (1.0 / SLOTS_PER_YEAR) * DEFAULT_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH as f64 // ) // .0, // ); // // have a look at what a large-ish sysvar would cost, were it a real account... // eprintln( // "stake_history: {}kB == {} lamports per epoch", // crate::sysvar::stake_history::StakeHistory::size_of() / 1024, // rent.due( // 0, // crate::sysvar::stake_history::StakeHistory::size_of(), // (1.0 / SLOTS_PER_YEAR) * DEFAULT_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH as f64 // ) // .0, // ); // } }