Crate solana_sdk
source · [−]Re-exports
useful extras for Account state
The blake3
module provides functions for creating hashes.
Borsh utils
The latest Solana BPF loader.
The original and now deprecated Solana BPF loader.
An Upgradeable Solana BPF loader.
Solana builtin helper macros
Defines traits for blocking (synchronous) and non-blocking (asynchronous) communication with a Solana server as well a a trait that encompasses both.
Provides information about the network’s clock which is made up of ticks, slots, etc…
Solana Rust-based BPF program entry point supported by the latest BPFLoader. For more information see ‘./’
Solana Rust-based BPF program entry point supported by the original and now deprecated BPFLoader. For more information see ‘./’
configuration for epochs, slots
Methods for working with Feature
Runtime features.
Collection of all runtime features.
The genesis_config
module is a library for generating the chain’s genesis config.
The hard_forks
module is used to maintain the list of slot boundaries for when a hard fork
should occur.
The hash
module provides functions for creating SHA-256 hashes.
Lamports credited to this address will be removed from the total supply (burned) at the end of the current block.
configuration for network inflation
Types for directing the execution of Solana programs.
Upgradeable loader instruction definitions
Logging utilities for Rust-based Solana programs.
Sequences of Instruction
s executed within a single transaction.
Solana precompiled programs
Solana Rust-based BPF memory operations
A C representation of Rust’s std::option::Option
used across the FFI
boundary for Solana program interfaces
State transition types
Syscall stubs when building for programs for non-BPF targets
configuration for network rent
The signature
module provides functionality for public, and private keys.
named accounts for synthesized data accounts for bank state, etc.
slot history
named accounts for synthesized data accounts for bank state, etc.
The system_transaction
module provides functionality for creating system transactions.
named accounts for synthesized data accounts for bank state, etc.
The timing
module provides std::time utility functions.
Atomically-committed sequences of instructions.
Successors of instruction_context_context::StackFrame, KeyedAccount and AccountInfo
Define the default global allocator.
Define the default global panic handler.
Convenience macro to declare a builtin
Same as declare_id
except report that this id has been deprecated
Convenience macro to declare a static public key and functions to interact with it
Declare the program entry point and set up global handlers.
Declare the entry point of the program.
Print a message to the log.
Convenience macro to define a static public key
A proc-macro which respans the tokens in its first argument (a Path
to be resolved at the tokens of its second argument.
For internal use only.
Convenience macro for AddAssign
with saturating arithmetic.
Replace by std::num::Saturating
once stable
Convenience macro for doing integer division where the opersation’s safety can be checked at compile-time