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//! Information about the current epoch.
//! As returned by the [`getEpochInfo`] RPC method.
//! [`getEpochInfo`]: https://docs.solana.com/developing/clients/jsonrpc-api#getepochinfo
use crate::clock::{Epoch, Slot};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct EpochInfo {
/// The current epoch
pub epoch: Epoch,
/// The current slot, relative to the start of the current epoch
pub slot_index: u64,
/// The number of slots in this epoch
pub slots_in_epoch: u64,
/// The absolute current slot
pub absolute_slot: Slot,
/// The current block height
pub block_height: u64,
/// Total number of transactions processed without error since genesis
pub transaction_count: Option<u64>,