Expand description
Stake state
- delegate stakes to vote accounts
- keep track of rewards
- own mining pools
- Stake
Authorize - Stake
State Deprecated - Stake
State V2
- authorize
- Authorize the given pubkey to manage stake (deactivate, withdraw). This may be called multiple times, but will implicitly withdraw authorization from the previously authorized staker. The default staker is the owner of the stake account’s pubkey.
- authorize_
with_ seed - authorized_
from - create_
account - create_
account_ with_ activation_ epoch - create_
lockup_ stake_ account - create_
stake_ history_ from_ delegations - deactivate
- delegate
- delegation_
from - from
- initialize
- lockup_
from - merge
- meta_
from - move_
lamports - move_
stake - new_
stake_ history_ entry - redelegate
- set_
lockup - split
- stake_
from - warmup_
cooldown_ rate - withdraw